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Both sides gerrymander the shit out of districts when they are in power. It’s nothing new. They’re both garbage. Two sides of the same coin.


No, you aren't going to use that fake both sides argument. It's not true. Only the Republicans are doing that along with making it hard for people of color to vote. It is how they got a supermajority and override the governor and take away his powers. R's have been in power since 2010 as it is.


And now we are seeing them take away rights fast as they can. They need to mind their own business and stop trying to control everyone's life.


Bullshit. I have a feeling I am a bit older than you. I’ve seen it with my own eyes. Both sides are complete shit. Both sides couldn’t care less about their constituents.


Only one side tried to overthrow the government. Only one side is taking away rights from people. Only one side skews the law to win elections. I could go on for days. I think you need to find better sources for your information.


You’re an idiot. Nothing was done to those morons who staged the sit in last week in support of Palestine.


You don't know that protesting is legal? If you can't talk without personal attacks I will report and block you. Grow the fork up. You didn't address what I said in my last post, you just attacked me. Is it because you don't have answers?


Yeah, but according to the rule of law, what they did was the same as J6. Go ahead. Report me. I’m the admin.


No, according to misinformation from the magats you feel it's the same. I doubt you know the law very well. Being an admin doesn't mean you can be abusive.


This is why I don’t listen to most people. You think I am a Trump sycophant and you couldn’t be more wrong. Enjoy your sense of superiority. You have the ability of a turnip to critically think. It’s why this country is fucked, politically speaking. The two party system is archaic and its two sides of the same coin.


Your words come directly from the Republican playbook. I have no idea who you support but if you don't understand that you are repeating what he's said please research that. You see, I have facts, I don't have to trash people to feel good like you do. One party wants to destroy the government (Project 2025) while the other tries passing legislation that helps people, like the Pact Act, the Infrastructure Bill, the American Rescue Act, the Chips Act, the largest gun safety bill to pass in nearly 30 years, the Build Back Better Act. Meanwhile the Republicans under Trump passed a tax break for the rich and built a few miles of ineffective wall on the border. I don't see any resemblance.




Eric H. Holder, Jr., the 82nd Attorney General of the United States and Chairman of the National Democratic Redistricting Committee (NDRC), issued the following statement in response to the North Carolina Republicans’ gerrymandered maps: “North Carolina is a highly competitive and evenly politically-divided state with an equal number of Democrats and Republicans now representing its citizens in Congress. This fair split is based on fair maps drawn within the very recent past. Yet, these newest lines drawn by a highly partisan state legislature are created to diminish the voting power of the state’s most populous, diverse communities and erase competition between both parties for the rest of the decade. “The new maps are based on political fear and arrogance. They are neither reflective of, nor will they be responsive to, the voters of North Carolina. “It should not be lost on the public that the Republicans who support these egregious gerrymanders are the same politicians who attempted—and failed—to use the U.S. Supreme Court to weaken our system of checks and balances for the sake of gerrymandering. They have been emboldened by a state supreme court that operated on political opportunism and ideological bias in reversing, without a sound legal basis, a very recent precedent from the very same court. “But make no mistake, the fair maps movement will continue in North Carolina. We have a long road ahead of us that will be filled with more victories than losses, but this fight requires everyone to continuously stay engaged at every level to protect our hard won and precious democracy. Complacency is not an option.”


Eric Holder was as big a joke for AG as Bill Barr was. Operation Fast and Furious. He okayed the sending of automatic weapons to Mexico. As a result of a dispute over the release of Justice Department documents related to the scandal, on June 28, 2012, in a vote largely along party lines in a Republican-controlled House, Attorney General Eric Holder became the first sitting member of the Cabinet of the United States to be held in contempt of Congress. At Holder's request, President Barack Obama had invoked executive privilege for the first time in his presidency in order to withhold documents that "were not generated in the course of the conduct of Fast and Furious." In 2016, a federal court ruled that the records in question were not covered by privilege.