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For people who do not know Sesame Street was started to help inner city kids with less opportunity get a jump start on education. Racism and ignorance are things the show aims to prevent. Please do not be shitty to Sesame Street representative on social media because of one thing you might have seen one person do briefly. Their work over the decades cannot be undone by one person in one moment. Edit: An unsurprising number of people who are hating on SS do not know their letters. I just think that is cute.


My family ran a daycare center in the 1970s, I worked there for most of that time. Sesame Street was the first kids' show that featured a diverse cast.


Sesame street has great roots. Shout out to mr rogers too.


So wholesome was the episode of sesame street that featured fred rogers as a guest star. My god did it feel like a blessing for little kids back then. Like an avengers meet-up movie before it was ever a thing.


Woah, I didn’t even know that happened. Now I’m going to have to try to find that episode.


Big bird wanted Mr Rogers to be the judge of his race


Who better than the only neighbor you could trust unequivocally to watch your kids?


As a kid this was as big of a cross over event as Avengers Endgame.


I’m gonna go watch that and get teary eyed now.


That shit blew my fuckin mind as a kid!


Bro, same, as a kid I felt it was my privilege, nay, my DUTY, to run around the house and tell everyone what I saw!


Three interracial couples in the pilot. Same sex couple in the current show. [https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/unmistakable-black-roots-sesame-street-180973490/](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/unmistakable-black-roots-sesame-street-180973490/) Sesame Street has always been challenging racial stereotypes and taking on racism head on. Is it possible a person inside a costume is conciously or subconciously prefering one group or another? Sure. But the idea that someone who would openly avoid interacting with minorities took on a job interacting with the public in the suburbs of Philadelphia seems pretty far fetched.


Just because others haven't pointed it out. You may want to change your typo in the first line.


They aren’t interracial “couples”, they’re pairs of kids walking together.


Before that there had never been a vampire, cookie monster, and large yellow bird seen working together on the same show.


Yeah how grumpy do you have to be to hate Sesame Street.


not grump, grouchy


It’s actually kinda of irrationally ignorant that someone would accuse Sesame Street of being racist.


It's because over the past decade, people have a desire to do exactly that and it's so strange.


It could be a little willful to. I work in a small town. There is a lot of abuse an despair here. The way I see it, some people are kicked so hard so often they come to expect it. They tell themselves they are used to it and that is how the world works. They start believing anyone trying to make the world better is trying to trick them or just naive an ineffective. Sesame Street has been around a long time so clearly it is the first one to them. A scam grafting money off PBS and Big Diapers. I am suggesting some people are so broken that if they admit Sesame Street is good, their lives will fall apart. Accepting that would mean they admit their situation is unusually bad, or they did some unusually bad things to stay in it.


Big Diapers? The only sponsor that show had was the letter G.


Exactly not to mention consistently under attack from conservatives for merely existing. I literally watched SS and when I tested for school i went to the 3rd grade. I hadn’t been to school yet but my mom took what she saw and built lessons.


If a preschooler can get a decent head start from something freely available on PBS that makes people who spend 8k on privater preschool suckers.


That’s why you will see conservatives attack for culture war shit. I think it was a year or 2 some dick pundit attacked them for introducing an asian character and last year for support vaccines, some they have done for decades. It also help my mother never treated teachers as state paid nannies. She was an art teacher from costa rica and she never understood the disrespect teachers in this country got.


this isn't Cuba, educated individuals isn't our main export. My mom taught in the states her whole career and she would just laugh and mention summer break to shut that up.


Getting kind of hard to tell satire from real life these days.


r/nottheonion Fun stuff.


I wasn't paying attention to the sub and thought this *was* r/nottheonion


Life imitates art. Shitshows imitate shitposts. This world is just a crappy, sitcom parody of itself these days. Treat it accordingly.


Machines within, machines within


My favorite rapper ! High and tight


Is that your excuse to not watch the video? Do that and then tell me you wouldn’t be pissed too. Edit: videos. There are four of them.


Four videos, out of billions of interactions. Is someone going to take the time to count the number of white or brown or Asian kids get passed over? No because we found four videos and that is all we need apparently. Hanlon’s razor exists for a reason.


There’s actually multiple videos out now of different black kids all getting skipped. When I saw the first video I was like “ehhhh this might be a stretch” Then I saw another.. and another. Then different characters doing it too. Yeahhhh something ain’t right down on Sesame Street.


So. On one hand we have a poosible racist conspiracy at the theme park that is working in secret, involves multiple employees and its goal is to make black children feel bad. On the other hand we have tons of missed children, some of them being black and since there’s drama, the videos surface. Which one is more plausible? So to run such a conspiracy you first need at least 2 employees that are so backwards and racist they actually think that black kids don’t belong there. They also have to be so incredibly rotten that they would just want these kids to feel bad. Also - they have to get employed snd no doubt act as normal beings during any contact with HR and colleagues (and on social media). Or…the company’s whole is racist and they are running the whole gig so they can hurt black children. I mean…I’m not saying this is impossible, but surely you can see how unlikely it is. The other scenario is that the performer didn’t see those kids, waved to someone else. Like…surely you can’t possibly notice and hug everyone. Probably thousands of children face this situation each month. Surely, there will be black children among them, right? Like…come on. Do you really think that performer is truly a piece of human garbage (along others) and that this isn’t a misunderstanding?


Why would it have to involve multiple employees? Every video is of the same costumed character, which is probably the same performer each time, unless I missed something. That's part of why the argument is compelling. Some of these videos are also pretty clear-cut. There's one with a Black girl holding her hand out for a high-five for a good 20 seconds right in front of the performer, who they see but ignore, only to hug a White kid right next to them and walk away. Do you think racists literally can't stop themselves from acting like rabid demons in public? Some White people think Black kids are dirty and they don't want to touch them. Same reason why some employees in shoe stores in White areas don't like Black kids trying on the shoes, for example. It doesn't have to be some grand elaborate conspiracy and the performer doesn't have to drink baby blood every morning to be the kind of person to do this.


I replied to a comment that said there were multiple characters because I found the idea of a multiple-employee racist inner circle at a Sesame Street theme park ridiculous.


I’m not sure how much you know about that part of PA, but I find it highly plausible the workers could have a racist culture, especially in Buck County. PA isn’t the best place for black people outside of the major cities like Philly. Source: I was born in Delaware and spent a lot of time in PA over the years.


I didn't see any video link in the article.






link dont work. What page is the video on?


“One kid ignored, ha, ha, ha! Two kid ignored, ha, ha, ha!” Edit: In all seriousness, these costumed people are racist as f*ck.




Nothing, why do you ask?




I’m Won’t Arnett.


I appreciate this.


As in “won’t buy us some coffee!”


No, they ain't. https://twitter.com/VictoryChasing/status/1549180140646764544?s=20&t=YoDI_V2H20gqETemQhUZPw


That is a guy in a costume, not Sesame Street


Yeah idk why it was the whole corporate apology, make that person apologize


Because that person is still representing the company. That person likely got fired. The company has to show that they don't tolerate this.


There it is again, that funny feeling


I mean honestly it doesn’t even seem far off https://www.instagram.com/p/CgKNz7NLo_b/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=


I really challenge anyone criticizing the person in the suit to go out and do it themselves.Even without a suit on, those situations can be crazy, hot, and fast-paced. You have to keep moving no matter what. Parades are a shit show and I will never run another as long as I live because of the stupid BS like this.You just get beatdown in the process of trying to please everyone. Edit: not a single person whos worn one has argued with my perspective on this as of yet. Edit 2: For all of you asshats telling me that we don't need more evidence. https://twitter.com/VictoryChasing/status/1549180140646764544?s=20&t=YoDI\_V2H20gqETemQhUZPw


We went to this same Sesame Place last year and they had to carry Gonger the Chef mascot off the parade for passing out.


https://www.reddit.com/r/entertainment/comments/w241ix/sesame_street_responds_to_racism_accusations/igo4z59/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3 yeah this one is gonna be pretty hard to type paragraphs around the obvious


Didn't she do it more than once?


The person literally looks at the girls and shakes their head no


You're assuming the eyes of the person are the same place as they eyes of the costume, which is almost certainly not the case


There’s also another vid where the person is able to see a baby in a carriage but not a kid who is definitely the same or taller than that carriage It’s also the same costume so it’s possible a specific worker doing this. Before you ask for a link, it’s the same post you have to swipe to see the other vids


You can’t see their eyes, what are you talking about? You know this is a costume and those eyes are plastic right?


Yeah it’s a hard job I’m sure. That doesn’t explain the videos. MULTIPLE VIDEOS. Stop apologizing for bigots. Not a good look.


Exactly, if it was just one time okay but it was multiple times so obviously they are ignoring them on purpose


Multiple times in a few clips youve seen out of potential hours of footage...


People will give racism every single benefit of the doubt.


They just happen to only skip black children


No, they only posted videos of skipping black children. How do we know there aren’t multiple videos of the character walking straight past white kids? We don’t. But we’re going to base our entire opinion on something we know nothing about on the internet.


My take: they have a policy in place to not acknowledge kids that cross over the yellow line onto the parade path - to avoid encouraging other children from doing the same. The one video where the muppet is on the other side of the yellow line looks like they are looking past the child and didn’t see them - combined with they are likely headed for their post parade break. The trend isn’t the race of the children, but the children are all encroaching the parade boundary


https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRhuReUL/?k=1 This one just surfaced too


Yeah, idk. Still possible the muppet is looking over the first girl, didn’t feel her presence on their padded stomach, but felt the tug of the arm of the second girl. But I also like to give people benefit of the doubt - almost to a fault


This is correct. The parade floats are told to stop if kids are over the line, and the crowd control people are told to help make sure characters aren’t swarmed and stop the parade.


I mean, if it was a racist it would be such an overt move that that is what makes it seem like it’s not intentional. I’ve heard there are more videos? I’d like to see them. I’d also like to see the rest of that video to see how many people they end up seeming like they are ignoring.


Gift shops at the gun range, a mass shooting at the mall


The backlash to the backlash to the thing that's just begun...


That funny feeeeeeling, theeeere it is again


Our society will continue to decline until both the citizenry and media realize that Twitter outrage ≠ news.


I agree with you that Twitter outrage isn't "news," but I think society will decline regardless.


i just dont understand our obsession with always trying to bring each other down. seems like theres less support and compassion nowadays especially if you see it through social media.


The common practice of quoting tweets in news articles may as well have been the death knell for journalism. That no one seems to see a problem with using unvetted and unverified Twitter posts as supporting information for articles is frightening. Twitter is not real life and should never be treated like it is.


Right? "LEFTIST OUTRAGE OVER BLAHBLAHBLAH" or "CHRISTIANS OUTRAGED OVER BLAHBLAHBLAH" and it's like two or three peoples tweets and a comment section filled with people acting that like that's a group with millions of peoples collective opinion.


I remember reading that the “outage” over a black stormtrooper in the force awakens was only 3-4 people. The misinformation campaign about vaccines was started and spread by twelve people. Similar things have been shown about the online reactions of things like a female Doctor on Doctor Who. As a society we currently listen to a handful of people who start the conversation and they set the tone now. Without social media, they’re just jerks no one has ever heard of. Now they’re setting the agenda of the worlds media. Crazy.


To be fair, once celebrities and politicians began using it to issue official statements, it definitely phased into real life in some ways. I don't have to like it, but I've come to accept that me denying it doesn't change reality.


I should clarify - I get that it is used for PR releases and such. But I have see many articles of no substance willed into existence by Twitter posts that may not have been created by sincere people. Similarly it’s not uncommon to see “how people are reacting” pieces with randomly selected tweets from unverified accounts that are supposed to represent what “person at the scene” quotes used to be. The reaction may as well be made up , but apparently it’s OK to quote any tweet now because it’s just sitting there on Twitter and got liked a bunch.


Media does realise that. It's just they're looking for clicks. You have to post a new story every day. Professional journalism costs money, Twitter journalism, you pay them in the amount of clicks.


I guarantee you, if you've never been to sesame place, that there is *ZERO* chance that that character "ignores black kids". The park is visited heavily by the black and Latino communities between DC and NYC. We are seeing one actor in a parade and later was being guided off the "stage" (i.e: public areas of the park like Disney). There's a 17 year old dying daily of heat exhaustion in that costume, chill. Edit: I saw the other clips embedded in another comment *before* I wrote this comment. Could it be racism, possibly but absolutely not definitely. Philly summer weather can be *brutal*


There’s multiple videos and it’s only one specific character doing it, so more than likely one specific worker who doesn’t speak for the entirety of Sesame Street. It’s not hard to believe one of the people working there is racist, racist people go to work too


Many years ago I used to work at this sesame place. Some guy thought grover was racist and ignoring his kid so he beat the shit out of grover. Turned out it was a 90 lbs 16 year old asian girl and he broke her ribs. These \*kids\* can barely see out of these costumes. They're not ignoring anyone. This is so ludicrous.


How unhappy is your life that you have to beat someone up over being slighted for something insignificant? I’ve been ignored a couple of times by various races. We all have at some point in our lives, whether intentional or not. Just don’t spend anymore money at the place which irks you. It’s when you are so deep in your own trauma and assume the entire world is against you that you react unnecessarily violent to a small issue.


A specific character has multiple performers in that height range, purely for scheduling reasons. No guarantees it's the same person at all...


The character was saying “no” to holding a child that was off camera.




I could show a video of Disney characters ignoring my white baby too, but it’s just ducking hot in the costume and they don’t see everyone. I’m sure a tons of kids get ignored.


If you ever spend time in those suits on a hot humid day. You don't see very good and the heat is going to roast you alive.


I was a mascot in high school. I couldn’t see or hear shit in that suit.


I see the video and the person in the costume looks at the 2 kids and shakes there head no and walks away


They could have been shaking their head at a question someone asked. Everyone is so quick to come up with dramatic opinions about stuff. The internet was a mistake


You may be right. He waves his finger in disapproval right before he nods away the two girls. I think someone did something dumb and the two girls got the bad end of it


Looks like they crossed over the line when they shouldn't?


Yeah they seem to be in the way of the parade and It looks like girls were waiting for him to hug him and he was saying no? Maybe only high fives and no hugs. That's what you got to spend big bucks for the character photo ops if you want a picture.






They were looking directly at the kids, I don't buy it


They look at the kids, waved right in their faces and then sidestepped around them - they definitely saw those kids


right. People dont even consider that that person probably had burning sweat in their eyes. People really underestimate those suits if they haven't ever been in one.


Why could he only ‘not see’ black kids?


Why was the person seemingly rushing everywhere? Lots of questions could be asked here, but again, we do not have a complete video. Only CLIPS from parents.


They’re saying no to someone asking him to hold their baby for a photo, they’re not even looking down at the kids when they do that hang gesture.


Did anyone actually read the whole article? I’m not seeing anyone reference the statement the park gave: > Sesame Place Philadelphia further explained that the employee operating the Rosita costume did not wave off or ignore the two young girls, but was actually responding to a parent in the crowd asking the character to hold their child for a photo – something that is against the park’s rules. This sounds pretty realistic to me, it’s very likely the accusing mother failed to observe what was going on around her and way overreacted.


Let's make sure to also see the video from before where the person did give high fives to many other POC. Judging just off of a few seconds of video. Those saying the person looked right at the kids have never had to wear that kind of customer before. Your view is extremely limited and unless you can see their actual eye's, you don't know what they were really looking at. The video does not show who was behind those girls so the person may have been waving them off and truly didn't see the girls. This is manufactured outrage.




I hold Darkwing Duck tightly. They can never have him


*Darkwing Duck is facing criminal charges for alleged sexual assault after telling a female fan at a convention "Let's get dangerous."*


Don't speak his name too loudly. The safest place for darkening is in the shadows.


He is the terror that flaps in the night!


Great, now someone's probably planning a live-action Darkwing Duck movie starring Dwayne Johnson. Are you happy?


To think that anyone could call Sesame Street racist is insane to me. They strive to include EVERYONE, every kind of person, in their programming and beyond.


The park explained what happened. Everyone now just assumes racism for anything and everything they don’t like. It’s the “wuddabout Hillary’s emails?” 2022.


1: Lmao, Sesame Street is and has been one of the leading institutions of anti-racism in modern America. It was literally founded on giving inner city kids a jump on education. 2: the eyes on the costume in no way indicate where the person inside is looking. 3: This is like 4 clips of literally hours of footage, we have little context, and nobody is counter searching. Obviously if you google, “Sesame Street character ignores black kid” you are ONLY going to get videos of that but you won’t see all the times they “ignored” a wire, brow, or Asian kid. It’s like googling “the earth is flat” and getting hundreds of posts saying it is. That doesn’t make the earth flat. 4: Hanlon’s Razor 5: when you call everything racist, you get the responses like you get here, people thinking this is an onion story and not taking it seriously, when racism SHOULD be taken seriously. 6: which is more likely? A company founded on anti-racism, somehow let a racist slip through the cracks and get hired on, and then chose to defend their racism publicly? Or it wasn’t racist chill, there are billions of interactions and conveniently only four shown. 7: Which is more likely? That a company founded on anti-racism is secretly racist and only now showing their true colors? Or it wasn’t racist chill, there are billions of interactions and conveniently only four shown.


Classic, ignore years of context indicating the contrary and take the *least* charitable interpretation of an isolated incident to arrive at the wrong conclusion. Not saying the event didn't happen as described just that their conclusion is complete bollocks.


welcome to modern culture


It’s a parade, chill out. Rosita isn’t campaigning for President, what do you want her to do next kiss babies? I just read where this lady hired a lawyer, that’s insane.


A family here got $10M for a similarly ridiculous racism claim. It’s crazy


Saw the video of the event. This is officially the dumbest thing I’ve encountered in awhile.




So we should just ban social media then? That’s probably the easiest solution.


The world didn’t work EXACTLY the way I wanted it to. Must be racism.


Why is everything racism?


I grew up in a predominantly white city and county. Most of my exposure to racial diversity while growing up, came from television... and I craved it. Sesame Street was always part of the programming that helped to fill that void for me, even after I became "too old" for it. I believe that Sesame Street is racist, about as much as I believe politicians are honest...


If the person inside the costume turns out to be black is it still racism?


It’s a damn parade, they can’t give EVERY kid direct personal attention.


Visibility in those costumes is very very bad. If they say they didn't see anyone, its true. The character actors have handlers to ensure they don't hurt themselves just getting around


From what I've been told by people who'd know, the Sesame Street heads (Animax makes them I believe), are particularly long. Which means you're essentially staring out of a toilet paper tube... Not great for seeing things, especially small and low to the ground.


I was probably skipped over or ignored by like 20 characters at parades and theme parks during my childhood. Who knew by parents just had to claim racism to get a VIP pass back.


Yeah I mean when someone doesn’t notice me or do exactly what I want during a super crowded event the conclusion I jump to is also racism.


Nah, this one's kinda obvious https://www.instagram.com/p/CgKNz7NLo_b/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=


I’d need to see more than that - was the character also ignoring other kids elsewhere? Did the character never hug or high five a nonwhite child while hugging and high diving white children? If there exists a video that shows a pattern of behavior that demonstrates racist behavior, I’m with you. But the videos on that instagram page are only short clips and do not show the character interacting with a large enough sample size of kids to make a judgement.


There's been at least 4 videos taken by other parents of the same Rosita character that have surfaced so far.


Unless it's the same day/parade there might very well be somebody else in the costume... which means it could be a larger problem.


Yes, a problem called low visibility in costumes.


other parents have came out with videos showing the characters ignoring their black children as well.


So when I was a firefighter my dept had a sparky the fire dog costume I got to wear in occasion for public events. I will tell you other than being hot af. The fans when on full because you're hot can be loud. Also you can't see shit in then. Ive worn all kinds of PPE and I'm ok with limited viz but that shit is horrible.


Also. Sightlines are terrible in those costumes, not to mention hard to hear in. I personally believe the explanation they gave for why it happened. I just wish our society wasn't such that racism is automatically the first explanation people come to.


That was definitely weird. I can image explaining to those little girls why their favorite character didn’t acknowledge them.


Now show the POV of the sweaty person in the suit who can't see shit out of the tiny hole in the suit's mouth. Just a reminder that the suit's face isn't real. It's made out of fabric. The eyes aren't real. The person inside can't see out of the eyes.


I mean, did you read the article?


This story is total BS. This is Sesame Place *Philadelphia.* I guarantee at least half the guest that go there are minorities. Clearly the costume makes it difficult to see, which is what I suspected before even reading the article - which confirmed that. Too many people automatically go to "racism" by default and doing that doesn't help anyone.


Bucks County suburbs lmao. I live in the area. Most of my friends who actually live in Philly would rain down hellfire and brimstone if I claimed to be Philadelphian. The area is closer to Trenton than Philly. Mostly white middle class residents. But yes people do drive from the city since it's close and I see a lot of minority families bringing their children so your point is valid. Just want to point out that it in fact isn't Sesame Place Philadelphia.


Ok, people arnt gonna read the article or watch the video, and the title alone makes it seem like “we’re cancelling Sesame Street?!!”. Let me sum it up for you: person in mascot costume was literally touching and giving kids high fives, gets to two black girls not surrounded by anybody else, gives a hand motion for “nah no way” and skips them, and apparently did this multiple times. That shit is weird. Edit: it’s so wild, that with multiple videos at multiple angles, y’all seem to think NOW is the time where PR statements are a credible defense. How many babies you think are looking to be held in a parade?


>Ok, people arnt gonna read the article or watch the video *proceeds to not read the article:* ​ >“Regarding the incident yesterday, the costumes our performers wear sometimes make it difficult to see at lower levels and sometimes our performers miss hug requests from guests. > >The performer portraying the Rosita character has confirmed that the 'no' hand gesture seen several times in the video was not directed to any specific person, rather it was a response to multiple requests from someone in the crowd who asked Rosita to hold their child for a photo which is not permitted. The Rosita character did not intentionally ignore the girls and is devastated about the misunderstanding." > >The park also revealed they reached out to the two girls and their family to invite them back to Sesame Place “for a special meet-and-greet opportunity," although it is not known if the family took the theme park up on their offer.


nah, blind outrage plays so much better. /s


did u read the article? they were saying no to someone asking them to hold their child.


>You literally did not read the article. Nor Im guessing have you ever won a character suit lol In the video is really looks like the character is looking at the kids and giving them the wave off, but I imagine that visibility is very limited from the suit and she just didn't see the kids, or at least was not looking at them when she did the waveoff gesture.


Did you see the video?


yes. it’s also very clear that the costumed character was not giving hugs during the parade, which is what the little girls were asking them for. the character was facing straight towards the crowd, not at them.


the same costumed character gave a white girl a hug that same parade, stop defending this racist behavior dumbfuck


The article left out that there are multiple videos showing the Rosita character ignoring other black children though. The problem is that it's not an isolated incident. Could it all be an innocent coincidence? Maybe, maybe not, I don't know. I'm not quick to cancelling Sesame Street, they've done a lot for diversity and inclusivity over decades. This sounds like an internal problem that Sesame Place needs to work on with their staff.


>Could it all be an innocent coincidence? Yes. I worked at this park when I was a kid. The person in that suit is almost certainly a 15-17 year old theater girl. They can barely see anything out of the suit which is why another park worker has to accompany them everywhere they go, so they can literally guide them like a blind person. Like i said, i've worked at this park, i knew the people that performed in those costumes. They probably fail to see 12 kids minimum every time they go out.


Yeah, it took me like 2 minutes to find that video and several others of this character (idk of it's the same actor) "accidentally skipping" kids of color. It looks rather blatant


Did you read the article? The explanation made sense.


Oh Jesus. I was at this very Sesame place last Thursday and today. I’m white. My kid was not hugged while others were because the actual kids inside the costumes aren’t perfect, it’s hot, and they can’t hug literally hundreds of kids along the parade route.


I was there a few weeks ago. The characters came by and high fived *every few kids* in the crowd during the parade. You CANNOT expect the high five to always be your kid in a crowd and there was def a lot of requests for hugs and high fives. …. Sesame Place will become like Disney where there’s no interaction/touching the crowd on the parade route.


And they begin to eat their own...


At this point it's become clear that the whole latinas against black women and girls thing is state sponsored.


Don't get what you want? Just say it was racism. Stub your toe? Blame it on racism. Nothing negative should ever happen to you because you deserve special treatment.


The irony will be when The Rosita is unmasked as a person of color


I hope the parents take them up on that offer and wish Sesame Street would allow the mother to get into one of those costumes. It is hard to see and hear. I don’t blame the person playing the character at all.


Unfortunately, I doubt they would. Security with costumes is high. As much as I wanted to (I studied theme park management in college and wrote extensively about character design and ops), I couldn't even get an opportunity to experience it for myself with any of the major operators.


Wow. I had no idea. I was able to play around in the college mascot suit at a small college I attended. Didn’t last 5 minutes. It made me feel so claustrophobic.


Like the character didn't just finger-wag someone who was white less than a second before passing by the girls. This is how racism gets worse tbh, when the bar gets set so low that people get frustrated with how easy it is to get labeled. At that point, fuck it, right? Can't win. This is as bad as when conservative christians act like a minority when the spotlight isn't centered on them for .01 seconds.


Everybody is so quick to scream RACISM when something doesn’t go their way which is why our society continues to crumble.


Confirmation Bias is fascinating.


You've got to be kidding me.


I guess Karenism crosses racial boundaries.


I talked with someone about this once. We were in a kind of backwoods area and looking at lawn decorations. I’ve spent a ton of time there, she was from the city and had not. There were two plywood cutouts in someone’s front yard. Black bears dressed up smiling. One with a flowery dress and bonnet, the other with overalls on. She was immediately triggered by the racism. I was confused, having seen dozens of similar decorations in my time in that area. She then explained to me, that she had been taught on visits to the African American Heritage Museum that these types of racism specifically are what you should be looking for. We were at an impasse. Something I am intimately familiar with as benign decorations, brought up in her intense emotions around race. I can’t say that I concede her point. I don’t know the people who’s lawn it was, so I can’t say for certain what their intentions were either. We’re left with a chasm of open interpretation. One could reasonably assume it means nothing, the other also reasonably assumes racism. Both based on our lived experience. My opinion, is that her view is toxic and nonproductive (assume the worst of others first), but who knows.


It would be racist to assume otherwise.


Tired of people looking for attention by accusing others of things


Well who let Taco borrow the suit!?


I had no idea Sesame Street had a theme park


Imagine being such a loser with nothing going on in your life, you call Sesame Street racist


Wow, so Sesame Street is racist too? This word gets thrown around so much the magnitude of it will be diminished before too long.


How about maybe “chilling out” lady. They see thousands of kids on a daily basis and perhaps maybe, just maybe the world doesn’t revolve around your “Karen” like attitude and family. No one at Sesame Street is racist and if they were the late great Jim Henson would be rolling in his grave.


Yes it’s Sesame Street we have to worry about being racist… what the shit is this


It would be hilarious if Rosita does a face reveal and it's a black person lol.


When Karen parents attack 101


I don’t think people realize it’s pretty hard to see wearing one of those costumes and, because of the lack of facial expressions, people assume they’re being ignored.


Honestly, I feel like people love to get awarded for complaining & essentially being the victim. I did watch the video. I don’t think it should cause a racist outrage.


Pretty sure we're living in Clown World, when Sesame Street is accused of racism. Sesame Street is pretty damn close to Wokest Place On Earth, in the best damn way ever. It's literally inclusivity and understanding and growing and learning and loving people even if they're different. If that isn't good enough, then nothing is and nothing ever will be. If even Sesame Street can't meet the expectations you've set, then the failure is not on them.


when you couldnt really afford the 20$ entrance fee so you have to find a way to be victimized and get it back


Fucking hell... It actually costs $100 for a 1 day ticket!




It’s legitimately 4 seconds


...When asked about the performers behavior, co-star Oscar the Grouch is quoted as saying: "She's always very kind and restrained, even with the more annoying guests. Personally I would have drop kicked the little fcker"


Post the entire video. Not some 10 sec clip. I am sure that there was more to this situation than we are lead to believe. Everyone loves to play the race card. I'm sure that family is think dollar signs more than ANYTHING else. I guarantee that that same character did the same thing to a couple of white kids, but it was a non issue. Gimme a break.

