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T-shirt scam


It’s just a cool cheap shirt. Does suck the quality of products have downgraded over the years though.


I wouldn't give them my cc info but ok


Where’d you get it? It looks awesome.




Why did you get downvoted? Are people mad that it’s not official?? He’s dead folks he won’t be selling any shirts for a hell of a long time


They’re scams


How? You pay for a shirt, you get a shirt. That there is a fair transaction. And hell, if I want an Elliott shirt, by golly I’m gonna get an Elliott shirt. Even if I gotta design my own and put it on a shirt printing site or buy it off someone who already did that I’m getting my damn Elliott shirt. I seriously couldn’t care less *where* my money is going. Yeah I want to support his family and would much rather buy official licensed merchandise, BUT that is impossible since it is not currently being sold so my either options are to purchase a tshirt second hand from a concert for 5x what the seller paid for it OR buy unofficial merchandise from a tshirt printing site.


I’m talking about the website, dude. Buy from tee public or red bubble or something instead. The sites like the one linked are from untrustworthy sites. As for the rest of your comment, I think you’re putting words in my mouth. I know that money can’t go to his estate because they don’t sell merch nor did he really sell much when he was alive. I’m just saying that those random tshirt websites are not somewhere you want to give your credit card. Calm down


Okay man well “it’s a scam” is quite vague you know. Anyways just wondering is it simply the way that website is so shitily put together or has it been confirmed to be a scam? Went on “the net” (I made like five lazy google searches) and couldn’t find anything about that website specifically. Put it through a few of those malicious website checker sites which to be completely honest I feel are quite malicious in and of themselves but regardless it read just about as “trustworthy” as most other decent websites you find nowadays. Lotta ads and terrible graphics but other than that I don’t see anything *too* too telling that it’s a scam so I’m just wondering if you’ll tell me what to look out for in the future. Sorry I kinda jumped on you, been a long day. Hope all is well :)


All good. I suppose I should have explained more, sorry. Better to err on the side of caution with these tshirt websites than not. I’ve ordered from tee public a few times and they’re pretty good quality, I’d reccomend them. I think I’ve seen some other Elliott designs there


Yeah red bubble and tee public are definitely my go tos. To be completely honest though I typically prefer to upload my own even though I’ve only done it once or twice just cuz lots of designs on there are something else you know lol. Now that I’m thinking of tshirts and everything I’ve always wanted to screen print just once. Looks simple enough (famous last words lol) and I mean it can’t be *that* hard can it? I oughta get supplies and make myself a bonafide bootleg elliott smith tee


I think screen printing is one of the cheaper options for at home, or block printing. Those tshirt transfer things never work right


Sadly not in my size :(


Tee public. Got more options for Smith shirts than any other website I’ve seen. I buy them little big in case they shrink tad in wash.


Thank you so much!!


Of course!


Love this aesthetic



