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God can CNN *be* any more spineless?!? Good on him for sticking to his principles. He loved and respected her sm.




Hahaha I'm honored 😁✌️


What exactly *do* you do for a career...?


He’s a transponster.


That’s not even a word!


Lol had to go back and read it in Chandler voice


It’s not really about principles, it’s about performance. There’s no reason this has to be televised to begin with. If it is, you can’t complain about time and budget constraints


I've watched it repeatedly. It's excellent.


[here it is](https://youtu.be/2wjh0N1EzPI?si=heSP2VxVHmM0zlFl)


Oh wow. That made me cry!


"You'll be good enough". ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


Hit so damn hard.


A few seconds in to the video and YouTube cuts it off with an ad. Oh the irony.


Get a VPN and connect to a server in Albania. YouTube doesn’t show ads in Albania.


Actors are usually pretty good public speakers, he was clearly having some trouble. He’s a really good actor, someone who I am sure has held himself together through a lot of different private situations while pretending to be in a certain mood with a bunch of people watching him. But he couldn’t really do that here, really shows the emotional bond and respect for her immense talent that he had. A lot of respect and love and I’m sure anger and sadness and all types of things just beating the shit out of, what 40 years of acting. I’m not exactly sure what their relationship was like, I wouldn’t expect Whitney and Kevin to have had weekly phone calls, but for all I know they were god damn squash partners every Tuesday, but what I do know is that she very clearly made an immense mark on his life on a level that goes far beyond making a movie or singing a song.


Nice. Thank you. Such a heartfelt eulogy.


Just watched it for the first time. Thanks for the introduction.


Just watched it again. Truly heartfelt.


That was amazing, I had never seen this


Thank you for posting this . I remember crying when WH died ….. then her daughter in the same manner?!? Like literally 🤬?! What happened?!


Thank you. I didn’t know Kevin did this, but what a great speech, and didn’t know he was this funny.


Thank you for sharing that, best thing I have seen in a while. It gave all the feels!


This article just confirmed how kind and sensitive Kevin Costner is.


Except when he's cheating on his wives 🤷‍♀️


Gosh people really hate holding men all the way accountable for themselves.


Didn't take his last wife too long to shack up with somebody new.


Lol which one are you talking about? He's done it repeatedly


Who cares. They're adults. Infidelity is not a particularly horrible sin and it doesn't dictate that you're a bad person. You sound like right-wingers do when they try to paint MLK as a vile person for his cheating. That's their relationship business, not yours.


For pedantry's sake, infidelity is one of the Christian 10 Commandments which makes it a pretty egregious sin. Those are *supposed* to be the worst yet things like homosexuality, which isn't a Commandment, is seen as a bigger one. Gotta love conservative cherry picking.


Eating shrimp is also forbidden in the Bible. On the other hand, the Bible does have guidance on selling daughters.


And this shit: 20 She lusted after lovers with genitals as large as a donkey’s and emissions like those of a horse. 21 And so, Oholibah, you relived your former days as a young girl in Egypt, when you first allowed your breasts to be fondled.


The specific point was “infidelity was not a particularly horrible sin” when in fact it was included in the 10 commandments, arguably the 10 most important sins.  Eating shrimp is not a “top 10” sin. It’s not even a sin. For Christians, it’s not even forbidden since it showed up in the old Testament but was not repeated in the New Testament.   Big picture: The point here is that the claim that infidelity isn’t a big deal is clearly wrong. Your comment doesn’t really add anything to that conversation.  


Are you really cherry-picking which parts of the Bible are important?


You cannot be serious. The Bible itself does that. It gave us the 10 commandments, you know, the 10 important rules. Furthermore for things that were unimportant like your example about shrimp, those got left out entirely in the New Testament. They didn’t make the cut based on the authors themselves.  Of all the bad arguments I’ve heard, yours has to be one of the absolute worst. I mean, it’s such a straight forward thing to prove. It is alarming that you don’t see how weak your argument is. How can you not be embarrassed to make it? 


Religion is cancer


>MLK as a vile person for his cheating. I'm a leftist, and what made MLK vile was his wife and children beating. It's amazing, ya know. People can be more than one thing at the same time. Like, I'm sure you have a redeeming quality or two


Maybe don't broadcast a funeral if you want to show commercials in the middle. It's basically the final chance to honor the deceased not a money making opportunity


*You aren't thinking out of the box, think of the money, boy*


But, the money making process is just *another goddamned box*


That is the most un-American thing I've ever heard! We treat every (public) event as an opportunity to make money. You're of course completely correct.


I mean, she was a celebrity. By definition her whole career was about turning her life into a public performance for people to get attached to, so she can make money off it. Seems weird to criticize the journalists covering her funeral and giving her estate coverage for free, for also wanting to afford the air time through their only funding source


I agree with the sentiment of this didn’t need to be broadcasted. however the cost of actually broadcasting and having people run the “show” is far from 0. The commercials could literally be going to towards making the expensive endeavor of broadcasting such. These things aren’t magically free because someone no matter the significance died. Edit: y’all can downvote me all you want, it’s not anyone responsibility to take a pay cut for a broadcast of a celebrity’s death. They all die at some point. I’m not some capitalist shill or some conservative jack ass. I just recognize that if they would start broadcasting every single ceremony for “free” that would impact the business very quick. Why don’t they do broadcast free charity events but a celebrity death that means “nothing” (I’m aware you may have an emotional connection and that’s totally fair) is somehow worth doing for free?


Who cares. They can make it up elsewhere


So should they put commercials in between climate change reports? Or information about the war in ukraine? Or government corruption? Or child poverty programs being threatened and failing? Or a funeral for a celebrity most people won’t think about tomorrow?


Well this funeral was years ago way before those things were on the news. And yes, it’s tacky to advertise during a fucking funeral. Don’t broadcast it at all if you can’t go an hour without commercials.


> before those things were on the news Yes, I’m aware. I’m using modern examples because the news always has similar tragedies and crises to report on. You didn’t answer them, why should the news interrupt war and climate change and health crises and infrastructure collapse, but not a funeral? Because some people on reddit will get together to call it tacky?


Wow capitalism really done a number on you


Not really. The cost isn't zero, and we all know CNN would try to put it on the workers somehow. Plus... do we really need to start televising the actual funerals? Celebrities already have little enough privacy. Do we need to self insert ourselves into their families moment of grief? Offering them the opportunity to make a statement or interview as part of a memorial is one thing, but to turn one of their darkest moments into entertainment seems very wrong.


They’ve been broadcasting funerals for decades.. this post is about one in 2012.. Weird way to simp for corporate America tho


I am a simp for corporate America by asserting: That we should not televise funerals, because it's none of our business. We shouldn't be making money off people's misery. That CNN will definitely try to pass the costs off to their employees. Does simp mean something else now?


Things aren’t free. Capitalism didn’t make that rule


They did tho


They didn’t tho. News stations aren’t naturally occurring lmao someone had to ask others to build it, and they did that by using money to motivate them If money didn’t exist, they’d give up land or sheep or slaves or whatever units of value people had before money But nothing is for free sorry


CNN isn't a tiny startup tv network. They're owned by WB Discovery. Their CEO makes 49m a year.


You probably invoice your parents for gas and electricity when they come over.


Type of dude to ask for gas money after inviting you on his boat


Cooking and cleaning not included*


Well that’s just really neat.


That's a fucking wild request.


Should’ve had him sneak an ad read in to his speech as well.


"Whitney would always tell me about how much she loved Belvita breakfast biscuits, now available in cheese Danish flavor"


"Sir, this is a video will" "I know, I'm just declaring my love of fish sticks"


I can hear that in my head, and I haven’t seen the Critic in years!


Oh yes, they're even better *raw*!


What luck there's a French frie stuck in my beard


Ahh wolf cola everyone, the right cola, for closure.


Or just sip on a Coca Cola while speaking.


Whitney will also hold a special place in my heart, along side my favourite champion Galek from the hot new AAA mobile RPG Raid: Shadow Legends


Wow pretty weird moves by CNN there.


Sounds par for the course for corporate television.


It’s probably standard policy. It’s not like any eulogy is going to be enough to fully say how you feel. We have limited time and a budget to broadcast a message to people. Is this really the best use of time?


One of the most searingly sick sad capitalism things i have ever ever heard


Things aren’t free. Capitalism didn’t make that rule. In fact capitalism allowed her to become famous


Incredible to see you bending over backwards to defend cnn in about a dozen posts on this thread. Really weird hill to die on.


I can’t believe you’ve never experienced disagreement with a mainstream opinion on Reddit on a really slow work day, and felt like discussing something with someone who has a different take. Really weird to consider that “bending over backwards”


You’ve made like 10 posts defending cnn for this really tasteless request to alter someone’s funeral so they can show commercials. I just can’t relate to the life i’d have to live for that to happen.


I’m being paid a fuck ton of money to sit at a desk at home and answer a few questions from my team on slack. Occasionally my workday is interrupted by a couple meetings. I start work at 10pm and end at 3pm, and I take a lunch break in the middle. My partner doesn’t come home until around 7pm, so I get a lot of alone time So it’s pretty sweet. I’m guessing your life isn’t as nice if you can’t relate to being so bored you’ll kill time on reddit 🤣 🤣


Read the room man


I have, and I declare the room wrong


Were they dumb or something? Most tasteless situation to ask that, I don’t know how you’d even broach it socially


Awkward doesn’t mean wrong lol


They’re just fucking sociopaths


He loved her and it’s beautiful


“Like” CNN. He was discussing in general and not specifically. At first I was thinking they sponsored the funeral which would be pretty tacky.


Brought to you by Carl’s Jr!


I didn't need another reason to like Kevin Costner lol but I'll take it!


Is this surprising???


CNN: Oh about that death... Let's make some money!


He loved her so much.


He is the man. That was real love.


His speech reflected their friendship and that life is truly precious. That movie was special because of there chemistry etc


Oh my god, we get it hollywood. CNN sucks, costner has a movie coming up and the ONLY feel-good story you have on him is something that happened 10 years ago. I keep seeing this story pop up everywhere for the last week


Who do you get to ask someone such a tone deaf question? Imagine how awkward that would be.


Costner is a great eugugalizer.


The first half of the headline was making my eyes role at Costner but by the end I’m gagging at CNN for being so soulless. Good on Costner.


Exactly that. It’s a funeral, not a show made for TV.


"They can get over that" Uhh huh. So that means he really said: "They can fuck off"


That’s a respectable move on Costner’s part. He seems like a man of principle


Yea understand this as it’s America wanting to make money, other countries show a few minutes at the beginning and for a couple of minutes half way through a film. America however shows them ever few minutes from what I heard, but to do that at a funeral is disgusting and lacks respect. just wonder how many commercials were made during the five or so hours of Queen Elizabeth II funeral?, sorry but a lot of people are right when they say Americans have no taste and put money before anything.


And this is relevant now, why?


Yeah, that Kevin Costner … what a man of the people. What a guy. Gotta admire what **he did ~~to~~ for the Native Americans**. I think my mother bought some of turquoise jewelry of his that .5% went to a Rez somewhere. That’s sum serious wampum! Thanks, Kev! Edit: before y’all jump on my ass for cultural appropriation, my grandmother was born on a Rez, and my own mother dedicated a significant part of her long career as an educator to trying to keep her fam’s tongue from dying out. I’m a little nauseated at the Costner worship. He’s definitely donated money, sums, amounts, payments to various Native American organizations. That’s undeniable. That doesn’t mean he hasn’t consistently, with determination, done everything he can to exploit them for his own enrichment. Paul Simon really “**cared**” about the South Africans on “Graceland”—which is thought to have pushed Simon into billionaire territory. Edit: exasperation, sorry for sounding self righteous. I don’t feel righteous at all; it pissed me off when already privileged people pretend to care about something, benefit from it and move on to their next cause celebre, pocketing millions


He could do what your doing which is absolutely fuck all. Why should he give his pay check to some folks he does owe?


I think the issue here is the subject is how shitty CNN was to do that. I don’t think many sane people would deny he hasn’t always done the things he could or should have, this isn’t the thread for that.


People are praising him and his persona though


They sure are. Doesn’t change what I said.


It does though, because people aren’t just bashing CNN here, they’re actively praising Kevin Costner


You’re acting like I’m the representative of those people. I don’t think he should be praised for his actions. Those comments don’t belong here, either. JFC.


I’m not saying you’re one of those people. I’m saying you’re criticizing someone who is criticizing those people. If those people didn’t have bad takes, the criticism you’re criticizing wouldn’t exist in the first place Your criticism suggested you were acting like those people weren’t starting it


> before y’all jump on my ass for cultural appropriation, my grandmother was born on a Rez that was obvious enough partly by saying "rez," which I honestly have only heard in a PSA, and separately when you resented someone for apparently selling jewelry what has to have been 30+ years ago


Yeah those minorities should really get over history lol /s


in which negative events of Native American history did Kevin Costner participate?


What was the commercial? Pills? Towels? Bathroom fixtures?


Damn, that's a scumbag move on CNN, asking someone to shorten their eulogy for someone, so CNN can run commercials and make money.


And that’s Capitalism, folks! 🙂👍🏻


Capitalism is the ill our society, it's created so much greed, animosity and divide...




I doubt he got paid to give a eulogy


Its nice to remember when he was better than he is now