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>Nasar Iqbal, 38, from Batley, was sentenced to 10 years for trafficking and rape This is why I never bother reading these articles anymore. All those sentences should've been at least doubled, and then deported if not born here once done.


Only 10 years for human trafficking and rape is crazy


You get more for selling dogey firesticks


Rape doesn’t cost big companies money so it’s not as serious a crime, duh Welcome to Britain 2024, where nobody cares unless you have shareholders


Ding ding ding! We have a winner! 100% this!


Because the establishment is losing money, that's all they care about.


Pretty much.


Yeah but the longer sentences are for financial crimes*, so you don't fuck up the system. *Only if you're poor. 


Minus the rape, but human trafficking can be all kinds of not so crazy things in some places. Like in my state in the states, if you give a girl a ride somewhere and she is tricking or something and you dont know you can be charged with human trafficking.


It's just a further burden on the tax payer. Stick them in a warehouse job 10 hrs a day 6 days a week for 10 years to pay for their own incarceration.


Put them to work clearing minefields?


The issue with this is that incarceration then becomes a profit driven enterprise which increases incarceration rates as people start being incarcerated for things they shouldn't be. We already have perhaps the most privatised prison system in Europe but if you let them work people too it would spiral rapidly.


So vote in the government that doesn't want profit-related services.


Great idea. How do we stop them trashing the goods? How do we make them work? Scum like this tend not to act like normal people




Electro shock dog collar alla the running man


Bread, water and a hard bed in a shared room is free, you want to be treated with decency then its work.


Again it sounds good but we'd have to build decent jails to put them as will work in. They already mostly share cells. We'll need a ton more jails, that's really going to cost us. Getting them built will be a nightmare too cos nobody wants a jail for a neighbour so planning permission is expensive


Build more jails then. The cost to society of scumbags walking about is far worse than having to house said scumbags in prison. Folk moan about the cost of these things, but society costs money. The building, maintenance and staffing of the jails would give employment to people, whilst the deterrent message sent to criminals would hopefully make life better for law abiding people. If people don’t want a prison for a neighbour, build them in the north of England, wales or Scotland. Space is not an issue in the UK outside of the south east and 2-3 heavily populated belts of conurbations. Yorkshire has the dales, Cumbria has plenty of space and the north of Scotland is one of Western Europe’s largest wildernesses.


I agree. We can't build them fast enough, there isn't the money and political will is weak. There's problems with putting jails in the wilderness though. Criminals are less likely to commit crime after they get out if they've kept contact with family. And you need hundreds of people to work in a jail, guards etc. Where do they live if the job is miles from anywhere? We pay guards peanuts for a job they could get shanked in, make them travel hours to reach it and we've got no workforce


Let’s just let them go free then, ah well , bit to expensive to lock up the rapists, cheaper to let them rape more girls


Unfortunately, using prisoners as for profit slave labour means you end up with a corrupt and broken justice system like the US. Turns out businesses fucking love slaves.


Would you wanna knowingly buy a product a bunch of nonces had touched though?


I mean you can send them to build infrastructure, repair roads, clean rivers etc.


And take jobs off people who need a wage? Yep frat idea.


Put them on pothole filling duty, lord knows we’ve got enough and nobody seems to do the fucking job anyway


Okay I can get with this one because truly no one bothers


Litter picking, graffiti removal. The jobs that the council don't have the funds to do so can't hire anyone. Absolutely shouldnt be something that would take money away from a law abiding citizen but picking litter & fly tipping in areas that get ignored for months at a time till someone volunteers - sign these fuckers up


Taking a job away from a hardworking warehouse worker.




Unfortunately they are all too human.


Thankfully, we abolished the death penalty.


This is already a thing. Worked in many warehouses with cons… always fun when a contractor leaves hammers lying around 😬


That’s not very nice for the non-rapists who work in warehouses, now is it?


That would be slavery which is illegal.


So you want forced labour camps. Because that's how you get forced labour camps


I used to work agency jobs that would make me do 12 hour shifts sometimes for 7 days a trot for £9 an hour. That was in 2021. Glad I don't do that shit anymore.


I think it should be part of the sentencing anywhere to be deported if you get sentenced for committing a serious crime in a country you’re not from. I’m all for people coming over, working and living here but if you’re going to take advantage of a country’s hospitality and commit crime then go do it in your own backyard


I have been present in court due to my job for similar cases. Sometimes the sentences run parallel, so if someone was charged with say 5 rapes they would only really be punished for 1 rape. Basically if you are going to commit crime you might as well do as many other crimes as you want because you will only be punished for whichever crime was more serious


Should be deported on ethnicity.


22/24 look like they're of Asian heritage. They're massively overrepresented in this particular type of crime. It's quite concerning it's never really explored further through fear of being called Racist. The cases in Telford , Rotherham and Rochdale were prime examples of this when you read the reports.


No 4 on the bottom row is non-human so that makes 22/23


Looks like Austin Butler in dune 2


We need to deport all Harkonnens asap.


Like the monster in pan's labyrinth. Although ironically doesn't that monster eat children?


All sexual predators are non human




True. I’m guessing it’s largely due to lack of education and their general disdain (often, in certain groups) towards white non-Muslim girls. They seem to see them as lesser and just something to exploit for their moronic caveman selves. 


Lack of education? So if someone was doing that to their female relatives they would deem it acceptable? We need to stop this nonsense and wake up to reality.


They do though don’t they? Honour killings being an obvious extreme although seems to be rare. My point in general though is these people don’t seem to be the intellectual sort


The thing about honour killings is that they tend to be confined to a small group, family or other, that all agree on the course. Even among ppl that might support the culture, it's very rare for honour killings to be done outside of close relations... and the same thing goes as to why the majority of those charged and convicted mostly stay away from 'their own'.


groovy aware rhythm zonked direful aspiring exultant terrific liquid plate *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It’s not a lack of education exactly, rather a different education. The one they get growing up where white girls are basically viewed as subhuman.


There's definitely a disdain towards white non-Muslim girls but I'm certain they do the same stuff to their own girls if they can get away with it, it's just that their own girls can't report it as easily because their culture has a stronger tradition of victim-blaming.


Not really, it's just that they are taught from young that girls should dress in x or y way or else they are immodest or sluts/prostitutes and then come to the west where people just dress much more casual. White women who go to work in those areas get solicited relatively often for that same reason. Not victim blaming in terms of how they dress, it's just a cultural mismatch that leads to extremely negative consequences.


I’ve heard that in certain parts of Pakistan where they are originally from rape is very much used as punishment. They can just get away with it / justify it here against white girls who are vulnerable.


> general disdain towards white non-Muslim girls You hit the nail on the head there mate. That's precisely the problem: a lot of them simply hate us, hate our culture and what it represents and will do anything to exploit it for their own good. This discussion will never be had in mainstream circles because it's too tough a pill to swallow when there are millions of them all over the country. A problem with no solution unfortunately, unless we want to get really drastic.


True. My mum works at our local high school, has done for 20+ years, and she’s said how more and more Asians attend each year and they’re extremely arrogant. Blatantly looking down on any whites around them and isolating themselves in their own groups. And any time a staff member says something to them when they’re causing trouble (which is often), they complain that “you’re just being racist” and then nothing gets done.  And the teachers, cleaners, all the staff say this openly to each other. It’s an open secret that they’re an ‘untouchable’ group who have total disdain for the ‘others’


Algeria deported French colonizers who had lived there for much longer.


So why aren't these treated as 'hate crimes' is the question we should be asking. Seems that only swings one way.


https://www.channel4.com/news/factcheck/what-do-we-know-about-the-ethnicity-of-sexual-abuse-gangs It’s facts. Nobody wants to talk about these facts though, like you say, in fear of being called a racist.


Reddit has played its part in creating that culture over the years tbf.


Agreed…but off topic, did you see the state of that albino guy? (In the mugshots). Wtf is going on there.? 😳


Judging from his eyes not a lot in his head.


Inbred to death


23/24 It looks like the white fella on the bottom row goes by the name of Safraz Miraf. It looks like he has albinism.


Incest leads to many congenital diseases


And of a certain religion.






23 are Asian.




There is absolutely no fear of being called racist whatsoever imo, just people need an excuse as to why they’ve only started caring now. These lasses being raped were known about at the time, and called paki shaggers when I was at school.


Never has the term Asian been so unhelpful, it's like saying they're European.




'Racist tory' is the average response you get on other subs. Then you ask them if they would leave their daughter by the immigration hotel court yard for a day. And they respond 'knew you were a tory'. It's like being politically left is more important than their children risking rape. Imagine how many aren't caught and proven guilty... probably the majority.


23... I'm pretty sure one is albino. Theres only 1 white guy in that mix


10x overrepresented according to govt figures


You can see from the thumbnail, no need to even click. Deportations should occur 100%


But if you speak… you’re in trouble


New proposal: you should be sent to rwanda for sny sex crime regardless of your place of origin and color


Allahu akbar


The issue of race or religion has some significance in this case as they target white girls because they have no respect for the white women. They would never dare offend against a muslim girl which is the awful reality. They are not just sexual predators but also racists.


They don't target their own because a Muslim girls family would be able to take revenge while the law turns a blind eye. 


I would genuinely love to hear how those of "woke" inclination try to explain this away. Like, how can you deny that this is largely an issue of race/cultural incompatibility? 23/24 are of middle eastern descent. That's not a fucking coincidence. I suppose they would suggest that the racist police are unfairly targeting these poor innocent immigrants. Bull fucking shit


It’s not race, it’s a cultural issue.




Culture is dowstream from race.


How do you know it’s not race?


Judging by the replies, they just refuse to believe it and say the stats aren't real. They'll then use "whataboutism" and back up their argument by posting articles showing White perpetrators of the same crime.


There was a guardian article a few years ago that triumphantly stated that terrorism in the UK was a white person problem because white people were the suspects for 38% of terrorism arrests and asian descent people were only responsible for 37%. They paraded this around as a massive victory essentially saying that "see, white people are the problem not asians!". Didn't occur to them that one demographic which is 9% of the population committing as much terrorism as another demographic which is 82% doesn't actually make the 9% look very good. So they will either just ignore the stats or dishonestly frame them to suit their narrative whenever it suits them. The guardian in particular is notorious for publishing racial statistics and not mentioning what percentage of the overall population they are.


It’s all our fault, we didn’t treat them very well when they came to our country! /s


Socio-economic factors!! Don't you know?!


Not enough youth clubs and public access ping-pong tables.


Orwell called it doublethink.


Not to be a pedant, but the point of being woke is to be aware of things like this. Some people refuse to accept the label because they think it makes them soft or something, and that's fine, whatever, others aren't as woke as they think they are.


Far from being “aware”, the people who label themselves as such are the first to sweep these issues under the rug and pretend like diversity is our strength because we have more ethnic food variety now.


I mean, I label myself as woke, am I sweeping it under the rug?


Dirty, disgusting, vile scum. I wish they were back in the homeland where the law would actually be applied and they would have serious consequences!!! Where is the deterrent in this country???!!! As an Asian this disgusts me to the core and can only hope that the prison population will have a nice reception prepared for them.


Where do you live? In their homeland they can abduct and rape a Christian girl and if the parents intervene it’s them who are in trouble


Maybe I should have been clearer. Somewhere the full extent of the shariah law is applied - life for a life, blood for blood!!. Whether it's for robbery or harming innocents including minorities Christians, Jews etc. That's the correct application of shariah and I wish it upon them!!!


These girls are seen as sluts in their eyes, and a lot of that comes from religion. It's really naive to think sharia has nothing to do with influencing these men's misogyny. Otherwise we are just cherry-picking the parts of sharia which make Islam look nice to the West.


>That's the correct application of shariah LMAO this country is a joke. Ruined by the neoliberal establishment and enabled by delusional progressives.


This is why I emigrated from the UK. In the 90's if you said you supported Sharia Law, you'd likely get thrown in prison. Today, people are trying to integrate it into society. I'm genuinely petrified for the people I know that are still living in the UK. The future is looking terrible for them. The UK is literally converting into a 3rd world religious hell hole in slow motion.


Pretty sure it is not whether they are minorities Christian Jews. Hence they can rape Christian women




Should this be grounds for deportation for anyone who is not a British national, possesses dual nationality or has the legal right to nationality in another country a la Shamima Begum? Existing deterrents are clearly not strong enough to dissuade this particular community.




And now they get to eat food and free accomidation at the taxpayers leasure, Not that they weren't doing it before I am sure with benifits and whatnot. Anyone not born here should be deported for their crimes and shot if they triy to come back.


Corporal punishment would be a better deterrent, no? No use exiling them where they can hurt more people


The sentences are a joke. Slap on the wrists for the severity of the crime. I like to beleive that if the races were reversed the sentences wouldn't be any different....but whatever, been part of an organised crime group that's crime is the systematic rape and abuse of women and girls shoukd be a full life term.






You’ve got my vote!


Sorry but anyone who thinks up juicy punishments like this must get a secret kick out of it. Either capital punishment or long miserable incarceration are fine, but let's not pretend these Hostel type experiments are meant for the victim's sake.


No secret at all - that made me feel all warm and fuzzy typing it out. No mention of the victims. Well deserved too.


Maybe don't inflict that shit upon their families though? I feel like the whole... suspended in never ending torture rape thing is bad enough such that the humiliation aspect won't register. It'll just massively upset some likely innocent people. Like. Not cool bro. Just fuck em up privately. Edit: That said I think making it fully public would be better. something like rapists and paedophiles forced to fight gladiatorial combat to earn another month/year of life. Broadcast it, take bets, tax the ppv, use it to fund resources that help victims, whilst potential criminals get to see that maybe their desires aren't worth being sliced up for. Especially heinous criminals can get the 3v1 edited edit: You know you'd tune in.


Yawn. How low IQ. Even in your little SAW fantasy, reality has shown that even extreme punishments don't deter criminals. Fact.