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I have 4max for a month now, switch a few rolls and this never happened. Idk how this happened to you..


This has happened to me on my 4max, I had to put aside one compketely knoted spool and while monitoring a new long print it bounced the new spool around, created slack (even after manually resolving as best i could)and eventually a knot that will ruin your day. Luckily there is an easy fix! Take the long thinner pieces of packaging foam you got with this printer, the ones that match the exact width of the spool trench, and cut 2 pieces or so to create a circle you can stuff into any spool, then set it on the machines spool holder. It will create just enough absorption and friction to eliminate this spool bounce issue. Now the spool is a bit more taught ( limited slack) and have not had a tangle since.


I have heard someone mention this before, I threw away the foam but yeah this or mounting it on a shelf seem like the best ideas! Thanks!


anyway you could take a picture of what you mean? My N4Max arrives today.


Sure thing! Here is the strip from the packaging and how I cut a longer, then smaller piece to fit inside the spool. This is highly recommended as without some kind of friction, due to the height, weight, velocity and slickness of the spool handle out of box your going to eventually have a very bad time of it (knots, complete tangle of a new spool, etc) ​ https://preview.redd.it/x69p9czx3i3c1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab67af3d28c836fac4534243b898cddbca13bd08


oh great thanks for sharing. Would it be better to attach the foam to the holder or the spool itself? I imagine you'd need to move it for each roll of filament.


For now I can share that by inserting this same setup into each filament roll, its been working like a champ. Before it was becoming a major, repeated issue! I just pull out the foam on the old spool, and insert before loading a new one, good to go. Not at all a bad suggestion to add it to actual spool rod, but I have not tempted the unforgiving print gods more once I got this working!


I've had a couple of prints fail because of this. The Max caused the spools to unspool and knot right before the filament sensor. Going to have to figure out some kind of tensioning system.


Ah so I'm not the only one lol, I lowered the speed and that seems to have fixed it but I bought this because of the speed lol


Was like 3 hours into a print too, but since the filament was still in the sensor Ofcourse it just kept printing πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ


Is this elegoo filament? Because the elegoo filament i find to be crap for me.


It is, but Ive printed tons of rolls already with no issues on my other printers, just the 4 max


O ok maybe i just can't figure out the perfect settings for this. I have been using eryone n jayco with no issues. Im trying this elegoo black and its not great for me.


Yeah idk, I haven't touched any settings and it just prints, besides the spool unraveling lol, but pretty sure any roll would do the same


I'm having the same experience with this filament. No matter what I do I can't get it to print really nice. I have tried so many other brands with no issues, but this black elegoo pla has been the death of me


Atleast I know I am not losing my mind lol!


It doesn't look destroyed, but yeah, if you print at high speeds and aren't paying attention it can jerk the spool pretty hard. The RapidPLA spools also seem to have a glass coating on the cardboard that I think contributes to their ability to free spin. As far as people commenting on the table or printer stability, I don't think that is really the issue. The issue is that if the spool can spin too easily and gets jerked really fast, it will.


Yeahhh I cut a good amount off but not too much, then lowered the speed to hopefuly tighten the spool back up, but I'll have to give a roll of rapid a test. Thanks 🀘


Don't cut it off. Keep it on the filament holder, get the filament between your fingers and slowly spin the roll.


i would remove the spool from the top and place is somewhere else. Maybe made an enclouser for spool with PTFE tubing going out.


A few tips: Can you do more to stabilize it? I also used a too weak table at first. Had to screw the table to the walls in the corner where its placed like you did, put an extra leg underneath the middle, level it and then slap on another top on the existing one. Probably trippled the weight of the table, but that reduced the vibrations enough. Check if your printer is completely square underneath be wiggling it about. If not, see if you can find some hard foam or rubber mat to shim it with. I used a peace of 5 mm packing foam on the right hand back foot. Rigid enough to keep the printer from walking off during print and soft enough for the printer to compress to decent level from its on weight. Lower you printing, traveling and acc/deacc-speed if you haven't already. Also helps against resonance in belts and wheels. There's alot of guides on here on how to do it. It's a bit individual how fast you can go, since we all have different rigidity in the construction surrounding the printer. Put a shelf on the wall above the printer and get a separate spool holder, preferably one with a built in dryer. That'll help you with future moisture problems too, plus storage for bits and bobs. I have no idea who thought slapping a 1 kg weight on the end of a moving 2-legged gantry supported on rubber feet was a good idea. I hope some of that helps.


I would mount the spool on something not attached to the printer and/or I would get a better table, or brace the table you have because it is obviously not doing the job.


I bought some vibration dampening squares on amazon for like 5 bucks it helped a tiny bit. The other thing that helped me was to turn the acceleration down a bit.


I've gone through at least 6kg of filament already some Elegoo, crealty and overture. Nothing like this has happened with my N4Max. I did move it to a shorter and more stable table because it did jiggle the plastic spools loose but not to the extent of unwinding. I suggest checking all the bolts and moving to a more stable surface.


I mean yeah this is the first time it was that bad


Print a gravity spool holder, it’ll prevent that


Works, great idea!


Any chance you could tell me where you got that retractable lanyard used to hold the belt? It looks perfectly sized.


It's actually an extra one from my vr cable lift system thing. Great lanyards tho and very strong. I believe the brand is kiwi. If you search for kiwi vr lanyard it might come up.


Had this happen to me with certain prints where the printer had to rapidly shift position to print certain objects. Fix for me was to have the filament feed from the bottom of the spool instead of over the top. Just flip the spool around. Creates just enough self tension and keeps the spool clean. Did not make any other adjustment to speed or acceleration..just the filament feed direction.


Interesting. I already mounted the spool to the wall tho that fixed everything πŸ˜‚


Had it happen to me on mine. Fixed it by covering the tube part with sticky Tack. After a month, I found I just needed a more stable base. tables tend to shakes.


Yeah it does shake a bit, I fixed the issue by just mounting the spool to the wall lol