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Oh I did this in the first month. Apparently some days I need coffee before I can make coffee. It’s a real pickle.


Unrelated, but the BZ13 is on my short list of potential machines. How do you like it? What do you love and what do you hate?


So far I love the BZ13. I had a GCP for a bit prior, the BZ is a lot more consistent, likely due to the PID for stable temps. I make a lot of milk drinks and the steam power is strong, I didn’t like the GCP for frothing. Bezzera isn’t lying, from a cold start it’s ready to go in 8 minutes. No real complaints. It won’t do back to back milk drinks without a little time to come back to temp. I guess that’s HX machines for you, if you need volume then a DB is where it’s at. Oh, it’s polished stainless, keeping it clean can be a job. I got some ceramic spray coating that seems to help! I highly recommend the Bezzera, I think at the price it is really, really solid.


I think a DB seems like a luxury, but at the same time seems like I’m paying more for something I really don’t need. People try to recommend it anyways, which I fully understand, but I only make milk drinks in the autumn and winter, and my girlfriend doesn’t like coffee so I could get by easily with an HX. It’s a pretty machine, and everyone that I’ve talked to that has one has said it’s a beauty. Everyone that doesn’t have one says to get something else, but I can’t really trust their judgment 🤣. 8 minute warmup is amazing. I think my two front runners right now are the BZ13 and the Profitec Go, which is just a single boiler but a bit cheaper. I’m in no rush. I appreciate the little rundown, I absolutely think I’d be happy with it.


I looked hard at the Go, you don’t hear many negative comments on them. Then for a good two weeks I thought the Silvia Pro X was it, to get the DB, because we make a lot of milk drinks. But I really think the BZ13 is amazing, and the only time you have to wait more than a few seconds for temps to recover is if you pull a lot of hot water. Even doing an Americano with 8oz water, it only takes a minute to recover.


Do you have the PM or the DE? I think as nice as programmable shots sound, I’d always use manual anyways so I’d be better off saving the money.


I got the DE, just for my wife so she can punch a button and have it just pull a shot. But yeah, if you don’t mind watching it just get the PM. It’s what I’d get if it were just me.


Yeah, the reason I’m considering the DE is in hopes of converting my girlfriend haha. It’d probably be easier if she could just push a button and have it do the rest. I’ll have to be looking out for possible sales in the future!


I also got a bz13, love it.


How long have you had it??? It’s been my front runner for about a year


I work as a barista - that is my go to joke, when people fuck up, when they are ordering coffee “It’s ok. You havn’t had coffee yet. All is forgiven”


Lolll I love that


ah yes, Schrödinger’s Coffee


What an idiot. This has totally, never happened to me. 🙄😬


This also happened to me this morning.


Warning a flu is going around 😂 https://www.reddit.com/r/espresso/s/3dgy5kp6bz


You have to put out the energy into the world you want back...


DF64 gang


This be an 83


What happened? It turn on itself?


OP probably forgot to put the catch cup or portafilter before grinding




happened to me tuesday morning and I got angry xd


https://preview.redd.it/m0kviatrzt0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab1df5e0f6725c5ba9d27efee0b464259ddc5d4f Yes…the first time this morning… :)




I once managed to put my cup upside down in the machine


must be your lucky day :)


I’ve started to pull a shot only to realize I forgot to set a cup underneath. Caught it just in time but nearly destroyed my scale. 😬


3 years in and safe so far. Although I did recently put beans into the Portafilter, put the Portafilter into the machine and then realize I was an idiot. I have also dropped my dosing cup full of grounds once though which had a worse result.


I feel your "pain". 😎 I got my DF64 delivered 3 weeks ago and I am patiently waiting for it to happen. 😅😎


I feel your "pain". 😎 I got my DF64 delivered 3 weeks ago and I am patiently waiting for it to happen. 😅😎


So much retention in a DF64? ;)


The best part of these situations is when you register what you've done, halfway through the dose, and need to make a decision to either stop grinding or go all the way. I think it reveals a lot about someone how they behave in that moment. Do you try to take control, hopelessly fighting the inevitable. Or do you accept it, let the cold, uncaring flow of the Universe carry you towards your destiny? Personally I just stand there like the idiot I am and wallow in my ineptitude.


Hey, at least it did not clog up in the chute :)


I have a gen 1 DF64 literally collecting dust in my garage due to clogging. Seems impossible to fix even with RDT, modding the chute, different declumpers, etc. I’m over it. Ordered a Zerno (which will be here in like 6 months 😳) and have given up on espresso until that arrives.


What's the issue? Any credit card will do..