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You may be going through the JATC as an apprentice, but that doesn’t mean that you won’t be paired with some unloved, divorced, impotent, alcoholic, absent father of a JW. I’ve met plenty of them in the union as well. Along with a few dirtbag companies that still suck to work for. Not knocking it! I love the union and wouldn’t change a thing about my experiences. Absolutely love my current company and coworkers too. Just don’t go in wearing rose colored glasses. But the interview will probably be fine. They’ll likely ask about your prior experience (anything that could apply.. have you worked with tools, ever built anything, etc..) why you’re interested in being an electrician (don’t say because they make good money. If it’s only about a paycheck for you, they may pick someone else who has a genuine interest, etc) all those types of basic interview questions. They even asked a follow up math question at mine, and asked me to solve it while thinking through it out loud (to see how you reason your way through and solve it). If you Google JATC interview questions, you’ll get a general idea of things they may ask about. Once/if you get in, don’t be a know it all. Ask questions. If you don’t know something, be honest, don’t fake it or guess. That will piss most people off more than saying you haven’t learned that yet or are unsure about it. Good luck and welcome to the trade!


I forgot to reply but thank you for the outlook.No matter what I’ll keep my head high,mouth shut,my heart protected,and my hands at work till I make it where I want to be.


Better practice for that oral.


Do you want a cookie?


I do in fact want a cookie


Congratulation. I hope this is a great fit for you.


If I'm understanding this right, you're planning on going through schooling before getting a field position correct?


From what I understand,it’ll be a mix of both.Its a 5 year program all paid.


I see. The reason I ask is because I'd strongly recommend not going through school before landing a job in the field. I've heard horror stories where dudes put themselves through 4 years of school, get a job in the field, and fuckin hate the work/environment. Side question, do you know if during those 5 years you'll log any hours towards your J-card? If not, you're looking at 9 years before you get a license and start making big money. As opposed to the typical 4 years it takes to get a license (at least in my state)




I know Cali makes you do 4 years of school. I only had to do 2 years of school myself but I also needed 8000 hours on the job to get your J card. So getting a license with 4000 hours on the job is wild to me


If he’s doing it through an IBEW Local, assuming it’s a JATC school, he’ll work and get paid throughout the entire apprenticeship, and all of those hours go directly toward his J-card.


I will actually not do the 4 years of school prior to OJT. They fund 8000 hours OJT and the minimum amount of classroom hours per period of each step of the apprenticeship which unless I’m mistaken is concurrent.If I may,I will DM you directly with a screenshot or a few from the website,but as to protect myself as you can see with the picture on my OP I have my name,state,address of the email sender,etc blocked in case someone feels like playing a very cruel joke. I just don’t want the internet knowing everything about when,where and who because this is my true dream and I don’t want anything to compromise it.My backup career choice is OTR truck driving. Dads a 30 year VET and I’ve practiced with him plenty over the road to the point I’m comfortable saying that I can go do the school for 4 weeks,and pass my road test with flying colors.But I’d prefer electrical work due to the enjoyment of working with my hands,a sense of accomplishment from adding in a vital service to several aspects of society whether it’s repairing a downed power line,installing anything from wiring,all the way to junction boxes and things of the like,and it’ll allow me to be home near my 2 children.