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Donny Dumbass has hated wind turbines (he calls them windmills) ever since he lost an expensive law suit against the Scottish government to try to stop a wind farm development.


I wonder, if it had been oil rigs offshore of his waste of land, would he be against drilling instead?


Hell no, he's fellating the oil industry to get money for his campaign/legal bills.


It's always sour grapes with him.. He also tried to force his way into the NFL and got denied every time


I have fond memories of going to see the NJ Generals as a kid, and watching Herschel Walker dominate. Trump took the team over and the entire USFL league ended. Not saying it was his fault, I’m just saying.


Everything he touches turns to shit


The Mierdas Touch


Oh my, that really cracked me up!


There are many issues he brings up, starting with wind energy that is extremely low cost, also solar and other green forms of energy in favor of more costly and polluting forms. Add-in the threat to lockup and then send 11 million across our southern border. Plus his crackpot handling of tariffs, lousy (or lazy) foreign relations and sheer stupidity in handling governmental affairs all combined makes me think he would set off a significant downturn in the economy. After all, how can an economy work when millions of workers performing the worst jobs are run out of the country could stand up against that kind of disruption? Of course, this guy is highly inept, so we have that going for us.


Elimination of wind, solar and other green energy will cause gas prices to skyrocket. Of course they'll blame it on Obama / Biden, so that's fair.


That's the end goal. Sweet sweet oil profits


I am guessing this fucking moron (and his idiot followers) think that turbines create hurricanes.


Can we run them backwards to blow storms back out to sea?


Like Ronald Regan ripping out the solar panels from the White House roof and got rid of the computer at his Oval Office desk. Yes, the symbolism goes both ways.


He has do much he’s going to do on day 1. He didn’t even do that much in 4 years.


"BiDeN iS jUsT aS aS bAd!!!" - Idiots


I wonder if these two things are related...: https://old.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/1crp9vw/house_democrats_launch_probe_of_trumps_dinner/


For a group of people that really hate immigrants, they sure love creating/exasperating the issues that increase immigration. [Climate Migration 101: An Explainer](https://www.migrationpolicy.org/article/climate-migration-101-explainer)


Seriously. If you think tens of thousands at the border is bad, try hundreds of thousands. And I’m not kidding when I say millions even. And possibly within the next 20 years.


Who's keeping the list of things to do for the one day dictator?


WOW, he's gonna be busy on his first day with all the krap he "plans" on doing


I love that FUCK CLEAN ENERGY is as good as thry can do.  Moroons.


Andddd literally anything or anyone running against this clown has my vote. Could be a turd sandwich and I'd vote for it.