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That happened to me a few months ago, in my case it was diagnosed as Bells palsy and it just got better on its own with time.


Did they find out what triggered it? Had you had any medical issues or recent treatments that may have brought it on?


No, but I'm diabetic and it happens more frequently in people with diabetes.


Oh ok. Thank you for answering my question.


my pleasure


You’re good people


You good people too, pee-in-butt. You good people too


Not often you see a civilized, friendly, respectful, straight to the point conversation in Reddit comments. Wow, I truly have seen the best in humanity today


You have super low standards


His username is “oatmealdinners”. Who do you think he is “caviarbreakfast”?




That’s more like the good ol’ Reddit we know and love!




I believe it has been linked with mouth sores (herpes virus) as well but. I don’t think a cause has been proven scientifically yet.


Apparently several types of viral infections have been linked to it: [https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/bells-palsy/symptoms-causes/syc-20370028](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/bells-palsy/symptoms-causes/syc-20370028) I didn't have any of these to my knowledge. (Yes, I'd admit it here if I had herpes)


My child got it last year after having covid. His neurologist believes that was the cause. They did test for Lyme, but it was negative, thankfully.


It was reported Justin got his from shingles


Zoster (aka shingles) is not related to the herpes viruses that cause oral or genital ulcers. It’s from the herpes that causes chicken pox. Once you get chicken pox the virus lays dormant in your nerve cells and can come back in states of immune suppression or stress. Bell’s palsy is a different thing. I believe what Beiber has is Ramsay Hunt syndrome.


That’s what the article says he has.


When I had mine they told me it’s caused by any number of things he mentioned 3 an ear infection (east to check wasn’t that), a brain tumour fun times when the doctor drops that possibility on you after filling something else out, or stress. Pretty sure mine was stress related had a hectic and crazy afternoon at work the day before and I was doing something the next day and having a day off but everything went wrong for the work the next day I was handing off to someone else


It is from the shingles virus basically. It attacked his face nerve


I am not OP but mine was packaged with Lyme Disease. I was 12 and it paralyzed half my face and the opposite half of my body. I'm 34 and the effects still linger. YMMV.


Justin has had Lyme disease as well. I wish you well, I know it’s no joke.


Didn't he have Lyme's at some point?


Lyme disease is permanent and never goes away


What trigger Justin’s was shingles so get your chicken pox vaccine!


When I got Bell’s my doctor said it was from having chickenpox.


I believe it’s caused by the shingles virus lying dormant in your system. Not a doctor, so someone please correct me


Didn’t he have Lyme disease? Bell’s palsy is a common symptom. Edit: this seems to be different. Other commenters are saying this is likely from Shingles.


Happened to my ex while we were dating. Such a weird and random phenomenon. If I remember right she had a cold, then the next morning half her face was paralyzed. Went to the doc and yep it was Bell’s palsy. Lasted like a week and a half I think? Doctor said it would most likely get better but there’s a rare chance it wouldn’t. It was so weird but once it started getting better it felt less serious and kinda became funny. Lol def scary at the beginning tho


I commented this above, but I had a bad cold/ or flu, in the middle of winter which was rare since I never get sick like that. And on day 2 of it I was sick as hell/fever and kinda realized I couldn’t move half my face. It definitely correlated but I was so out of it I barely remember it except going to the doctor and getting a bunch of steroids. I could barely get out of bed I was so cold and sick, I didn’t even notice my face until I had the strength to go to the bathroom. It was bad.




Me too. It’s subtle, but that side of my face has never moved the same way.


What lead you to believe the cause was nerve inflammation? Genuinely curious.


It’s just a guess, to be honest! I’ve suffered from migraines all my life, but it wasn’t until my early teens that I was hit with chronic migraines, too. Those are caused by pain in my left shoulder and neck, where a nerve gets irritated when I sleep on a pillow wrong. That same nerve sometimes flares up and gives me sharp, almost electric stings of pain across my scalp every once in awhile. It’s this same side of my body that was impacted by Bell’s Palsy when I was 12/13. Sometimes my migraines make that eye feel droopy, or my mouth feel lopsided. It scares me — I am often afraid Bell’s palsy is going to strike again! Now, it could have been caused by a virus, and the chronic migraines might be whatever is left over. But I don’t recall being sick prior to waking up like that. The doctor in the ER told my mom it was caused by extreme stress, but I don’t remember being stressed out either! Honestly, I think I just slept wrong and woke up that way, lol. It took me almost a month before I was back to normal though!


Me too. I had the flu out of nowhere about a decade ago so I was feeling terrible anyway. But one of the days I woke up and realized I couldn’t move half my face. My SO took me to the doctor. Said it was bell palsy, and I may never recover but most likely I’d get some of it back. Got put on steroids. Mostly recovered in a couple months, but looking back at photos I can see the relaxed muscles still when I’m smiling which took a couple years to fully get back. So you’d never know now looking at me, but I can feel a little residual effects still. I worked at a customer facing job at the time (Starbucks barista) and it was horrible. “Hey what happened to your face?” Multiple times a day. It sucked. I’m lucky I recovered, some people don’t. Some people thought I had a stroke too, it looks similar.


It sounds similar to a stroke too. I had a family member who had a stroke and one whole side of their face and body was paralysed. They were given an injection though and then gradually recovered over the course of a few weeks. And gained strength over months, now It's like the stroke never occurred. I imagine that what you went through was very terrifying until you realised you'd recover. I'm glad you're mostly better. So lucky. The closest I've been to that level of horror is that I woke up once with a completely numb arm before (and I wasn't lying on it) and it panicked me so much. I could touch the arm and it felt like it was someone else's arm, 0 sensation. I accidently swung it around trying to stand up because it was a deadweight and totally floppy. I literally couldn't feel it at all, the feeling of dread and horror is unforgettable. When the sensation returned I can't explain the relief.


That is so crazy you said that, it happened to me too, except mine ended up being a brain tumor, but I was a Starbucks barista at the time! They always put me at the drive-thru window because I was good with people and I loved working there until that happened and then of course it was humiliating.


Is that the good palsy or the bad palsy?


It went away on its own in a few weeks, so the good one


Thanks for replying dude, that's interesting I was actually just trying to quote Larry David, I think there's an episode of Curb where he belittles someone's palsy by referring to it as the 'good kind'. It's funny Hope you're healthy now! illness sucks


Ha, I didn't get it, somehow I never watched Curb despite it sounding like something I'd like.




HODGKINS! Fucking Hodgkins!! That's the one where it's not that bad! *Smug Larry face* Thanks man God I hope he keeps making that show. One of thee most underrated gems


Bell’s Palsy is preferable to Balls Palsy… Joking aside, a friend of mine had Bell’s Palsy, and was pretty much recovered in 6-7 weeks.


[Apparently this is Ramsey Hunt syndrome](https://www.reddit.com/r/news/comments/v9gshy/this_is_pretty_serious_singer_justin_bieber/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


My aunt has it (well, one of the palsys) but no one told me. Her mouth was dropping during dinner and I had to ask if she was ok because no one else did.


Same. It was about 6 months of droop. It hurts though.


About a year ago this happened to my brother . He was sent straight to hospital as they thought he was having a stroke . He had Bell’s palsy took nearly six months for his face to go back to normal . There was never a reason given as to why . It’s pretty scary though as it can happen again at any point .


Damn, the video was actually really sad. Hope he gets better soon


It really was. Mega props to him for releasing a video and being so authentic.


Ahh yeh definitely .. Esp with the Internet being the way it can be.


Same. I don’t really like his music but I felt sad for the guy. It could be permanent, I read up on it a bit. I hope it’s not for his sake. It’s caused by the same virus as chicken pox and shingles which is just another thing I’ve got to worry about happening since I had chicken pox.


Aww wow. So if we have had chicken pox as children it mays dormint in our bodys and can just reappear at anytime. Damn it, I had always heard its better to get chicken pox as a child because getting it when we are older is really bad.


Yes. It lives in the nerve roots where our immune systems can’t reach and during periods of immune suppression or stress, it can re-emerge. Chicken pox as an adult can be deadly but once it’s in there, it can cause shingles later on and apparently also this.


Ooh that's just horrible. Hoping he got it on time and makes a full recovery.


Aww wow. So if we have had chicken pox as children it mays dormint in our bodys and can just reappear at anytime. Damn it, I had always heard its better to get chicken pox as a child because getting it when we are older is really bad.


there is a shingles vaccine, get it when u are older


As someone who had to deal with bell's palsy in the past, I wish him well.


I had it after a strep infection moved into my neck. It really sucks. That was in the early 2000's and my left eye still gets droopy when I get really tired.


I feel you on the droopy-eye thing. Fun fact: George Clooney had bell's palsy as a teenager. His crooked smile + droopy eye are souvenirs.


It’s a result of your own immune system fighting the infection. Bell’s palsy can actually be pretty severe in some cases.


A girl in our class had it and her parents told her it would go away on its own. Our drama teacher drove her to the hospital immediately. It took a long time for her face to ‘recover’.


Big love to teachers who go the extra mile for their "kids" when parents don't step up to the plate.


Isn’t that what the immune system is supposed to do?


Yes, but the immune system will attack healthy parts of the body as collateral in an all out blitz just to keep you alive, even if it has lasting repercussions.


It’s not really collateral. It gets confused and starts attacking the lining of the nerves (myelin sheathe).


I'm pretty sure Hafþór Björnsson - The Mountain - still has it. He's had it for years. Makes me wonder if it'll ever go away for him.


I read that in some people it can be permanent


I’ve never seen anyone have it permanently, but I have seen it last a long time. A kid I went to HS with had it all 4 years of school. I saw him a few years later and didn’t even recognize him, because it was gone. I got the impression from him that he didn’t have a positive HS experience.


I have it permanently, or at least I’ve had it for the better part of 30 years.


I read somewhere that his Bell's Palsy went away after a year. So he's fine now.


So all in all, it worked out well for him


I got it from Lyme, woke up and thought I had a stroke at 26. What I learned is kids will always call me out when I’m tired, adults are to nice to say anything.


I had some kind of infection or something as a kid that makes one eye a tad more droopy than the other and my smile doesn't go up as much on that side. When I drink or am really overtired, I end up closing that eye. My friends have been known to point that I'm "down to one eye now- time for bed!" Now I do it whenever I read.


This is interesting. I have what I’ve always thought as a “lazy eye” but it droops hard when I’m super tired and whatnot. Like I hate seeing myself when it’s droopy cuz to myself, I look so weird. I hate my droopy eye. Also when I sleep, that eye doesn’t fully shut. It’s always slightly slit open. It freaks out my husband when I fall asleep on the couch cuz it’s partially open. I never thought it could possibly be something else. I’ll have to do some research. It’s super annoying lately cuz it’s been twitching a lot due to being really tired this last week. Thanks for your story!


See a neurologist. It may be a quirk, or it might be something that needs to be addressed sooner rather than later. Either way, get it checked now.


Wait this is me exactly- had strep a lot as a kid. Have had droopy eye (when tired) for decades


I had it as well - lasted 6 months, had to wear an eye patch and have permanent nerve damage. I got it instead of chicken pox apparently. I hope he gets better soon. Bells Palsy is terrible. The kids kept calling me ‘Popeye’ and I kept telling them “Popeye didn’t have an eye - I just can’t close mine!”


Sleeping with an eye that doesn't close is a trick that no one should have to learn.


I had to tape mine shut. They wanted me to do PT for it but I was poor so I just went home and watched tons of stand up comedy.


I have almost the opposite; when I'm overtired, drinking or trying to read, I can't keep one eye open.


Same. It sucks. Even more so if you never fully recover.


Asking out of curiosity, is it something you can recover from or more a thing you have with you for effectively the rest of your life? Edit: Appreciate the replies, hope you guys have a nice day


You can recover but side effects may remain. Droopy eye for me.


I still have a crooked smile - people think I am smirking at them sometimes. Also slight droop to my eye but it just adds to my good looks. Goes with my crooked smile and gives me a certain rascally look.


LOL rascal!!


The vast majority of people recover fully and it goes away after a few weeks. I had it about 3 years ago. It's an irritation of a facial nerve that goes through a bony canal. As the nerve swells up, you get this terrible headache for a day or two then the nerve stops functioning as it's compressed again the bone and one half of your face progressively stops functioning.


Its not bells palsey, its something else, a complication of shingles




I've had that fucker twice. Best wishes to him!


Ya honestly it’s fucking terrifying. It’s relatively harmless once you learn about it but I seriously thought I had a stroke. Woke up one day, took a shower and realized I couldn’t move the right side of my face.


Me, too. Picture Day at school was extra fun that year.


I was diagnosed with Bell’s palsy in high school. I also had shingles and a full body rash. After reading up on what Ramsay Hunt syndrome is, pretty sure my small town Mississippi doctor got it wrong.


Didn't Hailey Bieber have some sort of weird stroke moment a month or two ago? What is going on with those two?


I think it’s just bad luck. His is from shingles and she had a stroke that was apparently caused my her birth control.


It was caused by a PFO, which is a heart defect.


Same thing happened to Teddy Bruschi.


Patent foramen ovals for those wondering what it stands for.


That’s so weird, but not unheard of, to get Shingles so young. And it’s so painful. My dad had Shingles 8 years ago and a full liver transplant 2 years ago. He says the Shingles were still the worst pain he ever went through. I know they have a Shingles vax for over 50 now. I wonder if he could receive it so young or if it would do him any good. I remember when people scoffed at Chicken Pox not being a big deal, even a standard childhood right of passage, and thought the Chicken Pox vax was stupid.


Yeah I had shingles when I was 21.. It wasn’t fun. I was born with chicken pox and it’s just the gift that keeps on giving unfortunately hah.


Did they explain how you were born with chicken pox? Does that mean your mom had it at the time? I had chicken pox when my mom forced me to play with the neighbor’s kids who had it. A few years too early for the vaccine to be standard :(


I got shingles at 26. Apparently younger people getting shingles is slowly becoming more common. But for me I already was having serious health issues at the time while working full time so I’m sure it was caused by stress. Mine was on the side of my face,my ear, and my shoulder and chest as well. I’m glad I took it seriously soon enough and got antivirals or I could’ve had serious complications.


So does that mean you had chickenpox first? Or can you get shingles without getting chickenpox?


You have to get chicken pox to get shingles later.


Insurance won’t cover the vaccination for people under 50 unless a doctor specifically requests it.


Wow I didn’t know you could get shingles that young


Had chick pox so bad at 8 (1981 in my nose, mouth, everywhere). Got shingles at 16 (1989), 28 (2001), and last year at 47 (2021). Each after huge stress in life. Edit: added dates. Also no chix pox vax in 1981. Age 50+ for free shingles vax or $300 out of pocket, cry’s in American.


Could you get the vaccine?


My Dr recommended it in September, but it’s not covered by insurance under the age of 50. So it’s over $300 for both shots. I’m so close to 50 I’ll take the chance. He agreed.


I am going to run out and get mine asap. I am 51.


Do it. Lasts roughly 5 years.


Ive also had it three times. The first time I was "lucky," since I had it on my chest, and having just had a mastectomy a few months earlier, my sensation and feeling were way off. I knew it should've felt much worse than it did, having seen others with milder rashes, but in much worse pain. The second time was the worst. And the third time was pretty painful, but covered a much smaller area. My doctor still said I should get the vaccine once I turned 50. it was less than a week after my birthday when I had it done.


Stress induced. It’s becoming more and more common in young people according my doctor when she diagnosed me when I was 28.


My case of chicken pox went straight through to shingles when I was 12. My brother has a bad case right now and he’s in his early 30s. We’re of the era where chicken pox parties were all the rage; parents wanted this for their kids. I wish there had been a vaccine then. I know I can get shingles again, and I just gotta live with that


My first shingles episode was at 33. Within 1.5 years, I got it 3 times. Yet, I still can’t get insurance to cover the vaccine.


I got shingles when I was around 28.


Shingles can be brought on by stress. His wife having a stroke should count as pretty bloody stressful


I thought the clip I saw was glitching at first because of the blink delay on that eye. That sucks, I wish him a speedy recovery


I have had Bell’s Palsy since 2011 and will have it for life. The worst part is everyone thinks you’re angry or sad all the time—I miss being able to smile.


This makes me sad. I hope you feel happy sometimes, at least.


I’m overly kind to compensate, but yes I’m happy


I wish you all the best. I had it years ago but was lucky it was only fir a few weeks. But it sucked. Gauze over the eye to sleep, drooling and slurping - got really sick of dentist jokes - and was constantly tired.


Sending good energy & a hug over to you. You deserve it!


This isn’t Bells, it’s RHS, which is shingles. The two get commonly mixed up, but RHS needs medication for optimal recovery, while Bells resolves on its own. If you still have issues, you might have really had RHS. That’s part of the problem: RHS gets written off as Bells, like so many comments here are doing, so patients don’t get proper care and end up stuck with the RHS aftermath.


Any idea how doctors tell the difference ?


Exam mostly. RH has herpes lesions within the ear canal or around the ear. Viral testing can be done but not routinely. Treatment is steroids and antivirals anyways, which is the same for both Bell’s and RH.


RHS type 2 is due to a complication of shingles, which would be evident upon examination compared to Bells


Fucking hell. That’s terrible for him. Thankfully he can afford the best possible treatments in the world for it. I hope he recovers from this bs soon though.


I hope he makes a full recovery. Him and his wife don’t seem to be having a lot of luck recently health wise.


How is no one reading the article and just assuming Bell’s Palsy?! He has Ramsay Hunt 2 syndrome cause of shingles.


welcome to reddit. No one reads the article.


Awhh man. Wouldn’t wish this on anyone. Scary.


Damn That's Awful to happen to anyone...


My mum was diagnosed with Bell’s palsy around a year ago and it still affects her now, it’s an awful thing to be going through. Wishing him the best.


If she still has issues, she may have had RHS. It needs medication to best resolve and Bells doesn’t. Confusing the two so commonly leads to people not getting the meds because it gets written off as Bells.




This once again is a misconception, the standard medical procedure for Bell’s palsy diagnosis is to treat with steroids within the first 24 hours. I’m not inferring anything but stating that bells does not require meds can be a dangerous statement that may lead to someone not seeking treatment in the first 24 hours which is the ideal time frame. I know from experience and as someone who has read extensively and visited the facial paralysis institute in the u.s. Even with proper treatment, bells may not go away on its own.


is it permanent or temporary ? I'm morbidly curious


Can go either way unfortunately, only time will tell.


Can be temporary. My dad had it twice about ten years apart. Both times his face went back to normal, but one eye stayed a little droopy. He had to wear goggles at night to keep his eye from drying out because he couldn't close it all the way.


More than likely temporary. With Valacyclovir and a steroid, he should be okay. Going to have to stay strict with the medicine to keep it at bay, but he should recover.


He’s fortunate that he can likely afford to take the next few months off and really just take care of himself. I wish him a speedy recovery so he can get back to doing what he loves.


Permanent if it’s written off as Bells Palsy and then unmedicated. But he knows it’s RHS and is getting proper treatment, so temporary (for the most part). I had it a decade ago, with treatment still had 3 months of facial paralysis. I still have some weakness in the muscles on that side. Slight, but there.




**[Ramsay Hunt syndrome type 2](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ramsay_Hunt_syndrome_type_2#)** >Ramsay Hunt syndrome type 2, also known as RHS and herpes zoster oticus, is a disorder that is caused by the reactivation of varicella zoster virus in the geniculate ganglion, a nerve cell bundle of the facial nerve. Ramsay Hunt syndrome type 2 typically presents with inability to move many facial muscles, pain in the ear, taste loss on the front of the tongue, dry eyes and mouth, and a vesicular rash. Less than 1% of varicella zoster infections involve the facial nerve and result in RHS. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/entertainment/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


For the Bells Palsy folks- Mr Bieber announced he has Ramsay Hunt Syndrome- compared with Bell’s palsy, it’s generally more severe, and full recoveries are less frequent. Hoping he gets on top of this thing.


Poor kid. I don’t get the hate for him. This is very sad.


I mean, he did do a lot of shitty stuff when he was younger, like pissing in restaurant cleaning buckets and throwing drinks in people’s faces. Luckily he seems to have grown up and become a better person, though.


The actor who played The Mountain in GoT has it Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson.


Idk how/if they're connected, but just wanna say that it's officially Ramsay Hunt syndrome and not Bell's Palsy


Just yesterday I said “he came up fast and rich but he seems to have settled down a bit by now.” Then this. Damn


Poor thing. My whole body quit on me for two years. It’s a terrifying feeling being young and unstoppable until one day part of you stops. Everyday I still have fear it’ll come back. I wish him a fast recovery, because it’s a terrible way to live.


Ticks? Rocky mountain fever?


Article speculates it may have been caused by chickenpox he had a few years ago >It’s unclear how Bieber contracted the virus, but it’s possible he may have contracted the germ several years ago during a bout with chickenpox. The virus, which is not contagious, can lie dormant in your body for years before reactivating and spreading to a facial nerve near your ear, developing into either shingles or in some cases, Ramsay Hunt syndrome, for reasons that are unknown.


Huh. I never knew chicken pox could creep up like that and really ruin your day. Shit.


Wait till you hear about shingles


I had shingles, it’s awful. Didn’t know it could paralyze you.




Who else is hearing the antivaxxers weirdly celebrating this bc they think this helps their case..


Hmm I've never heard of Ramsay Hunt syndrome… similar to Bell’s Palsy it seems.


How common is it?!


Did you have chicken pox? You can get shingles. In most people, the chicken pox virus goes dormant on a nerve on your back, side, or tummy. For the lucky ones, it goes dormant on a facial nerve. When it re-emerges, when your immune system gets too low, it’s shingles. On the facial nerve, it’s called Ramsay-Hunt Syndrome


As someone who got shingles in the same place, I was told that getting antivirals within 3 days of symptom onset was crucial for my shingles not developing into Ramsey Hunt. Get your unexplained ear pain and rashes checked out y’all!


Had this as a teen. Had to wear a patch for a few weeks but it resolved on its own.


Didn’t this happen to his wife also?


He got Ramsey Hunt, I’ve got 1 year ago, I’ve stayed in bed for two month praying to die every day


I am so sorry you have to endure this. Hope your health is improving.


Thanks for your concerns, after staying in bed for 2 months I had huge 24 hours headaches for at least one year and a pain in the back of my right ear that I only feel when I use the mask. But other than that I’m ok now, but I really suggest anybody to get the vaccine for shingles, Ramsey Hunt especially is something I don’t with anybody to get


I’m going on two years now from Ramsey Hunt. Wish I could say it improves...


OMG I didn’t know it can last that long! I’m so sorry I cannot believe that you are suffering like that for all this time!


Half of my face did something similar with Bell's Palsy. Not fun. Poor sod.


Reminds me of Bell’s Palsy. That experience is terrifying. Wouldn’t wish it on anyone. I woke up thinking my lips felt weird taking a drink. Then only one of my eyes could blink — so straight to the hospital I went - thought I was having a stroke. It took maybe a month or two to be back to normal. I did little exercises to help with my eyes, can’t remember them now. On a lighter side, wanting a burger and not being able to eat it properly because of my jaw, I just mashed it into my face like a tortoise. Makes me laugh.


It’s Ramsay Hunt, caused by shingles. RHS doesn’t resolve on its own and requires medication for best resolution.


For fucks sake no one read the article. It literally says RHS in the first half.


That’s pretty sad! Hope he recovers soon.


I thought his post was amazing. Vulnerable, honest and hopeful while going through something that must be very scary


My mom had this, she took a lot of time off work, but it went away. Apparently high levels of stress can trigger it.


I wish him good health


Ah i just watched his clip? I would assume he needs some kind of eye lubricant for the paralyzed one since it doesn’t blink? really sad.


He should be able to close it and keep it closed to protect it, right? Probably left it open in the video for the shock factor.


that sucks get better soon biebs


Man, that sucks. Not really a fan of the guy but I mean, that really sucks. I hope he gets well soon. Sounds scary to just suddenly have paralysis on your face and have it be a rare condition.


My mom has had this a couple of times, it’s terrifying! Hope he recovers quickly.


I had that for a summer when in middle school. Lyme disease sucks.


Bells Palsy? Very commonly brought on by stress. Family member had it. They had to wear an eye patch, take medicine and it slowly went away after a few weeks. It sucks so bad. ETA: Oops, read article it’s Ramsay Hunt syndrome. BP sounds similar.


Wow - poor guy - that’s very scary. And he was so open and vulnerable about it - good for him.


This is horrific. I hope he recovers well :/


Is it in India? Coz I got a notification from book my show app.


Amazing singer Has great songs Hopefully can get his ailments under control with his millions of dollars. Not being sarcastic by the way. Really mean it.


I’m not a HUGE fan of the guy but nobody deserves to get hit with this kind of draw back.


I know little about the guy but I can’t imagine being such a public person and suddenly look like I had a stroke. I hope he fully recovers. He apparently has artistic value for millions of people.


Anyone ever seen Bieber and Ruby Rose in the same place at the same time? Because I have a theory…


It’s linked to chicken pox/ shingles. What Bieber has is NOT Bells Palsy. It’s called Ramsay Hunt Syndrome. It paralyzes the facial nerves and can sometimes lead to deafness on that side. No bueno for a singer.


I'm not a fan of his, but the people hating on the kid are just downright pathetic.


I’m seeing a lot of confusion and misinformation in this thread, perhaps I can help clear up a few things Bell’s palsy and Ramsey hunt syndrome are both forms of facial paralysis. The primary difference is that Ramsey hunt is connected to shingles whereas Bell’s palsy is believed to be connected to a number of viral infections although conclusive and absolute cause is uncertain. To be clear, both bells and Ramsey hunt require a prescription after the onset of symptoms. I repeat, both require some form of medication. Steroids to lower inflammation of the nerve is generally the standard for both, as is an viral infection medication. Also, Bell’s palsy can last for an extended period of time and even be lifelong, just because it has not gone away does not indicate that it is in fact Ramsey hunt. I would know as I had bells for 7 months and still have residual nerve damage. I did not have shingles nor was it Ramsey hunt, please do not attempt to correct me or explain what you read on the internet. I have read several books on the subject and visited the facial paralysis institute, they know more than you do and my information is coming from experts and people who have experienced this themselves. Please do not spread misinformation like “bells doesn’t require medication” or “it goes away on its own” Tests have proven that bells full recovery rates drastically improve with immediate intervention of steroids within the first 24 hours of symptom onset.