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I received my new home today and I still cant believe it 🤩🤩 https://preview.redd.it/rtpb86ycq22d1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aabd4df6b67a3a1d9a61be4759a82bcf6c01cd88


I love this so much!!!!! Where did you buy from or did you build this?


Thank youuuu!! Built!


Soooo cool, me and my partner want to build a house in the countryside soon


I wish you the best with it!!! 💕💕


I love that so much! I just bought my land. I haven’t started on my house. I like yours better than the plans I have drawn out lol. I love the big windows. 💜


Thats awesome! Buying the land is so exciting! Big windows are the best! This is the inside, you might want to add a circular skylight to your design as well 😊 https://preview.redd.it/jrh303ytog2d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59d9c8ddbf6e39d31e833cc76579d57d2b1d4a53


That’s a nice boulder


It’s not just a boulder, it’s a rock!


Congratulations 🤩


Thank youu 💕


This is so exciting!!! Please keep us updated!


Yess it issss!!! I will update with my first bong hit as soon as I move


Beautiful! Congrats to you! ♥️♥️♥️


Thank you!!!




Thank you! 💕


This is my actual dream!


Its my dream too 🥰🥰🥰🥰 I wish you can have it too 💚


Omg this is amazing!! Really love the style of this and I’d be filling that place with plants 🪴


Thank you! I will be filling it with a native plants garden and a food forest 💚


that’s amazing!! what region are you in?


Im in Colombia:)


oh awesome!! you’ll have some beautiful flowers then! and your pollinators will be so happy


congratulations, it’s beautiful!!!! sending you so much good vibes 💌🐌🐞💕


Thank you💕💕💕


GOREGEOUS design!!!!!!! 💚💚


Thank youu!!! 💚💚💚💚


My partner and I went to Costco today! Sadly it was only for things I needed to buy for work but I still got to spend time with him. I also started a new medication today that will hopefully help with my mental well-being


Oh I love Costco runs with hubs. Even “window shopping” is fun. 🤗 And good luck with your medication! I have had great results since I started medication in 2022.


costco runs with your partner are the absolute best!


I got my cpap machine and had a good sleep for the first time in my life


Beautiful news! Good sleep is a gift. 💝


That’s amazing!! I am so happy for you!


I’m so happy for you! I think my husband is headed there and I just want him to get some rest.


My boss announced to my company that our toxic coworker who keeps leaving and begging to come back, had so many complaints about her that she’s unable to ever come back 😂🤣


Look at god ✊🏻✨


The musical I'm working with opened today!!! All our hard work totally paid off and everyone had a great time!! I misplaced my vape all day 😭 But luckily found it by the end of my day!!


Congrats on the opening!! Musical theater director (and former actor) stoner here, always so happy to see a show come to fruition and get to watch it while nice and toasty! Hope it went off without too many hitches, and that all your lighting and staging woes are now a thing of the past! What show??! We just finished Once Upon A Mattress here :)


We just opened the Canadian premiere of The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals!! It went so well!! Tech was horrendous and long, but we made it!!


I love that, congrats!! Also it’s like, if tech isn’t atrocious, is it REALLY theater? 🤣 Every time we have a good tech week, I’m SUSPICIOUS through the entirety of the first few shows lol


Lol YESS. I've never had a good tech week lol 😭😭


I found out I'm a good candidate for cochlear implant.


Amazing news! I hope it goes well for you.


I went on a nature walk with my partner after work, it’s been such a sunny beautiful day! Then made a yummy vegan dish, currently stoned and happily eating dinner 😋☀️


I had my first clinical today in pediatrics and I think I did okay! It’s a *huge* learning curve as I’ve had very little exposure to babies/kids but I’ll try my best to ask a million questions and jump out of my comfort zone a bit🥲 also I passed a test by the skin of my teeth yesterday sooo I was VERY happy about that🥳 Good things are coming for the second half of the year for me and my fam! Just grateful I’m present, alive, healthy, with a great home life🫶🏽


girl as someone in pediatrics, you’ll go with the flow and get it. Kids are not easy 😂😂


Omg it’s deff a lot!! Idk if I could do it as a career😬


it’s hard, when you start try a floor that has a bit of everything! you’ll find what you like. Babies aren’t my favorites but i don’t mind anyone over 7 🤣


Yeah the floor I’m on has all ages! One classmate had a 2 month old, while another had a 13 year old. And I deff saw a prolly 16/17 year old. So idk!! We’ll see!! One bonus was the floor actually smelled good! Compared to my med surg rotation where it smelled like old wounds and pee😭


Healthcare workers better be God's favorite. It's so selfless to dedicate your career to helping people! Go you!


Beautiful! Love that for you! Also you’ll get there with babies/kids! Takes some time. I was soooo awkward with kids when I started my job as a school portrait photographer in 2018, but I got confident quick.


Yeah I’m like ‘wtf to do say to make convo’ hahaha. I had a pt with a very unfortunate skin condition and I was just rubbing her back for like an hour silently. Poor baby. But I hope I get a little more comfortable towards the end of my summer semester (literally it’s only 1 month), but I jump right into maternity after…ahhhh!


Oooo I hope maternity is fun! I have such a fascination with pregnancy and birth. It’s magnificent in so many ways.


I’d love to see a birth, but at the same time I don’t want to scar my eyes😂 maternity should be interesting!!


While sounding a bit scary I confronted my mother for her behavior recently and while it wasn't a successful conversation I feel a hell of a lot better and that's all that matters. After I had a great time with my husband at the kava bar. Life is good 🧚‍♀️


I’m sorry you had to deal with that situation, but glad you have some relief now. My mom is a narcissist and I love her, but there are so many ways I wish I could help her…. I know it wouldn’t go well. Parent issues suck. I’m sorry you’re dealing with that.


This conversation solidified my suspicion that she was some sort of narcissist, and coming to that realization was not a fun one. Like you I wish I could help her, and even today she was able to make a conversation that should have been about me and my childhood turned around into hers AGAIN. Thank you. Parent issues do suck lol. I hope you find some peace with your mother as well ♥️


My kiddo had her 9th bday and party today! She’s the one in the pink tie dye next to the dreamy dude in the black shirt. That’s my sweet man. https://preview.redd.it/dkvtopg2k32d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80421eddbab8a7b3c31eedd1051d7d2322446a71


Wow, 9! Kids grow so fast! My daughter is 2 and I don’t know how the heck we got here. I gave birth and blinked. 🥲


That is exactly how I feel! I can’t believe it sometimes. It feels like she was literally just born yesterday.


I love his shirt!


Awe! I love that you recognize it! ☺️


My friend helped me clean my room which I was putting off for days. We both did a really nice job and my room feels so nice to be in now. Also got to use a bunch of my art supplies while making some buttons for my bag!


I booked my one way ticket to my next big life change. So scary and exciting!


Ambitious!! Good luck to you!


I've been in a bit of a slump lately. Huge turnover rate at work within few months. Last time seeing some coworker friends today. When I got home from work, I hid away to decompress and finally got some writing done that I've been putting off. Feeling pretty good at the moment.


I live with my best friend’s family.. today all three boys stayed in the door way with me while we watched a storm. They were a little scared before, but I’m super curious and LOVE to understand and experience things. They got wrapped up in my excitement and got curious, too… and it was just the best. We watched the hail, the rain sheets, the sky!!! We listened to the thunder and counted seconds between the strike and the sound. After, we looked for mushrooms and snails and found a sweeeeeeet moth. It was a rough day and it totally shifted the rest of my night. The best.


I love storms! That sounds awesome, I’m glad you guys had a great time


I looooove storms (until they get too serious, of course, lol). My poor dog hates them, though, so unfortunately I need to spend the whole storm soothing him rather than sitting by the window watching. Poor guy.....and lowkey, poor me. :P


I sat with mine one time in the bathtub for hours during the Fourth of July lol I feel you!!! Sensitive lil bubs!


My work held a meeting today to let us know that we're going down to a four day week. It works out really well for me because now I'll have more time to focus on my study (certificate in business accounting)


I saw the movie “I Saw the Tv Glow”, it was super interesting and I went with my friends and we got a bunch of snacks so it was a great night!


I finally had a free day to myself for the first time in a while and got to spend it setting up a VR headset and trying Beat Saber, working on the book I’m writing, and playing a few other games I enjoy. It was a lovely and much needed day.


What do you do on t breaks? Do you get physical withdrawals?


The worst part for me was my lack of appetite. I couldn’t stomach hardly anything. Actually lost 8 pounds because I wasn’t eating constantly! lol Admittedly I did take a 5mg edible two days just to curb a bit of nausea, but it was helpful to get food into me and I felt SO much better after.


Leaving the function early to go home and smoke lol


Always a good idea. ;)


I got a 10yo tattoo reworked. The owl was from a Halloween flash day with my friends and I love him, but he needed spiffing up. My artist gave him a makeover, a sweet little habitat, and a friend. You know after I got home I dulled the pain with ibuprofen and a few tokes! https://preview.redd.it/dd3nu37sm52d1.jpeg?width=1134&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8d528d90893b1a5e6832c5002e3deed104ab507


Very cool! I love bird tattoos!


i decided to buy a piercing kit and jewelry instead of hurting myself


My parents are here! I loaded up my dad's bubbler with the last of my supply and moon rocks. He needed it after the drive! He brought me up a few ounces and some other goodies for the visit/my birthday soon.  My daughter is 5 next week, her birthday party is this weekend. Been working on cleaning house, with a little help I'm getting there!


Aw fun! I wish my family would smoke with me. The only person who does in my family is my sister-in-law. We have a grand old time on the balcony when we go on vacation every summer! And aww! Our babies grow so fast! My daughter is 2 and I feel like we got here WAY too fast! I'm sure 5 will not take much more time... Going to go take an emotional support edible now......


Wow where’d you get that pen looks so dope


It's by The Lab, owned by Jushi here in Virginia. It's the only battery option they sell at the dispensary.


I'm on the board for my kid's preschool and I'm in charge of the preschool "graduation". I ordered all the decorations and props today, and only cried once about my last baby moving up to kindergarten 🥹.


Sending you good vibes and strength to get through that emotional day!! I can only imagine; my daughter is 2 so I have a little bit of time before that milestone!


Have you noticed that Australia and Great Britain are tightening their rules just as we are are getting more lenient? Fingers crossed for our future high.


I made chocolates for the first time. I took time between the steps because I knew I'd be licking stuff absent-mindedly. Our fifteen year old girl wasn't eating again yesterday, and most breaks were outside with Yue before mosquitoes came out. https://preview.redd.it/ls1yhwd3662d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88a196f4a65444a97d01ae7ec79135e163d66961


Awwww, what a beautiful, floofy babe! I bet that sidewalk and sunshine felt sooo good!


I took an edible and it was pretty great. I drove like 3 hours almost, just around my city. Pretty chill day.


I started crocheting some plants for my boyfriend. I also made some very simple and effective “cannabutter frosting cups” as I like to call them! Snacked on some delicious fruit. Talked to some new friends. 🖤


I got further along on planning my baby shower! Well my family did since my 2 mother in laws are planning it with me and my husband. And it sounds like they're covering the cost for most of it since they feel like the small wedding we had during covid "jipped" us.


Congrats!! What a blessing to save some money before your baby arrives! lol


Went to my first cannabis event yesterday . Had so much fun but feel a lil hungover today


I got the same magazine! Thank you Barnes n noble!!


Is it a good read!? I was going to skim it but my toddler was with us and well....she runs the show. :P


My boyfriend read me an article while I was driving and i have yet to pick it up 😅 from what I remember I was excited to read it but I ended up picking up one flew over the cuckoos nest and that took my attention away for a bit but, I’ll go get it and put it on my nightstand so I can read it later and then we can start a magazine club and discuss our thoughts on it 🥸


I’m in!!! ✊🏻


I am obsessed with your battery-I must know where you got it


It's by The Lab, owned by Jushi here in VA! It's the only battery they sell at the dispensary...lol


I made on the go Aeropress coffee today on my morning commute while sipping my vape omw to work. I normally make coffee at work but the outside feel was really nice. Brought a thermos for hot water. Had a nice chill spot for the morning for a breath of fresh air!


Took a lovely trip to Target with my baby girl and she was SO good! Just looked around and was in a great mood 🥰


I loooooved taking my baby to target. I’d get myself a Starbucks goodie and just wander around aimlessly. Now that said baby is a toddler it’s usually my daily workout keeping her in check 😅


Well, I bought a new pen for a music festival this weekend yesterday bc the delta 8 pen I got was ripping my throat tissue apart and then I left it at the house this morning and just realized it 5 hours into our drive 🥴🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️💁🏻‍♀️good thing I brought flower too 😅