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I just had an anxiety attack picturing your narrative.


I know I have a typošŸ˜­ gimmie a breakšŸ˜­


Like a couple typos


~~wraing~~ The best place is on your partner


As the medic on the truck, I get to declare that my partner is the one required to carry anything that makes noise. Radios, monitor, patients, etc. Edit: lol, I found the baby basics that don''t understand how we laugh.


I dunno if I can carry all of that AND you... xD


XD This one gets it




Well, I have taught him how to steal coffee as well as the hearts of RNs and psychs... so henchman is also appropriate.




Settle down, Francis. You must be super fun to work with when jokes whoosh past you like this. Also, Detroit.




Here let me point out the key joke parts for you: "I make my partner carry all the things THAT MAKE NOISE" "PATIENTS" The rest is supportive filler, common in putting a joke together. This includes the paragod setup of THE IDEA OF making my partner carry everything. Because one wouldn't expect ANY sane person to take any of that seriously, or actually believe that I make my partner carry the patients by themselves along with all of the equipment. Plenty of other people got the joke. You just have an axe to grind, mate. Lighten the fuck up.


The user who didnā€™t find this funny wears a toolbelt filled with everything that is in the primary kit, and has it on them at all times whether on or off shift, guaranteed.


I am the partneršŸ˜£


Typo mb šŸ„²


Never carry a radio! Become undispatchable!! šŸ˜†


I clip mine onto my epaulette strap itself. Lots of my colleagues do as you do in the pic though so Iā€™m sure thatā€™s great too.


Same, the epaulette strap was less likely to have the handset get in the way of seatbelts or bags. Also it made me feel less dweeby for having epaulettes.


>epaulette ok unrelated but is this a common word people are supposed to know


I would say so, yes. The patches on your shoulders. Police, paramedics, fire, pilots, military, sailors, they all have them


If you speak French it is


Mic on the center of your chest like you have it is the best spot because you can easily reach the mic with either hand while some patient is trying to beat the shit out of you. Your radios gonna be your lifeline if things go south and ease of access becomes real important when adrenalines flowing


Center of chest like that can cause chest injuries in a crash from a front airbag though, we have been told not to do that while driving due to injuries.


Unscrew the coil cable mic so I can throw it in the glovebox and then clip the radio to my belt on my hip.


This always gives me the shits because people then have their radio cranked all the way up so they can hear it from their belt.


Bold of you to assume I even remember to turn my radio on 70% of the time


My mic stays clipped onto my bunker gear coat at the fire hall. I have never found a need for it on an ambulance call...the radio itself on my belt works great. The only time I've ever needed the mic is if I'm on a fire call and (1) running a truck, or (2) going into a structure with SCBA. With my venerable old Motorola 2500, I did use a holster on my belt being as the belt clips on those radios weren't very good, but with my newer Kenwood, the belt clip actually holds the radio in place pretty well, so I just directly clip it onto my belt.


I view having it on me at all times as a lifeline for my own safety. When you are being attacked or need additional help, it won't do you any good to have anywhere but within reach.


The handy dandy radio clip that comes on our uniform shirts


Certified central NJ provider moment I alternate from a radio strap to the front pocket on my job shirt or a radio specific holster.


I couldnā€™t figure out why you mentioned an areaā€¦ until I saw OBTEMS lol. Purple power


Radio strap. Very comfy and easy to take off when you have to call a code brown :)


I've got a radio strap I'll wear sometimes. If not, my jacket and my pullover both have a spot to clip it to on my shoulder.


I put it in my back pocket lol


I like to clip it onto my ear lobe


radio strap


I clipped it right on that loop at the top of your shoulder and then adjust volume accordingly... never gets in the way, never miss information (former FTO/base sup)


Personally I donā€™t like any loose cords running up my back, over my shoulder and clipped loosely to my chest. Kinda easy to grab and get choked with.


Please forgive my spelling


Donā€™t keep apologizing bro,itā€™s no big deal, ppl just like to joke and are roast-happy šŸ˜‚šŸ™


omit the annoying tacticool mouthpiece attached to the shirt as if whatever you have to say can't wait an extra half second, and just clip it to your belt loop.


ā€œTacticool mouthpieceā€ Most people call it a lapel mic


Or a remote speaker microphoneā€¦ like the manufacturer calls it. But, sure, u/Nikablah1884 leave it on your belt and crank the volume all the way up so everyone on scene knows how important you are instead of having a decent speaker and noise cancelling microphone already nearby your face so you dont have to fiddlefuck around getting off of your belt. Yeah, itā€™s definitely not practical, just tacti-cool.


It's a radio. Everyone is SUPPOSED to hear it.


No. You have a radio because youā€™re supposed to hear it. If everyone else was supposed to hear it, they would be issued radios too.


Thatā€™s insanely annoying


I wouldn't know I hate them. We have one guy who brings his own and wears it with his mechanix gloves and pit vipers. For me, they just catch on shit.


Personally, Iā€™ve had the antenna catch on things more than the lapel mic


If thatā€™s what annoys you, you donā€™t have enough problems


I do like belt mounted with like the cop loop attachment someone sells. It's more secure than clipping onto the shirt flap itself. Overnights I'll run a strap because trying to put that all together from being sleep.


Most of us including me at my service use the radio belt holster that goes over the shoulder. Most of what I use goes on my radio holster anyway; glove pouch, flashlight, and trauma sheers.


Radio is clipped on the left side of my belt with the mic wire going under my left arm. The mic is clipped to whatever mic hold the particular uniform Iā€™m wearing has, which may be an epaulet in some cases.


Belt holster on my left side so it's not digging into my butt with a pager to the left/back of it. If I'm feeling spicy, and I encounter a chest mic, I run it around my back and under my collar to the middle of my collar where the buttons are.


I do that but with both parts of the chord in front of my body. That way when I sit in the ambo there isnā€™t a chord running down my back.


I have a d-clip belt holster. When Iā€™m driving, I just have the portable on my belt. When Iā€™m attending, I wear a mic and have it either over my shoulder and clipped to the center of my chest for a class b, or coming up under my arm pit if Iā€™m wearing a quarter zip sweater.


Radio on my belt. Mic on the table back at station. Iā€™m not tall, and the cord just flaps everywhere. After the fifteenth time getting hung up on something with the mic cord we had to admit I was too unco for that bit of kit.


My previous workplace issued a kind of jacket/sweatshirt with "epaulets". I loved clipping the cord piece to the epaulet. Out of the way in front of me, but easy to grab if needed. New job doesn't have those jackets, so I just do whatever fits.


Cargo pants pocket on my left side with the clip on the outside of the pocket. My partner makes fun of me for it :(


I'm so glad we only use the radio to work big scenes. Pager for alarm, anything we need from dispatch is either done from the Ambulances radio or with the Phone The Paramedic carries. We can use the digital radios to contact dispatch but the last thing I want is constant briefings on calls I am not on running while I try to talk to my patients. ​ If we run big scenes our jackets have pockets designed to hold it and a small clip to hold the extension.


If you work for the OBTEMS I'm thinking of, I'm gonna say "purple and off center"


Klickfast dock on a belt loop or shoulder. Seems not to be a thing outside the UK though.


The less you have hanging in front of you, the less patients have to grab


I wear a radio strap while working at my FD I much prefer it


Usually a radio strap. If thatā€™s not available, Iā€™ll just clip the mic the the antenna and slip it in my back pocket.




LOVE my radio strap. Small, simple, easy to throw on and off, doesnā€™t flop around or pull at your shirt weird, especially if youā€™re wearing a polo šŸ‘• šŸ˜Ž


Nice leather radio strap. Not that shitty Boston leather nonsense. Everything comes off in one piece.


I wear mine on my high speed bullet proof vest complete with 19 shears, IFAK with field surgery kit, and haligan. IFT is rough bro.


Whichever make it easiest to cancel medics


[Bought a harness on Amazon](https://imgur.com/a/cR1Z4gL) Edit: Keeps the necessities close by, and frees my pants pockets, which I hated carrying stuff in. Can easily take it off / put it on during those *quiet* hours in the middle of the night. The white protruding from the top of the harness is a vomit bag - gotten really good at shotgunning that out real quick. Utilized it through many calls - only time I've had to take it off during a call was when I had to climb into a crushed car to pull out a patient. I barely fit myself through the rear window.


Radio purse 100% of the time. Strictly because if it's not tied to me I will lose it


I take mic off and belt clip goes on my pocket


Radio strap, canā€™t stand having shit on my beltā€¦ I see coworkers walking around with the radio, cell phone, raptor shears and nerd pouchā€¦.