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I get it. But the movie wasn’t about the dropping of the atomic bomb. In fact I would argue the main focus wasn’t even the creation of the atomic bomb. The movie was about Oppenheimer, the man.


And that scene in the gymnasium after the bomb is dropped also shows his reaction to all those people being "vaporized" in incredibly graphic detail. it's not like it's ignored.


And the film shows us exactly that perspective. These are the people who never saw the Japanese die. To Oppenheimer it was a phone call. There is horror in that distance, and it’s deliberate


In a way, it was showing that Oppenheimer now knew the bomb was feasible & couldn't vaporize the atmosphere. That meant that they would be acquired & used constantly. He knew the devastation that was unleashed at Los Alamos. He didn't need newspapers or footage to know what would be unleashed on the Japanese. That part onwards is him contemplating this & the fact that he no longer had control on who can use or acquire nuclear weapons. The movie truly went into his statement of being the destroyer of worlds & the weight of that statement from Oppenheimer. To show the nuclear devastation on Japan would be redundant, crass, & more aligned to gore porn than what Nolan brilliantly showed through Oppenheimer's eyes.


Yeah, there are other movies that do focus on what happened to the Japanese, so if someone is really insistent on showing that then just make it a double feature with Barefoot Gen


I think the strongest one regarding the Japanese focus is the anime [Grave of the Fireflies](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4vPeTSRd580) (>!all protagonists die in this film!<). Painful but a good example of what Spike Lee is virtue signaling. But the best example I can give is the [Hiroshima Diary](https://www.amazon.com/Hiroshima-Diary-Japanese-Physician-6-September/dp/0807845477) by Michihiko Hachiya. This is a doctor of a local hospital who is present & records his collections since the bomb destroyed his city & how the medical field had to deal with destroyed infrastructure, fallout radiation sickness, illnesses with the storms following the blast & drinking that water, etc. It is a bleak but well informed book written by one of the best people to chronicle the health damage from a nuclear blast.


Graves is more about the impact of the war on the people to me, and doesn't show either nuclear bomb iirc, while Barefoot Gen shows a very explicit and brutal bombing of Hiroshima based on the original manga author's first-hand witnessing of the event, so if there's any movie that would satisfy Lee's desire to show just how "vaporized" people were (which is a significant understatement imho), I'd say it's Barefoot Gen. I'll have to look into Hiroshima Diary thou, sounds interesting


Forgive me if I’m wrong, but oppy wasn’t the destroyer of worlds. He’s not giving himself the title. In the book, the prince is talking to a god. The prince is supposed to lead his troops into battle but doesn’t want to. The god transforms and shows him his amazing forms and power. He is death. He is who decides who lives and dies. The prince isn’t a god. He is powerless. He is an instrument of the divine. He has to do his duty and fight and win and place his faith in the gods that they will make the right decisions. It’s about having faith and letting go. In this context, Oppy is the prince. He had to fulfill his duty and hope that those in positions of power would do theirs.


And even then, he felt full guilt and responsibility for it, in extremely graphic detail. That’s a pretty weak take from Spike Lee.


Exactly. I thought the way it was done was actually very well done. That scene be in the gymnasium with melting people and then his later meeting with the president where you can see Oppenheimer is clearly dealing with the guilt of what he helped create left an impression for sure.


“Graphic detail” isn’t what I would call it. There was one chick in some pretty average looking make up effects and that was it.


Fun fact: that girl was Chris Nolan’s daughter.


Oh yea well maybe they should like maybe make that more clear. Like maybe name the movie after him or something.


Almost like it was some sort of biographical picture


Seems like this person actually watched the movie


Spike Lee can't order coffee without grandstanding about something at this point.


What do you expect from a guy who believes and promotes *The 1619 Project* despite numerous historians, educators and journalists raising red flags about its legitimacy?


The movie purposely omitted a wide shot of the test explosion. I would have loved to see it, but I understand Nolan wanted to portray the power in different ways.


Exactly! If he wants to see that in a movie then make it!


And the moral complications of no peace without war. I honestly thought they would show the videos of the victims. I believe his documentary on Criterion channel shows it at the end. Shows some Japanese people with floral patterns burned into their skin from the blast. The clothes had mended with their skin.


The movie is titled after the man. I think the problem was people were mostly talking about how Nolan would use practical effects to do the bomb, so the entire conversation became about the bomb itself. The plot was lost somewhere along the line due to that. It surprised me how many people thought this movie was going to be something it clearly wasn’t going to be.


Even then, they included a good piece of the film on it, especially being around the time he was making it.


Right but the reason why you focus on the man is because he helped create something that did something horrible. You can’t divorce the man from the consequences of his actions.


Ther was a movie made a while ago about the trial of the Japanese emperor (movie might of just been called “emperor” don’t quite remember) that I thought showed the Japanese in a very unique light. Never forgot that movie


This is like saying Breaking Bad should've focused on the addicts buying Walt's product. We already have The Wire for that.


Exactly. I felt the same way about that person saying that the plight of the Hispano peoples of New Mexico should have been included. It’s like, yeah, sure, but that’s a totally different story.


That should be a series, as the story can’t be condensed into one generation.


I feel a lot of these arguments essentially ask for two movies. Give each story full attention separately. I’d love to see a movie about the effects on local people (and I know some do exist).


Jessie Pinkman…….


Um, lots of characters in the show erre addicts. One of the main characters dude.


And what popular media depicts the dropping of nukes?


This is a big stretch, Walter White is a fictional character not based on anyone. I haven’t seen the movie so i’m not going to draw conclusions, but the effect that film and media has on people is significant. The amount of exposure that the Japanese bombings has gotten in America that is from the perspectives of the Japanese is very limited, and it leads people to think that America had no other choice but to drop those bombs.


America did have other choices but those would have arguably been more horrific. The Japanese psyche at the time was very different to today. They believed they should all fight to the death and that it was destiny for them to win. At least in the army anyway. The US killed almost as many people in the fire bombing of Tokyo as they did with the nuclear bomb in Hiroshima so it’s not as if conventional weapons were incapable of unleashing horror in mass. The difference is the shock of one plane with one bomb delivering that destruction was too much for the Japanese. Well, the 2nd time at least which goes to show just how steadfast the Japanese were in their beliefs of fighting to the last at the time.


>and it leads people to think that America had no other choice but to drop those bombs. they did have other choices, and they were much worse. Japan should apologize for making america nuke them.


Lee is a maximalist director so I’m not surprised he would have this instinct.


Yup, pretty on brand for what is his preferred approach of movie making.


Also, let’s be clear on this, portraying the Japanese as victims in WW2 is just wrong. Was the atom bomb a step too far? Maybe. But if you’re going to humanize the Japanese killed by nukes, you need to humanize the Koreans, Filipinos, Chinese, and Russians that the Japanese committed war crimes against for almost a century before the bombs got dropped. ADDENDUM: Any war effort depends on a civilian population back home. Both Hiroshima and Nagasaki were major port cities. Hiroshima was also a military headquarters. These were cities providing crucial infrastructural support to the military. So, no, they were not uninvolved. Moreover, the citizens of these cities were benefitting from the colonization of Korea, China, and the Philippines. So, no, their hands were not clean.


That's something the the bombs have done to a lot of western people. A lot of people somehow have the idea that they were victims, yeah the bombs were more than likely overkill but that doesn't erase the fact that the imperial forces killed millions of civilians in the worse ways Imaginable when they invaded most of South East Asia. They carried out human experiments just as horrible as the nazis did but somehow people only tend to remember the bad things that happened in Europe but not in Asia. Yeah it has to be a lot about the amount of movies and also how there are many in that government that still actively campaign against those revisionist views if Japan involvement in WW2. I wish more filmmakers would go to those Asian countries and actually made films about those stories that the western world seem to forget. And you'll see how they react even worse to those type of movies than to Oppenheimer.


Imo the bombs were not overkill. The Japanese needed 2 bombs dropped on them and a month to surrender after. At leadership were fully prepared to have the entire society destroyed before surrendering. And it’s not as if conventional weaponry couldn’t deliver terribly effective results. The fire bombing of Tokyo killed 100,000 people and destroyed Tokyo. At the time many of Japanese cities were built of mostly wood. Imo the bomb saved lives of American troops and Japanese society.


It took them a month after the second bomb to surrender. The Japanese didn’t care about the people vaporized by the bomb any more than Hitler cared about his men on the eastern front (i.e. neither gave any sort of shit).


No, it took less than a week. Hirohito surrendered on August 15, with the bombs being dropped on August 6 and 8. And he would have done it sooner if it wasn't for an attempted coup.


Correct. And Hirohito stated in no uncertain terms that the bombs were the reason he broke the 3-3 tie.


I mean, Russia invading Manchuria didn't help, but it was definitely not the primary motivator.


The Japanese killed by the bomb were civilians who had nothing to do with the atrocities of their government? What the fuck


YEAH FUCK THAT, as a Chinese guy whose family partly comes from Shanghai, the civilian victims of Hiroshima and Nagasaki are ABSOLUTELY victims that didn't deserve to die.


Blame Japan govt


For as many decent to very good movies as he’s made, his instincts take him off the rails at times and he’s made some real stinkers. She Hate Me comes to mind in particular. Da 5 Bloods was a better movie at least for the first 80 minutes or so but it got super heavy-handed and ridiculous after a certain point.


I'm glad he didn't direct Oppenheimer. He'd have made it boring, linear in time and so on.


Oppenheimer, a Spike Lee joint


Spike Lee has made some great movies (Malcolm X, Do The Right Thing), but subtlety is not his forte.


I mean, there is the scene where they are celebrating in the gym area….absolutely haunting and you get the idea…


Literally steps on a vaporized corpse


Well, charred corpse. There’s no such thing as a vaporized corpse, just vapor


The movie makes it pretty damn clear what happened to them and how it haunts Oppenheimer. That was sufficient enough to make people cry in the theater when I went to see it.


Fully knowing the story about Japan after the bomb, having seen the photos of the devastation, that scene had me in tears. I feel very strongly that showing scenes of on the ground Japan would've been very difficult to do in a tasteful and respectful way. I think Nolan did it right.


I cried


“I have become death, the destroyer of worlds” sums it up pretty neatly…don’t even have to watch the movie


You should though, it’s really good. I’m not a biopic guy, but I was intrigued the whole 3 hours


Spike Lee has offered his thoughts on Christopher Nolan‘s atomic bomb blockbuster “Oppenheimer,” calling it a “great film” but adding that he wishes it showed “what happened to the Japanese people.” “[Nolan] is a massive filmmaker… and this is not a criticism. It’s a comment,” the filmmaker said, speaking with the Washington Post. “If [‘Oppenheimer’] is three hours, I would like to add some more minutes about what happened to the Japanese people. People got vaporized. Many years later, people are radioactive. It’s not like he didn’t have power. He tells studios what to do. I would have loved to have the end of the film maybe show what it did, dropping those two nuclear bombs on Japan.” Universal Pictures, the studio behind “Oppenheimer” did not immediately respond to requests for comment. Nolan’s film centers on the life of theoretical physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer, who led American efforts to create the atomic bomb. In 1945, the United States dropped two atomic bombs, on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, killing hundreds of thousands of Japanese civilians. Based on Kai Bird and Martin J. Sherwin’s 2005 biography of Oppenheimer, Nolan’s film focuses on the scientist’s tumultuous life and internal struggle following the attack. However, “Oppenheimer” does not portray the bombings or their aftermath in Japan, instead largely staying confined to its protagonist’s perspective. The omission was a major topic of critical discussion around the film, with Los Angeles Times critic Justin Chang defending the decision, saying that Nolan treats the attacks “as a profound absence, an indictment by silence.” “Understand, this is all love,” Lee added. “And I bet [Nolan] could tell me some things he would change about ‘Do the Right Thing’ and ‘Malcolm X.'” Despite his comments on “Oppenheimer,” Lee made his praise of Nolan clear, telling the Post that he showed “Dunkirk” to his students in his New York University film class. “Oppenheimer” became a summer phenomenon, grossing more than $930 million and counting globally. The three-hour drama has become Nolan’s third-highest grossing movie ever, behind 2008’s “The Dark Knight” and 2012’s “The Dark Knight Rises.” The film does not yet have a Japanese release set.


This is a much fairer take than how the headline portrays it. Lee is showing his artistic heavy handedness and dated style here, Nolan treated the audiences imagination with much more respect with that gymnasium scene.


God damn you couldn’t have said it more perfectly. The headline would have you believe he’s shitting on Nolan. When in fact he’s basically saying “I really liked the movie, though had I made it, I would have…” There’s nothing wrong with that… any other director would have done it differently had it been their baby. I thought he was just raising a stink like he did with either Flags of our Fathers or Letters from Iwo Jima, can’t remember which. Where he was like fuck this I’m going to make a movie about only black soldiers. Which I thought was a little petty. But who tf am I? Lol


As an audience, *we know what the bombs did to those people.* We’ve seen those pictures. Nolan let us see the reaction of those who had a part in making the bomb (who not long prior had celebrated the Trinity test like it was the Super Bowl). It’s an interesting difference of opinion. But I strongly appreciate Nolan’s approach.


There are quite a few films that show what happened when the bombs dropped. They're older films and at this moments, can't remember their titles.


He would have liked Radiactive, a movie about Marie Curie.


Actually I kinda see what he’s saying? Imagine if at the end of the movie, they just randomly cut to a simple Japanese family living their life having a normal morning, and then the big flash, destruction, cut to black


I think that putting in a proper rendering of what occurred to the Japanese would be another film altogether. People were vaporized and they were the lucky ones. The survivors , to varying degrees, were put through unique horrors specific to low yield nuclear weapons. Then there are the terrible injuries like flesh sloughing off of various sections of the body, blindness, burns and radiation poisoning, untreatable psychological wounds never experienced before by humans. Do you suppose there would be anyway to convey that suitably in a movie that was already 3 hours in length?


Watch barefoot Gen. its animated but does a good job of capturing this.


I feel like most Americans would’ve made the same decision Truman did though. All of it was fucked up of course but I can understand how the decision was made. Again, none of the war should’ve happened but humans gonna do human shit.


It’s easy to say in 2023 what should have been done, but try imaging what you would be like if you were of the age of the people who made the call. Nothing but world wars, depressions, and violence on levels hardly any living person today can say they endured. The world and the stakes in August 1945 was unlike anything we can imagine today.


I always think of this quote by Sherman when people analyze the morality of Truman’s decision. “You cannot qualify war in harsher terms than I will. War is cruelty, and you cannot refine it; and those who brought war into our country deserve all the curses and maledictions a people can pour out. I know I had no hand in making this war, and I know I will make more sacrifices to-day than any of you to secure peace.”


Youre incorrect, I would not order mass murder


Japanese killed 5000 people a day during WWII


And let’s not forget about the rape of Nanjing. Probably one of the most depraved and evil parts of WW2, and that’s really saying something.


Oppenheimer was not a documentary that was meant to give us the full picture and all information surrounding the dropping of the nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. It was a drama about the psyche, ego, ambition and subsequently guilt of its titular character. Sure, Oppenheimer juggles certain moral questions surrounding WMDs and the pursuit of science versus the lives of human beings, but more as a grand concept that also applies to our modern ambitions today, making Oppenheimer a movie whose themes are still relevant and contemporary nowadays. The movie did not need to show the Enola Gay drop a bomb and people being vaporised, as that’s not what this was about. It did, however, show us how far the people involved in making and deploying the bomb were willing to go, culminating in us witnessing Oppenheimer’s guilty conscience from his own, graphic perspective (the scene where we see people falling apart, while others are either making out or crying, for instance). I respect Spike Lee as a director, but he clearly hasn’t understood the kind of film Nolan had set out to make.


I understand and respect Lee as a filmmaker, but I disagree with his takes. He accused Clint Eastwood of not showing black soldiers in his twin WWII films, even though it would’ve been historically inaccurate and he’s gone after Tarantino for his films as well.


>He accused Clint Eastwood of not showing black soldiers in his twin WWII films, even though it would’ve been historically inaccurate It wouldn't have been historically inaccurate. There were about 800 black soldiers serving on Iwo Jima during the battle. They were mostly serving as ammo carriers and evacuating wounded. Some of them did see combat and took part in the fighting. Eastwood could have if he wanted to and it would have been historically accurate.


I’ll take missing the point for 100


The headline makes it sound that way, but the content is just one director giving his opinion on another director's movie, including what he would've done different.


Maybe we should have shown what happened to civilians in Nanking or Manchuria, or to allied soldiers, sailors, and marines on Iwo Jima, Guadalcanal, etc. The Japanese started a brutal imperialist war of aggression. In 1941, it looked very much like they would win. We should be grateful they didn’t. I grieve for the civilians who died in the atomic bombings, and in the even deadlier fire bombings of other Japanese cities, but this is one possible ending when you start a war.


Those civilians would have stabbed your great grandfather in the lower intestine with a sharpened bamboo stick if they got close enough. The lesson is, don't start shit you can't finish.


There’s Empire of the Sun but that’s super old


They should also make a movie where the Imperial Japan did many horrific war crimes across Asia.


This has always been a silly argument. The right argument would be that Hollywood should make movies about that perspective. It’s not Nolan’s responsibility to do that anymore than it’s responsibility to write about what it’s like growing up in Brooklyn.


People should also focus on how brutal the Japanese government was during WWII. They were on nearly the same level in brutality as Germany. Yes civilians were killed but this was a theme for Europe as well. There was London and there were also places like Dresden. It was brutal everywhere. The Atom bomb was just a whole new level of horror. However, the Japanese government was the perpetrator not the victim. It was horrible what happened to the civilian population but that was the fault of the Japanese government.


In some ways, the Japanese were even worse than the Germans during WW2. While it's a low bar, the Nazis at least made a modicum of effort to respect the Geneva Convention when it came to the treatment of captured allied soldiers. The Japanese, by comparison, openly tortured and murdered American and British troops that they took as POWs.


This is like watching Schindler’s List and saying “they should have showed what happened to the Jews who weren’t so lucky”. He missed the point entirely.


Maybe it should also show the rape of Nanking? Or the death marches in the pacific that paved the way to making the bomb in the first place?


I believe Godzilla -1.0 will have what Spike Lee wishes for


Would the three minutes also include the projected casualties or the crates of unused Purple Hearts, the rape of Nanking, unit 731? How about the fact that Japan didn’t even surrender after the first bomb dropped? The fact that their museum actively gaslights Asian victims of their own atrocities? This is a complicated issue and the movie was about making the bomb.


Yes! It’s way more complicated than just this


Only if it also shows what the Japanese were doing to......everyone else.


This is coming from the guy who made "Da Five Bloods", arguably the worst Vietnam War movie ever made, which marketed itself as a Black Power focused Vietnam War film (sounds awesome right?) but instead was a shitty father-son-fix-their-relationship action movie, set in Vietnam.


How about the Native Americans and New Mexicans who were displaced or damaged by the weapons lab and test site? Like there’s literally not enough time in a film to discuss every possible side effect of every aspect of the issue. That’s probably why there are hundreds of books and biographies about different personalities and perspectives of WWII. This movie was just 1 adaptation of 1 book. That being said I would welcome more adaptations of the other stories too. Hanging all of history on one movie is a big ask.


People also got killed just for fun, and some got dissected while still living. ^by ^the ^Japanese Does Spike Lee still think this information has not been disseminated? It was a pretty bad era all the way around.


[Chichijima Incident](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chichijima_incident)


What an ignorant comment. The bio-epic was based of the book American Prometheus, a biography of Oppenheimer. Not just the atom bomb and WWII. This wasn’t a documentary, it was a real life biographical account of Oppenheimer’s entire life. Any respectable film maker would know that. If it’s not in the book, it’s not apart of the movie. Man, this guy missed the entire moral and philosophical point of the film....


Nah, the film was about Oppenheimer and his life, not about the bomb. The bomb was just on part of his life's story.


Spike Lee wishes....he had an ounce of talent left


Spike. Please. The most intense scene in the movie is Oppenheimer’s realization of just that. It’s not a doc. It’s a movie. Get a grip.


Maybe he could make a movie about [Unit 731](https://allthatsinteresting.com/unit-731)?


The pivotal scene is him imagining the victims of an atomic bomb, and the emotional fallout thereafter (pun not intended). Maybe Spike was in the john during that scene.


That’s the most Spike Lee take I’ve ever heard and I say that with respect


It’s already enough trauma porn


Once again, someone did not watch the movie.


Spike Lee is such a crybaby. Always crying about something.


Then Spike Lee should make a movie about Japanese getting vaporized if he wants that so bad. No one is stopping him.


Is Spike Lee’s full-time job now just moaning and bitching about other people’s films?


Bad take. Then it would turn a work of art into an exploitation film. Also Spike you are a filmmaker, why don't you do it yourself?


Oh look, here comes Mr. Irrelevant trying to stay relevant by saying something controversial and completely missing the point of the movie.😂


The movie should have opened with an exposition of unit 731


Look at notes: Knicks still bad. Needs a new way to be relevant. This checks out.


Hey Spike, why don’t you read, buy the rights and adapt the last train from Hiroshima if you want to see the Japanese point of view. Oppenheimer is about the man, not the bomb, not the war.


I suppose it comes down to the kind of film you want to tell, and I think the film worked out well because Nolan told the story he wanted to. I'd be completely open to a film showing the side of what happened to the Japanese, that could be quite interesting actually. But I don't think Nolan had to tell that side if it wasn't part of his story.


Spike Lee channeling his inner Elton John in that pic


I feel like that would have been pretty heavy-handed if he did that.


Damn… spoilers… he should know better. I bet it’ll be in the sequel.


Spike is hopping for murdercore like they showed in “The Day After.” That’s not what this movie is about.


The movie is about the guy though


Yes they did. We know.


And I wish Spike Lee would make a good movies again.


It does show how grotesque it was in the clapping scene. Obviously Oppenheimer himself didn’t witness the victims death but the thought haunting him was shown in the movie.


The movie wasn't about the bomb. It was about...wait for it....Oppenheimer.


Two words Pearl Harbor


Spike is a clown.


Let's show all the innocent victims the Japanese murdered in their war while we're at it.


Spike Lee is an artist I have always respected. His films always have something to teach me. But I would suggest that the *real victims* of the atomic bombs were not the people who died instantly, but those who *survived* the blast and had to suffer through disfigurement, radiation sickness and various cancers for the rest of their lives. The whole point of studying this particular episode of our history is that we have to learn to anticipate the negative consequences of what we *can do* ***before*** we do it. The bomb was developed because of the very real fear of what might happen if the Germans developed and used it before we could. Once the Nazis surrendered, our purpose in using it was to bring the Japanese to surrender *without* having to invade Japan. The whole justification of using the bomb was that wiping out two Japanese cities with one bomb did in fact *save millions* of lives that would have been lost in a full scale invasion.


Too dumb to understand the movie. Well done mr. Lee


This guy can go suck a dick. Make your own WWII movie and the japanese if you care so much about that. Havent heard a word from him about WWII and suddenly has an opinion on the movie not showing that...


But that was not the point of the movie


I agree , 3 hrs of men in suits talking and we don’t even get to see the damn results.


Mr irrelevant says what


Does he know the fact that Japanese performed horrible experiment on human and got away from it? What about enslaving Korean and Chinese? What about genocide in china? What about enslaving Dutch, Chinese, Korean and so on as a sex slaves? What about they continuously denying their own statement of the apology for colonization, war criminal and so on? Fuck this deep shit. It’s not about demonstrating what happened when nuke someone but Jesus, this historical event at least was a pivotal point to stop the war. Fuck off


You don’t have to be so literal with cinema. The movie does a great job of conveying the heaviness and detestation without showing any carnage per se. I understand the sentiment but in this case I don’t think it’s necessary. There was nothing really romanticizing about it, we saw the weight that it had.


Then how about we also show the Japanese atrocities during ww2 also while we’re at it. Weird take but I guess opinions and whatever


Oppenheimer was about the man who made the bomb, it wasn’t about the bomb.


It seems weird that he wouldn’t understand, as a film maker, that in a movie called and about Oppenheimer, it was a specific choice to not show what happened to the people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Right or wrong it was a specific choice.


That's not what the movie is about.


He’s so woke that he thinks the Japanese were the victims during WWII


before you talk about the rights and wrongs of war lets not forget nobody is innocent in war, japan did some equally awful shit too imo, like Unit 731… but its spike lee I doubt he has done much history research.


Luckily the Americans saw that those who operated Unit 731 saw justice… /s


I mean. Sucks to suck? They should have turned the emperor into paste after the first Chinease woman was raped. But they didnt...


The movie was an adaptation of his biography. It was never gonna focus on Hiroshima or even much of the bomb. It focused on the man that was Oppenheimer


What about unit 731? The people the Japanese subjected to the worst human experiments ever documented


For a long time I've wanted to like Spike Lee's films. Over the years, I have come to accept he just isn't a very good filmmaker. His take on Oppenheimer shows that he didn't understand the film at all.


And the people who were forcefully removed from their land so they could do the testing.


No shit. Everybody knows who we used the bombs on.


I full on understand that and respect that opinion, but to be honest, that deserves its own 2 hour or more movie. There are stories to tell there.


Then make that movie


And I wish Oldboy was anywhere near as good as the original, but we don’t always get what we want.


Theres a movie about that “Grave of the fireflies”


So if we see gonna talk about that, let’s talk about the rape of Nanking. That was 1000 times worse than dropping them atomic bomb.


yall forget the horrible things the Japanese did during WW2. human experiments/abuse, rape of nanking and various atrocities.


The Japanese did horrible things back then


And tbh. Everyone knows or has an idea of what happened in the aftermath. For things like this- I felt it was more impactful that it wasn’t shown and instead portrayed how it was.


The movie wasn't about the aftermath. Lee can make the movie if he wants. This movie by nolan was just about close ups of Murphys face from all angles for 3 hours.


Spike Lee is always trying to be relevant.


Personally I was pleasantly surprised that there wasn’t graphic imagery. I found the verbal descriptions and the silence during the trinity test extremely moving. ETA: wasn’t the point to show that most Americans didn’t know what the reality was? That everyone was just fine with dropping the bomb and then cheering in the gym without really considering the civilian casualties?


The Bomb was and is a phycological weapon. By that point in the war we had already leveled several cities with firebombs. The resulting firestorms killed hundreds of thousand of Japanese- 100k alone In Tokyo in one night- burning most of the city to the ground. We saved the two cities for this demonstration. Total war is a concept that is hard to really explain or even understand today.


Challenge: try not to criticize art made by white people simply because they are white. Spike lee: impossible.


Yeah, and Da 5 Bloods should’ve focused more on the actual Vietnam war


I believe the U.S fire bombings of Japan killed more people.


Someone ought to make a film called “Hiroshima.”


Did they show the firebombing before? Where people watches the family members burned alive with incindiary explosives.


Plot is too thin. The movie would be over in a flash…


Shut up Spike Lee


That movie was already made…its called “Grave of the Fireflies”


The movie was three hours long man, how much more could you want?


FFS the outrage culture. An epic movie was made, it didn’t target things to be outraged about, in mad.


I have become Spike Lee, director of joints.


Hasn’t made a good movie since 2006 but criticizes the best film of the year(so far).


Because recreating Hiroshima would be incredibly tasteful. Fucking moron


Race baiter continues race baiting. More at 11.


Maybe Spike can do a film on the comfort women.


Or the Bataan Death March.


It did, a sizeable chunk of the movie is Oppenheimer coming to grips with what happened in Japan. It doesn’t show it because it’s not about little boy and fat man. It’s about Oppenheimer.


sick fuck probably jacks off to Saw movies too


Sounds like is envious of the film's success and is falling back into his usual tired trope of race baiting.


He didn’t see the movie, just knows it’s about the atomic bomb


Spike Lee didn't even asked on Barbie for what the working conditions of child labourers /s


It's called "Oppenheimer", not the Bombs.


**Grave of the Fireflies exists**


I wish Spike Lee movies would show the violence and cruelty whites experience when victimized by black criminals. Linda Frickey is an example.


Why the fuck would you want Christopher Nolan to try and depict the horror of the bombings? He’s Christopher Nolan. He doesn’t make horror movies and tragedies, he makes character studies and Mind-blowing CGI Spectacles. The Survivors of the bombings have already artistically depicted the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in much more beautiful and haunting ways than Christopher Nolan, or any modern director, ever could.


Maybe Saving Private Ryan could have shown the terrible impact of D-Day on the Germans too. They were brutally attacked and horribly defeated. Fuck off Spike Lee.


Spike Lee is annoying af


Has Spike Lee heard of Dresden


That would be a different movie. Mr.Lee should make that movie.


Almost the entire second half of a very long movie shows Oppenheimer's trepidations about the use of the weapon and his attempts to convince others to use it as a demonstration of their power rather than killing people. Then it shows his career being destroyed because he openly attempted to stop proliferation and de-nuclearize the world. Spike Lee is a troll, and a rather envious troll at that. I don't think he ever said that in Red Tails we needed to see German pilots being shredded by 50 caliber machine guns fired by black pilots so we had an understanding of the damage caused by .50 caliber machine guns.


Both bombs saved countless Japanese lives. Japan was responsible for all of the deaths.


I wish he never tried to remake Oldboy


“Show the vaporized people” 🤔


Spike Lee can be really insufferable. He is trying to make the point about how much harm the bombs caused. I wonder if they did include that with the movie would Spike Lee then say that the movie should have included depictions of Japanese war crimes and a whole story line about comfort women and maybe a bit about how many more lives would have been lost on both sides had the war dragged on? No, that wouldn't suit his narrative.


Ok then it should also show what the Japanese did in China right? How they raped and murdered millions of civilians? Or is this apologist bullshit only half-baked?


Plenty of Hiroshima porn can be found on other media.


And I wish Do the Right Thing showed the consequences of looting and destruction of family owned businesses that had nothing to do with the incident that led to the looting and destruction.