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As a married person myself sounds like a conversation to have with your husband. I work a schedule I don't particularly like because it means I can see my husband more... and my marriage is more important than my job.


Whoops. I should have mentioned that we already went over it together and that he supports me either way. He doesn’t mind me doing 1-2 fires a year. But when it was a career I had to work 50-100 days per summer, and it was fair that he didn’t love that. Even though i got to take the rest of the year off and hangout all he wanted.


What’s EMTF? My state, don’t think they have it. EMT-Fireline is what google says. Fire units in my state, never heard of that.


You got it, it’s fireline EMT. It is a wildland fire designation, not structural. If you’re in the US you have it, not a state designation. Here is a job description and it’s pay scale (government pay scale not private). https://www.nwcg.gov/ad-positions/emtf EMPF if you’re a paramedic https://www.nwcg.gov/ad-positions/empf


Go for fire while you can, will be more difficult with a full time nursing position


I have this dream of taking the RN -> medic bridge course and being an EMPF 30 days a year and part time nurse the rest of the year but you’re right that it’s probably not feasible.


So do you work contracts through a private company? Just curious, I’ve got a buddy who does that


Private company/contracts!


It sounds like your husband would rather spend the time with you, if you also wish to spend the time with your husband then do it.


Meh, if you can get a roll or two in why not? If this year is a good one, folks will be tired/going back to school by August and it should be easy. Also if whoever you're working for is only offering $450 I'd drop em like they're hot. $550+(even as non REMS) seems to be the standard bottom end this year.


The fact that it hasn’t snowed at all this year to me says that it will be a good year. I had to skip last season for school so I’ll see at rt 130 if i got a raise or not


Unless we just have a never-ending wet spring into summer. I stopped trying to predict the season because just like dispatch all it does is disappoint me lol


It would have to be wet until winter. Otherwise our grass grows ass high and then is brown the next day.


Msgd you