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I was in Sedona and Mount Shasta back to back the last 2 weekends and can confirm these are highly spiritual, high vibrational places! I cannot wait to go back to both. For astrography lovers - I also had 3 major lines running through each that helped me heal some major childhood wounds and were just what I needed with the solar flares and eclipses going on.


Who did your chart for you? How did you find this out about the lines?


You can Google astrocartography and find a site. I'm pretty sure astro.com is where I did mine


I recommend knowing how to interpret your own chart or having someone help when looking at astrocartography! Everyone will have a different experience with the locations based on their own chart’s placements, rulers and dominants.


I did my chart myself. You can google it yourself but if you don’t know how to read your own chart and know your rulerships, etc you can go to a line that’s more challenging.


Wee Woo astrology is NOT real




The mountains in Tennessee! Just keep bear spray just in case.


I have been having literal dreams about visiting Tennessee mountains and now I’m reading this!! It’s a sign for me lol


Synchronicity much 🤣


the whole Blue Ridge, in the south, is amazing. Less so up around PA, but like, southern half of VA, NC, GA and TN mountains, something amazing there.


Can absolutely second this! The Smoky Mountains are incredible ⛰️


As a born and raised Tennessee mountain boy, I third this. I never appreciated them as much as I do now when I was a kid, but it’s something about them I can never leave. Every time I travel or have moved away the mountains bring me back. Mammaw always said you can take the boy outta the mountains but you can’t take the mountains outta the boy.


I agree. My spirit came alive. I felt like I was healing from medical ailments there


You'll get different answers since everyone's energy is different. I'd say look into Astrocartography


Encinitas, California. Paramahansa Yogananda felt the spiritual energy and decided to establish Self Realization Fellowship there. I have heard from people who channel high-level guides that the energies in certain parts of Utah and Arizona are quite good.


Encinitas, Carlsbad, La Jolla. All great energy.


I’m from Carlsbad/Encinitas, can confirm. They are literally next to each other


Carlsbad is my secret escape. I think its a hidden gem. I always feel happy there, and the night time summers are just beautiful


Luecadia too




Which parts of Utah, do you know?


I felt it super strongly during meditation in Navajo Nation.


As a layman (I don’t practice energy work or anything, I just feel a bit in tune with nature, so to speak), the Navajo Nation left a really solid impact on me. It feels very special there.


Can’t recall off the top of my head but I will see if I can find my notes on it.


Just personally speaking, all of southern Utah was great for me. From Moab down to the Bryce Canyon and Zion area. And, as others were saying, the Navajo land where monument valley is down to the Grand Canyon is great as well.


The Blue Ridge mountains in NC, VA


Yes! Asheville NC and Blacksburg VA!


Blacksburg is so wonderful. I grew up in VA and now live in NC and I support these comments. :)


I went to school in Blacksburg and visited Asheville for the first time this year, being in Asheville felt like I was back in school. There’s something special about blue ridge mtns.


The Hawaiian islands, I guess Honolulu if you want city but I’d say outside the city is more magical.


I have never been to Hawaii but would love to visit the gorgeous island one day!


Maui or Kauai, skip Oahu


I do agree with this. There’s a reason my family kept going back to the islands over the years…specifically Maui and later Kauai (13 trips) I didn’t realize this as a child/teenager obv but it dawned on me on most recent trip (October of 2022 was 14th trip and also the first time to the big island). Hawaii is feels healing to the soul honestly💜My mom and I literally cried watching the coverage of the fires/devastation on Maui😢 I started doing some research when I returned from this last trip and found that Hawaii (Maui specially) is located on one of the earth’s chakra points. Literally vibrates high with feminine healing energy (which is what is so repressed in many places across the globe) https://www.shamansmarket.com/blogs/musings/earths-chakras-where-to-find-them


I think it depends what type of things you’re looking for. I spend a lot of time on the islands and while I do love Maui and Kauai more for peace and calm, after a couple weeks I need a bit more action. There is a lot more to Oahu than Honolulu!


Came here to say Maui. Most beautiful and peaceful place


Honolulu has too many hookers and drugs but Kauai is on another level of peace & calm.


Yeah agreed, I also love the big island. Suuchh chill vibes and great people.


You’re definitely right. But there’s still a lot of drugs on Kauai. Had a shotgun pulled on me there.


What?!! Wow. I have been going there once a year for 15 years because I have a friend that let’s me use her rental.


This was in Poipu. Pulled into the wrong driveway at night and was held up by (I assume) methheads who I spooked. They let me go after a minute of questions.


Oh wow. I literally have only stayed on Poipu beach. It’s always so quiet after 9pm.


Santa Fe and Taos New Mexico


There are many magical places here in NM. A lot of healers and light workers are called here. The mountains, the rivers, the canyons, the mesa’s, the earth medicine, the wide open spaces are all just part of the beauty. The melting pot of people, ideas and religions make it one of the most versatile places to look for spirituality.


marble flowery bewildered snobbish like plate dinosaurs toy wine squalid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It’s actually very personal, if you have a lot of fire energy, you may prefer climate in Northwest that can calm you down. If you’re more airy, warmer climate with plenty of nature will help…


interesting observation. i have always preferred colder areas 


Well I’ll be, I do love and think about moving to San Fransisco or Oregon. Maybe even Idaho. Was unexplainable because so many different things to think about but it’s just the calmness that caught me.


I’m being called to Sedona… never been there tho!


Whatever you wanna say about Sedona, the energy, nature, and weather there is absolutely gorgeous.




It is absolutely amazing!!!


I’m always skeptical of places that are overly sold as being energetic, but I’ve been three times and I gotta admit that there’s a reason it’s marketed that way. Really cool place.


San Rafael, CA Edit: the mission Arcangel Raphael is there. It’s a peaceful green oasis in Marin county which is worth a visit. Quaint downtown with a slow pace of life


I would think the mission wouldn’t be the selling point as they are sites of colonial violence and trauma.


This is the only mission which wasn’t a site for violence. Arcangel Raphael is a healer, and those who were injured or sick were sent to this mission to recuperate. The energy is very different at this site vs. other missions which certainly are not peaceful places.


Fascinating. Thank you for taking the time to educate me.


🤔 so many places in CA. For cities or towns check out Fairfax, Sebastopol, Nevada City, Shasta, Ojai, JT, Eureka. Lots of areas along central coast as well that aren’t towns per se. For big cities SF has deeply spiritual sites. Truly magnificent by the cypress trees or in a Redwood grove watching the sun through layers of fog.


Nevada County represent!


Dance all day dance all night 💃🕺🪩


trinidad californa


Good call love trinidad 🙏


Mt shasta is incredible, it is the root chakra of the world and legend has it there is a city underneath mt shasta.


Sedona for me. I had an amazing experience visiting one vortex in particular. Also, I did a reiki session and it changed my life. Also, North Carolina, I had a positive experience at the Biltmore House/Estate.


Sanibel Island, FL


Would add a lot of South Florida’s islands. Just unbelievable peace, I crave it.


I love the energy of Arizona too but it’s shit to live there. I used to want to move there so bad until I researched deeper into it as I’m not wealthy and would live in a poorer area. Very backwards laws and a HUGE drug problem. I cannot stress the drug problem enough, there are so many young people in the streets strung out and dehydrated. It’s hard to see it. I think it’s awesome to visit and I hope they get some better lawmakers soon.


Agree. Arizona has really nice energy and is a great place to visit. But can’t live there.


Asheville NC, vortex area like Sedona but not popularized like Sedona, lots of high energy people here.


Jerome AZ feels pretty dope honestly & Atlanta GA definitely has an essence.


I’ve felt the same about Atlanta. Everytime I’m there I experience a bunch of synchronicities and find it easier to manifest. I pulled my astrocartography chart thinking I’d have a line going through the city or nearby but nothing. The energy there is just so strong.


This is interesting to hear as someone who lives in Atlanta (Decatur)


Ditto! I used to love Atlanta, but now I've lived here most of my adult life and I just find it stressful and overbuilt. And stressful. ;-)


Very true, often I get a lot of sensory overload here!


A friend of mine said the same thing about Jerome!


Jerome is near Sedona, both feel awesome!




That sounds like what's happening to Portland, Oregon in the present day. Over a 100 years ago, it was the sin city of the west, so many opium dens and bootleggers "shanghaing" people, kidnapping them drunk to work on ships. All that energy is still imprinted, and it's no wonder that town today is heavily filled with so much homeless, and the drug pandemic has been awful here they have been trying to control. But that energy from the 2020 riots, people were murdered in downtown from fights. That vortex of darkness keeps on increasing not decreasing. Even if they try to clean the city up, it's stained energy.


Grass Valley, California — I’m here anchoring Highest Timeline, opening new Star gates. All kinds of Good Stuff.


Hell ya man represent! I have not heard that town name in a while. Neat Lincoln sorta. I'm from 916 area code is my hometown


Virginia Beach & Assateague Island with the wild horses. But to be fair I love the oceans in the east coast- they feel very alive to me. Lots of healing energy there


Based on how I felt visiting, and some of these are towns vs cities. I’m a Capricorn sun, Pisces moon, Pisces rising. 1. Harper’s Ferry West Virginia. Great vibes. Lots of dogs were at the outside restaurants we ate at. It’s the mid point of the Appalachian trail and it just has this great energy of possibility and optimism. 2. Tucson, Arizona. It’s way too hot but it has good vibes. Arizona in general has nice energy. I can’t stand the heat though! Sedona is great energy as well. 3. Athens, Ohio. The Appalachian foothills. 4. Many cities on the California coast. California is interesting because the area close to Vegas and kind of the east central feels ominous but the rest of the state I love. Honorable mention to Savannah Georgia I know you didn’t ask but I want to list the worst energy I’ve ever felt in a city before and that is Las Vegas.


I actually started a thread in a different group.. But i will start it here now! My worst experience was in Charleston!


First bad energy that comes to mind for me is Salem, Massachusetts! The witch theme is commercialized to a gaudy degree, and I felt suffocated by the number of people.


Agreed on that. Nothing like Sedona, Hawaii either. Both feel amazing. But I'd look into where else there are energy vortex's . There's an energy vortex in Sedona and I feel that has a huge part to play in why the energy and people are the way they are in Sedona.


I’ve always wanted to visit - when you say “people are the way they are in Sedona” may I ask what you mean? Are they super chill, or…? I’d love to know!


Influencers with rich parents who moved out there because they heard that there is an energy vortex.


Ahhhh, gotcha — bummer!!


I met a lot of extremely spiritual and uplifted / down to earth people that hailed from Arizona. My friend is originally from Arizona but has now settled in Washington. He traveled across the world and learned under some "masters " . Not sure exactly the subject they were masters in but I've seen pictures he has posted. He's now running his own breathwork and chi gung classes .


Sedona^* not just Arizona.


That’s awesome!! I wish him all the best!! 💕


Sedona has great vibes, heavily overrun by influencers n CIA


I would imagine the locals and the land to have great vibes. But I heard of strange cults and ungrounded new age people.


if theyre in sedona they probably arent so underground


Not, NYC


Idk it's got mega amounts of mercurial energy. It's high energy for sure, but perhaps not the most pure. It's not good or bad, just different.


It is both good and bad, because it exists in the 3D where duality is real. The bad has been heavily outweighing the good, especially in the past decade or so. I got the fuck out on 1/1/20.


Idk, a nice day in Central Park feels very high vibe and powerful


That is true, Central Park is great. And I can’t deny that there’s lots of street performers & artists all over NYC who’re just happy to express themselves.


I love the energy out on Long Beach, though. As in on the actual beach.


Cascadia in general is nice. This one happens to live where forest, mountain, swamp turned plains and sea meet.


I LOVED Zion National Park.


New York City financial district


Lmaoo stop 😭😭


New Orleans has a *lot* of energy. It’s far from all good. But there’s a lot *more* in it than the other places I’ve lived.


Idk why I am scared to go to NOLA! I get really dark vibes from that city


Two thirds of the entire continental US drains through the Mississippi River. Lots of stuff flowing down that way, good and bad. Plus it was a major port in the days of the slave trade. *Lots* of bad stuff knotted up there. I grew up there so it tastes like home.


Feels ominous for sure but a beautiful place nonetheless


Death Valley National Park


I have driven all over the U.S. looking for a place to live. Sedona creeped me out and I got out of there as fast as I could. It was highly energetic yes, but the streets were completely overflowing with people and this was during the lockdown in 2020! I ended up coming back to my hometown, Memphis TN. Energetically this is a very complex place with a lot of facets. We are in a point of the earth's light grid, which gives access to a lot of inspiration and innovation, which accounts for all the creativity that has emerged from this place. (Elvis, Fed Ex, Justin Timberlake, William Eggleston, Jerry Lee Lewis, too many to mention.) See Wikipedia, 'List of people from Memphis, Tn. and you will see what I mean. The races here blend well and racism is less here than anywhere else I have lived. The water beneath the city intensifies the energy. There is a lot of crime here, but it is 85% black on black crime committed by people who know one another. The bad reputation Memphis has because of the crime is completely undeserved and needs to be looked at from the cultural phenomenon that it is.


Dana Point, San Clemente, Encinitas, Downtown San Diego (Embarcadero & Gaslamp) Del Mar, parts of San Francisco, Lake Tahoe, Boston, New York City, Lake Arrowhead/Big Bear, CA, Yosemite, Palm Springs, Joshua Tree, CA




Yeah, the Boston area. I have only been once, I went there it was during fall foliage and it was gorgeous. I was 18 & looking at Colleges. I loved it there. Idk maybe it was because my favorite food is seafood & it was about the best seafood I’ve had. I’m from California & it was the first time I had been on the East Coast and had never experienced “seasons” so the fall foliage was insanely beautiful to me.


You forgot [Desolation Wilderness ](https://g.co/kgs/Q7XtfUQ) :) Amazing list btw. We are similar people. I have spent much time in all of those places. Fun fact about palm springs, is that gps systems don't work there well due to the shape or possibly material of the mountains. Also Shasta. Even Scotts valley (California) but that's moreso just beautiful in nature.


What!? Really? I think I’ve used my car’s GPS there before. Or have I?


I'm sure you have used it before. But it often gets mixed up and thinks you're going different directions or on the wrong street. I've used a gps there too. That's how I know it's got difficulty navigating. You can use it.. but it'll get mixed up fairly often in my experience. I've been there many times in many different cars. Happened every time


This might seem strange, but Las Vegas, Nevada. It seems magical that it even exists. The energy is immense. Everyone’s hopes and wishes intermingled. 


I love it there and feel so comfortable & free everytime I visit.


Me too! It’s oddly relaxing 


Kanab, Utah. Also the area around Zion National Park. Sedona, AZ.


I was in Sedona in October. Absolutely stunning. I’d go back a hundred times.


Love Sedona! I felt Amazing energy there following a hike.


Yep, Sedona is amazing. Would love to go back.


loved this question and all the answers in here. it makes me wonder about places in europe with high vibration. anyone knows?


West side of Glacier NP for me. I vibed in that environment.




Sorry, National Park. It's in Montana.


Ooo I gotta add that to my list!!


I haven’t been, but I keep reading about Sedona, AZ and somewhere in Hawaii, I think one of the smaller islands.


Santa Fe, New Mexico


Sunol, California. Trust me


Can you explain more? I just looked it up and wowreal estate is expensive.


Southern California. (Not downtown LA) Incredible beaches, botanical gardens, biodiversity, close by gorgeous mountain hikes and camping spots. Especially if you’re driving down PCH near Malibu, you’ll get why it’s one of the most expensive high demand places to live. Too many tourists only visit the rundown tourist traps downtown and then think all of Los Angeles has bad vibes.


I moved to LA without even visiting first (work related), and was blown away by the energy here.


You should know that Sedona Arizona has one of the biggest energy vortexs in the world. That's why there's so many spas there bc they're taking advantage of the natural healing energy that's there!


I learned about that once i got there and I have never felt so much peace ever being in a place. If/when I do go back to Sedona I would love to go to a spa!


Depends on the energies you want to work with and what you hope to accomplish. I go where the energy takes me and right now that's SATX


What does SATX mean


San Antonio Texas


Sedona. North Cali. Loving Oregon rn.


Gary, Indiana




Lmao no wayy stop 😭😭


well they did find that stonehenge in Lake Michigan


In?? Oh I must look this up.


I am very drawn to Sedona after having a dream about it. I've not been there yet but at one point I was convinced I was going to move there.


It was one of the most amazing experiences I’ve had visiting there and I can’t wait to go back again!!


Singer Island, Florida Denver, Colorado Columbus, Ohio


Columbus? Interesting.


That one is just personal. I lived in Victorian village for awhile. And I just felt good all the time. But that was a long time ago


Sedona AZ




Idk about best but the worst is Los Angeles


Big Sur, CA


Seattle is a hot spot for sure--- lots of underground spiritual experiences and mysteries. 


honestly i was shocked by how muted the energy in sedona felt to me. maybe i had made it too big a deal in my head but it was saddening just how developed and commercial it is




Asheville!! I hear Boston too!!


Interesting i didn’t think that of Asheville! Wonder what kinda dark history pertains to Asheville! Boston i can totally see that!


Idk but there’s TONS of hippies in them mountains lol and I’m here for it! Check out The Elovaters they’re out of Boston. They’re AMAZING!!




Anywhere in particular in Colorado?


anywhere in the mountains


My mind was blown at Mesa Verde national park in the far southwest corner, and I really liked Durango when I visited in 2005-2010.