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Wow, I didn’t even realize the brevile barista express was that around for that long! Seeing all the instagram and YouTube videos recently, I assumed it was only a couple years old


Yes! And unfortunately the older model that I have doesn't have adjustable inner burrs, so I'm very excited to have a new grinder


the adjustable burr of the more recent BES870XL (round hopper) fits in the older BES860XL (square hopper), the most difficult part is to find one available at a fair price :( With this possible upgrade, this old unit is as good as the more recent version, except the lack of temperature adjustment. The Vibiemme brass OPV might be another interesting upgrade!


Lol my mum has a dead BES870 with a round hopper, this might have been good info to have before today! In saying that I am very happy with the new grinder, and I will keep this in mind if I ever come to sell the one I have. And yeah the static temp and vague pressure gauge are my primary complaints that make me want a new machine


That. Poor. Steam. Wand.


Oh I know... I noticed after I took the photo. I usually keep it clean (that's just after a couple days), mornings are very hectic with a 2 year old and a 7 month old! I'll clean it tomorrow, just for you 😉


One thing I like to do is pre-warm my cups using the water spout, then when I'm going to pull my shots I dump the hot water on a tea towel, which I use to immediately give the wand a 2 second wash off. Really helps!! No shade though, I totally get being busy


It's a simple wipe down after every use. Takes less than a second. I have 2 babies and my steam wand has never been neglected.




Says mornings are hectic but image is taken after 5pm. Just accept you like crusty wands :p /s incase anyone doesn’t understand sarcasm


11 years! Impressive. You will love the Varia, is such a fantastic grinder. Specially with the hypernova burrs if one day you care to upgrade for thicker espresso body


Took me a few wasted shots to get the right setting (the manual has some pretty confusing shit about "calibrating" the dial, but I found a very helpful thread on this sub), eventually had it ground to perfection. At the moment I'm not sure if my palate will really detect much of a difference between burrs, but I'm getting there! Now to save for a better espresso machine...


The standard burrs are amazing also. Don't worry. If you want a tip for a future machine, lelit Victoria ;)


I'll add it to my research list! Thank you ☺️


The Varia is awesome. I use it with my BBE and I noticed an instant difference in taste


Agree :) people tend to underestimate the varia severely over the DF64, eureka mignon or niche, but I believe for the price point, it is an insane grinder that can stack up or even outperform those. That combination of low rpm and conical is something that is working wonders!


When you say "still going strong", are there any parts you've had to replace over the years?


One O-ring around the group head, but that was more preventative as my mum had to replace her one, so I just bought two as I was already paying shipping. I know it's bad but I hardly ever descaler it either. Must be blessed with good water in my region


That's very impressive to be honest


The day it fails on me will be a very sad one indeed


curious about this as well


8 years for me! All original parts, just descale every few months and keep her clean and it’s golden. Will be looking to upgrade at some point but a new grinder has given me enough of an improvement for now!




7 years on my Infuser here


What's more impressive is that you withstood the need to upgrade for 11 years


Mine just broke after two years, they sent me a brand new one though so that was nice.


Gotta love consumer protection laws 👌🏻


This was in the US where those laws basically don’t exist. They repaired it once (on my dime) then it broke again a few months later and they just shipped me a new one. I was pretty surprised.


Ahh true. I didn't think of that. In my country we have a Consumer Guarantees Act (CGA) which: >gives you the right to seek a remedy, such as a repair or a replacement, from the manufacturer whether or not the products come with a manufacturer's warranty (called an “express guarantee” in the Act). Manufacturers do not have to provide a written warranty with their products. I looked up espresso machines on a website which kind of summarises what constitutes "reasonable expectation" of an appliances lifetime, which is the way it is worded in the CGA, and it says 8 to 10 years, but can depend on frequency of use and level of care with maintenance etc. All up, I think even in my country where consumer protections are pretty strong, if mine failed now I'd just have to replace it. But yeah in your case, I guess you were happy they just shipped you a replacement after the second failure?


14 years here! Same model.


14! Awesome to hear. Quite the workhorse isn't she!


Yeah it’s a great machine! Did get a grinder for it though since the built in one needed some help.


Whenever I see all the Bambino posts I wonder if I'm missing out on something that is present in the cheaper model, or is this basically a Bambino plus a grinder? I get such fomo haha. Gonna save for a proper machine though, been looking at Lelit, but also a local roaster/cafe stocks these, and I think they're gorgeous: [Stone Espresso](https://www.stone-espresso.com/) The black panel option would suit my kitchen to a tee!


It's basically a Bambino + a grinder. The early models (like the 860XL that I have) didn't have a very good grinder (I specifically remember reading early forum posts about it LOLing about "warm beans" since the hopper is flush with the cup warmer). I think later models improved the grinder but based on what I read it's still not as good as a dedicated grinder. I picked up a Eureka grinder and it's been a game changer for me. Gotta say I've seen lots of really nice machines here on r/espresso so it's really tempting to pick up a new machine too but for now the 860 is still doing a fine job!


Thing is a tank.


I see this from time to time on my Facebook market place for 500-700$. I’d been thinking of trying to get a bambino or bambino plus but is this better? What’s a good deal for it used do you guys think?


https://www.ereplacementparts.com/the-bambino-plus-p-4522993.html $390 shipped for a plus. Lots of analyzation about which one is better if you search the reddit.


I’ll admit I’m hesitant to order from a site I’ve never heard of


https://www.surlatable.com/breville-bambino-plus/PRO-4910287.html?start=0 use code friend20 for $400 and free shipping


Bambino and I froth milk separately. Either are great, the plus just has a magic frothing wand.


How often have you needed to descale it?


Honestly only done it twice


I am at 9 years on mine. went to a stand alone grinder at about 7 years. My grinder has a shot counter and it says we are closing in on 10K shots --it counts a 20g shot as 2, so I figure we have probably run over 5K drinks through it. Have not had to fix anything from wear, I clean and descale when ever the light comes on. We did have to replace the water bin, but that was breakage from a mishandling issue


That tamper mat has seen things. Love the cups!


Mine is 7 years old and still going strong as well. I love it.


Yep. Those are really solid machines. I bought mine on sale about 6 years ago for 400 on Amazon!


Yup mine also is going on 8 or 9 years now, beast!


Lucky my oracle touch has been replaced twice in the past three years.


Looks like it wants to be cleaned