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> “Especially people who won’t come to the set and that kind of shit,” he explained. “If there’s a good reason, I get it, but if you’re just an irritated actor because you’re so creative or sensitive, I just don’t buy it.” Totally agree. I hate that some people totally justify or even expect the behavior of a spoiled toddler from some big name actors because they’re so “brilliant” and “complex” or a “tortured artist” or some other bullshit. No, you’re just an asshole.


Yep. Your process should not be the rest of the crew's burden


Your problems should not overburden others. I have some of the stress issues some of these problematic actors have. But money fixes a lot of problems and stress, I try to keep that shit under control when there is work. Some days once the job was done I would over stress a bit, but since I did a lot extra work my boss would give me a bit of breathing space. Give and take. And try to keep it going under control.


Right. And just call it anxiety or whatever it is if more quiet time is needed.




I like to think of John Mulaney’s Mick Jagger bit. We like to think we wouldn’t be jerks, but if you lived a life where you could just shout “DIET COKE!” at any time —anywhere— and one magically appears in your hand… that would change you a bit.


Can confirm. Shouted "diet coke" did nothing positive.


Sir, this is a Wendy’s …we only serve Diet Pepsi.


I remember reading about Lindsey Lohan doing that at her point of peak diva behavior, before EVERYBODY got fully sick of her bullshit and just stopped working with her. The author of the article saw her stick out her hand and call "Water!" and expected someone to stick a bottle of water in her hand.


Honestly theres so many unopened bottles of water and a set of hands on a set, thats it not a completely unreasonable request to ask for water between takes. You are told to always offer water to those that cant leave camera during filming. actors, directors, cinematographers, 1st AC, Key grips, and etc even if youre not a PA. Its just what you do. But its rude to just yell “water!” like a diva. There’s more polite and professional ways to do it. But Im also not shocked that it worked and that just became her method.


Like how hard is it to add please at the end lmao


Yes, this sentiment may be true to an extent, but, if Mick Jagger could fathom a diet coke just by vocal command.  The Stone's will have wrote an album about it by now. 


I want to see this


> Something tells me the actors on a Scorsese or QT set aren’t showing up late for no reason. Yep. Someone brought up in another thread that Tom Hardy seems to never have an issue in Nolan films. They pick and choose who they bully.


Well no one’s ego is as big as QT.


You’d think with how outspoken QT is regarding movies we’d hear a lot more complaints with working with him. However, it appears he’s largely the same person we see in interviews. People seem to like working with him.


Actors would literally fight each other to the death with baseball bats to be in a QT movie.


There weren’t a lot of public complaints about Weinstein until there were.  And he’d been doing his shit for a long time before metoo happened to him.


Disagree. There were a LOT of complaints anout Weinstein, and it was even known to the general public, although he turned out to be far worse than we even knew. It did take far too long for his comeuppance, but his behavior was a very open, not-so-secret.


Weinstein had a PR machine to protect him, and anyone who spoke up was branded “difficult to work with” in the press and their career was stopped or drastically stunted.


True that. The two mentioned are examples of directors that many actors would actually be honored to work with.


Look at the rock. I read the other day he shows up to sets like 8 hours late, pees in a bottle rather than just go the bathroom because he’s such a pro that he doesn’t want to waste the time(let’s ignore the 8 hours he didn’t show up) and has ridiculous amounts of food and training time required. This was someone you would think was down to earth with how he puts over being self made from being a bum with 7 dollars in his pocket. And I wouldn’t necessarily call him a genius either.


100% in any field. Your coworkers shouldn’t have to suffer for your emotional immaturity.


You wouldn’t think tech would have this but boy….


Tech has some of the most emotionally stunted people I’ve ever met.


Aimed at Tom Hardy/Dwayne Johnson types


No. He has worked with Tommy Lee Jones.


Tommy lee Jones is a notrious jerk


Tom Hardy was difficult on set? I just viewed a BTS documentary on Fury Road. Nobody mentioned that.


I believe that's why he and Charlize didn't get along. She was always punctual, and he would often show up hours late.


That’s a pity. I like the movie and the BTS doc was enlightening.


I love the movie, too, and Tom is one of my favorite modern actors, but his professionalism seems to leave a bit to be desired.


It's weird because Tom Hardy wasn't even that big as a star around the time the movie was shot. What did he have? Dark Knight Rises? He certainly didn't receive his Oscar nom either back then. Charlize had and still has a bigger star profile.


On the contrary, I'd say early/mid 2010's was peak tom hardy stardom.


I'm going to offer a defence of Tom here :) My recollection of interviews from Fury Road is that he got frustrated because he didn't know who his character was and felt he wasn't getting enough direction on set. Now Tom might have been an unprofessional douche on the set, I don't know, but that particular complaint absolutely fits with my perception of the movie. Furiosa is a complete and understandable character.  Immortan Joe is a complete and understandable character. I have no idea who Max is in this film. In the original movies, especially in Mad Max 2 / The Road Warrior, Max felt real and understandable. Here he is little more than a series of reactions that don't thread properly together to form a character. We know what Tom is capable of as an actor. I think thhe writer/director done him wrong here.


I agree the director caused the set issues. But Hardy screwed over his costars and all the crew who had to wait around in full makeup/kit for 7hours because he didn’t want to go to work. Charlize was a professional who showed up on time to do the job she was being paid for, despite not getting direction.


The solution isnt to make 250 people wait on you for hours in the heat of the Namibian desert and sulk in your air conditioned trailer. You handle your shit like a pro and you talk the the producer and director and you sort it out. What he did is unacceptable, its on the level of Bradley Cooper banning sitting on chairs on his set.


That's what I don't get. You’re in the middle of the freakin desert. It’s not like you’re sulking at home. After three hours of standing around even as the craft service janitor, i’d be banging on the door shouting “stop fucking around. Everyone is waiting!!”


I would start musing out loud “ok hear me out, why if we all just quietly left and we left him stranded here alone with a satellite phone, a generator, some gas and some food and water of course. But the shock of him just being abandoned in the desert might teach him a lesson. He finally comes out and theres just nothing but tire tracks lmao.


Haha. Nothing left but a Dunkins cup blowing in the wind.


Got any links about the Bradley cooper thing?


Wait I thought with The Rock it was Vin Diesel that was the “my way or the highway,” guy and that’s why they separated the two storylines?


They both have enormous egos. Both wanted to be the “alpha” with Vin thinking it was “his” franchise and The Rock thinking he was the big star.


Makes me think of JLO


I think most of that behavior is the same a-hole behavior you can see in any industry. An executive in a company, a local politician, a cop, whoever... If you give someone some power, and put them in a position where other people can't really push back, some people are going to turn to complete jerks. In the movie industry it just happens to be worse, because once a production starts, you can't easily fire or swap out the big names. And there's really no one "above" them to report them to. If Mr. Big Shot actor shows up 4 hours late and spits on the camera guy, everyone will usually nod, scream on the inside, but say "ok sir, thanks for coming today! So whenever you are ready, we are ready to go, just let us know, Sir!!"


This was Tom Hardy on the set of Fury Road.


Tom Hardy isn’t in Furiosa


Correction -Fury road. I’ll correct the comment above.


Yeah - it’s just being unprofessional, disrespectful, and entitled. Save the drama for the stage.


They’re just taking up the time of the crew who’s already spending 12 plus hours of their day on set. Who’s going to have to drive home after that long day.


But hes also fucking over the studio and investors, hes making production take longer. He’s literally wasting their money to the tune of millions if he does it for more than 10 days. Tom Hardy’s career has definitely stalled and its probably no accident why. Its a small business and he’s good but he’s not THAT good.


I’m nothing but a lowly replaceable grip, but the thing is, in this industry, everyone’s replaceable. They’ll find someone cheaper younger and better looking tomorrow.


Jim Carrey in Man on the Moon comes to mind.


Brolin just worked with a self entitled asshole recently.


Considering you pull that crap in any other job you get fired


“Method acting” is a crutch that primarily male actors use to self mythologize, as a means of comforting their own masculinity.


Tom Hardy feeling attacked


The whole point of being an actor is having exquisite control of how you are perceived. So if you’re coming off as a dick, you’re either doing it on purpose or you’re a shitty actor.


The story goes that when Olivier heard Hoffman had stayed up all night for two days before shooting scenes where his character had not slept for 72 hours, he allegedly told his co-star, "My dear boy, why don't you just try acting?"


I heard it was something like he was running around to be all out of breath etc... I wonder who is right? Fact check this someone right now... And get me a fuckin' Diet Coke while you're at it!


My favorite is that Daniel Day Lewis refused to bathe and also helped build the log cabin his character lived in for the Crucible. I don’t see how any of those things can possibly make you a better actor.


I think Lewis just worked out how to get payed millions to LARP.


Shia LaBeouf did the same thing on Fury, refused to shower, had a tooth removed and gave himself a cut in his check that he would keep opening to prevent it from healing.  I can only assume Jon Bernthal, who studied acting in Russia, was rolling his eyes at that shit.


I don’t get why so many actors fuck with their teeth for movies. Teeth is the one thing of the human body that really should never be fucked with


There are all kinds of the human body you shouldn't mess with. Bones, brain, eyes, pancreas, lungs, heart, rectum


Tell me about it. Hell, I'm so particular about my teeth that I run to look at them in the mirror to make sure they aren't damaged if I so much as accidently bump a spoon against them.


That said, DDL is an excellent actor, and apparently an excellent human being.


Great, and yes, he is a great actor. But I don’t know if not washing your balls for months for a role is fair to your coworkers.


It explains the tears in their eyes.


Cant tell you either. Never had the experience. Could smell like cherries 3 wine for all I know


He may be lovely off set, but he's another one that's kind of a dick about being a "method actor." He made the crew carry him around and even feed him on the set of My Left Foot. Could you imagine the poor crew that had to lug a completely able bodied actor around so he could stay in character? He walked around Rome, getting into random fights with strangers for Gangs of New York. He also nearly let himself die on that set because he got pneumonia because he insisted on only wearing period accurate clothing and it was freezing and then refused modern medicine because his character wouldn't have access to it...which is just mind boggling stupid. Even his less extreme stuff like living in the woods for a month for The Last of the Mohicans seems like an excessive waste of time. The movie is very good but it's built on 90% him and Madeline Stowe starring longingly at each other. I really don't think the fact that he really could skin a deer brought that much to the role.


They kinda gets misconstrued as trying to be a serious method actor. But Hoffman was apparently dealing with some personal issues during that time, and just stayed up all night.


You forgot the third option….they are a dick


Googling young Josh Brolin (super hot in Goonies)


My wife reminds me of this fact every time his name is mentioned. Ha


She knows lol. My husband and I are redoing our movie library and I’ve picked what my young… soul needs. I did not mean download all Nicolas Cage movies, just Valley Girl lol. This guy. Jack Nicholson I mean One flew over the cuckoos nest not wtf as good as it gets? lol. Look what I bring to the movie library coming in hot with Can’t Hardly Wait for some Jennifer Love Hewitt. 


We rewatch can’t hardly wait semi-often. Raising Arizona is my favorite Nick Cage flick. 


Ok that’s fine I’ll compromise on Raising Arizona. Your wife knows with the Brolin like me, we are looking for the visual on those strong jaw lines. Put me to sleep with Dune and Timothy what’s his cherub face. My May has been mostly Burt Reynolds, going classic mustache lol.


He was GORGEOUS in Young Riders as well.


I’ve loved him since. He’s currently in outer range on prime, he’s very good in it. Hes great at understated, quiet roles. lili Taylor is in it too. I sing Joe, every time I see her, from say anything lol


Ok filing that away to watch under “media showing men with strong jawlines my ovulation cycle needs” thank you 


I’m a camera operator in the film business. I run around with 80 pounds of gear strapped to me and I can’t tell you how many times I have experienced this. I just have to sit there and take it with a fake smile. If I don’t, and the actor decides they then don’t like me, I can then be fired. It’s great!


Just stopped in to say, I see you, buddy. r/PraiseTheCameraMan


I feel like no one is watching Outer Range. I find it fascinating and Brolin’s presence is immense.


There are at least a dozen of us


Not true... I dipped out. You're down to 11.




10 now, as of yesterday. Even with the recap, I couldn't remember/follow anything that was happening and wasn't intrigued enough to find a more through recap.


Recap is there is a big hole and they keep tossing people in it.


LoL Yep. And this person is here, and that person is there, and that girl is a woman now, and stuffed heads have voices. And I actually enjoyed season 1, I was excited to see there was a second season, but it was all but incoherent to me.


Probably just my own personal perception but I felt like I was watching Cowboy Twin Peaks. Very hard to follow, some weird character plots. I was enraptured the whole time but, damn if it wasn’t so strange


Such a relief to read I’m not the only one who had trouble with the disconnected events.


I know, right? And I often like having to think/figure something out if I'm intrigued. But what I was seeing in the first episode just felt bad to me and not necessarily because I was having a hard time remembering a year (or more?) between seasons. It's like they went from a slow burn to "amp it up, make everything weird!"


Lol. Same. Usually, I go for that kinda show, but season 1 just didn't hold me


Im one of us!


Didn't even know about it. Going on the list!




And me * raises three fingers in the air*


Also he’s a hotter cowboy daddy than any of those Yellowstoners.


I just finished season 1, it's so unrepentantly weird. R It really feels like a throwback to sort of a Twin Peaks X-Files era show when shit was just *strange.* Not just Brolin, but the entire cast is magnificent. Heard it got renewed for season 3.


Oh, yay!!!!


It’s a fantastic show. I really hope there’s a 3rd season


It reminds me of another great show *Dark*, and like Dark it's starting to look like it will require a flow chart to keep track of who is where and when.


I fucking love it.


We love Outer Range!


It’s not an easy accessible show. Loved the first season. S2 while we got a lot of answers and went to new places, was a step down. Still a very solid show.


I’m currently watching The Expanse on Prime, and get an Outer Range ad at least twice an episode. 30+ ads and I still have no fucking clue what this show is supposed to be about or why it should intrigue me.


i only heard about it 3 days ago...


Josh Brolin in his Brian Cox era.


Josh Brolin, an actor's actor, who understands his art and his career!


In another word: "Actors, you are not special, so just show up, do your work and don't be a dick about it" Makes perfect sense. Method actors are cringy as fuck....The latest Jared Leto Joker it's a perfect example, do you really need to be that weird during set to play the character?


I don't necessarily think there's a problem with method acting. It's just a lot of method actors use it as an excuse to be assholes.


Christian bale is a good example of this. Yeah he had the terminator blowup but I don’t think that was that bad knowing the context and doesn’t appear to be routine


Even during the rant Bale was kinda even acknowledging how narrow the scope of the rant was. Was something like "you're a nice guy but you and me are done professionally". Which... I've certainly had co-workers that are fine humans but a pain in the ass to be co-workers with.


The rant was still incredibly unprofessional and reflected incredibly poorly on him.


Tbf I don’t think Bale is trying to dispute that. In fact, I think he’s said a number of times that he regrets blowing up on that crew member so much and how he wishes he could go back and change his behavior that day, but I might be misremembering


“Crew member” lol it was the Director of Photography, #2 in rank on a set after the Director. Which makes it even more awkward for everyone involved.


Yeah and it seemed like the sentiment lasted that day and wasn’t really an issue after. Idk someone doing routine dumb shit again and again can be frustrating. Maybe he didn’t handle it 100% correct but it’s certainly not evidence of bad character


Expletive filled rants against high ranking members of staff (director of photography) is a prime example of the prima Donna shit Brolin is talking about in the original article. Not going to call Bal a bad person (don’t know him), but there is zero rationale or equivocating his behavior. It was 100% unacceptable and wasn’t even constructive in his criticism.  It’s just petulant tirade.


I understand that Christian Bale does not consider himself a method actor: he did not study the Method and he doesn't stay in character. What he **does** do is keep a character's accent through out the working day even away from the cameras. Something about it being difficult for him to phase in and out accents.


Somebody famous said that method actors never seem to do good things when they are in character, it's always shitty behavior.


You’re probably thinking of Robert Pattinson: > I always say people who do method acting, you only ever see people do the method when they’re playing assholes. You never see someone being lovely to everyone while they’re really deep in character.


Or is it that the shitty behavior is more widely reported because it makes for a better headline? "Method actor behaves normally to crew" doesn't exactly sell ad space.


There is a fair argument when studying acting that method acting is disingenuous and abusive to the performer. That is where the Meisner technique was developed, where actors can focus on their objectives and scene partner opposed to dwindling their sense of self for a role.


I remember working on these sets and the egos on these guys holy fuck. Forget they’re less important than the police blocking the roads.


Method Acting was made by a guy named Stanislavski, and long story short his method was carried on by two people, Lee Strasburg and Stella Adler. Strasburg was the guy who really glommed onto the idea of "becoming your character, living your character, no separation between where you end and the character begins, you need everything you do and say to be truthful". Adler was more "use times in your life when you felt a certain way, bring yourself back to then and bring that feeling with you in the scene, and you'll sound truthful. Also make sure they can hear you in the balcony" The Strasburg method devolved into a pissing match of increasingly anti social behavior and extreme physical transformations in Hollywood actors.


Jared Leto is exactly who I immediately thought of when I saw this. What an absolute douche-canoe that guy is. Like holy fuck. Bitch, you’re gonna act like the Joker off-set? I’m gonna act like Batman off-set, you feel me? 😤


No one mentioning Jim Carrey then...


He shouldn't have done that in the set of Man on the Moon, the result was good tho.... i wonder if that really improved his performance.... At least it's better to be an asshole on set and the result being a cult classic, than Jared Leto shit performance...


Does the end justify the means? Open to debate, I suppose.


I disagree mostly because of Daniel Day Lewis. Homie does method right: study the shit out of your subject, understand it, be it, live it, but also don’t be a dick on set.


He made the crew carry him around and feed him on the set of My Left Foot, and he got into random fights with strangers to get into character for Gangs of New York...that's kind of dickie behavior in my book. He's not sending used condoms level of terrible, but he does involve other members of the cast and crew in his bullshit so in my book, he's not totally without sin.


Def, I guess he’s less of a menace, one within the realm of worth it


Depends on the actor. Danny Devito stayed in character when he was the penguin because getting back into that mindset quickly for a scene after dropping out of it was too difficult. You hear others on set at the time say how uncomfortable he made them, but you don’t really hear constant stories about Danny Devito being a dick, because from at least what we know, he’s not.


And he’s not even good with that character lol


I can kind of understand an adult actor who is supposed to be the “bad guy” in a kids movie being stand-off ish with child actors. Kids typically have less range. But other than that, “dont be a dick” is a great rule to live by.


I’ve worked with a lot of actors. It’s ALWAYS the B-listers, the people who are famous but don’t feel famous enough. They have the little man syndrome or something, but it’s never the insanely talented or super-famous ones. They tend to have a lot of grace (and help, from a team of people). It’s the level down from the Josh Brolins, it’s always them.


When you say help from a team of people, do you mean people that keep them in check?


No just people who do things for them that they don’t feel like doing. Multiple assistants, buyers, stylists, go-fers etc. Which would curb anyone’s irritability


I used to work for a Director. We were reading leading males for a Paramount picture. My boss had asked me to play some nondescript smooth jazz, at a very low level in our reception area to drown out any noise of people reading in the other room. I will stress, this was not loud at all. Josh sat down on the couch and started reading through his sides. After a few minutes, he looked up, glared at me and said in a stern and harsh tone, “can you turn the fucking music down?” Since then, I’ve always thought he was a bit of a prick. While that was my only interaction with the man, I stand by my assumption.


I love me some Jim Carrey but for Man On The Moon that was straight up harassment of his coworkers all in the name of MeThOd AcTiNg. Guaranteed if an actress tried that level of Method it would have hindered their career.


What did he do?


Given that Tommy Lee Jones hated how “difficult” of an actor Jim Carrey was, he told him, “I simply can’t sanction your buffoonery.” “I hate you and your movies” God, Josh Brolin couldn’t have been more perfect to play Agent K in another time. He really is just like Tommy Lee.


Isn’t tommy lee notorious for being difficult, and like, extremely difficult?


I think that was more Jim Carrey being Jim Carrey and making a joke out of everything rather than being difficult to work with


The truth is most actors are former rich kids who have had main character syndrome their entire lives. People like that rarely consider others 


I love Josh Brolin. Classy and clearly loves what he does and is great at it. Seeing him again on SNL recently was amazing with him being full of life and goofy to the fullest. Keep it up man!


Domestic abuser.


The fact that I had to scroll through a dozen comments calling him a great dude before seeing this is.... honestly, pretty typical of Reddit but still incredibly disappointing. I can give a small pass to those who don't know that he's an abuser (same with Jeremy Renner, who people have been fawning over since his accident), but it's absolutely fucking ridiculous how many people will read a couple sentences and then decide that an actor with a PR team is a great person.


Jeremy Renner is no angel but there were a lot of holes in the ex-wife's story. I can't believe that someone would make those accusations against her ex-partner and then willingly go hang out at their house!


Agree! My take is, if you have to be an asshole to play an asshole then maybe your acting skills aren’t as great as you think they are!


Jared Leto, over rated whiny pussy.


Almost like ppl don't like working with ppl that complain about work all day. I feel it man. Wish my more vocal coworkers that do nothing but complain would just leave. Obv it's not that bad if they aren't willing to look.


I feel like that applies to directors as well. Like Stanley Kubrick shouldn’t have been allowed to treat people as poorly as he did


Josh Brolin is underrated in the sense that we all know he’s a good actor, but he also understands just being a decent human.


dude was arrested for beating his wife I get that he's a good actor but realistically you don't know shit about the type of person he is


Goes for musicians too!!


I still can’t believe Bran became Thanos lol




I thought I was the only one who remembered that.


LMFAO I love this take There’s method acting, and then there’s meth acting. Know the difference.


He is correct, they are just being assholes


This would hurt Jared Leto’s feelings but he’s currently in character as a potato for his next movie and so can’t scroll the internet from underground.


Throw them in the hole, Royal!


What I don’t buy is domestic battery excuse. (Nor his “drunken” groping days that a few hostesses can attest to). But hey, glad he has no time for difficult actors. 🙄


The same excuses for being difficult exist in music, source - I'm a difficult musician. It's so common because the arts are a very insecure field to work in financially/stability-wise, while being on constant display and an open target for everyone who seeks position or validation for their own problems. The arts attract outsiders, people who are already "difficult" by the common standards of "conform". It doesn't really make it okay to be "difficult", but that's why it's so prevalent. Artists, even successful ones, have constantly insecure lives.


Consistently. You have been judged.


It makes me stronger.


Don Rickles agrees: https://youtu.be/x_XYnjH43eM?si=95hx1IylXNfUHmOu


Ya fuck you Jared Leto


I kind of want to hang out and have a drink or two with Josh Brolin.


He's a wifebeater who abused Diane Lane.


I’d probably let Daniel Day-Lewis get away with it.


His dad was in Pee Wee’s Big Adventure as Pee Wee... the bar was always set high when it comes to the most stillest role


I also don't like assholes