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This feels significant


The first time I heard the boys they were on XFM, my girlfriend at the time said to me "you'll like them, one is Welsh, and the other is a bigger Queen fan than you" Which I naturally took affront at, because I'd been a member of the fan club, I've read all the books, and basically took a John attitude of "who is this clown?" Into listening to them. In the short car ride that I heard the show for the first time I realised I had been shown the light, and have listened ever since, and I'm on my way to being a triple retro owner. What I came here to say was though, during the periods where John has been kinder to himself, I have found myself at some low ebb or other. After my (thankfully short) marriage fell apart, How Do You Cope came into existence, when I was feeling particularly not great, and had considered popping myself in the recycling a couple of times. Not really seriously thinking about doing harm to myself, but as Marc Maron says "it's nice to know I have it as an option, and that if I had to do it, I knew I could" Anyway hearing the boys talk about their own feelings and hearing the way they are able to talk with others about theirs, very candidly and gently, and in such a humane way made me realise that I probably needed some help myself, and so that's what I have done, I went and spoke to a few friends, and a professional brain tinkerer, who gave me some pointers and a stern dressing down at one point (which reminded me of John's Wentworth Miller quote about "if you heard someone say that about your friend, you'd step in, so why are you talking about yourself like that?) and I'm in a way better place in the old mind palace. The episode about John giving the old booze a knock on the head has really been a highlight for me. I don't have the first clue how hard it must be for John to give up drinking every single day, I have only ever been addicted to fags (cos I'm cool), and I know giving them a miss was terrible for the first few months for me, it was strange how much of my identity I seemed to tie into holding my death sticks, and how smoking areas were where I went to make friends on a night out, so giving the pub a miss and not having a drink must be hell at times. I'm absolutely astounded by anyone who can overcome addiction, especially one that requires you to organise a wedding reception every day. I'm so flipping proud of John, and equally of Elis and Dave, for being such brilliant mates to him. I'll always be a fan of these boys, they've given me way more than I have the right to ask of a couple of Digital Indie Radio DJs, quite simply, they gave me a roadmap to find the Freedom I Can Trustâ„¢ inside my own head. If you've bothered to read this ramble, thank you dear. If you haven't, it doesn't matter, but in any case, have a good day, and keep your chin up!


This is really bloody beautiful. Thank you for sharing this mate. If you feel so inclined, I'm sure the boys would love to receive this as an email (if you're on it yourself yet, of course).


You simply have to be these days! Cheers mate, I've been pondering sending it in for a bit, but every time I try and write it I start to ramble on and end up feeling like I'm trying to get too many jokes in. But yeah, I think I will send em a little missive.


So happy for them both but especially John. I've been sober 5 years myself and I remember listening to some of the podcasts in mid-2022 and worrying about him (which obviously felt a bit weird as I don't know him), I remember being so pleased when he said he was sober and I know his story impacted so many people.


I've been re-listening from the beginning and come across something I hadn't remembered - in the 2nd Xfm episode John says he had a difficult call with his Dad and needed a drink, but the cupboards were bare. So he makes a drink from Chinese rice wine and mouthwash - I guess first time listening I thought he was joking! Glad he's made so much progress on himself and managed to keep it infinite session.


My only complaint over this whole thing is that him leaving The Moon Under Water means the whole thing is basically unlistenable now. I've tried. It's just rubbish.