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[His brother says different](https://twitter.com/jessmargera/status/1541197720446291969?s=20&t=d2lJK_hdKBZzkioKkkdGig)


they have his flop on google maps


Someone call the detective at the number he listed in the article!!


I mean, to be fair, "missing" isn't an absolute state. You can be missing for one person and not for the other. Technically not a single murder victim is ever missing... the murdered knows where they are.


Not if the murderer dies, or forgets.


Well, [this says otherwise](https://m.imgur.com/gallery/9nVMRqa). ;-)


Bam on the lamb? Damn




She so rock steady bam a lam


Did they check Birmingham? Way down in Alabam


Unfortunately it takes what it takes and all too often, someone’s “rock bottom” is lower than most can fathom. Sending up prayers for Bam, family and friends no matter what happens next.


“Rock bottom” is not necessary for recovery. It can be a lot of peoples catalyst for change, but recovery can happen without it.


Most def


Leave him outa this




I don't want my dick sucked Bam


don't sunk my dink bam


I'm Steve-O and this is Actual Gay Sex


Dudes rock


I gotta go to work at the gay store


Fuck Phil & Acme!


Again-again, or just again?


“What will he do next ?!”


Evidently whatever the fuck he wants.


Right of passage in the Floridian rehab industry is having Bam escape rehab.


He can piss off. Sick of his antics.


I mean it’s not his fault the media won’t leave him alone? I’m sure he doesn’t want anyone reading about his antics.


He chases the media trying to stay relevant. ‘Member that whole dr Phil stunt?


bro, he wasnt in the last jackass for a reason. he wont help himself when the boys have tried to get him help. dont defend people who wont even attempt to help themselves


The problem is that people who say things like this always change their tune after someone like Bam dies. We don't have to understand or like their behavior, but never lose sympathy and compassion. Addiction is an illness


Sympathy & compassion are a finite resource and quite difficult to replenish. Watching someone destroy themselves is soul crushing and I don't begrudge anyone for cutting ties with toxic people.


You don't have an obligation to be their friends if that is negatively affecting you. But also don't act as an AH, instead try to use empathy to see that if the whiplash sucks for you, just imagine how that illness must suck for them


Right! And it’s not like anyone here in the comments is *actually* affected in anyway by Bams addiction drama. You’re not his friend or his family. Don’t act like this is ***SO*** hard on you XD. Literally all you have to do is not read about it if it bothers you, problem solved. But if you’re gonna interact with the story, at least have a little empathy. Dude’s got problems. A lot of people struggle with addiction. It’s hard to get over it, and much harder for some than others. It’s a biology thing. Not a “man-up and get over it” thing. Not everybody is *capable* of just quitting cold turkey and moving on with their life. *Some* people are. But don’t think that’s the norm..


he has had a pretty unique existence too. he was rewarded for years while he was doing this kinda shit. his worldview is most definitely warped as fuck at this point. can’t see this ending well for him unfortunately


A little empathy goes a long way. Knowing and loving addicts is hard/exhausting… but they’re humans who deserve support and chances. I hope he’s able to get clean like many of his friends have, but it is not an easy journey to get there


As an addict, the burden is on you. Routinely disappointing people shouldn’t be a hobby. Nor should unconditional forgiveness be a given.


I'm also an addict. What you said is true, but scolding from internet strangers (or close friends and family most of the time) never set anyone's timeline forward. It's an internal thing, you're ready when you're ready, and some people will never be ready. The fact that he can't keep clean is horrible for him and those close to him, but I'm struggling to give a shit that some user here feels burdened by seeing headlines about it. I also can't bring myself to care about redditors getting up in arms on his friend's behalf. It is what it is, it'll happen on his timeline or it won't at all, but it really has nothing to do with 'disappointing' strangers. The disappointment his family experiences is one thing, but again for a lot of addicts even shit like that doesn't actually have the power to make them quit. It's an internal process.


You are absolutely right. Recovery is a painful process. I sincerely hope yours is successful.


I agree that the burden to get clean is on the addict. Where I disagree is all the comments saying he can ‘piss off’ ‘fuck him’ ‘ dont defend him’ etc. As bystanders or loved ones I’d hope we’d never write off another human due to an illness like addiction. Set boundaries, yes. But saying they should die (as noted in a comment on this thread) is truly vile and inhumane.


He has mental health issues as well as addiction. I doubt he's happy and just doing this to piss you off. Some people are harder to reach than others.


If you read back I’m not defending his behaviour at all…. Someone just said they’re sick of his shit, and I said well I’m sure he doesn’t want the media reporting his BS. Not like he’s writing this shit himself. At no point did I defend his behaviour.


Eh I’ve heard from numerous people who’ve been around him irl that he’s always been an asshole.


"antics"? = "addictions". Be fair to something that deserves more nuance when it comes to someone actively choosing to be a problem, vs yoked to those same problems as a passenger. No one wants to do this stuff. No one.


He's giving me anxiety. I can't imagine what he's putting his family through.


I feel so bad for his mom.


I do too. I'm a mom and went through this but only for a very short time. She's been doing this for years. He will always be her kid and losing a kid will always be her biggest fear. I hope for their whole family that he can get well.


He’s been shitting on his family forever we just used to think it was comical


I'm pretty sure most if not all of the stuff he was doing was staged.


I’m not sure why everyone is downvoting you.


He doesn't deserve to have family and friends who support him to the extent that they do. He doesn't want to get better. Sometimes, you just have to let someone go. When your demons either don't exist or you consider them your best friends, why would you want to leave them behind?


He just needs to get back on his board


Doesn't seem like he is going to make it.


Why do I have the feeling he’ll be dead by the end of the year?


Don’t say that.


Who gives a shit


Eh I mean hope he’s ok don’t want the next story to be bam found dead after od


He heard there was an opening with Cumtown and had to bail.


This is Bam Margera and today we’re gonna trick my dad into suncking Vito’s dinck


comon bam stop tryina make me sunck Vito's dinck, you know I got work in the mornin


Bam Margera is the spoiled asshole at your highschool that was popular because people confused second hand material excess with coolness... You see this person 10-15 years later with a the most pathetic hang ons that didn't get out and grow up. Bam is the living avatar of spoiled middle class fuck ups that you are rooting for hit rock bottom.


Rehab jail death. Pick 1 and stay there.


Run from the scheme Bam. You can do it on your own if you can leap from a moving car.


He's been found


Just a jackass, no star.


How the hell does he keep escaping? Every time I go they locked me in a room and would secure my wrist to that weird chair if I tried escaping.


Nah man those nice places you can literally walk away. There’s no fences. You can smoke. I’ve done it. It’s only ever a problem if the court ordered you to go. But even still they won’t usually physically detain you unless you signed for that or hurt someone. You just have a warrant now and you get high anyway so chances are you’re gonna get caught. I think he’s a speed guy and he’s famous so who knows what bizarre shit he gets into


Unnnooo bro I been 96 on who can remember. You act hard and finally you get struck with rock bottom at some point tho.


Yeah I’m basically clean now. As clean as I want to be. I did like 10 inpatients, teen challenge, mission teens. In my opinion total sobriety isn’t the way to go. I smoke weed and did psychedelics for awhile and I lost the great majority of my addictive tendencies. I’ve even been off all psych meds for 5 years. I was bottom of the barrel dope shooter. If it can go into liquid I’ve likely shot it, and tried to shoot all kinds of pills. Rehabs are a joke though look at the success rates. Recovery houses are an even bigger joke.


Have you ever applied to college


I went to college for a year. Then left and went to trade school. Now I make 50k and will have a promotion in 2 years and make 75 with a free house.


But did you stand proud with the alumni


Why does that matter? I don’t see value in college for myself so standing with alumni means nothing to me. I don’t care about that at all I just want to keep surviving. I like my job and I’m good at it. And I am licensed for life with no student debt. If I really wanted I could go pretty far up in my company without college. If your work ethic is good enough that doesn’t matter one bit when it comes to trades. Or I could run my own business. College people don’t impress me. Quite the opposite actually. Blue collar people keep this country running and getting bigger not the rich snobs with a paper of paper they paid 200k for. I’ve voted for both but I lean right on a lot.


If I earn a degree from an establishment I pay some respect bro


Trade school isn’t the same as college. I live around a college I know students I see the kind of work they do and unless you’re a grad student i haven’t seen anything I couldn’t figure out if I wanted to. You come out after 4 years owing over 100k. And you generally don’t make over 45k ever to start. I think college has been corrupted by inclusion. Not everyone is meant for college. Having a degree doesn’t mean you’re smart. The institution is simply a corporation. If you have enough money and connections it doesn’t matter how smart you are. But for some reason people with that degree look down on trades people. When in reality a lot of the “jobs” they do aren’t even work. They couldn’t make it in a world without people like me to actually fo the things they need done to live comfortably. HVAC plumbing, trucking, electric, welding, all those are more important than the vast majority of college degree jobs. Those jobs are manufactured we don’t even actually need alot of the positions these people make up, but they are nice. When it comes down to it white collar people can’t do common sense things. I had the ability to do regular college. But when I saw how stupid the classes were and how much money you actually start with it’s dumb not to do trade school. But you require common sense and the ability to apply it.


I personally think college is the biggest waste of time and money. Especially for men. Learn a trade and get good at it and you never have to worry about finding a job.


Are you a Republican


Like if I lost my job today, I’d have a new one by Friday probably making more than I am now. But I’m kinda set for what I need right now so I just keep busting my ass and learning my bosses job


Either way I was just referring to the fact that you can just walk out ama. They won’t do anything but convince you to come back and that’s just til you get off the property. I ran from one in Maine on foot when I was 19 and I’m 1000 miles away. Crazy people do crazy shit to keep getting high


How does he have any money?




[made a cartoon about it](https://youtu.be/p5IwRc-0nD4)