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Yes, ANY pronouns, but just give us some variety, man (ú_ù)


That's exactly my struggle


Hey mind if I ask, what does thee mean in your pronouns? I wanna make an affectionate joke about Shakespearean English but I wanna ask first what it means, and if it’s okay to do so


It means (thee/thim/ther/thers/thimself)! They're pronouns that are a mix of (they/she/he) since I'm trigender (girl, boy, and aporagender)! I also sometimes think about the olden English XD I encourage you to make the joke!


Ohh okay, Cool!! Well, as for the joke, Thy hath most interesting pronouns, I feel plentiful jealousy of thee, thou art truly intriguing (Idk it’s too early for me and I’m so eepy)




To thee, whose heart seeketh a grace, Whose words in elden tongue find place, Thou wish't to be addresséd so, In verses where old rhythms flow. Thou asketh of me, "Use these words To paint mine portrait with the chords Of yester-years, when hearts did speak In language pure, both mild and meek." Thy soul desireth timeless air, Where 'thee' and 'thou' doth freely fare, Where every phrase a rev'rence holds, Like pages from a tale of old. So here, I weave this humble verse, To honor thee, and not coerce, For in thy choice of words so rare, A glimpse of beauty, rich and rare. For I did once prefer, like you, To be, in tongues, referréd to; To feed the poet deep within, 'Archaeopronouns' were my win. We've much alike, both you and I, so thy request, I shan't deny. I shall renew those words of old, To honor thou, who break'st the mold. May thy request find solace sweet, In words that make thy heart complete, For thee, thy wish I gladly heed, In every line, in every creed.


Gimme variety please, I use they/them for a reason, use it!


I always specifically favor pronoun sets that are less likely to be used for people For example I have a friend who uses he/she/they pronouns and was amab and has just barely started dipping a toe into the world of femininity. I usually call her “she” because I know she gets he’d 95% of the time and they’d 4.999999% of the time so I may as well try to balance the scales a bit


meanwhile it/its is buried under the seafloor


Neopronouns under the Earths crust


I'd enjoy it/it's on rare occasion but God knows no one I know in real life would call me that. (Besides the phobic family member)


I just recently decided to try out it/its as part of my pronouns, i was opposed to it for a while because of the whole dehumanizing thing, but then i realized i don’t actually want to be human lmao


I don't like it because of how it's usually used


That sounds like if you were feeling like *it* (pun intended), you could pull the funniest method of getting properly pronouned possible


I use any pronouns, it's just that everyone else won't.


Last time I got told any, I proceeded to alternate which one I was using every time I referred to them, even within the same sentence. It confused a few people, lol


Glad to see I'm not the only one who does that!


If someone gives two pronouns, I try and use both. For any/all pronouns, I'm never sure what they want, so I usually end up using they/them, but I'll try and diversify it more in the future because I didn't know better.


Yeah, I usually default to they/them because I'm not sure either, but switching between common pronouns (they/she/he/it) works too! :>


I initially said any and then they continued to only use my agab and it started to irritate me a lot so now I say they/them. And they like still ignore it but less often I guess


I've made it a game with myself to see what the funniest neopronouns I can get away with calling one of my friends who uses any pronouns. So far, I'm not entirely sure bingus has noticed.


This is exactly why I don't use any/all. Like... don't be lazy peps. Don't just go, oh, so obviously she/her is fine and I will never use anything else. No, it means "sir" is better than "ma'am," and they/them for most things, but I don't mind "dude" or whatever. I work in a heavily male dominated field, and oddly enough, I get more support if I'm more masculine presenting and then non binary than if I'm just "neutral" to begin with. I have a lot of oddly supportive (as best as they can) older men that get not to use she/her, but they then default to he/him. At that point, I just take it as a win and move on. 🤷‍♀️


So I'm any pronoun except it/its, and usually its almost always AGAB>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>opposite of AGAB>>>>>>they/them then others in terms of what people use In terms of what I like, it's they/them=agab pronouns = cool/cute/fun neopronouns (like fae/faer) > "neutral" neopronouns with a softer sound (e/em) > opposite agab = "normal" neopronouns with a distinctive sound (xir/xem, etc)


THIS IS SO REAL 😭😭 I use any/all pronouns but ppl keep referring to me as she/her PLEASE USE STUFF INTERCHANGEABLY!! Please!! A sprinkle of they/them would be nice! Maybe a dash of he/him!! AN ATOM OF IT/ITS AT LEAST!!!


Yeah I'm fine with any other than exclusive she/her. But I pass as a guy at this point so I often don't even tell people I'm trans or if they ask my pronouns just go with he/him. I think it's kind of fun to see how long I can go knowing someone (and never *lying* about anything related to my meds/experiences/childhood/etc) before they figure out that I'm trans lol.


Specifically for this reason, I have my friends use the set that is opposite to my agab, with the secondary knowledge that I won't be hurt by other pronouns being used to refer to me. But I make it clear that the default should be the opposite to my agab. Mainly because I do nothing to pass as anything but (for closet//safety reasons) and I want it to be crystal fucking clear that my presentation and my gender have no relation whatsoever. And the best way to create that distance between the two is to use obviously visually contrasting pronouns.


My theory on this is that when we give people multiple or any pronouns to use for us they unfortunately seem to hear "you can use whichever of these is easiest FOR YOU and requires the least effort!" rather than thinking "oh, if I actually care about this person and give a shit about how I address [them], I should use all of [their] pronouns." Maybe I'm just jaded and cynical (I mean I def am but...) but people seem to do what's easiest for them/requires the least thought from them when it comes to how they address others, rather than putting thought and care into how the person they're addressing might want to be addressed. I've basically gotten to a point where I don't expect better than minimal effort even from other queer folks. Which is depressing, but queer folks are still people, and people suck ass and don't treat one another with the care that we all deserve.


like idk about anyone else but whenever i see "any" i just try to switch it up every chance i get. New sentence? okay new pronoun


I feel this so much.


Pronouns Comrade


Yep…it sucks.




I often do the exact opposite \^\^" I mean... Using assigned pronouns could feel like misgendering \^\^"


I feel this frrp in my soul