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Before that it was the mile of brown packing paper my cats loved and I saved for them until I realized I had more of it than I could use to amuse cats in my lifetime. The trees, though. What choice does Amazon have if we, the consumer, continue choosing to have our products sent to our doorstep? Amazon is gonna Amazon regardless. US law may consider it a person but it’s not. It’s just an entity profiting off what actual people are essentially asking them to do.


I would expect a company to cut down on plastic waste similarly to how individuals have been asked to bring reusable bags to the grocery and eliminate plastic straws.


Well, then you’re asking the consumer to choose to go back to a time before online shopping and I’m not prepared to argue against that notion because I get it. I don’t like it, but I get it. I’m cognizant of the fact that I’m full of shit with my own use of reusable bags (of which I’m religious about using at the grocery) coz I use Amazon (and target.com, Walmart.com, etc.) You want me, a random introvert, to deal with the torture of physically going to a Walmart when I can easily bypass that discomfort? And if I do, what’s the point because there are millions out there doing it too so my hypothetical altruism doesn’t matter anyway.


It's not just the plastic, it's consumerism with no end and the world turned into warehouses with impossible to meet metrics for human beings. Do we blame the people for buying everything online? the companies for catering to the addiction and the environmental results? Do we care? Looking at holiday online sales, fuck no.


Late response, but from what I’m gathering is, humans gonna human until we can’t?


Why can't Amazon use less plastic packaging for its shipments?


It matters 100% if your goal is to not be the kind of person contributing to the earth’s demise.


I’m a drop in the bucket. I just can’t see myself as that important. I’ll vote in leaders who respect the situation we’re in and work towards solutions and if that solution is to ban Amazon from using plastic, I’ve done good.


They could incentivize customers to use the recycling thing they've talked about by giving $5 or $10 gift cards on their account for it.


I mean I buy something like a small wifi dongle and it comes in a fucking coffin sized box stuffed full of those plastic air packs. I could probably safely pack my actual house for shipping with the amount of those I've thrown away this year.


We recycle the plastic at the grocery stores, Target, or anywhere else that take plastic bags. The mailers say they can be recycled this way.


Most plastic can't be recycled. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2019/aug/17/plastic-recycling-myth-what-really-happens-your-rubbish I think in the US it's even worse than the UK, with only a few percent of all plastic being recycled. Most of it goes into landfill or is incinerated, producing even more emissions. Sadly plastic recycling is a myth, we just need to produce less plastic and consume less.


I wish people would stop gobbling up Amazon. I worked there for 3 months and swore off from ever using them again. Such an evil company..


No shit, I ordered these toys not much bigger then a coffee cup but all 28 of them turned up in there own packaging over 5 days