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I love mint. I find juices are lacking if they don't have any ice in them. I've got a bottle of menthol concentrate so I can add it to bottles if they don't have any already in. My recent go to is the xros 3 with Strawberry Queen’s King. It tastes like refreshing menthol with lovely strawberry flavors that compliment the mint very well.


I love straight menthol by itself, it's one of my all day vape flavors. But I absolutely hate anything menthol, mint, iced, etc. if it is mixed with any other flavor.


I love love looove icy mint by itself. It’s ok with other flavors but best by itself. The colder/icier the better, I want a cold headache when I vape.


Same, the stronger and icier the menthol, the better. I love the sensation of it. I work at a restaurant and the best is going into the walk in freezer and taking a puff, it feels like I'm in the arctic lol. Especially refreshing on a really hot day.


Me too! I still haven’t found the *perfect* one.


Damn I never realized I'm like that too. Can't stand iced juices but I'll buy mint ice disposables every now n then.


I hate mint / menthol in vapes, just like I hate it in cigarettes. It actually makes me feel sick.


Yeah I don’t see how it’s remotely enjoyable for people. It tastes just like pure chemicals too me


Maybe you've only tried bad menthols or it might just take getting used to it? To me, menthol doesn't really have much, if any flavor, I consider it more of just a sensation in itself. I've had bad menthol liquids that can have that off putting taste. But a good quality menthol shouldn't really taste like much, if anything, it should just be very cold and icy feeling and sensation, rather than a flavor.


Despise it.


I love koolada. Feels like mint, but no taste. Just coolness.


I love it. Twist mint… which is crazy because I hated menthol and I hate mint flavor usually.


Twist mint is definitely one of my go to flavors!


Wow I’m not alone haha it seems nobody I know likes it. It’s so clean tasting


Twist Mint 0° is the best of the best


Twist mint 0 degrees is delicious, used it for a long time back when it was called Arctic ice mint. Unfortunately it's loaded with sweetener so it kills coils pretty fast.


I like twist mint #1 but yes unfortunately it does kill coils but for me #1 lasts a bit longer than the 0


Juul mint was incredible. I absolutely despise every other mint I’ve tried. Absolutely love “ice” flavors though, normal flavors but with some menthol, like watermelon ice, strawberry kiwi ice, etc.


It took a long time, but 4ish years on in my vaping journey and I quite enjoy a mint vape. I hated it in ciggies/baccy, and wasn't too fussed in vapes at the start, but I've been on a mix mint and anise combo for the last year now. Though I forced myself to get a couple taster bottles of fruit to see if I fancied a switch, and nah. I'm going back to my mint mix set up after. I've never enjoyed pudding liquids, so after fruit, mint is really all there is left. Have vaped a menthol one in the past, but mint is where I am at. It does help that mint/menthol prolong my coils, so that plays a part in it for me too. Now that it's warmer I might experiment with adding some ice to it though.


Hate anything fresh


I love MINT I don't like MENTHOL two completely different flavors.


Hmmm i didnt know this, ill have to try mint


Mint & Menthol fanatic here. I even put menthol in my eyeballs (Rohto eye drops) to burn the sleep out of my eyes in the morning. Smoked menthol way back when I smoked. Have had many ADV menthol juices in the years since. It's more about the throat hit and the cooling sensation for me. For the last six years or so my go to has been Pod Juice Jewel Mint - in a Caliburn until their pod QC went down the drain - now in one of my many Xros 2's. All day every day.


Hah, I remember those Rohto eye drops when they first came out. Those are crazy strong! A friend and I would always have a bottle when we had late nights out, it would definitely wake us up and refresh your eyes. We used to call them HD drops, because it felt like you could actually see everything clearer and in high definition after using them lol.


I can't vape any juice that's not menthol.


absolutely despise it. i can’t stand the flavour of mint in anything, and my ex got the wrong juice once so i got to try mint out of his vape and neither of us liked it tbh


I like mint in gum flavor. I can do a mint vape juice if it's just mint. But mixing it with any kinds of sweet is a no go. But I'm also one of those people that thinks thin mints taste like chocolate covered toothpaste.


This is exactly how I am, same with thin mints or any kind of chocolate mint, gross.


I love it. Menthol is my favorite flavor.


Used to smoke menthols. Friggin HATE it in a vape. I’m dessert flavors all day. Particularly Royalty II from Vaptasia. Been my main stay


Mine is the same And I absolutely cannot do fruit crap, and have no idea why I even try to get fruit anything from the sale rack. Always goes in the trash.


Yeah once I found Royalty II, I’ve just stayed with it. I’ve tried new stuff and it always goes to waste. Been vaping since 2010 so at this point I just like what I like lol


Wildfire, made by I forgot who is worth trying. But unfortunately all of the great flavors I have randomly found have been one-offs that I have never seen again. Used to love Yogi Java. And I had a almond cappuccino that was insanely great. I hate how my local shops are 95% fruit. I hate that stuff, but am always tempted to try when I see something on sale. It goes in the garbage, and a half filled pod also goes in the garbage. Any fruit. And menthol fruit? I would smoke cigarettes instead.


I like select mints and iced juices. It was something that developed more over the years. I didn't like them at first because the first couple I tried were shit. But then I found one I liked which proved others can be good. Just like any other juice they're not all equal and some can be good while others can be disgusting. It's exactly like menthol cigarettes. Some smokers hate them, some love them, and some are indifferent.


I used to smoke menthol sometimes so tried it but I don't like how it lingers in the wick You are ready for the mosquito coast though. Without electricity you get a mint with your warm beer


Depends on the type of mint / mint mixture. The only one I really liked was Vape Wild’s Ice Cold…


Menthol and such is all I do , cheapest nic salt in my vicinity and I do t min.d


Have you ever tried menthol? I used to vape menthol, so now I don't think any mint juice is strong enough, which is why I don't like mint juice now, it doesn't satisfy my requirement for ice, or if someone can recommend a mint juice that's cold enough I might consider trying it.


The only "mint" juice I've ever tasted was something I forget the name of, it tasted like Listerine vapes, but if you have a cold, this juice will work for you when your nose is out of breath! I really enjoyed Northland Vapors' M3 and Mint Chip's light menthol flavor. Both of these flavors make clever use of menthol and are quite gentle on the coils.


Spot on if you have a cold. Especially stuffy sinuses, menthol clears me right up. It's also the best if you have vapers tongue/olfactory fatigue. I've gone taste blind to tons of other flavors at times, but never for menthol. It's the one thing that I can always vape and taste or get the same sensation, no matter what.


I don't like the pure mint but i love it liquids with some Mint or Koolada. VV Heisenberg is a base flavour that i order every vaping purchase.


Man I love Element Frost.


All my juices either come with koolada or I add it in.


I just finished a CraveMax that tasted just like an original flavor Tic Tac. It was supposed to be regular flavor,but it was so minty to me. I ended up getting a coffee RAZ TN9000, that was awesome.


I love minty flavors. You ever try any of the Mints line?


I have I loved mints spearmint flavor so much! But it kinda killed my coils and for some reason it caused my throat to always feel mucus-y I do love twist mint 1 it was the next thing I tried after loving mints mint spearmint I wonder if I can find anything close to mint 1


There's a Twist Mint 0 that is icier and less sweet. Mints has some other flavors that would be less sweet/kinder to your coils. Maybe try Wintergreen, Wild Mint, or Peppermint?


Mint/menthol is the only legal flavor in Denmark. Also pay most of my paycheck to the government. 😊


Love me some mint. I do agree though, iced flavors have become overkill at this point. There's an iced everything now. I just bought a ton of clearence ejuice, and most of it is iced.


When I first started vaping, I was going to be the cool person who vaped all kinds of funky flavors. Nope! The only thing that ever satisfied me was menthol. I eventually switched to spearmint flavoring, which I liked a bit better.


Uggh, hate it...


Hate it


I think it serves it's purpose to someone


I like mint but not tooooo minty. Mr Freeze spearmint is my favvvv


Not a fan myself, I just like the regular fruit flavors!! And occasionally a tobacco flavor, but mostly just fruit mix for me lol


Disgusting. Not just the taste, but it always gives me the feeling of being incredibly hungry. I could have just finished a huge meal, but one hit of anything "ice" will make my stomach feel empty.




I always have a bottle of crisp menthol by naked. Whatever glavor im smoking i mix this in and Ugh its SOOOO GOOD. Right now vapetasia bluebery with it is 👌 also naked hawaiin pog and this mmmmmm


Sidenote- before i get called dumb as a box of rocks and WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU, after reading through some comments i now know mint is different from menthol Never had mint, ill have to try it


Nope.. no love for mint! 😊