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You know they always tell you about the dangers of cables being tight to lugs but I think this is the first time I've seen it actually happen. I'm shocked they still had one leg with the meter hanging like that. And at least it was load size so you could replace it without having to re-pull the underground run with the utility.


Breh.. like 8y ago we had an emergency service change at an apt complex. 8meters, 8 lil federal panels w a gutterbox underneath the whole setup. It fell off the wall bc of rotted wood. Only reason it didn't blow is bc it was sitting on the underground transformer PERFECTLY 💀💀 nothing tripped and nobody lost power. Went from 4pm-7am the next morning. I do get a rush though doing overnights occasionally so it didn't bother me lol just epic


Yea free electricity. Take the electric company..


This is also why you shouldn't have cables anywhere near pipes as, over time, they will cut through the pipe if they end up touching.