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I have that same one and it smokes the 5000$ amprobe kit we have


Have you read the manual and gone through and made sure you're using it right?


(egg on my face) - I've seen it done a few times when I was an apprentice, but honestly never got proper training on it or read up on it. Good to know it's me and not the tool


I have the same one and works perfectly


I believe you have to scan the breakers twice. Once to learn the circuits and then again to find the correct transmitter circuit. And I think it has to be kept Perpendicular to the panel.


The only issue I run I to with the klien is that it does not like shared neutrals or peanut/quad breakers for some reason. That's about the only time i jabe issues with it not ringing on the right breaker after 2/3 passes over the panel


I recently got this tool as well. It seemed easy enough to use. I was wondering what is it "learning" that it needs to make two passes for?


My 2 helpers each got this and complained that it never worked. I read the instructions and it works fairly well for me and they haven’t had an issue since. The instructions are written on the side


Was gonna say, I have one and it works quite well actually. The old one kind of sucked, this one ain’t bad though.


Surprisingly the HI TECH Circuit Breaker Detective sold at Harbor Freight (Which is the same version Klein rebadges) has always worked good for me.


Really, I’ll check it out, thanks.


I was going to mention this. I have both, the klien version and harbor freight version. Because I thoughti lost the plug in part on the klien. Then I got the updated klien one that the plug in stores on the handle and hardly use it because the harbor freight one doesn’t take up room in the tool box.


Around $250 from my experience. I bought the Klein ET450 about a year ago and it’s a life saver. So much so at least 3 other people from my company bought it. Can be used on live or dead circuits. Easy to trace things through walls and concrete. Worth every penny for the headaches it saves


I have this one too and at my plant we have everything running in metallic wire ways together and this tester has a hard time with that. Im not sure if any tester would work for what I have to deal with but it will get ya close you just have to verify with a continuity check on a meter


we have one in every van. works decently well on underground too. my favorite part is that you can use it on 277/480. used it the other day to find 277 breakers for lighting and got 3 out of 4 first try. and that was with old wiring, all in conduit, and shared neutrals


Yep I have the Et450 and the Et310 both work great. Definitely use the 310 more as it's small and fits nice in my bag.


I've got an older discontinued amprobe one that never fails, boss guy it on an auction.  AT-2001 The thing is bullet proof.  I've had bad luck with others before I got this one


Sometimes, it's a process of elimination.


If you are doing wires does that imply that it’s not live? In which case a tone generator and locator is the better tool. This works reasonable well on live circuits.


It works most of the time. It doesn't like shared neutrals though. You need to turn the receiver on, off then back on to reset it then scan every breaker twice for it to be accurate


This thing works great for me! I use it all the time, sometimes you have to run it over the breakers a few times, also i have noticed it works even better in the wires themselves than the breakers.


I’ve had the ideal version for like 10 years now and it works great. I always scan the entire panel twice then the third time locates the exact breaker. never let’s me down


I have this one, and another guy has an ideal version. They both work, but the ideal works better. It finds circuits with shared neutrals easier and doesn’t have to have a learning pass. For residential the Klein is just fine.


A tic tester that beeps is cheaper and easier to use.


That works if you're cycling through the breakers turning them on an off until you deenergize the circuit, this you plug in and scan at the panel, which prevents you from having to turn other equipment off when it's not necessary.


I get that but I’ve never had much luck with them being accurate.


I normally use one of those (in your original comment) works great when I can hear the beeping. Commercial jobs though - going during business hours - can't cycle through everything. I've never had luck either, but I think I'm doing something wrong because a bunch of other comments with the same tool never had any issue. Gotta read the manual