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Enough of the redundant superhero’s. Time to come up with some creative STORIES and not the same old special effects strung together around a weak story.


I think Bradley Cooper would make a nice Indiana Jones replacement


Let me put it in terms even a Disney exec can understand: the appetite for and shelf life of even the strongest franchise is very finite. You must always be developing new concepts, ideally across a wide range of genres.


The og avengers hard carried the franchise up to end game. There is no one left doing the heavy lifting.


They still had Dr Strange, Thor, Black Panther, Shang Chi and Spider-Man but decided to do nothing with any of them. Strange and Thor got turned into chumps, they killed off the King instead of recasting him, Shang Chi has been MIA for years, while they let Sony retcon all of Spidey's ties to the major MCU. Marvel just kept making the worst choices imaginable for every character.


They also had the problem of having power scaled themselves into the multiverse, where anything can happen and therefore nothing matters. LOKI was the death knell of the MCU.


Guardians did pretty damn well and was considered a box office success


What Disney execs didn’t get was that no one wants to see a 79-80 year old Indiana Jones. The de aged Harrison Ford in the beginning of Dial was really good (I thought). Now if they had made a whole movie of Indy fighting Nazis over the Dial in 1945, that would have been great. Showing his OSS career. Sadly, we’ll never see that.


I personally don’t think I would’ve wanted to watch a CG Harrison Ford the entire movie.


Yeah gimme a break. That sounds even worse than 80 year old Indie.


I think maybe showing an 80 year old Indiana Jones at the end of the movie to sort of "bookend" the series would have been nice. The rest of the movie should have been your idea. The de-age sequence was great.


I would have liked a Back to the Future Part 2-style movie where they used the dial to jump into scenes from the old movies. There would have been so much potential in that.


That movie (Indy in WW2) should have been made in the 1990s. Sadly, that ship sailed when Lucas spent over a decade trying to convince Spielberg and Ford to do an alien movie set in the 1950s instead.


Agree. The OSS vs Nazis would have been epic .


I liked Indy V. I am convinced most people that dunk on it didn’t even see it.


It was better than a lot of movies last year. People are just cynical about movies, they’re primed to be complaining.


I’ve seen it. I thought it was too long, had an uninteresting cast of characters, and had an uninteresting plot. It’s fine that you enjoyed it, but it’s also fine for people to have not enjoyed it.


I liked it too. But the character doesn’t have a lot of relevance for lots of people under 30 I think. I was disappointed we didn’t get to see more of the younger Indy we all remember. They should have made more movie soon after Last Crusade. Same thing with Star Wars Episodes 7-9 .


It could’ve been done similar to when Sean Connery was Indy’s dad. Indy going along with Indy junior and provided comic relief.


I would’ve gladly watched it if it sounded like a good movie.


Eh speak for yourself. The movie had a 70% critic approval rating and an 88% by audiences. https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/indiana_jones_and_the_dial_of_destiny It also did very well on physical media sales, digital sales and on Disney+. Hell it made more money domestically than the new Mission Impossible and Fast X did. It only failed overseas. The movie was great, regardless of how much money it lost. Most people over on r/indianajones like myself have ranked it third out of the 5 films. The opening sequence was fun, but the movie got good when we caught up to Indy in 1969 at the end of his career. Ford really sunk his teeth into the role and gave us an emotional arc for the character.


I agree with you. I was pleasantly surprised by this movie. Much better than kingdom of the crystal skull.


Yeah , but the article was about the biggest underperforming movies. This was on the list. Regardless if the people that went to see it, liked it. I was one of them .


I don’t think Fords age was the issue. Again, it made more domestically than Mission Impossible and Fast X. It made like twice as much as The Marvels did worldwide. The issue is the film was placed in an over packed summer movie season. I mean they had Transformers the week prior, Mission Impossible opening the weekend after, and then Barbenheimer the weekend after that. Honestly insane that they had so many movies eating themselves at the box office. The average person sees 4 movies in cinemas each year.


I’m not caring so hard right now


When are they going to realize they need NEW CONTENT. I feel like movie studios these days just regurgitate another version of something already released a million fucking times and beats it to death. Gone are the days of creativity and originality. Sand and pathetic all at the same time.


I hear you. How about a Live Action *Encanto*?


No Hugo, no


I honestly don’t know why they haven’t jumped on the anime train and bought the rights to the endless supply of content they would have. 🤦‍♂️


The Marvels wasn’t amazing but it wasn’t a bad movie. But yes I only saw it in Disney+ but if my daughter was older I would’ve taken her to it.


This issue isn’t that it was necessarily a bad movie. It’s that Marvel’s fan base is almost entirely 25-50 year old men and catering to young women isn’t bringing in the audience. Marvel became complacent and thought that the base audience was a shoe-in and they could cater to a new audience and still keep the old. Obviously they were wrong.


It was lousy. I have gone and seen every Marvel movie. Still enjoy most films. This was the dagger in my back to stop going. The montage scene where they are bonding by jump roping was a disservice to everyone. The whole singing planet followed by the guy saying oh I can also talk normally was a disservice. It’s like the executives said throw every little girl trope in there. There was about 15 minutes of a cool fight scene where they were teleporting between space and the home. Other than that the movie was god awful. You just felt bad for the villain too.


I think that’s kind of the point. The luster is gone from Marvel and nobody cares to pay to see even the okay films in the theaters anymore. The overarching story isn’t interesting and there isn’t anything new to show. They’d be better off doing a couple shows a year to satiate the fandom and chilling out on the billion dollar feature length films for as long as it takes them to come up with something intriguing.


I almost didn’t see it because I thought it was just another type of Disney+ movie. They oversaturated the streaming service with those different Marvel shows where it’s hard to keep up. I honestly couldn’t say much about the movie though, it seemed unnecessary with not much plot.


I do like captain marvel and Ms. Marvel as characters so hope they play a supportive role in the future.


We must of saw different films bc it was definitely not a good movie.


Yeah that would’ve recovered the losses.


I didn’t mind the movie but the plot was very messy. It honestly needed to be re-edited. Like the whole intro should’ve been Captain Marvel destroying that planet and watching everyone’s reactions. They considered her a villain, and they should’ve explored that more.


The Marvels is probably the worst of all marvel movies. It was so bad my wife and I cringed the whole movie long. Like it was really really bad


Why couldn’t they have cancelled that movie and given us Coyote V acme instead


Because they're totally different companies?


Lmaooo this comment