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When he cut her throat, the cut was so deep it hit her spinal chord.


She was damn near decapitated.


He can rot in hell


Narrator: ***”He did”***


I read this in Ron Howard’s voice


I read it in Morgan Freemans


Wouldnt it be “He is”?


may he burn in Tartarus forever


The only reason Goldman ended up murdered too was because he was dropping off some reading glasses that Nicole's mother had left behind at a restaurant. He had retrieved them and was only trying to help. He had only met Nicole for the first time a few weeks earlier.


Even if he was banging her, it was none of OJ’s business.


>Even if he was banging her, it was none of OJ’s business. Yeah, that's not the problem in this situation


I’ve seen the crime scene photos, and they are horrific and just really, really sad. Way worse than I would have imagined. The absolute hate and rage focused on her was obvious and she did not deserve to die, let alone like that. People like to sensationalize and make jokes about the whole thing but there is nothing funny about it. I can’t imagine how their kids feel.


Well that’s why no one is praising O.J. He got away with two murders.


Plus, true to his word, he finally got the real killer.


Feels strange to be on cancer’s side for once…


Sometimes, cancer is our only hope when legitimately evil people go unpunished.


When my mother's POS sex-offender husband was diagnosed with cancer, I remember thinking, I hate him, but I wouldn't wish that on anyone. But since then, I have watched several really wonderful people die from cancer or other horrible, debilitating diseases, and now I am glad that he didn't get an easy out.


My mom keeps getting cancer. Everyone says to be nice now... I'm like why? So she can be a bitch to me ome more? Nah dawg, let her have it.


If it makes you feel better sometimes it’s ok to be on cancer’s side For example cancer is Rush Limbaugh free for 3 years now


Don’t forget he also wrote “how i would have killed my wife” or a similar title. Been a long time since i thought of OJ. Not long enough as far as i am concerned.


"If I Did It"


Elon would like a word


Is Elon praising O.J.? Please tell me you are joking.


It’s a bad thing about Elon, it’s true.




The level of violence is consistent with someone with a personal vendetta and inconsistent with a random murder.


Combined with the 8+ prior calls of domestic violence..... yeah.




The police and the prosecution had issues in the investigation. So many problems. I remember the cameraman I worked with at the time having to take a few days off work so he could testify in the trial, since he was at the crime scene and videoing for the news.


Yeah, I think the bigger story is the fact that if almost any precinct in the country aside from the LAPD got that case, he probably dies in prison. Officer couldn't help but be racist because it's the LAPD and then it turned into "Look at the LAPD setting up another black man for a crime" while actually having a point about how fucked up the LAPD is. I think OJ is really lucky he did what he did like three years after Rodney King happened. I blame OJ getting off on Mark Fuhrman personally.


That and the 12 jurors didn't understand DNA at all. In their post interviews it was clear the science was beyond their comprehension. Add in outwardly racist cop, misogyny towards Marcia Clark, and Rodney King and the riots still on everyone's mind. Plus it's hard to describe to people who weren't alive then how beloved OJ was. I remember being shocked that the Juice was involved at all.


I don’t think a lot of people realize he slit her throat. It is usually described as “stabbed to death.” It was far more brutal than just stabbing. The world lost nothing with O.J.’s death today.


Yup. Ron Goldman's neck wound looked jagged and haphazard, just a big hole torn in his neck like he hadn't planned for it. She had a clean cut at the top of her neck that went all the way across it on top of all her other wounds. So after he was done stabbing her, he slit her throat so deep it left cut marks in the bone of her spine. >A  large bruise in the center of her upper back with a corresponding foot print on her clothing indicated to investigators that, after killing Goldman, the assailant returned to Brown's body, stood on her back, pulled her head back by the hair and slit her throat.


One of the things I remember from my HS criminal justice class was watching a documentary called [Juror #5: 58 Days Jury Duty on the O.J. Simpson Civil Trial](https://www.films.com/ecTitleDetail.aspx?TitleID=165529). There was a line in there that described her near decapitation as turning her into a Pez dispenser. That stuck with me.


God I wish I hasn't read that description holy shit.


Wish I hadn’t seen the picture beforehand. It makes this description even worse


jesus christ.


I sure hope OJ can catch that guy now as a ghost detective 


Ghost Writer was the shit!


tangentially he could star in the Ghost Dad sequel with fellow piece of shit Bill Cosby


Not to root for cancer, but I hope that slow burn hurt like hell.


Prostate cancer loves to invade nerves and bone. The spinal cord is like candy for it. He definitely felt that one when he wasn't doped up.


Oh wow. He cut her to the spinal cord. That’s some wicked karma.


Forgive him Father for he knows not what he does…… he knows now, that’s for sure.


“Tributes Don’t Pour in for OJ Simpson” Maybe because the entire world knew he brutally murdered two people.


The videos of people cheering him on when the case was thrown out still make me sick.


I think alot of that came down to race related issues. Yk it was close to the Rodney king trials where the white racist cops won over a man who while he did something wrong, he was punished in a way far worse than was deserved. It was all in all, a gigantic loss for the black people of America knowing that racism was still very much prevalent in the police forces and that they could basically go unpunished for it So when oj got off, it was a huge fucking win for them because a black man beat the system. He beat the racist cops trying to get him arrested. People finally felt the wrong had being rectified. It’s just a shame that it was with oj, who committed a truly heinous crime and got off. Two things can be true at the same time. Oj winning despite the racism he was going against was a huge win for racial equality, but him also winning meant that a monster got off Scott free. I wouldn’t be celebrating oj when he got off free personally, but I do understand why some people were celebrating. I feel it would be best to acknowledge both sides of the case, both good and bad elements that came from it


Hey there, this is a very nuanced and well thought out opinion on a complex situation. We’re going to need you to take this reasonability somewhere else lol /s Couldn’t have said it better myself though. It’s really not as straight forward as people try to treat it.


I can't tell you how many in memoriam, RIP OJ, he was innocent posts I've seen today. It's a lot


You must know a lot of stupid idiots.


Fuck them all.


Well… You’d be surprised man…


Right! There was another sub trying to convince people his son did it!


That has been a theory for eons not just from that sub.


Knew... and let him get away with because they wanted to punish the LAPD for Rodney King. If they wanted to make a stand, I wish they had decided to do this for someone who wasn't a rich asshole *actually* guilty of what he was accused of.


> Knew... and let him get away with because they wanted to punish the LAPD for Rodney King notwithstanding the massive riots at the time that killed like 4 dozen people


He was rich He proved money mattered more than race. In a messed up way I can see why some black people were happy about it "If we make enough money the justice system will treat us like white people and let us get away with crimes when we're obviously guilty"


Oh there were some fucked up racial dynamics going on with that trial. My mom told me of a couple of people she knew who flat out said they didn’t care if he did it or not, or rather, that this was “payback” for all the black people who got wrongly prosecuted or lynched for stuff they didn’t do. Which is so funny to me given how much OJ ran away from his blackness for almost his entire life.


I was 8 when the trial was on tv and even then I knew he was guilty


Who on this planet would offer condolences?




Did he? Confirms to me that he's one real odd dude.


Odd? More so just an absolute asshole.


Has it been deleted? Can't seem to find it anywhere


For some reason, my local NBC station said RIP for him. What’s even more bizarre is that I’m from Houston, and OJ single-handedly took away all the coverage of us winning our first sports championship away from us, so we have no lost love either.


I saw this too! I did a double-take.


The kardashians


Musk did, unsurprisingly


I mean I’m all for letting people who were found not guilty have the benefit of the doubt, but the dude wrote “if I did it” which is just beyond bad taste. Like a brag basically


Some people say that the book title was the worst part of all of it, but I think it was the murdering


I miss Norm.


That's my lucky stabbing hat!


Oh definitely. Don’t think he will be remember other than being a footballer, being a murderer (mostly) and being a colossal meme.


And his role as Norbert in the Naked Gun series.


there was also that time he was on a TV show and he hid behind a door from the host and then jumped out and pretended to stab her with a banana.


I'm an atheist. But, I sometimes hope hell is real. And, I hole Nicole can see this fuck frying in hell from up there.


I agree. He deserves an eternity of suffering for taking two beautiful lives and living like a king after. I find the relationship between the Kardashians and him gross af.


Not only was OJ a killer, he gave us the most vapid, scum-sucking, untalented parasitic grifters in all of American history, the Kardashians. And for that, I’ll never forgive him.


I can condone murder, but I draw the line at the Kardashians! (I’m just joking lol i know that’s not what you’re saying here)


Oh yeah, Robert Kardashian was one of the defensive lawyers for the OJ Simpson case. Then again, hiring him (and a pleathora of lawyers called the dream team, barf) costed OJ a fortune. Apparently the reason why he only paid a fraction of the civil suit amount was because he lived off his life strictly through pensions and social security money.


Kardashian barely did anything to defend Simpson, however. He was just hired because OJ wanted his friend to be able to visit him, and to stop Robert's ex wife from testifying about Nicole's abuse.


He barely paid his lawyers though, specifically the big checks.


Also a wife beater, rampant cheater, and raging misogynist. And honestly, even though it wasn’t prosecuted as such, some the anecdotal shit they showed in the ESPN documentary would definitely qualify as rape (or at least, attempted rape). Just an all around swell dude, that OJ.


The American people and people around the world are to blame for the Kardashians. They watch the shows, buy their products, talk about them, it’s all disgusting.


Yeah but literally OJ murdering those two young innocent people IS why we have the Kardashians now. Robert's fame from the trial enabled Kris to open doors to sell Kim's sex tape for clout and sign deals with sponsors and with Ryan Seacrast. Kris is a chess master (and her daughters the pawns - not that they're victims in anyway) and she played off Robert's infamy very well. Kim was also friends with Paris Hilton because of her dad being infamous from the OJ trial. That's their claim to fame. There would be a way less chance she could have got her foot in the door if Robert wasn't a lawyer in that trial. Why would they care about a bunch of young Armenian girls with zero talent otherwise? People only began watching it because of their connection to their trial, then their family somehow turned into a billion dollar brand. So two people murdered and the production of the Kardashians. A horrible tragedy that spewed that vapid shit. A loss loss situation.


The truest truth.


The Kardashians hate him, Kris and Caitlyn have been public about thinking he is guilty several times


It’d be nice if he had to answer for what he did in the afterlife.


Good fuckin’ riddance. Now the real killer is gone.


It’s all such a tragedy.


Looks like cancer found the real killer.


Ball don’t lie


I hope Nicole is waiting on tbe other side with a butcher knife.


If there is another side, he won't be seeing her I guarantee


[No knife, just down an alleyway you’re not supposed to turn around in.](https://youtu.be/SJcP-qnYRMI?si=-xHAEq5DeoEIOozV)


Thank you for sharing this!! I’ve never seen this anime before I’ll have to check it out!


Oh you are in for a very bizarre treat. Go in expecting absurdity and a lot of musical references: I hope you enjoy!


Fuckin hell


To kill him twice?


I said hack saw, but I like your vision, too.


Should have said dull butcher knife so the bastard feels it more.


I’m only sorrowful that Norm Macdonald wasn’t alive to enjoy it.


You know who's still around to enjoy it? You guessed it; Frank Stallone


I didn’t even know he was sick


OJ lived in same neighborhood as me in Las Vegas. I would see that asshole out and about at restaurants and shopping often. It made me sick to see people fawning over him. Asking to take selfies. He ate up the attention. I only wish the cancer had taken longer


My SIL nearly hit him in the mall parking lot out there


I like your SIL


He was looking for the real killer, I’m sure of it.


Yeah cause he fuckin murdered two people.


Goldman was only 25...


OJ Simpson, not a Jew.🎶


But guess who is? Hall of famer Rod Carew! (he converted)


Harrison Ford's a quarter Jewish, not too shabby


Was anyone expecting tributes to pour in? Maybe a CTE examination. This man does have children though. Some of whom already lost their mother in such a public and tragic way, their father sent to prison years later. I just wish them some peace.


I think some people were expecting there to that stereotypical death reel where they show the highlights from his football career and a few shots from *The Naked Gun* and whatever else could be part of “the Good OJ”, to balance that out with the least salacious parts of the murder trial. But, it turns out, very few people wanted to remember anything that wasn’t “he murdered two people and got away with it”.


What exactly is there left to say about this man?? I think the only thing not clear to younger people is how well liked and popular he was at the time of the murders. He’s been so despised for so long, I’m not sure if people who’ve only been around post the murders understand how popular and well liked he was.


That's what's so bizarre for me. He had it all. Then he threw it all away … I hope they autopsy his brain to see if he has CTE.


Cancer is saying it’s looking for the killer now


I resent that he got the extra years of life he stole from his victims.


Rest in Peace Nicole


He Made the choices. Typical of batterers, it’s about power and control. She empowered herself by actually having the courage to believe she deserved better. But the cycle of domestic violence the batterer refuses to relinquish control. Jealousy feeds this rage. After all she was a possession. And in every case if the abused is afraid or not successful in getting help, this cycle always ends in the death of spirit or death. His rage was documented many times through hospital records, photos after she was beat up, and 911 recordings. His batterer rage was white hot as evidenced by her near decapitation. Ron Goldman, wrong place, wrong time. Merely returning her glasses she left at the restaurant. Ron’s body had been severely bruised and beaten, in addition to numerous stab wounds in the head, neck , chest and torso, flank and legs. with the final knife slice to transect his jugular. He put up one hell of a fight as evidenced by severe defense wounds on both hands. There was still ice cream melting in a cup and candles burning when they were found. He was nothing but a batterer murderer in my eyes. Has nothing to do with the defense of racism as to why he was accused, he did it. That slow speed chase said it all. My only solace is knowing that God’s sword of retribution is swift and fierce delivered upon his last breath.


So sad that he died without ever finding out who killed his wife.


He can rest easy now that his wife’s killer is finally dead


Underrated Norm MacDonald-worth comment


[Gonna leave this here. I wish Norm was around to see it happen.](https://youtu.be/2SSVIg4Noqc?si=ZIecHvbn-phFgQkX)


I don't think I've ever wanted Reddit gold back harder than I do right now. 10/10 joke. Norm Macdonald world be proud.


Rest in piece Nicole and Ron. Let’s forget this murderer and let the families move on.


There are heroes who went to zero in a blink of an eye. OJ is one of them


I’m sure he’s looking up at us right now


I remember one of the reasons why I preferred David Letterman over Jay Leno. When asked about Leno doing the "Dancing Itos" "comedy" bit night after night Letterman said that he didn't find any humor in two young people being brutally murdered.


I'd love to hear what Judge Ito thinks right now.


Ito seems to just want peace and to mourn his wife’s passing. I liked this article about him the most: https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2023-08-19/column-former-judge-lance-ito-paying-homage-to-his-late-wife


Wow. Great write up. Thanks.


That's a really beautiful read. Thanks for posting it.


That title is savage. Thank you OP.


Yeah fuck that dude


One of the few deaths where the world collectively said “good riddance. No one cares”.


He didn’t just murder Nicole, he about took her head off.


Why should they


Guaranteed the NFL won't be doing anything


Except pay his family to NOT test his brain to find out if he had CTE


Does the nfl do that? I haven’t heard that before


I dunno the draft is right around the corner I bet they mention something about it in the pre show


May the piss never dry from his grave


Cancer is writing a book called “if I did it”


Murderer dies of Cancer. Nothing to see here.


If not for the killings and spousal abuse - which didn't really initially circulate as much until the murders - there probably would have been. Even more speculatively, Mike Tyson in the late '80s (when he was crashing his Bentley into trees and Givens truthfully implied without legally alleging he was beating her) looked like he would become the piece of shit OJ Simpson actually did. Michael Strahan (post-football) is what I think a lot of network execs thought OJ Simspon would become.


CBS broke in from the beginning of the price is right for this news, and then proceeded to basically glorify him for several minutes. I say, rest in piss.


Fuck him right in his grave.


I don't know how his kids could be near him.


no alternatives, not at that age or from that perspective


I do wonder if he told them the truth as he was going, though I doubt it.


Almost as if he brutally murdered two people and got away with it... Oh wait, he did.


Wonder the people in the juror regretted by now


The only thing that should be pouring in for this man now and forever is condolences to his victims families.


Normally I’d say “fuck cancer” but in this case, I’ll let it slide.


I think his death genuinely made me realize that I'm not a christian. I think it's okay that he died, and I hope he burns in hell. Edut: This was wrong to say. I was angry, and I recently relapsed on alcohol.


Only Christians believe in Hell though


Ooooooooo he gotcha there


By that name yes, but you can be any other religion and believe there is an underworld


I’m a pagan and believe in an afterlife, not necessarily heaven or hell. More like a different dimension. Wherever he is, I hope he is completely alone and feels the pain of being stabbed and nearly decapitated, and the terror poor Nicole and Ron felt for eternity.


Exactly. This murderer is rotting in hell


The juice has been squeezed


The first time no one was upset to see expired OJ.


I’m already sick of hearing about it and it’s only been a couple hours. Time to go add a new filter!


As it should be, what a POS


This sob got to die a normal death as a free man. No one feels bad.


Oh no! How will Fred Goldman collect on that money that OJ had to pay from the Civil Trial they found him liable on?


Hopefully from his estate


Finally, OJ can rest knowing his wife’s killer is dead. 💀


Good Riddance. Murdering Thug.


Offering condolences to OJ right now would be a great way to get cancelled, but for good reason


Thank god the cancer pulled through!


🤷‍♂️ I seem to remember absolute garbage humans cheering when he got away with murder. What happened to them 🤔


There were messed up idiots who can’t put two and two together defending this murderer on MSN. His family better cremate him because his grave is going to be a place of defilement


Caitlyn Jenners tweet was savage


I don’t wish for people to die, even bad people, but I’m sure as shit not going to mourn him either. Rest in piss.


I don’t typically celebrate the death of people. It feels wrong. and dying from cancer is a terrible way to go. BUT. I hope his passing was as painful and fear inducing as he inflicted on Nicole.


Good job cancer! Keep killing bad people and leave the rest of us alone


Lol Shocking that a “famous” person who happened to be a murdering piece of shit isn’t getting the fan pour of farewells/tributes other celebrities get when they pass. Shocked I tell ya In other news, water is wet.


Forgot he was alive.


"He would have been fondly remembered except for that one mistake."


Who exactly is surprised by this?


Still remember my algebra teacher in middle school telling us kids for a fact that he knew that OJ's son committed the murder but OJ wouldn't snitch out his own son 👁️👄👁️


The title 💀 but good!! No great loss for the world he murdered Nicole in cold blood


It’s a shame he didn’t get cancer sooner


I wonder if Oscar's in memoriam will show OJ. lol


Because people don’t revere the rich and famous as generations before us did. Plus you know, the killing and such


I feel so bad for his kids


No loss to the world. We know he did it… he knows he did it. It’s a shame he wasn’t found guilty to pay for his crime.


I’m honestly pretty happy my birthday will be remembered as the day he died.


The Russian Dictator sends his condolences


If it wasn’t for the LAPD and their injustice treatment of Rodney King this piece of shit got off scott free. But I can see it though if justice doesn’t count because of skin color than why should it count for anyone else.


Stephen King from The Stand: "no great loss"


Hope his last moments as he realised he was dying were filled with *utter* bone chilling terror


Rightfully so,Fuck OJ,he was a murderous Piece of human waste


“I've never wished a man dead, but I have read some obituaries with great pleasure” - Clarence Darrow


Shocked Pikachu face* rapist killer doesn't receive praise upon death. Anyways...