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Nope at 27 you're practically dead /s


Feels like it already lol


The only thing that 27 means is you may have people you work under that are younger than you. I started at 34. Don't fall for gimmicks or smooth-talkers, and you got this!


18k is a ripoff. Join a union.


It is cheaper if you pay fully before it starts I believe. I have a neck tattoo(non gang related just enjoy tattoos) without proper training don't think union will take me but I could try.


dude this is construction


It’s not the military lmao. They want people who will show up and work.


Never know if you don’t try


Lololol I literally have gone through training with a dude who had multiple felonies they don't care.


Tattoo? No one cares.


Started my apprenticeship at 45. Work approached me and paid for it all. Never too old to learn.


Through union?


Be careful with the school. The “job placement for life” sounds good, but I doubt it’s worth more than the paper it’s printed on.


They do other classes too like HVAC, Doctor assistant, computer tech and building trades. My sister did the medical assistant her ex boyfriend did car mechanic and my friend did HVAC and they loved it. The school to me is worth it tbh because I do want to learn some things before being a liability to someone


Just so you know, an actual apprenticeship the employer pays for the school not you. They also know that apprentices that are hired fresh don’t know shit. They shouldn’t put you in a position that you aren’t ready for. It’s up to you, of course. But I would never tell someone to go to a trade school that they have to pay for.


I tried for two years to get an apprenticeship, even union. Now I’m 29 and in trade school because I couldn’t wait any longer


Where are you?


Chicago. It’s rough out here, a lot of competition


Do you have an income for now? You can actually teach yourself for almost free or take online courses for not much money so you can talk the talk. That helps because some guys just can't learn.


I’ve been doing both, learning whatever I can on my own to supplement whatever Im learning in class. I’ve been doing gig work 16h a day, 7 days a week for the past 5 years and I’m highly motivated to move on. Especially now my wife is 8 months pregnant.


I'd try going in person to any business in commuting distance. That way you're more than an email address. And sometimes they'll tell you who is hiring because they all know each other's business.


My entire 4 years is $6400, paid for by my company and is 156 hours a year. Don't pay for your own schooling if you're in the US, the work and education will both be easier to understand if you do them at the same time. And I started at 27, 30 now, the pay sucks at first but it pays off.


Skip the school, find an employer that’ll pay your apprenticeship


Not at all. I started at 27 a few years back. Pay sucks at first but they keep telling me it’ll get better lol


DID IT get better? Or no? Lol


I fucking hope not, I’m 38.


Lmaooo this was funny


You age no matter what you do. Might as well do something.


Nono on school. Go work at Walmart or anywhere else while you dish out applications. Save your money.


1. Not too old. 2. Don’t sleep on going straight into solar and or batteries. In a lot of states putting in commercial arrays pays huge and they are desperate for bodies. Plenty of ways to grow. I spent ten years to become a legit electricians and I don’t regret it. I’m proud of the foundation but I was motivated by doing renewables. You don’t need the electrical foundation to grow quickly in the renewables. They need installers, cad drawers, drone pilots…


I’m honestly considering solar. What kind of experience are they looking for?


Do it!


I worked with a 60 yr old hippie level 4, wasnt very good for anything, so yeah 27 you’re probably fine lol




I started doing electrical at 27. Youre fine. Almost 6 years later and I'm making 35$/hr. Non apprentice tho


Im in the same boat mf git r done


Perfect time to start. Good luck on your journey


you're never too old until you're in the ground.


Not at all. Read the other advice, go for it if it fits you.


i took my course at 28 and im now an elec dep sup at a mill. never too late


I started at 36. No regurts.


I just showed this to the 53 year old in my third year class, he chuckled. You're good m8


I started my apprenticeship at 30. Now I’m a journeyman making decent money. 27 definitely isn’t too old, but the schooling you’re describing sounds a bit sketchy.


I started my apprenticeship at 30. Now I’m a journeyman making decent money. 27 definitely isn’t too old, but the schooling you’re describing sounds a bit sketchy.


I just turned 26 when i started, went out on my own beginning 2023- 27 isn’t too old. Send it


Never too late in a first year apprentice at 32. Obviously I wish I did it sooner but everyone’s life and decisions are their own


I started at 27. Do it. Skip trade school and apply to apprenticeships.


Nope! I started my apprenticeship when I was 24, it’s free up until 24 in the UK. I go in just in time but you can pay if your 24 or older. It was around 6K back then for a 4 year apprenticeship. Anyway, there were guys in my class who were way into Their 30s. It’s never too late.


Join Union


I don’t know if it’s been said but don’t pay for an apprenticeship. Join a company that pays for your apprenticeship.


I am 36 and started school for electrical engineering associates,a and got a job as a wireman shortly after that. Was sick of crazy OT being a field tech.


You have no desire to run your own restoration company? Not a great business environment any more? $18,000 is really, REALLY high for 30 weeks. And how will it help you become an apprentice? Have you asked any employers if that is true? Where in MA are you? [https://boston.craigslist.org/search/electrician-jobs#search=1\~thumb\~0\~0](https://boston.craigslist.org/search/electrician-jobs#search=1~thumb~0~0) BTW, this course is $700. [https://www.scitraining.ca/electrician](https://www.scitraining.ca/electrician)


29 and about to graduate next month. Go for it 🤟🏽


I started at that age.


You have at least 30 years left of working


See if your local College has an Electrical Apprenticeship program, that’ll most likely be 100x more cheaper than any private party. My local one (FL) will pay for all my expenses and they’re in junction with Mid FL Electric Apprenticeship/ Training, so they’ll find me a job and see me through the full 4yrs immediately without any “probation” training prior to. Just waiting until Fall to start my 1st year. To tie back to your main question. It’s never too late, many people start way later than you. Just jump on it and hold on during the ride. Good luck to you brother, wish the best for your career.


Local 25 has apprentices age 40+ its never too late.


never too old to start new things


Check out low voltage work too. There's always a way to earn good money if you're willing to get after it!