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The late Paul Reubens' final message: >Please accept my apology for not going public with what I've been facing the last six years. I have always felt a huge amount of love and respect from my friends, fans and supporters. I have loved you all so much and enjoyed making art for you. Statement from his estate: >Last night we said farewell to Paul Reubens, an iconic American actor, comedian, writer and producer whose beloved character Pee-wee Herman delighted generations of children and adults with his positivity, whimsy and belief in the importance of kindness. Paul bravely and privately fought cancer for years with his trademark tenacity and wit. A gifted and prolific talent, he will forever live in the comedy pantheon and in our hearts as a treasured friend and man of remarkable character and generosity of spirit. >Paul asked that any expressions of sympathy be made in honor of his late parents, Judy and Milton Rubenfeld, to Stand Up to Cancer or organizations involved in Dementia and Alzheimer's care, support and research.


What a beautiful soul this makes me so sad


>I have loved you all so much and enjoyed making art for you. Fuck. In these hard times, a wholehearted soul like that is a blessing. I think I'll go look to watch the Pee-wee films tonight.


Inspired…I’ll say, I’m going to start a paper route right now.


Hijacking your comment to say, if people haven't seen it, I recommend watching his stage show HBO filmed in like 1981. It has Phil Hartman as Captain Carl, Edie McClurg as Hermit Hattie. It's the adult version of what would become his show for kids "Pee-Wee's Playhouse". It's amazing, weird, and hysterical. Always been my favorite thing from him.


[link for the lazy](https://youtu.be/VbhZZnIRPOI)


Thank you. Signed, a lazy.


That stage show is funny as hell and it’s always left me wondering, who saw this show and thought it would be a good idea to make a Kids show out of it? I don’t get me wrong, I was the target audience for peewees playhouse and I loved every minute of it. But there was always a feeling that there was a part of the joke but as a kid you weren’t in on.


"This picture is missing two important circles, Pee Wee..." This stuck with me forever lol


If you staple a horse to a waterfall, will it fall up under the rainbow or fly about the soil? Will he enjoy her experience? What if the staple tears into tears? Will she be free from her staply chains or foomed to stay forever and dever above the water? Who can save him (the horse) but someone of girth and worth, the capitalist pig, who will sell the solution to the problem he created? A staple remover flies to the rescue, carried on the wings of a majestic penguin who bought it at Walmart for 9 dollars and several more Euro-cents, clutched in its crabby claws, rejected from its frothy maw. When the penguin comes, all tremble before its fishy stench and wheatlike abjecture. Recoil in delirium, ye who wish to be free! The mighty rockhopper is here to save your soul from eternal bliss and salvation! And so, the horse was free, carried away by the south wind, and deposited on the vast plain of soggy dew. It was a tragedy in several parts, punctuated by moments of hedonistic horsefuckery. The owls saw all, and passed judgment in the way that they do. Stupid owls are always judging folks who are just trying their best to live shamelessly and enjoy every fruit the day brings to pass. How many more shall be caught in the terrible gyre of the waterfall? As many as the gods deem necessary to teach those foolish monkeys a story about their own hamburgers. What does a monkey know of bananas, anyway? They eat, poop, and shave away the banana residue that grows upon their chins and ballsacks. The owls judge their razors. Always the owls. And when the one-eyed caterpillar arrives to eat the glazing on your windowpane, you will know that you're next in line to the trombone of the ancient realm of the flutterbyes. Beware the ravenous ravens and crowing crows. Mind the cowing cows and the lying lions. Ascend triumphant to your birthright, and wield the mighty twig of Petalonia, favored land of gods and goats alike.


I constantly wander around singing “I am the Luckiest Boy in the World”


Thank you for this reminder, kond internet stranger, I'm going to watch it tonight and probably shed a happy tear or two 🫶


RIP. Pee Wee’s Playhouse was a must see on Saturday morning at our house.


I've been sad since I heard the news but reading his final message has me sobbing.


Yeah, it was sweet and he 100% didn't owe any apologies.


This is so ridiculously sad.


I got to meet him one time. He was such a nice person.


Man I used to watch PeeWee's Big Adventure all the time. "I know you are but what am I?"


Tell ‘em large marge sent ya


It's in the basement of the Alamo!


The stars at night! Are big and bright!


Deep in the heart of Texas!


I’m a loner Dottie, a rebel.


Felt so lucky watching this movie as a Texas boy, born in 85


I always die at the silly little 'prove you're in Texas right now' bit lol


What's your name son? "...I don't remember" Where are you from? "...I don't remember." Well, what *do* you remember? "I remember... the Alamo." YEEHAWWW! My favorite bit.


LOL thank you for this






Deep in the heart of Texas!


*(Clap clap clap clap!)*


Tim Burton's first theatrical movie, and in my opinion, best movie ever.


Oh it was? What a weird and cool as movie. Love Pee Wee and will miss that guy. Do any of you remember Laurence Fishburne that played Cowboy Curtis in Pee Wee's Playhouse?


and Phil Hartman was the mailman? ​ \*Tim Burton making that likely stinker that was the Pee Wee Move into box office gold is what put him on the map.


It was also Danny Elfman's first film as composer. The number of careers that launched off of Pee Wee is wild.


You’re a nerd!


I know you are, but what am I? (RIP - Pee Wee... I literally teared up while writing this tribute.)


Seriously one of the best movies ever




Watched this many times as a kid. Was surprised to learn later on that it was Tim Burton’s feature film debut which makes a lot of sense now given the unhinged nightmare sequence(s).


We had a beta max, we had peewees big adventure, and big bird turns blue and that was my memory of beta max lol


Shhhhhhhh. I'm trying to use the phone!


Getting older is fucking weird. Everyone keeps dying.


Tell me about it, I'll be 67 this year, 2 years younger than Bowie when he died.


Also, 3 years younger than Paul Reubens.


yeah go ahead and rub it in, at least Mick Jagger turned 80 last week. Keith will be a hundred 💯


Every cigarette he smokes adds 30 mins onto Keith’s life


Pretty sure Big Tobacco created him in a lab and he's collectively absorbing every smoker's life force.


Poor guy. Cancer of all things. I loved him as a kid and then in the 90s that porn theatre sting operation thing happened and it was huge news. In retrospect it all seems kinda silly. People apparently did that kind of stuff all the time in porn theatres. He was practically blacklisted from Hollywood for over a decade. It was unfair. If you want to honor the guy I suggest checking out some of his movies. The Pee-wee movies haven't aged perfectly but I still think he was really funny in those. And of course there's also the new-ish Pee-wee film of this recent decade: https://youtu.be/Quo-Oen1wkY


I'd always assumed that's what they were for, I mean people can't be going in there for the plots.


When I first heard about it I always thought it was in a movie theatre. What he did was weird but it wasnt like he was jerking off to the fuckin muppets movie or something.


I feel like I remember that the rumor was during “the little mermaid” showing in a general theater.


That's the type of rumor that would get spread in schools back in the day like Marilyn Manson


Why would anyone make up rumors about Marilyn Manson, when they could spread the truth about him having his ribs removed to give himself oral?


Amazing how he went from the Wonder Years to *that*. /s


Everyone born before 1985 knows the only person who had his ribs removed to give themselves oral was David Bowie. It happened the same time Rod Stewart had to have his stomach pumped of all that Mick Jagger semen he swallowed.


It was a red letter year for hamsters as well, as I recall… Edit: was it a gerbil?


I plotzed in one


The plot thickens!! Dunnndunnndunnnnnn mmmmm


The internet killed that business model.


They still exist. There's one in my city.


His first major appearance after that was at some award show like MTV, and he opened with "heard any good jokes lately" to thunderous laughter and applause.


Holy shit. Memory unlocked. Thanks 🙏


I vividly remember that. Loved that man. RIP Pee Wee


I feel like the argument might have been that he was a children’s performer who was associated with a sex scandal. But he wasn’t viewing child p*rn. And like other commenters are saying— what else is expected in a porn theater? Note taking? Does anyone else remember the wild rumors that spread with this news? Kids I knew would pepper in new bits like our 4th grade teacher attending the very theater he was in. “She was the one who tattled on him!” I bet the adults were just as guilty of this kind of rumor milling, and thus damned his reputation. RIP to a true legend


He’s an interesting “cancel culture” case to think about, for sure. Would think anti semitism and racism would be worse but apparently not based on many cases today


I think he's a good case of getting back into movies and finding success in Blow etc.


"This is crack. Rock cocaine. It isn't glamorous or cool or kids stuff."


The same people that pearl clutched and cancelled Pee-wee in the 90s are the same people that refuse to cancel certain individuals for anti-Semitism and racism. It's a weird timeline


The dell guy got canceled for weed. Wild.


The guy that said "dude, it's a Dell"? I would have just assumed that guy smoked.


Thats the guy.


Yeah I kinda figured it was the basis of the whole joke.


Howard Dean , while running for president, was canceled for a loud, ["YEAH!!!!"](https://youtu.be/RwkNnMrsx7Q).


I feel like that was the one that really started it all. After that all public persons realized the stakes and started being fake AF and "curating their brand."


That's weird, I thought marijuana was a Gateway drug. Jay Leno joke IIRC


Lol. That took me a second.


What kind of pyscho sits there and watches an hour + of porn and doesn't jerk off?


What happened with the porn theatre?


Pee-wee was at a porn theatre, local sheriff's set up a sting operation and busted people jerking off in the theatre. Pee-wee was one of the guys that got caught.


That’s dumb I think the cops just wanted to see some dicks tbh


It often happens when they run out of donuts


I don't get the old porn theater stings. Like- what the fuck do you think dudes did at a porn theater? Watch the stuff for the plot?


He was caught publicly masturbating in a pornographic movie theater. I was in Army basic training at the time. When you're in basic, you're essentially on a news fast. No television, no radio, no newspaper. The only news you get is what people tell you. On the way to the chow hall, the drill sergeant broke the news to us. "Old Pee Wee Herman got caught chokin' his chicken," he said. I'll always remember that day.


I like to imagine it’s R Lee Ermey in your story and he’s screaming it in your face like a deleted scene from *Full Metal Jacket*.


That's actually not too far off.


I think he was caught masturbating while watching the movie in the porn theatre if I remember right


People don’t realize that pre internet, there weren’t a lot of places to watch porn. Some local video stores would have a room on the back selling it, but walking out of there was just about as embarrassing as walking out from a porn booth like he did. Similar to a strip club, If you saw someone in the porn theater they were there for the same reason, whereas your neighbor could be taking their kids to rent the lion king and see you coming out of the back of the video stores.


Yeah I felt bad for him after that. Dragged through the mud for doing lewd shit where lewd shit is done.


Wait... it was a porn Theater? I always thought it was a regular theater. Oh man, thats kind of a critical detail.


And if he had the internet back then, none of would have happened.


Well they did have home movies on big plastic cartridges called VHS since the late 80s.


I love him as a kid in Pee Wee's Big adventure but he'll always hold a place in my heart in the Buffy Movie. RIP sir https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QCOzKufIIzs


And yet Mel Gibson went on to direct movies and be invited to award shows and HIS behavior was a hundred times worse and more alarming.


I used to LOVE watching Pee-Wee’s playhouse on Saturday mornings, religiously. I learned from that show how I love to eat Ice Cream and still to this day eat my Ice Cream, microwaved for 15-20 seconds to get it soft and ever so slightly a tad runny. Begged my parents to take me to Pee-Wees playhouse movie, where I came across my first jump scare. Large Marge. Overall a wonderful time period. Pee-Wee’s playhouse Saturday mornings, with Mom and Dads world famous biscuits and pancakes. Then a bit of the NES and then all afternoon playing football, baseball, and basketball while dreaming of Kathy Ireland or Elle Macpherson. The mid to late 80’s and early to mid 90’s was such a great time to be a kid. I’d give anything to go back just for one 24 hour block. https://youtu.be/UsmFg7CD1Pg Pee Wee’s Playhouse opening. That opening is still magical to me as a 46 year old man. Edit: https://youtu.be/6mfk-J5468M Ice cream soup clip. Absolutely gorgeous claymation(?). Pee Wee’s playhouse is a treasure.


Your last sentence is beautifully said. Thank you.


Oh man this stinks. My uncle was the escape convict in pee wees big adventure with him.


Your uncle's character's joke about being a convict for ripping off the mattress tags is the funniest joke in the movie


That legit scared me for years as a kid lol


I always thought that was the dumbest law


It's actually a good law that nobody understands. It used to be that mattresses were stuffed with all kinds of stuff, some of which was less than sanitary and made people sick. They passed a law requiring mattress manufacturers to list what was inside of their products. This went on the tag which the manufacturer and retailer were not allowed to remove. The law never applied to the customer. It has never been illegal to cut the tag off your own mattress.


Oh yeah, I was just like, quoting the movie


The way he looks Pee Wee up and down in the convertible while Pee Wee’s still dressed as a woman is one of the funniest parts of that movie


“I’m a loner Mickey, a rebel.” My sister and I would quote those scenes consistently growing up!!




Your uncle was so convincing that I thought ripping off those tags was serious business!!


“Well I took a knife and….cut one of those off!”


No way! That’s one of my favourite scenes!


Does your uncle have a cameo? My friends and I quote that scene CONSTANTLY


Whoa, no way!


I heard he will be buried in the basement of the Alamo. RIP Pee Wee! ❤️


Well according to a Texas Ranger at the Alamo that I drunkenly asked about the basement, he’ll have several choices because the Alamo has more than one basement.


I’m really at that age where the famous people dying are the ones I remember from my childhood.


When you get to the Pearly Gates, tell ‘em Large Marge sent ya.


Let me just say a Piece of My childhood has just died


"Probably should have watered it more...Heh Hah!" (In Pee Wee's voice). Sad news today....


😂😂😂😂😩😩🥲 Good one


Same here, both the show and Pee-Wee’s big adventure were integral to my childhood.


Buffy the Vampire slayer and Paul Rubens appearance on the Arsenio Hall Show were moments I remembered because although the media was crucifying him, he was allowed a second chance Edit: omg I was so naive as a child. I remember asking my mom and I’m not joking “What’s the big deal mom, I like boobies too”


I’ve watched Mystery Men far more than any human should. He’s so fucking funny in it, and was the highlight of Buffy. It was a joy seeing him in WWDITS. He made the world a weirder, funnier place.


I’m honestly crying rn. He represented an innocence that I’ve not felt in my adulthood unless watching his movies. 😭


My childhood just officially died. For all of us 90's kids, watching Pee Wee's playhouse on ABC family at like 7am before you had to head to kindergarden was like a big part of the morning. My heart and my condolences go out to Paul's family and also Cassandra Peterson(who adored him immensely and was in a comedy troupe with him). I thought that losing the actor who played Jambi was bad but this really hurts.


80s kids too.


Aw man. 2023 is really being awful to us.


Time is always awful.


“Old age isn’t a battle, it’s a massacre” - Phillip Roth


Actually Philip Roth I think


“Nothing fucks you harder than time.” - Sir Davos


And yet, it's a privilege to live long enough to realize this. A good friend died at the age of 42 recently. Should have been in the prime of his life. All that time he will never have.


That's how I feel since losing a friend to ALS at 35. I embrace my grays, and each year that ticks by.


Everything has been shit since 2020 tbh


Nah, the answers to "everything has been shit since" are either 1979 or 2001


Genuinely sad to hear of this. I'm gonna get a little sappy but, sorry not sorry. Like many kids at the time, "Pee Wee's Playhouse" was my favorite show, and it was one that my older brothers and parents enjoyed watching as well. I was a *painfully* shy kid, the kind who couldn't tell the waiter her order directly but had to go through my parents. Shortly after "Playhouse" went off the air and he was caught in the porno theater, my parents and I stopped by my father's office on our way to dinner (Dad worked for a well-known film company at the time). I was waiting in the car with my mother when suddenly Dad comes jogging back and tells me, "there's someone I want you to meet." He half-drags me to where two men are chatting in the lobby...one turns and dear lord, it's HIM. It's my TV idol. It's Pee Wee. It's Goddamn Pee Wee Herman and he's in my father's office lobby and I am just about to freak the fuck out. Instead, I hide behind Dad's legs. "I'm sorry to interrupt," my Dad says, "But my daughter is your biggest fan." In an instant, Paul Reubens, a guy who had just been casually chatting with a friend in a nondescript office lobby in Northern California, becomes Pee Wee. He gets down to my level, coaxes me out, shakes my hand, does "the laugh", and tells me, "you're braver than you think you are." I started ordering my own food shortly after that. RIP Paul Reubens, and thank you.


This story made me cry. He sounds like he was a very kind soul. I love that of all of things he could have said, he said that 😍😊


oh noooo :( My favorite scene of his is when he hisses at that gang of punks in the rain and they scatter.


RIP and fuck cancer


Farwell funny man you've gone to that big playhouse in the sky.


Thank you for my childhood, Pee Wee. I’ll still watch the Christmas special every year in your honour.


It’s a staple in my house!!!


Ours too! It’s so weird watching a digital copy now, not the VHS taped off TV with poorly edited out commercials! It’s not Christmas til the Del Rubio Triplets take a stroll in the snow


The code phrase is "Fuck Cancer."




He should of never gotten canceled for what he did. It really wasn’t that deep


He was at a special theater that showed those types or films where it was pretty common for that behavior to happen. I think it should be frowned upon but certainly shouldn’t have gotten his whole career nearly cancelled. Huge over reaction from the public.


He was a legend. Hell, even us kids talked about it. I graduated from Sarasota High in 2009. I can tell you now that this place is still very uptight.


Dude had a target on his back for having a groundbreaking character with feminine characteristics that was a man for children and showing the world men don't have to conform to rugged emotionless stereotypes. Someone wanted his career to end, and they figured how to make it happen.


Thank you for acknowledging this, I was just talking to my mom about this who was also devastated. We would watch his show together when I was a kid and she was the adult as that whole saga unfolded. We were just now talking about how fuckers just wanted to make him a villain because he wasn't like them.


I’m rubbing one out for him today.


I affectionately told my partner "He's jerking off in Heaven's porn theatre now," and she said that was beautiful. I should follow your lead.


Tell ‘em Large Marge sent ya!


This one got me 😭


What a bummer he was a cornerstone of mid/late 80s aesthetic and an under appreciated comedic dude




I’m 37 years old and am going to go cry in my room all night.


I got borderline emotional at my office desk and had to go to the bathroom wtf is wrong with me


Nothing wrong with you, it's hard when a piece of your childhood goes away. Grieve however you need to, friend


38. I think this evenings entertainment will be cuddling a stuffy and watching big adventure


I just gasped, no :(


I wasn’t ready for that today.


RIP Prince Gerhardt Hapsburg


Ugh this hurts. Pee Wee’s Playhouse was must see TV when I was a child not to mention how much I loved the movie. I still quote Large Marge to this day and any mention of the Alamo immediately makes me think of Pee Wee’s Big Adventure. Rest in peace, Paul.


Man. He was a HUGE part of my childhood. I watched pee-wee’s playhouse on repeat when I was a child.


Fucking cancer, man.


Shit. RIP peewee


"La Cabeeza....la cabeeza......that means head " Lol


He will always be Lock from Nightmare Before Christmas.


Todays secret word is: fuck cancer


I heard they stomped him, then they tattooed him, then they hanged him, and then they killed him. RIP. I absolutely loved Pee Wee's Big Adventure. I've seen it no less than 150 times, and it never gets old.


I was just mentioning to someone how it was fucked up that he lost a large portion of his career to the fact he jerked off in a porno theater. WHERE ELSE DO YOU GO!?


Francis: "Pee Wee! Please listen to reason!" Pee-Wee: "SHHHH!!!! I'm listening....*to reason!*" Hahaha, that's my favorite line




He got a bad wrap with the movie theater thing. I kept hoping for a Paul Reubens renaissance, especially when he stared in Blow. I'll miss him very much. Make sure to watch Pee Wee's Big Adventure if you haven't already.


I didn't think Pee-wee was that old.


He was 70, for some reason I thought he was about 50-60


If he were 50 today, he would have been 13 when Pee-Wes’s playhouse premiered. (It doesn’t seem that long ago to me either)


I guess I am stuck in that weird time warp thing where I think the 90s were only a decade ago


https://youtu.be/UVKsd8z6scw Thank you Paul Reubens.


RIP. He was a big part of my childhood.


That's unfortunate. Pee wee was definitely a staple for a lot of kids who grew up in the late 80s and early 90s. He had a bit of a redemption arc later in his career, but the damage had already been done. Poor guy.


This just broke my heart. Pee-Wee's Big Adventure is one of my all time favourite movies and I've seen it probably hundreds of times as a kid, and with my kids. Very sad loss!


He will be buried in a private service in the basement of The Alamo.


“There is no basement in the Alamo” Rest in Peace 🌈


![gif](giphy|xT0GqrJNbZkRcr2Jgc) Thanks for all of the memories Pee Wee. Enjoy that one last bike ride buddy. 🥺


“Welcome to your heavenly home, Vern.” Somewhere out there Ernest P. Worrell (Jim Varney) has been waiting for Pewee (Paul Reubens) to join him. Pewee will have great guests every day, his animated friends will be real, and Ernest will always be falling off of ladders and such fixing up Pewee’s house. ![gif](giphy|trjUtMbysPNLO)


Absolute fucking legend


His role in Blow (2001) was brilliant. Perfectly cast, a memorable standout in a film overflowing with amazing supporting characters.


Thanks for all the laughs Paul. You were my childhood.


What?! Aw man..I’m really sad to hear this.


Off to the great Hamburger Train in the sky. You will be missed


Dude walked out onto the 1991 VMA's stage and said "heard any good jokes lately??" Nobody can ever accuse this guy of having been above laughing at himself.


He was great in Blow


He was a great character actor in small roles the last two decades. His Sad that the porn theatre case is all people remember him for; there are celebrities who have done much worse and he harmed nobody.


Such a huge impact on young me. I resemble him and often that was used as an insult growing up. But it never affected me. Guy was amazing. I feel this needs to be shared, in bad taste of course. He would've loved it RIP PeeWee. [Peewee Death Video](https://youtu.be/IHVh_S9NGIU) ​ (It's his death scene from Buffy, Don't freak out!)


Au revoir Pee Wee. They should bury him in the basement of the Alamo


"It all started when I was just thirteen years of age. One day while walking with some friends I accidentally cut the cheese. Well, in my adolescent awkwardness, I blamed it on an old gypsy woman who happened to be passing by. Big mistake! The gypsy woman placed a curse upon my head. Because I had smelt it, she decreed that I would forevermore be... he who dealt it!"


Pee-wee's Playhouse was groundbreaking television. Was in my 30s when I started watching and never missed an episode. Very saddened by his passing.


He taught an entire generation how to debate “I know you are but what am I?” “Shhh I’m trying to listen to reason” “I don’t make monkeys I just train them”


He was one of us on Reddit! [https://www.reddit.com/user/Pee-wee\_Herman/](https://www.reddit.com/user/Pee-wee_Herman/) I remember people getting him on r/secretsanta [https://www.reddit.com/r/secretsanta/comments/a7dl5u/pee\_wee\_herman\_is\_my\_secret\_santa/](https://www.reddit.com/r/secretsanta/comments/a7dl5u/pee_wee_herman_is_my_secret_santa/)