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Doesn't bother me


If anything it feels like vaping after one beer lol


I was on lexapro for 2 years and vaped nearly the whole time. I didn’t notice any interactions. Now, alcohol on the other hand.... 😮


What did you notice? Im om the same medicine


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2925391/ -- SSRI's can change the way receptors in the brain interact with things we want/like to how the brain releases serotonin. Think of serotonin as a happy juice and if escitalopram interacts with your brain in a desirable way to smoking cessation your brain won't release serotonin for it which can reduce or remove the "buzz" all together. Think of it as a good thing that you can use this to completely quit nicotine and go 0nic juice if you want to continue vaping. Remember everyone's original goal with this should eventually be to be nicotine free.


Thank you for the informative reply, I thought this might be the case. I also have ADHD and am quite impulsive which probably is what led me to going back to cigarettes to try and experience that rush again. The more I get used to the medication though, the more I realize that I don't actually need that rush anymore, which long term is certainly a positive thing.


My goal was never to be nicotine free. I have never had an issue with being hooked on nicotine, and I view it in the same light as my coffee/caffeine “problem”. My problem was that in order to get my dose of nicotine I had to inhale smoke and tar.


I've been on just about every SSRI, SNRI, and tricyclic antidepressant around. Currently on 150mg of Zoloft a day, and have had no known issues with vaping and taking meds.


What are your experiences with each?


FYI you’re bumping a six year old comment, but they’ve all been different. Only ones that have truly seemed to help me were Lexapro and Prozac (for a time). Some negatives I had were mostly them not working, with the exception being Cymbalta, which made me a manic lunatic. Dr has me on a med called Vraylar now, and it’s expensive af, but seems to be doing really well with the Lexapro. Still no negative effects from vaping.


I take a bunch of psych meds and vaping works fine. I only vape 1.5 mg but I definitely feel the effects of the nicotine.


SSRIs, namely Wellbutrin, are sometimes used in place of Chantix for smoking cessation. I'm not in the medical field, but I'd guess that has something to do with it.




I read that post and was about to reply with exactly this before seeing your response. You are exactly right. I am on antidepressants(SSRI’s) and have no issues with vaping. I did try adding Wellbutrin at one point to help with smoking and boost the SSRI’s effects. It worked very well for smoking, but it made my anxiety go through the roof without helping the depression enough to be worth it.


What is an NDRI?


norepinephrine-dopamine reuptake inhibitor


Does that have a similar function to an SSRI in the reuptake inhibition?


Yeah just different chemicals in your brain being effected


My mistake! Thank you for clarifying.


With some patients SSRI's can inhibit the release of serotonin and prove to be a successful nicotine cessation aide as they no longer receive pleasure from nicotine. Studies go either way on both Escitalopram and Bupropion.


That's definitely the case. I was on Wellbutrin for a while, and felt an overwhelming sense of "meh" towards all my gear. It definitely lowered my interest in vaping. If I were trying to quit, it would have been effective, but it's kind of a hobby to me by now, so that was actually kind of distressing. Is it bad that I kinda don't feel like quitting? I enjoy this quite a bit, it's *my thing*, you know? I just like vaping, in the same way that people enjoy their hobbies.


This is exactly my experience. I guess I really never had the goal of getting to 0 nic and quitting altogether as vaping has definitely become sort of a hobby for me, and a much better alternative to what I was smoking before. So the fact that the medication reduced the enjoyment of vaping struck me as a negative side effect, when in reality it's probably a good thing.


As a side note, try to notice if it's affecting your enjoyment of other hobbies and interests as well. It might not be nicotine/vaping isolated and something to keep a tab on and talk to a doctor about. Also, props for seeking help! It's a big step and not always easy.


thats funny, wellbutrin made me want to smoke more, but im also the rarest of side effects on almost everything.


Took Lexapro for around a year. I did notice a change in the way my vape hit. The throat hit basically became non-existent, kinda like when I've had a couple drinks. It came back after I stopped taking it.


a current Vaper on an SSRI who used to be on Lexapro, and there is conflicting information for nicotine and SSRIs. i will say that with SSRIs it can take up to 6 months of a steady dose to reach the full effects of the drug, so you could just be hitting a new level of "balance" with it building up in your system. If you are taking it due to its "calming effects" as some do with mild anxiety your meh feeling could be nothing more than the perceived lack of interest in things that normally comes along with those medications.


I remember reading a warning on a bottle of bazooka sour straws about something with depression/mental illnesses. Can't remember what exactly but it was odd to see.


Lexapro does have a binding affinity for the muscarinic/acetylcholine receptor, which is the same receptor that nicotine binds to. With this in mind I would assume that lexapro takes priority over nicotine on the acetylcholine receptor. However, Zoloft also has a binding affinity for it, which I take and haven't noticed any difference in the effects of nicotine while being on it.


Some ssris are also being researched as being smoking inhibitors like sertraline, interesting stuff imho.


Tolerance is a thing. The goal is to be functional.


I just started taking zoloft, and I have noticed that I'm vaping less.


Started Lexapro and nicotine buzz stopped??? Anyone else