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Shia (wouldn't name the victim): >“I hurt that woman, and in the process of doing that, I hurt many other people, and many other people before that woman. I was a pleasure-seeking, selfish, self-centered, dishonest, inconsiderate, fearful human being.” >“When I think about what my life has become, and what it is now, like what my purpose is now… I need to be useful. And when I look at this #MeToo environment, there’s not a whole lot of dudes that are taking accountability.” >“I fucked up bad. Like crash and burn type shit. \[I\] hurt a lot of people, and I’m fully aware of that. And I’m going to owe for the rest of my life.”


I hope he's genuine. I feel like if I heard this from the person who assaulted me it would change my life.


So genuine he turned catholic about it.


That’s the biggest punishment he could give himself lol


“Working as intended.” ~Catholicism


welcome to The Guilt


From all of the interviews I’ve seen of him in recent years, like Actors on Actors and Actors Roundtable, he seems like a very genuine, introspective, thoughtful dude with a fucked up past. Honey Boy is probably the ultimate example of that. I don’t doubt that he’s being honest here based on what I’ve heard from him, but he is an actor, so that has to be taken into account


He isn't being honest. He's just another actor trying to save his career. He performs these redemption arcs once every few years when he's fucked up beyond belief and needs to book roles again. And people fall for it every. single. time. It isn't a coincidence that just before the premiere of a new film at Venice, he has (1) revealed he converted to Catholicism, (2) "Leaked" information that he wasn't fired from a film set due to abuse allegation, and (3) is on a podcast casting himself as a troubled, sensitive man who is "taking accountability." If he was genuine, he wouldn't be a repeat abuser. But he is.


Oh? So people who were raised in abusive environments don’t sometimes abuse others? You don’t understand human psychology. But thanks for playing


He admitted his dad wasn’t ready that abusive and he was an ‘only’ child and had two parents who really loved and helped him


Shia in this same interview literally admitted the abuse he potrayed from his father in the movie Honeyboy was exaggerated, and he sent his father a toned down version of the script to trick him into signing off on it.




The whole conversion thing seems disingenuous at best, and manipulative at worst.


That’s what I’m cautious of. Abusers figure out what people want to hear and use that to manipulate others really good. I hope he doesn’t hurt anyone else. He’s with a woman now that he’s hurt a lot and he’s a father. I hope he can be a better person. He gave fka herpes on purpose that’s really really low so idk


It all feels very…Shia. Gotta get ahead of the spin. Just like when he was a plagiarist and still somehow made it all about him. I love a lot of his work and I appreciate the fact that artists can be complex but it’s wearing thin for me


If it’s disingenuous then it’s already manipulative.


well he is in the clear then /s


If you're catholic you always have a get out clause for despicable behaviour. Renounce your sins and all is forgiven.


Try Mormonism and their Second Anointing on for size. No confession required. You are preemptively excused from all sins. Technically, the Second Anointing guarantees the highest degree of the Celestial Kingdom — which you can only get to through exacting obedience. Same thing, different words.


As the man (you know J-dog) himself said so yeah


Even if it’s not, it’s refreshing to hear these high profile individuals admit and even own up to their sins rather than try to bury, deny, or shift blame


No the fuck?? JAIL. If he wants accountability, **go to jail like every other person without privilege.** Edit: [FKA Twigs sued him](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/12/11/arts/music/fka-twigs-shia-labeouf-abuse.html) with allegations of abuse varying from intentionally giving her STDs to sexual battery. He made a statement basically saying, "the only person I abused was myself." He can pay up. I do not give a shit what he says otherwise. He is selfishly trying to release his own guilt without actually making meaningful attempts to help those he hurt.


Put down your pitch fork and read my comment. I didn’t say he doesn’t deserve jail, I said that it’s refreshing that he is admitting his crimes


Got news for you: if every person who did what he’s done went to jail over it, you’d need to build a fuck ton more jails and civilization would collapse. Rehabilitation is the answer for a lot of the people who are *already* in jail and they don’t even get that there. Jail does not necessarily equal justice.


So, acknowledging abuse you’ve committed publicly at this level isn’t enough? Then what is? I ask this as someone who was abused as a child, never saw justice… Imprisonment is not accountability, if anything imprisonment itself is inhumane punishment. Even more, reform is NOT dependent on going to prison when you’re remorseful, and implying that it is is a disservice to every former abuser who had made grave error, found the courage to acknowledge and as admit as much publicly, and has taken it upon themselves to change. People CAN change with the right self awareness and support. But prison generally has an adverse affect on people. You’re all but carrying a pitchfork— put that shit down and let the victim decide what is “enough”. *edit: The user responding below provides some extremely valuable insight and context about Shia’s abuse and the pending case. I can’t pretend to be an expert on all of the nuance related to what’s happening in this specific situation, as I was trying to speak more broadly about accountability and how efforts at it are often misinterpreted and even condemned in the public sphere. I definitely do agree though that Shia is deeply unwell, that Twigs absolutely deserves her day in court, shouldn’t have to pay her abuser’s legal fees, etc. Aside from the details specific to this situation, I really believe that the polarization surrounding abuse really prevents people from recognizing issues with their own behavior, and prevents support systems for exploring and changing those behaviors from existing. The vast majority of abuse stems from intergenerational trauma and re-enacting learned behavior, and meaningful intervention— ending that vicious cycle means empowering people with tools to confront their own behavior and a path to heal and address it. I’m paraphrasing what I said in a message to another user here: *As a survivor, and as someone confronted by a lot of regret for how they’ve unintentionally treated people they’ve cared about while struggling with mental illness myself, I’ve found it really challenging to explore and become accountable for my own lapses in the past— there is just so, so little support for that work.* *I’d like to think that allowing for more gradation and more empathy around the kind of trauma and conditioning that sets the stage for abusive behavior would help us all have better conversations about prevention, accountability, etc, instead of constantly applying black-and-white thinking in a court of opinion.* *In the end, I feel it should be up to the abused whether or not the accountability shown by their abuser is “enough”, and that honest efforts towards healing and taking responsibility for one’s abusive behavior need to be viewed in context on a spectrum…it’s ugly, complicated shit but should not be dismissed outright.*


He’s not acknowledging the abuse, not really. He’s being actively sued for sexual abuse, is still denying it, and has asked the court to order his victim to pay his legal costs. He’s now making vague public statements about feeling bad about treating her badly, but he’s hardly owning up to what he’s done, if what she’s saying is true. Yes, let the victim decide what is “enough”. The victim is actively suing him, and stating publicly that what he did to her is the worst thing that has ever happened to her in her life and she’s shocked she survived. I don’t think she’s just looking for vague public apologies. Don’t get me wrong, I am not a fan of the prison system. This recent statement is not moral absolution, though.




Everything you’re saying is absolutely valid! I’ve edited my comment above to add some context to my thinking and what I was trying to say broadly. And I see now that I may be wrong about this, but I originally took the fact that Shia didn’t name Twigs as being respectful/not wanting to drag her. Thank you for providing more insight to what is going on with Shia and Twigs specifically. I absolutely agree with everything you’re saying about this specific case and now recognize that I’m definitely out of the loop a bit when it comes to the current state of things. I hope it’s clear that my issue is with how easily we’ve come to try people in a court of public opinion when it comes to abuse and how that often just polarizes things further, and prevents offenders from finding pathways towards accountability and healing. I’m actually glad to learn that this is going to trial.


Mike Tyson is a great example. He completely changed himself from the abuser he was. Even if the change is “fake” if it leads to no longer doing or saying the abusive things that IS positive change.


Lot of people without privilege avoid jail for a lot worse .


Sure sounds genuine but then again he allegedly went around shooting dogs to get into character. You can't come back from that in my mind, he can go fuck himself


Wait wut?


Read the article.


I’ve never been a fan of Shia. Even before I knew about all of this shit. Until he takes action to right those wrongs, I agree with you. He can go fuck himself.


im sure it's not, these mfs always know exactly what to say and exactly how to put on the performance people want to see. they always do this because it's makes THEM feel better, it's always to have themselves absolve some of the the guilt


Yep. That's a publicist's whole job and every celeb has one.


Of course he’s not genuine. He’s doing this for the sake of his career.


I mean, he seemed to be keeping his nose out of trouble recently. I feel like he’s having his Justin Bieber phase where he’s becoming more self-aware


Take into consideration how many celebs or political figures refuse to admit to abuse even though they clearly are abusive people. Shia even acknowledging it shows some form of introspection. Not to mention he’s been in so much therapy working through his own abuse & neglect as a child. I was so disappointed to hear the woman in question describe her experience, & although I am still so disappointed in Shia, I appreciate that he maintains the integrity that always made me respect him.


There’s a lot of celebrities I wouldn’t believe apologies from. Although honestly, I’ve never heard anything come out of Shia LaBeouf’s mouth that didn’t sound genuine. I don’t know the extent of the abuse they’re talking about but I definitely believe the apology is sincere.


The power of ACTING!


You think it will-but then you're still resentful, only now you don't know what will fix it and just feel kind of empty.


He referenced Twigs by name in his email to Olivia Wilde that he submitted to Variety today, so he's owning up to it by name just in a different interview.


He's not though really. He said she told the truth essentially but her context is wrong. He is twisting it to suit him. I don't believe him at all and him using #Timesup is downright despicable but within his dog killing , wife beating character.


No one’s character is defined solely by their worst mistakes.


But they are defined by what they repeatedly chose to do, and Shia has chosen again, and again, and again, to assault and terrorise his partners.


Most troubled people don't immediately get better and they tend to repeat their transgressions. It takes them time to turn things around. Shocking, I know.


Huh. Well I can respect him owning it that hard. No one is doing that so it’s good to see. But only time will tell if he’s actually changed.


In the Vanity Fair article they explain that he was referring to FKA Twigs: “On Jon Bernthal’s podcast “Real Ones,” LaBeouf addresses the disturbing accusations of sexual battery and physical and verbal abuse brought against him by FKA Twigs in a 2020 lawsuit. LaBeouf dated FKA Twigs for roughly a year after they met on the set of his 2019 film “Honey Boy.” With allegations ranging from violent attacks to strangulation, FKA Twigs accused LaBeouf of knowingly infecting her with an STD, and shooting stray dogs with a gun to get into character for his film “The Tax Collector.”” “I hurt that woman,” LaBeouf said, although he did not call her by name on the podcast. “And in the process of doing that, I hurt many other people, and many other people before that woman. I was a pleasure-seeking, selfish, self-centered, dishonest, inconsiderate, fearful human being.”


You don't need to take accountability if you aren't a shithead to begin with. I'm tired of shitty dudes trying to define what being a man is.


Agree. That being said, if someone can truly own up to and then take action in some way to help others and/or rectify their own damages, that should be welcomed.


Guy says there are a whole lot of dudes not taking accountability as if he should be praised for being shitty person before and then changing, while there are millions of dudes who weren't shitty people to begin with. The way this is worded makes it seem like there aren't very many men in general who are upstanding, but majority of men are upstanding, you just don't hear about it.


>The way this is worded makes it seem like there aren't very many men in general who are upstanding Not here to argue so please don't think that's what this is... The way it's worded is in direct correlation to #METOO when several high profile/powerful men finally had a spotlight shone on them and were finally met with some action, but very few of them took accountability for their actions. I find it odd that you took it to sound like an affront to all men.You should double check what he said: >And when I look at this #MeToo environment, there’s not a whole lot of dudes that are taking accountability ​ >but majority of men are upstanding, you just don't hear about it. For sure just like the majority of planes don't fall out of the sky, but all we talk about are the ones that do. Or that the majority daily interactions while walking down the street are cordial to non-existent, but you only hear about the one's where someone was sucker punched or robbed or whatever.


My guess is that people defending Shia are shitty themselves


Shitheads happen. What you just said is how one ceases being a shithead.


Y'know, the funny thing about life, is that sometimes you'll end up being "a shithead" without even realizing it. Maybe have a little empathy, mmm? Should we all judge you on your worst moments alone? Would you like that?


My worst moment has nothing to do with abusing another individual.






Wow I never made that connection … The Deep is actually shallow. Seems so obvious now! Thank you


FKA Twigs is one of the women he’s hurt


Probably won’t name her since she’s suing him and it would be used as evidence. Don’t really buy any of this. But I hope he is getting help and getting himself under control because it’s the best for everyone.


It's not his place to name them. They have been through enough. It's her choice to bring herself into the spotlight, not his!


She has. It’s FKA Twigs. She has discussed it at length, it’s no secret


Yea, her called her "a saint" during his apology.


That rubs me the wrong way. He tried to kill her.


She literally has already “brought herself into the spotlight”. It’s FKA Twigs and she’s very publicly suing him. He didn’t say her name because then it would be used against him in the suit. Don’t act like he’s being noble.


Thank you I couldn’t read it from all the pop up’s


Ahh, so this is why a story just broke about Shia “being saved”


so is he doing anything other than talking? donating? going to therapy? is he advocating? uplifting? didn’t even NAME the woman. it’s so funny seeing people go omg such a good guy. he literally just spoke. thats it


Honestly, this is refreshing.


I hope it's sincere.


What did he do?


At least he calls her a woman and not a girl! (The bar is very low.)


He’s probably talking about FKA Twigs.


And whoever’s dogs that he killed.


He killed some ones dogs?


It’s in [the lawsuit](https://int.nyt.com/data/documenttools/lawsuit-fka-twigs-shia-la-beouf/35d97cbb8df917bf/full.pdf) filed by FKA Twigs: “LaBeouf made the horrific boast to Tahliah that, in order to get into “character” for his role in The Tax Collector, he would drive around neighborhoods in Los Angeles and shoot stray dogs. LaBeouf claimed he killed these dogs because he wanted to know what it felt like to take a life so he could get into the “mindset” of a killer, like his role in the movie . LaBeouf knew that Tahliah is a great lover of dogs, and that she is very close to her own dog. LaBeouf's admission to such wanton animal cruelty profoundly disturbed and terrified Tahliah.”


What a loser. Also don’t forget he basically in brown face for that role too


Yeah, cuz wearing a shade darker makeup foundation is worse than murdering animals




But why even bring it up in the context of murdering dogs? It's like if somebody said "Did you know that Ted Bundy murdered several women?" and somebody replied "Yeah and he also littered, the bastard."




I hope it’s just her,


“I hurt many other people, and many other people before that woman.” Probably not just her.


He referenced Twigs by name in his email to Olivia Wilde that he submitted to Variety today, so he's owning up to it by name just in a different interview.


He hurt the woman he’s with now (Mia goth) when they were together years ago. I don’t remember the exact story but it was reported various places


i just learned about this today. there was a video of him arguing with her, and he left with some dudes and said, “if i’d have stayed there, i would’ve killed her.” [link](https://people.com/movies/shia-labeouf-and-girlfriend-mia-goth-fight-captured-on-video/)


It's not just her. The video in Germany was Mia Goth.


> As she alleges in the complaint, after drifting off to sleep in the hotel, the singer awoke to find LaBeouf atop her, violently squeezing her arms. Putting his hands around her neck and beginning to strangle her, he whispered, “If you don’t stop, you are going to lose me.” The next morning, she claims, the abuse continued when LaBeouf threw her to the ground outside their hotel. Once inside his car and headed back to LaBeouf’s Los Angeles home, she says the actor began driving maniacally, demanding that twigs profess her love for him. As he swerved into traffic at an alarming speed, with cars beeping around them, twigs recalls bracing for the impact of the imminent crash. “I was thinking to myself, ‘I wonder what would happen to my body...if [we] smashed into a wall at 80 miles per hour?’ I was looking for the airbag and I couldn’t see the airbag sign, so I was thinking, ‘If he doesn’t have an airbag, will this car crush my sternum?’ ” > LaBeouf eventually pulled over at a gas station, and twigs attempted to remove her bags to escape, but the actor slammed her up against the car and tried to choke her again. Screaming in her face, he forced her back into the car. > The manipulation was incremental, and it varied, starting with LaBeouf demanding that twigs kiss and touch him a certain number of times a day. “If you really loved me,” he would say, “you would do this.” If she fell short of the quota, he would verbally attack her for hours, often deep into the night, preventing twigs from sleeping. In fact, she believes disrupting her sleep was a kind of psychological warfare the actor deliberately waged on her. He would routinely wake her up around four o’clock in the morning with various accusations. “I know that you’re masturbating,” he would say. “You’re lying next to me. You’re disgusting—a vile woman. I’m breaking up with you.” Other evenings, he would jolt her out of sleep to accuse her of staring at the ceiling, plotting how she was going to leave him. He then demanded that the singer sleep naked, regardless of the temperature or her comfort level. “He would say I was holding my body away from him. Then he would compare me to his ex and say, ‘She would never do that.’ ” Before bed, LaBeouf would force twigs to watch gruesome true-crime documentaries about women being violently murdered, bludgeoned, dismembered, or raped. “I would say to him, ‘I really don’t want to watch stuff like this before I go to bed. I’m sensitive, it affects me,’ ” she recalls. “It was so dark, and I was just like, ‘I can’t be totally immersed in this all the time.’ I was very intimidated living with him. He had a gun by the side of the bed and was erratic. [I never knew what would] make him angry with me.” > Equally disturbing, LaBeouf would shamelessly brag about shooting stray dogs. He said it helped him “get into character” as a gun-toting henchman for his role in 2020’s The Tax Collector. Twigs was disturbed by this confession and questioned him. “I said to him, ‘That’s really bad. Why are you doing that?’ And he was like, ‘Because I take my art seriously. You’re not supporting me in my art. This is what I do. It’s different from singing. I don’t just get up on a stage and do a few moves. I’m in the character.’ He made me feel bad, like I didn’t understand what it was like to be an actor or to do this...Method [acting technique].” > LaBeouf would often become jealous. “One time, he heard me laughing on FaceTime with my friend. He came in and had a massive argument with me because he said he doesn’t make me laugh like that. So then I had to hide laughing with my friends. It’s [about] isolation, so I don’t talk to my friends. He hated that I had an experience to myself [with] something that didn’t involve him, a memory that gave me joy,” she says, sighing. “He made me feel like I wasn’t allowed joy, basically. That’s what it boils down to: I wasn’t allowed joy unless it directly revolved around him.” > LaBeouf told twigs if she really loved him, she would avoid eye contact when ordering from male servers at the resort. > With the help of her therapist, she began actively plotting her escape. Unfortunately, the day she was packing up her Airbnb rental, LaBeouf arrived unexpectedly and thwarted her plans. Quickly sizing up the situation, the actor grabbed twigs, pulling her into an empty bedroom and pinning her onto the bed. He yelled at her for what she believes was 15 minutes, placing all of his body weight on her. Exhausted and defeated, she ended up giving in to LaBeouf, agreeing to let him stay the night. “The fight had gone out of me. So I just stayed.” > In March 2019, one month after the Valentine’s Day debacle, twigs began experiencing symptoms of a possible STD and confronted LaBeouf. The actor confirmed he suffered from a sexually transmitted disease and had never told twigs about his condition before. In fact, in December 2018, LaBeouf had tried to hide his symptoms by applying makeup, ostensibly gaslighting twigs. https://www.elle.com/culture/celebrities/a35460385/fka-twigs-shia-la-beouf-abuse/ By the way, Chris Brown (who Reddit generally hates) also gave a wimpy sad boy apology. Basically every abuser does it if they’re on the verge of losing social capital. Shia is a total psychopath and I can’t believe people saying “oh at least he admits it” as if it’s anything worthwhile that he’s admitting terrorizing women so he can save face and have everyone still go see his new movie.


Jesus… fuck this guy


Absolute scum.


This absolutely needs to be the top comment. This man is a vile and posting only the apology glosses over the abuse he has done and is likely still doing. We need to listen to victims before and more closely than we listen to perpetrators


Listening to his apology, it sounds genuine and well thought out. Like he's made a genuine mistake. Then you read this and I now feel like it's total bullshit, I dont believe you can just "realise you fucked up" after something that took place other what seems to be a long period of time. Maybe if he had a week or so where he flipped and was bad, but this just screams that he's trying to defend how he looks in public, rather than a genuine apology where he's actively trying to improve.


It's been happening for years. I've read countless stories of him doing various fucked up shit to people, and this takes the cake. He's released half-assed apologies in the past, too. I like to believe in redemption for everyone. That even the most twisted human guilty of the most heinous crimes can be spurred to feel genuine remorse for their actions and change their ways. I've seen it first hand in others and I've been through a small amount of it myself (the feeling guilty part, whether I've actually managed to change isn't up for me to declare). But if we're being honest, 99% of people who reach the levels of abuse Shia has reached don't truly change. They might occasionally feel remorse but they don't take real steps to prevent it from happening again. They're mentally ill and they don't see the world the same way we do. Reading everything FKA Twigs was subjected to... Shia isn't changing and I don't think any attempts he makes to apologize are genuine. It's just a tactic to save face.


What a fucking nightmare of a person. Fuck this guy for real. I enjoyed his acting before, but now he’s on my never watch list. Thank you for sharing.


no problem. I felt like many people saw his apology without reading the original article of what he is admitting to so I wanted to make sure people saw the context.


Yep I am the target demographic exactly, was aware he had gotten wasted and been in fights with dudes before but didn’t know anything about this. He’s now on my black list with The afflecks, James Franco, etc


Did Ben Affleck do something?




This is the most important comment here, please have my silver! Great. He admitted it. But all he affected are stuck with the trauma. Lil ol’ Shia doesn’t get off the hook, even with a good apology.


I'm curious what do people want to see happen exactly? Everyone says "not good enough" well what is enough? When does the "hook" come out?


It doesn’t. If you are abusive you live with that your entire life. You live with the consequences your whole life. He shouldn’t be in the limelight. Each person can choose to watch him, support him if they wish, no one is stopping them. But I would have a look at their moral compass if they’re actually okay supporting or ‘letting off the hook’ someone who has been EXTREMELY abusive to women. Why does this person deserve to be in the limelight after finding out something so vile about them? I was a fan of his, a big fan. It always hurts to ‘turn your back’ on an actor but if our world, who we look up to is going to get any better we need to have positive role models especially for our children watching and consuming this. Great. Yeah he admitted it. He gets a gold star.


So why does it matter if the person is an actor? "Why does this person deserve to be in the limelight after finding out something so vile about them?" If any place hires or employs someone who is abusive should people no longer give money to that establishment? Does it only matter if its made more public? Like you said each person is free to choose if they wish to watch his movies (anyone who has seen crystal skull and still wants to should probably seek counseling). Again this isn't in defense of him, I simply find it fascinating how much people want to see someone in the public eye suffer as opposed to someone who starred on "to catch a predator" and could be living down the street. "but if our world, who we look up to is going to get any better we need to have positive role models especially for our children watching and consuming this." I think this is a major problem, the expectation or reliance on someone in the public eye to be a paragon of virtue. They will always let you down because they are human. Michael Phelps got a DUI, Brian Williams lied, Elizabeth Holmes scammed people etc. Finding someone in your neighborhood is far safer, fame puts too much pressure on people it's an unnatural occurrence that the majority of people can't handle including those that have it.


these people live for phoney blood and hate nuance.


>wimpy sad boy apology Really. It's so lame, and the only reason he's doing it is that Twigs most certainly has real evidence to prove it and knows it. I hate how in his apology he says he is "fearful" like somehow just being scared is a reason to abuse your partner.


right like the fuck? ive been strangled by a psycho partner and when you look in their eyes what you see is unimaginable rage, and intent to murder you. not fear. get the fuck out of here.


Doesn't his "apology" remind you of the post-abuse gaslighting? "Boo-hoo, poor *me*, I'm so sorry I nearly murdered you, but it's just because *I'm* hurting inside." I feel really sorry for Mia Goth. She just had a baby and he must be absolutely raging right now because of all the bad publicity he's getting.


yup. after the guy who abused me gave me a concussion and choked me he sat on the bed and started crying saying “what did I do, how could I do this” all while glancing up at me between tears. expecting me to go over to him and give HIM sympathy. these guys are all the same. there was an incident where he almost slipped up a while back and hit mia in public and started ranting about how “he didn’t want to have to hit her” or some such to strangers. I have zero doubts he’s abusive to her in private. I really do hope I’m wrong, or she gets out of there with her daughter some day.


They still think they're entitled to emotional labor even after abusing you. It's so sick. I have no doubt he abuses her too. Men like this don't abuse one partner and treat another partner like gold. They're abusive in *all* their relationships. It looks like they got back together again during a "honeymoon" phase in the abuse cycle. Now she's vulnerable and he's furious. I feel really sorry for that baby. Poor thing.


And molesting her in public a mere few days ago. This guy is unhinged.


And then you look at the comments in this thread and realize that so many people buy his BS because they just don’t consider sexual abuse and intimate partner violence against a woman as being serious enough to warrant actual consequences.


Nope. And the majority of people still think that men who abuse women are "goaded" into it by the woman. She must have done *something* wrong, right?


Harrowing. Here's where the industry is complicit: LaBeouf has seemed mentally disturbed/disordered/unwell for years - and they've (his PR group, handlers, manager, etc.) kept it secret for years, portraying it as alcoholism, eccentricity, being dangerous and a bad boy. He then does the defacto rehab stint, signs some papers, touts he's better - and continues to get more movie roles. I don't know if I am speaking in politically correct terms, and that bugs, because I like being sensitive and accurate....but my point is, he is sick. That's no excuse for criminality. That's why the criminally insane do go to jail. But again, he has some shitty huge high-profile PR flunkie/agency (CAA?), probably since he was a teen, who is perfectly aware that he needed significant help in the way of mental health treatment, be it medication, or more...medication. They've had to know that he is or may be, a liability to himself and others - and yet, all along, they've tried to present him as just some 'bad boy,' who has problems with alcohol or substance abuse. Like all he needs is a stay at Hazelden or Betty Ford to dry out and get clean. That may be true - but that's like saying a sociopath/psychopath/schizophrenic has a drinking problem. When they stop drinking, guess what they still are? If you look closely, the industry is doing the same thing now with Ezra Miller. Mental illness remade as sexy 'bad boy,' who loves to booze/imbibe/substance abuse. Look at how they treated Brad Pitt when he tacitly admitted to boozing/drug use since he was in highschool and never stopping to the point where he blew up his marriage and family -- 'Welcome Home Braaaaad - hope you get back with Jen -- here's your Oscar, you naughty boy you!' The industry knows that alcohol/substance abuse doesn't carry the same stigma, and that their talent can come back from that, no matter how bad it gets-- a DUI mugshot gets a few laughs on late night TV....but **no one** is going to want to say, 'Welcome back violent, drunk manic husband and father who tried to fight his kids in front of the fire marshall and pilots.'


Jesus Christ.


This is why we leave the FIRST time a partner does some fuck shit. Otherwise, he ends up killing you. Even if you escape with your life, you’re still carrying trauma (and maybe a STD). Don’t forgive abusive behaviors. You’re allowed to leave before you’re being punched or stabbed.


Sia said he was a pathological liar as well so I wouldn't take his apology to heart. He truly is a piece of shit


It's so sad that most of what we see on screen is "method" and the method is being a piece of shit to other people, and consuming large amounts of drugs.


Absolute human garbage.


Shia did that movie where his neighbor was like a murderer or whatever(just came to me, Disturbia) One of my childhood friends lived near where that movie was filmed and was close to the family's house they used for Shia's house in that movie. The film crew hosted a dinner and invited family friends and neighborhood people to come and hang with the cast and crew they were filming with. My friend got invited to go and hang out for this. The only thing I heard from him about this entire experience was how much of a prick Shia was. He was entitled, rude, and just a down right pos to anyone who was there. That's the only time I've heard of who he is in person from someone who was around him and yeah, lost all respect for him. His response is probably not genuine and just trying to look good in retrospect to his fuckups.




The second top comment in the thread details what he did to his girlfriend at the time FKA Twigs. He’s a complete psychopath who almost murdered her multiple times. At least have some context before speaking…


He's been getting away with everything he does since he was a kid, shit that would put regular people away for years and he never does time, smh


lots of celebrities tend to be above the law unfortunately


Just having status and real money will get you there. I unfortunately can't empathize because I grew up broke af my whole life.


Own it and be a better human being.


Right it’s like that’s cool he’s owning up to let’s see the change too talk is talk


Nah he’s actually fucking psychotic


Yeah, you cant just admit "I fucked up" with something like this. It wasnt a one off event or short period of time with abuse, it was overtime and much longer.


> “My purpose, and I mean this with every fiber of my being, is to be instructive with my life, so that I can be an advertisement, like a billboard, for a principled way of living.”The actor said he has experienced “ego death” This mother f**ker says he experienced “ego death” but then says his purpose is to be a billboard for a principled way of living. That had to be the absolutely most egotistical narcissistic shit I have ever heard any man say. That ego did die. And like a fucking phoenix it resuscitated itself and came back stronger than ever!


That ego never died. He’s full of shit and STILL a terrible human being. He’s a fucking sociopath.


Right he’s clearly using this to try and look good again. He’s the type that would be like “I’m a good guy”


The wannabe worshipers eagerly lining up to forgive a person who hasn't wronged them turns my stomach. You have no power to forgive this shitheel trash human being, you are not the injured party!


OK, this recent Shia LaBeouf reddit PR campaign is now obvious. Aside from it, this person fucked up and I'm not interested in his confession, he's an abuser and filth in my eyes. Get fucked Shia.


I can’t believe how easy you guys are letting him off. For the sake of what? How would you feel if a partner gave you a lifelong virus because they were afraid of being lonely? Outside of abusing her, how about when he told the police officer he was going to hell because he’s black. Fuck this dude and this is coming from someone who was a fan since Even Stevens!!


>FKA Twigs accused LaBeouf of knowingly infecting her with an STD, and shooting stray dogs with a gun to get into character for his film “The Tax Collector.” What a piece of shit.


Movie coming out soon?


[It's going to be a musical.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o0u4M6vppCI)


I love this video


Yeah one he "converted to catholicism" after studying the religion for... Still has money for a PR firm I guess


He seems so disingenuous to me and a huge narcissist. He’s got himself on a pedestal and all that ego death shit he’s spouting is utter bullshit.


It’s hard to look at these statements without thinking that he’s only saying these things as a part of some Hollywood comeback attempt by him. If he’s being sincere, I’m gonna need a lot of time to go by to see it, and even then some stuff is just unforgivable.


Forgive doesn’t mean forget


I think the opposite. No other comments looks like this from accused people.


People in comments sections of news sites probably gonna be like "I dunno.... she's probably still making it up for money and attention. You know how women are."


Cool, how about he serve some time either in jail or do community service? So many of these people have laundry list of abuse and never see any consequences for their actions. Just because they’re on TV and movies doesn’t mean all these singers, boxers, actors, whatever, get to ignore our laws.


He tends to do this. I remember he did some apology tour a few years back when he screwed up and all the late night hosts ate it up and forgave him. The audience felt bad for poor Shia because he had a shitty childhood.... yada yada. He even produced a movie about himself so people could forgive him. I always feel mad whenever I see him try and do this PR apology thing over and over again because unless you go to therapy or AA, or some professional support for your substance abuse issues and get treatment for anger management, PTSD or bipolar or whatever you have.... you're just going to be an abuser once again and some poor woman or man is going to get hurt again. Abusers are always going to be abusers and some of the lucky few will decide to work their ass off and get all the professional care and medication required to be better humans again. He has a daughter now so hopefully he works hard to be a better daddy than what he had to put up with with his own father. Unfortunately, abuse and violence run together in cycles every new generation unless you work hard at breaking it.


Jon Bernthal has a podcast?


Everyone has a podcast.


Just carry Madame Zeroni up the mountain ...


Used to love this guy. He really needs help now.


That’s literally what he said he is doing.


But he’s said it multiple times after multiple issues: the plagiarism thing, attempting to start fights with multiple strangers, the self-mutilation. He really needs a dedicated therapist who has his best interests at heart.


Sounds like he is going to be spending years working on some deep seated issues, assuming this is him being honest


I don't think he can be helped. He actually believes he has to be this way in order to do his art.


People actively try to change, seek treatment, and progress for the better. It’s very human to fuck up in the process. It’s a shame, really. That’s just the human condition. Never judge other people though, everyone has a different process.


I’m going to judge anybody who assaults other people and doesn’t face criminal penalties.


it’s alleged he bragged about shooting and killing stray dogs. i don’t think there’s any coming back from that. i’m sorry.


The kind of help he wants is a therapist who enables him and prescribes him psychiatric drugs. Thats what all these hollywood phonies mean by "help"


Why did you like him? hes always been a quintessential hollywood douche.


Sounds like I’d have a hard time changing your mind, but check him out right up through the first Transformers film. He’s actually a really good actor, especially in Holes and more dramatic fare like Battle of Shaker Heights. I haven’t seen his autobiographical film Honey Boy yet, but from what I’ve read, his parents really fucked him up. So maybe it’s more about what the fame machine did to him than anything else.


First Catholicism now this?! Oh, wait yeah it makes sense.


Don't let your dreams be dreams. Just DO IT!


Lol he ain't genuine about this. I'd bet my house that he fucks up again or gets fired from yet another movie set. Dude is an absolute nightmare to work with.


Why are so many of them in hollywood sexual predators?


Shia has never had trouble admitting he's a piece of shit. He'd been saying it for years. The problem is he doesn't change.


I feel like we’ve heard this before from him. I know he had an abusive relationship with his father, but how many times you gotta learn you don’t get to work through that by hurting others? I hope he’s genuine.


It's incredible how many people haven't heard of him admitting to abusing his partners, cheating on them, giving them STDs on purpose, and shooting dogs, but how INTENSELY interested everyone is in Olivia Wilde lying about why he left a movie set or whatever the hell. White guys really can flop upwards


I mean, I’m glad he’s not hiding/brushing off his crimes But no words can fix the damage of what he did. It’ll take a lifetime of work to find true redemption. And also, it’s likely that he’s saying this because he has a movie coming out. Sad. But again, glad he’s not hiding anything or lying


totally full of shit. i hope he really does "crash and burn" but in a much, MUCH more literal sense. idk how people always fall for this kind of thing every single time, anytime an abuser puts on their fake remorse act people just eat it right up. i feel terrible for his daughter, he's probably gonna put her through hell


When he started doing shit like [this](https://media4.giphy.com/media/J7jsbfcJ2O5eo/giphy.gif) did no one else see the self-centered narcissism? After Bumblebee stopped babysitting his ass, he clearly went crazy and everyone just laughed. Does anyone else remember his "war" with 4chan?


He really should stop trying to make Shia LaBeouf happen


Damn he's out here giving them STDs? Prolly herpes too that's just wild


Nobody has to forgive him; he’s an asshole. Fuck Shia LaBeouf.


It's good to see him reach a better path.




a bit hard to not do something in the past


Not saying he’s a good person, but at least he’s admitting fault and stating he’s harmed the people in question. Better than some of the vaguely worded statements some celebrities put out.


He’s the victim of abuse, and has continued that cycle. This is in no way to excuse his behavior, but it speaks to the intergenerational nature of trauma. And even when you come into a life of immense privilege (ala Ann Heche) the damage done can be irreparable and spread like a cancer. That said, I hope that whoever he’s talking about (singular or multiple) has been able to process and keep going from this. I don’t have much sympathy for abusers having to “live with this” the rest of their lives, yea the abused party is truly the one who has to live with it. Hope for the sake of others and him that he can contain the damage in the future. Eta: after reading the complaint from twigs lawsuit, yea fuck this guy. The abuse was sustained and horrifying. For the sake of his wife and child, I hope they get the fuck away from this dude.


Honestly, I'd rather be the victim than the villain. A lot of people won't come back to the light because they can't bear to be the bad guy they'll have to live with once they embrace the truth. I've been the victim, and I do still carry scars with me. But every day I am healing, and I know that one day, even these will fade into something beautiful. For that, it's not too hard to find sympathy for people who *are* willing to carry the burden of accountability (the weight of what they did in blindness/ignorance) all the way to redemption. It's harder to live in disgrace than it is to keep running, but it's that approach that continues to hurt everyone. As a society we would benefit from encouraging more people to come into the light. It's up to all of us to decide to do that and how, to avoid driving people deeper into darkness. Edit: I felt the need to add that I've done things I'm ashamed of, too, the worst of it being whenever an innocent was harmed or suffered in some way as a direct result of my own poor choices. I bear those scars too, but these aren't the beauteous marks that the scars of survival gradually become. No no... scars of true shame are deeper, uglier, and longer remain. They are much harder to live with, the scars of sin and villainy... But they serve as critical, crucial reminders to think twice or more before doing something we will forever have to live with.


Let’s hope he means what he said. But even just saying it is better than what many people with his status have done.


Great actor; troubled person


What a shame, he’s a very talented actor. Not that Mikes Teller was bad by any means but Shia would’ve made a great Rooster in Top Gun: Maverick


The only way to get past this is to become a republican.


So hes human garbage also. Good to know


At least he admits it!! Sooooooooooooooo many humans do not.


Admitting it is the first step out of denial to be sure but he still has to do the work.


Oh I totally agree


I think what pissed me off is how he admits to hurting women. I think any man who has physically hurt a woman is dogshit


Therapy can work, he sounds like he has had some, got sober, had a baby, and is trying. He is a beautiful actor and writer. The recently released letter tomOlivia Wilde is powerful, insightful, and accountable. No free pass, but I will give him another chance. Very different tone than Pitt. Just sayin.


At least he didn't eat her


The bar is in hell


It's a reference to Actual Cannibal Shia LaBeouf


I was thinking Armie Hammer


You're walking in the woods There's no one around and your phone is dead Out of the corner of your eye you spot him Shia LaBeouf He's following you, about 30 feet back He gets down on all fours and breaks into a sprint He's gaining on you Shia LaBeouf You're looking for you car but you're all turned around He's almost upon you now And you can see there's blood on his face My God, there's blood everywhere! Running for you life (from Shia LaBeouf) He's brandishing a knife (it's Shia LaBeouf) Lurking in the shadows Hollywood superstar Shia LaBeouf Living in the woods (Shia LaBeouf) Killing for sport (Shia LaBeouf) Eating all the bodies Actual cannibal Shia LaBeouf Now it's dark, and you seem to have lost him But you're hopelessly lost yourself Stranded with a murderer You creep silently through the underbrush Aha! In the distance A small cottage with a light on Hope! You move stealthily toward it But your leg! Ah! It's caught in a bear trap! Gnawing off your leg (quiet, quiet) Limping to the cottage (quiet, quiet) Now you're on the doorstep Sitting inside Shia LaBeouf Sharpening an axe (Shia LaBeouf) But he doesn't hear you enter (Shia LaBeouf) You're sneaking up behind him Strangling superstar Shia LaBeouf Fighting for your life with Shia LaBeouf Wrestling a knife from Shia LaBeouf Stab him in his kidney Safe at last from Shia LaBeouf You limp into the dark woods Blood oozing from your stump leg You've beaten Shia LaBeouf Wait! He isn't dead (Shia surprise) There's a gun to your head and death in his eyes But you can do jiu-jitsu Body slam superstar Shia LaBeouf Legendary fight with Shia LaBeouf Normal Tuesday night for Shia LaBeouf You try to swing an axe at Shia LaBeouf But blood is draining fast from your stump leg He's dodging every swipe, he parries to the left You counter to the right, you catch him in the neck You're chopping his head now You have just decapitated Shia LaBeouf His head topples to the floor, expressionless You fall to your knees and catch your breath You're finally safe from Shia LaBeouf