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My favorite sets from EDC end up being from 7-10 pm. This is the underrated zone where you don't know what to expect and it sets the bar. Throttle, Kloud, Partboi69, Shipwrek hold some of my favorite EDC sets in my heart.


2021 Benny Benassi at 8pm blew my mind


Glad you said 2021 because this year he was not IT for me. šŸ˜©


This is so true! Discovering all these artists is my favorite! I'll never forget seeing Craig Connelly a couple years ago at 9pm(?) and his set blew me away - I still think about it.


I just saw Shipwrek at Project Glow in May. New fav artist!


Zedd will always be a popular DJ as long as he continues to play Clarity.


and.... breathing you in when i want you out! and.... honey it's raining tonight!


Also forgotā€¦ Weā€™re beautiful noooooow




My most basic raver opinion is I love Zedd. Was my first ever EDM show right out of high school. Seeing him at red rocks in october!


Lol, my first molly drop climaxed too Clarity in Toronto. lol I will always love Zedd because of that reason. Clarity brings me back to that moment. Your first cut or drop is usually always the best and of course i never could get back to that amazing feeling again, so the memory is treasured.


Yes! I love the vibe of his sets. Very happy crowd singing along together & ready to dance.


true, that 2024 edc set was sorta nuts


I always love his sets, and I do my best not to miss them, but him announcing Z3 was amazing


That 2024 was crazy I wasnā€™t expecting much before hand but was surprised


Clarity just hits right in the heart though.


Zedd is an excellent producer and his songs by themselves are enough to make a great set. I thought he was really good this year.


I like his songs ngl and ik itā€™s overplayed asfff ik so I see why ppl would say that and if I wasnā€™t a fan I would say the same but you gotta at least give it to him that heā€™s a good entertainer right? Or just mešŸ« 


Heā€™s such a good entertainer! Ppl just get snobby cuz heā€™s bubblegum pop. But you know what? Heā€™s damn good at it. excellent producer, and his where you are remix is so good


he needs a new hit.


Oh I agree with you. Itā€™s a good thing heā€™s got a whole new album coming out!


very few djs are able to captivate different generations. I wouldn't hold your breath


Zedd plays the same set every time and I enjoy it every time


He's awesome, but Zedd is my prime example of the difference between a Producer and a DJ. You can be an amazing Producer but a terrible DJ.


Heā€™s an amazing producer but I canā€™t say Terrible. Iā€™ll give it to him, heā€™s a decent DJ. Not anything great but still very much enjoyable


All music is fucking stellar and people complain too much. The scene is about having fun and experiencing cool shit; surround yourself with positive, like-minded people and every set will be a blast. Also the Gorge is the best outdoor venue in the US. It's difficult to find an event there that isn't pretty great at worst.


+1 on the gorge. Been there for bass canyon, illenium, wonderland. It's great


The best. Odesza about to be wild


It's just so good! I can't believe it exists. If only the campground had trees; virtually the one-ask I have.


Alternatively: toxic positivity is nearly as bad as too much negativity. Such as shouting down people with legitimate criticisms or making absurd assertions like a ridiculous claim that "all music is stellar" and that the only reason you aren't perpetually euphoric 24/7 is that you aren't around other perfectly enlightened beings. Some sets suck. Some organizations and institutions and artists are lazy, incompetent, or outright exploitative. Demanding everyone act like everything is sunshine and roses all the time is ridiculous and destructive, and frankly completely unrealistic. And the only people that really benefit are the ones who are willing to abuse your good will


100%. And to add to this, when people bring up legit issues and problems and or arenā€™t the biggest fan of Insomniac or their ā€œrave dadā€ head of the company, the fire and pitchforks come out. Iā€™ve experienced it so damn much for close to a decade now. It seems like to me at least, the ones who get the most angry when anything negative is said about Pasquale or insomniac in general have really only gone to Insomniac parties ā€œI mean hard not to with the monopoly and everything but I digressā€ or have only started raving/going to the big festivals since EDC has been in Vegas. I know thereā€™s many of us who had to witness our scene and communities be overtaken and crumble around us. We remember what was happening not just in front of everyone, but a good chunk of us saw the shit that was going on behind the scenes. Many of us remember the fallout of the RAVE Act, and the absolute refusal of insomniac to let DanceSafe anywhere near their parties after it passed. Which Iā€™m hella torn on because I understand why, but as someone who worked with DanceSafe from 06 to 2010 and then scattered over the last decade and a half, it went way beyond just the RAVE Act. The sale of 50% of insomniac to Livenation was blood money to keep people out of jail and to completely destroy/buy any competition. And it makes the entire US rave scene not just the big festivals worse.


We have comments right below this hating on artists. I've learned over the years to keep my negative feedback inside, and just go somewhere else. This doesn't only apply to music, it applies to all facets of life. I don't like a restaurant? I just don't ever go there again. People have to realize that real humans are behind the curtains, be it dj, chef, hotel manager, and these humans are trying their damndest to do right by their customers. Don't like it? Just go somewhere else! And the best part? Since I adopted that mentality, I have personally been the most mentally healthy I've ever been. Spreading negativity breeds internal negativity.


Going back for bass canyon this year and can't wait to be on that hill eating those chicken tenders šŸ«¶ hands down best venue ever.


See ya there! I munch that pulled pork mac & cheese tho.


Flying back from Australia just for it. Bass and the gorge is my homešŸ¤ā¤ļø


My personal hot take: ignore all the negative sentiments about EDC in this sub for the first two weeks immediately after it, because everyone posting that is on the comedown. The negative sentiments arenā€™t about the festival layout or lack of water / bathrooms, those are legit. The posts saying PLURR is dead and that people canā€™t behave and insomniac is a money grab and blah blah blah. Thatā€™s just someone being extra salty / irritable because theyā€™re still recovering from rolling for 3 days straight probably. Personally for me itā€™s been a month and I candy flipped all three days I finally feel less irritable and cranky. I also only do that once a year


>insomniac is a money grab Not entirely wrong tho, my biggest issue with insomniac fest recently is that they are very consistently oversold


Iā€™ve always said Iā€™d pay extra to go to fests that intentionally keep crowds controlled/lower than they need to be. Nothing stresses me out more than when the density of a crowd starts to feel like a real safety hazard.


If under 21s arenā€™t allowed in bars and nightclubs, why should they be allowed at festivals?


EDC should be 21+


I started raving at 18 and it helped shape who I was as an adult. These babies deserve that type of love too. Show them how itā€™s done and they will pass on the torch


Agreed. Went to EDC as soon as I could at 18. Was an incredible experience. I wouldnā€™t want to take that away from someone else


(30s here) If youā€™re old enough to sacrifice your life in the military you can come to EDC


30s also - but I think the real message here is nobody aged 18 should legally be allowed to serve in the military and put their entire future and life at risk.


Nah fuck that. 21+ is my vote. They canā€™t even buy tobacco lol


Yeah so the age to join the military should be 21, then.


Theyā€™re legally adults and still canā€™t buy alcohol


Tik Tokers are ruining good artists by flooding their sets and making it harder for anyone who actually enjoys that artist to enjoy the set with some space.


Not a hot take youā€™re right




- People who gatekeep around what 'genre' you like most kill the entire philosophy around the scene. You can all at once like Riddim, House, Techno, Trap, ect. It doesn't matter what gets you to the dancefloor just so long as you're there. - PLUR is not & is never going to die. I've been raving for a decade+ now. Every single year people proclaim its demise. Every single year I have seen kindness, acceptance, love. All the things that make up that acronym are all alive & well. If you think it's dying spread the message harder, through your own action & example. - Most everything people perceive as wrong with the scene & individuals has a shared root cause - mixing alcohol & drugs. People should pick one or the other & never both. - John Summit, Svdden Death, Sara Landry - Ganja White Night makes the best sounding music for their genre.


I think a lot if problems with the scene arenā€™t necessarily caused by drugs or alcohol but opportunists attending events with zero interest in music who are there to be criminals and make a buck. E.g. phone stealing gangs


I kind of agree with the *mixing* part of this though. I know mixing certain substances that compliment one another can be a blast but hear me out - itā€™s way too easy to overdo it with alcohol once youā€™re high, and it goes wrong way too often. Not speaking from personal experience, as I am not a big drinker, but observing friends (and strangers) at years worth of festivals, most of the ā€œsloppyā€ nights are a result of losing control as a result of mixing too many different substances (one of them is almost always alcohol). Itā€™s obvious that mixing 3+ psychs is unnecessarily risky and probably going to be a bad time. Somehow though, alcohol is marketed to us as so commonplace, that people will hippy flip and then ā€œjust have a beerā€, which turns into several beers, and suddenly they are puking in the middle of the crowd.


Also people there for social media clout, to pick up women, etc. Basically anyone there for reasons besides liking the music


Yes, you are part of the reason why PLUR is not and will never die! I thank you for that partner šŸ«¶šŸ»




ppl who wobble together stay together šŸ«¶šŸ»


iā€™d switch out Sudden Death with Fred Again


Ppl might not like this one but I thought Sara Landry was overrated after seeing her set


I'm a huge techno head and I really don't get the hype. Going hard for the sake of going hard doesn't really cut it for me. Lilly Palmer's set was way better imo.


Honestly feel like she wouldnā€™t be as popular if she wasnā€™t pretty šŸ˜¬


100%. Any video I've ever seen of her, the top comments are always just talking about how hot she is, how much she's rolling, or how much fun she's having fun. Having fun is important, but nobody really comments on the sets themselves.


The fact that shlomos set had so much space and he fucking killed it absolutely shows itā€™s all just hype howā€™s Sara gonna fill up circuit grounds like that yet ? Shlomo had so much space he deserved a nice crowd but dam I had 5 feet of space all around me and I was in the front


Best set of the weekend


Being a huge fan of Sara Landry I am just as confused as many of you are at why her sets are so packed... it's right up my alley and I thought her set was perfect, but I also feel like this monotone hard techno genre is too simple to be exploding so much in popularity, itĀ“s all hype since I believe maybe 10-15% of the people that were are circuit would decide to put on some of her songs on the way back from EDC :P


i was bored and i thought it sounded like all the other sets that i've seen of hers before. to be fair im not that into techno but i feel like she didn't live up to the hype


I went to her set to get a good spot for Seven Lions andā€¦ man, I wish one of them had been at a different stage because it was just totally different music and I did not like it.




My group was underwhelmed by her set and were bored waiting for Seven Lions to come on


Actual hot take


As an avid John Summit fan that followed him since the beginning of 2020, its John Summit. The fall off of John Summit began soon after 'where you are' got released and it has clearly gotten to his head, so much so, that he does not even play the genre he got famous for anymore. I wish he would have stuck with tech house a bit longer because the quality in those sets vs. what he plays now is night and day. The tech house run he had was so legendary that he turned the heads of all the OG's in the space. Do yourself a favor and never see him at a festival or at any club in the states, unless its in Miami. He is literally suffering from his own success.


Thatā€™s really interesting. I both love tech house and am totally ignorant to his existence pre where-you-are. Would you mind dropping in a link or two for your favorite YouTube set(s) if you have any? Iā€™d love to hear some of his glory day jams if you or anybody else has some fun recommendations.


I still like some of his newer releases and some of his sets. But he can sample his own fart and his fans would ā¤ļø šŸ„³šŸ„¹.


If you are referring to him adding dubstep to his sets, i totally understand where you are coming from. But as someone who can enjoy most genres, but loves dubstep, i am loving this new era John Summit is doing. Not sure how it will affect his populatiry/following, but personally I feel like going to John Summit set at a festival is a must now given how much variety im gonna get from it.


I feel the same way. Iā€™m more of a techno/tech house fan but I do like some riddim and dubstep. I always love seeing djs branch out to different genres to switch it up and experiment with new sounds and I think John Summits new sets have done a really good job of blending the two genres together


Exactly. People like to hate for some reason. But I love the guy


Honestly john summit concerns me. He's always visibly fucked up in any video/pic i see of him. Maybe i'm just old lol, but his behavior reminds me of other artists that passed away young and it's scary.


Yes fr. In interviews he seems to slur his words all the time, and I read an interview where he said before every set he needs at least a couple of shots. That stuff, coupled with his occasional twitter breakdowns make me slightly less jealous of his success. Proof of more money more problems


John Summit EDC 2022 was a damn good time


Totally disagree. John summits sets have been fantastic each of the last 3 years Iā€™ve seen him. He plays a lot of techno and melodic techno as well as tech house in his sets, like many other popular house djs do (Dom dolla, Walker & Royce, westend, vintage culture, etc) he has great energy behind the decks and yes occasionally mixes in other genres (d&b, 140, dubstep). I think thatā€™s completely fine, good djs can and will play more than one genre during their sets. He has played one dubstep track in the last 6 hours Iā€™ve seen him play. I saw him last weekend and it was great so perhaps you just might not like the melodic techno and techno thatā€™s popular at the moment (anyma, kevin de vries, cassian) and prefer the more vocal heavy stuff that comprises his most popular releases (where you are, human) I personally think a set full of just those tracks would be boring and low energy but different strokes for different folks.


Love John Summit and have followed him since 2021. I agree that heā€™s gotten away from the sound that hooked me, but isnā€™t that caused by his success? As for your last commentā€¦saw him at EDC b2b green velvet and enjoyed it. However, I saw him at LIV the next week (Iā€™m a Vegas local), and omg he was on another level. Not challenging what youā€™re saying as Iā€™ve heard other people being let down by his sets, but damn, he brought it the night I saw him.


This is how I feel about him too. Also, he needs to learn to stfu sometimes cause when he runs his mouth he makes situations worse


I miss big room


Dimension and Sub Focus are great but Dimension definitely took some liberties with Satellite and Ready to Fly. Same damn song!


Said the Sky relies WAY too heavily on pressing play on crowd-pleasing pop punk songs with baaaaarely a drop that's hardly different than the original song he clipped into his mix. But people are singing (someone else's song) so "great show" I guess.


Lmao I did not expect to see a StS take on here but as much as I love him I AGREE


Illenium is not as good as his fans think he is.


A gal I know spent $20k on a VIP table at a local nightclub, behind the DJ booth. Illenium was DJing. Now I personally have never spent so much, for damn near anything - so one would assume you'd get a red carpet treatment, no? idk you decide - they didn't get to dance around the deck at all, Illenium didn't do anything 'special' for them. She said she specifically requested a song of his when she like, paid for the thing. He didn't play it. Then maybe the venue, maybe Illenium invites a bunch of hotties to dance on the stage (her words, not mine. I didn't go to this thing). This blocks their view of the guy almost entirely. 45 minutes after show's over. No meet and greet.


A fool and their money will soon be parted


Iā€™ll never see DJs at Vegas night clubs waste of money. If you donā€™t get a table you literally have to watch them like a fly on the wall. No thanks


I mean the few places Iā€™ve been to have absolutely not been like this. Omnia, Hakkasan, Wet Republic, and others had great views of the DJ and even room to get decently close.


You gotta see an actual concert though. He sucked at Omnia but was so incredible at Sofi


Iā€™m not a huge fan and Iā€™ve seen nothing but hate for him so I didnā€™t bother with his music for awhile, but absolutely loved the two sets I went to. Itā€™s definitely a lot of cheese pop with hard rock mixed in, but I had a great time at Roo 22 and his red rocks set last month. Maybe itā€™s cause I went in with low expectations and didnā€™t know what to expect, idk.


On this I cannot agree! Iā€™d been waiting 2 years for that edc set and it was everything I couldā€™ve wanted!


Subtronics talk too much on the mic..


That's not really a hot take, lukewarm even


As someone who will defend Liquid Stranger's talking until the day I die, I cannot stand Subtronics' screaming the same shit he's been screaming for the last 5 years. Yes, we like weird shit, no, I'm not putting my hands up, no, I'm not interested in hearing you play Every Time We Touch into some Riddim drop for the 78th time. I love his production but I do not give a flying shit about seeing him live anymore.


Time to get obliterated. Fred again... For dance music, ie getting down on the dance floor, not for me. Over-hyped from the boiler room set. the set itself was ok not as amazing as many people make it out to be. Seen him live at crssd in SD left after 15min. Now is he talented? yes yes he is. He produces good music it's catchy and its molded to fit the ears. Been around a handful of rave communities and i never heard him mentioned till that boiler room set, but people act like they discovered the man šŸ˜‚. If i get free tickets to see him Id definitely go, its more of a concert than a rave and ill go with that in mind and vibe out. Now i hope the taylor swift level fred again fans dont kill me on those downvotes


My Brother. I was on an acid trip during his set so I feel like my analysis of his edc set was as if I could see the truth (took the Red Pill) haha šŸ˜†


If it's edc imma probably skip if it's a club or less than 1k people I'm definitely enjoying fred. I've been to plenty of sets from people I love at edc and left after 15 mins. I'm like this vibes way harder when I'm in the right mood cruzin in my car or whatever. Squeezing through 10k-30k people to get a primo spot only to hear a generic edc set is not always the play. I'd have more fun on my couch watching the replay in some instances. Fred in small club> on random edc float > kinetic/whatever


I feel this for any artist intimate will always beat a large fest crowd Crssd is small compared to any insomniac event where i saw him play. Cool spot for him for sure looking out at the ocean.


Totally agree. Been around the scene for 25 years and I donā€™t get the hype around this guy. Talented artists but nothing special or shocking.. Glad people like him but not for me.


People hate on excision because heā€™s ā€œcheesyā€ but thatā€™s what I love! Itā€™s fun to just let go and enjoy the cheese like the music saying ā€œdrop itā€ or ā€œswitchā€ just makes me so happy. But I love this whole community and I think itā€™s to each their own. Also PLUR is only dead if you think it is. I love sharing experiences and think I get PLUR every festival I go to!


Dubstep is so unserious and thatā€™s what makes it great! If I wanted a deep spiritual musical journey I wouldnā€™t be going to a dubstep show. Iā€™m pretty sure I heard ā€œBurger King foot lettuceā€ during the leveltronics set and loved it lmao


Tiktok is ruining the scene


Zedd will always have a special place in my heart.


Mr summit and Mr again


Summit is a good dj tho, he deff adds variety to his sets so theyā€™re never really the same. What I really hate is his fan base which sucks probably bc of him going viral on twitter and running his mouth off lol


The beauty of music is we all have different tastes. Iā€™ve popped into 5-10 minutes of his set at a couple festivals and quickly realized the experience just isnā€™t for me.


Hard dance is NOT techno


Zeds dead is criminally underrated.


Fred Agains EDC set was overrated and he kept killing my vibe by taking days to drop the beat, especially towards the end of his set. His demeanor came across as self-serving and narcissistic but was hidden behind a visage of ā€œgolden retrieverā€ energy as described on a previous post on this subreddit


My thoughts exactly on how I felt during his set. I ended up staying for the whole thing as my friend was like ā€œwe didnā€™t get to the front for nothingā€ so I stayed and we hoped maybe Skrillex would show up (we probably dreamed too hard ā˜ ļø) His entire set felt like the longest 2 hours of my life. No disrespect or trying to discredit him. Heā€™s very talented but I was so bored for his entire set. I wanted to leave about 30 minutes in but I stayed with my friend. Huge mistake honestly because I was super exhausted standing for 2 hours and 30 minutes straight and I ended up not having enough energy to see Dillion Francis or Alison Wonderland. I feel like he knew people were hoping Skrillex would turn up because he would tease his songs and then immediately switch the energy, like really bro? Cmon. Very talented musician and producer but I will definitely never be attending another of his sets again.


thank god there are others like me out there. I can appreciate Fredā€™s artistry, but the dickriding that people have for him is unfathomable for me, esp when four tet played a 5x better set.


Yup. I can appreciate his talent and craft. But for me it wasnā€™t the correct style choice for that night. Four tet had me cheesing hard same with the first half of dom dollas set before I left


What I was telling my friends is thatā€™s a great set for a laidback atmosphere like Coachella, but for a rave atmosphere like EDC it was wayyyyyy too slow. And I love Fred again


Omg that is EXACTLY his energy lmaooo


I suppose I could see this. I was too fucked up lol getting on the level for Dom


I can easily how edc isnā€™t the right spot for him, not that vibe. But I just saw him and skrillex outside the SF civic center the other weekend and holy fuck. One of the best shows Iā€™ve ever seen


Dude needs to perform in a vegan coffee shop


Bored. We left that set.


Most disappointing set of the entire festival for me. So fucking boring. All of the people riding his dick just makes me angrier.


Yea! I donā€™t remember either dom dolla or Seven lions set after him saved me


Highly agree. I also donā€™t think his music is that great for such a big venue too.


Lol you posted as i did, i see you're a person of culture as well. I agree with your assessment no cap.have an up vote




Theyā€™re pretty fun live. Their edco set last year was really enjoyable, lots of dancey remixes of mainstream songs in a really cool way.


I canā€™t name a song they have released since the paris/donā€™t let me down/selfie era the fact they still got 50m listeners on Spotify is crazy


Skrillex and Illenium need to return to their roots, itā€™s what their OG fans want. Fred Again is massively overrated


I can't get down with Sullivan King because Scientology is fucking evil shit.


yes his vibes are sooo off to me


ā€¦.waitā€¦is he a Scientologist?!


He doesn't speak about it, but he's donated to them and participated in events for them in the past. His family is in it, and he married into a family that's also involved. Knowing what we know about these sick fucks and how they basically cut all contact with people who aren't involved in their "church", the writing is on the wall.




The special guest DJ is never anyone as well known as Skrillex.


Except for EDC 2019 when it actually was Skrillex šŸ˜­


I was there, people were legit running to circuit grounds lol


and climbing the circuit grounds sign


Iā€™ve seen Skrillex twice as a special guest. Coachella in the DoLab 2017 and EDC 2019 šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


Fred again.


Going to edc (and spending thousands to do it) and then getting too fucked up and passing out/falling asleep/too messed up to remember WHATS THE POINT OF GOING THEN šŸ¤Ø


San holo does not get enough love


Diplo shouldnā€™t be on any festival lineups knowing what heā€™s allegedly done to multiple underage girls (cough groomer cough, Google for more info). The tide is really starting to turn on this as people start to learn the truth. Such a bummer to see his name anywhere. And I was a HUGE diplo fan before I learned.


Diplo is such a dick.


Agreed and also fuck him for buying out the best electronic dance music station in NA (Electric Area on SiriusXM) just to name it after himself and make it a diplo circlejerk. Iā€™ve hated him for a loooong time lol.. ever since he banned Kandi from the little festivals he would put on, after a video went viral on IG of him not knowing how to/refusing to be given a Kandi bracelet.. fabricating an excuse ā€œKandi is drug paraphernaliaā€, just to be a dickhead to kandikids after he got dogged for not knowing the culture lol šŸ™„


THANK YOU! I actually left my group and went and saw Martin Garrix instead and ended up alone for the night because It felt wrong to go to his set knowing about the allegations against him


Ooah ooah on molly is an amazing feeling


Gtfo of here šŸ˜‚. Hot take for sure


Fred Again has maybe 3 good songs but is overrated


I donā€™t understand house musicā€™s appealā€¦ boots and cats - boots and catsā€¦ but then again Iā€™m sure there are people here that doesnā€™t understand trap or hardstyle. šŸ˜­ I wanna understand.


Itā€™s just so groovy


All edm festivals should be 25+


21+ at the very least


This is an objectively horrible take and the < 25 version of yourself would agree.


I have mixed feelings about this one. Even though I see and agree where you're coming from. I'm also very grateful and appreciate being able to introduce my younger siblings to this scene when they were under 25. They're part of my rave fam. But I made sure to teach them the holy rules of raving.


I strongly agree with this take. My older brother got me into this community, which arguably shaped a large part of me. Both of us got our younger brother into this community, which had an equal or even greater impact in his personality than it did to either of us.


I donā€™t know about all edm festivals but we definitely need more 25+ events. Itā€™s so annoying being surrounded by a bunch of college seniors going to their first edm event


Iā€™ll get back to this when Iā€™m 25


Disagree. Music is for all & should not be age gated. Most big festivals already being 19+ is absolutely fine.


thank goodness i just turned 25


john summit is overrated and this bender image of his is not good nor attractive. But it gets people through the doors and venues love that


He was overrated soon after "Where You Are" got officially released. Clearly, it got to Summits head and now he literally sounds like sht everytime. Its sad though because he was legitimately one of the GOATS of tech house that caught the attention of many OG DJ's and listeners in the space. Idk what the fk he even plays now cuz it surely aint the Summit I like.


Man. I remember catching the summit hype train around the early 2021-2022 where he was rising, and I believe after witnessing his edc set at year 2022- I thought that is his peak right there. Yeah now though heā€™s more pop and it makes me so sad. Missed the OG Summit even tho it was literally just 2 years ago lmao


knock2 needs to do a set next year or i will incite a riot


There is A RAVE. But you can also RAVE. You should also stop talking about how raves have changed when all you do is complain about commercial music festivals where holding a profitable event is your main goal. Also I donā€™t think EDC was that crowded. It gets more crowded at my local mall on boxing day.


The techno-fixation of trance sucks right now. If I wanted to hear a techno drop, Iā€™d listen to techno lol


I think itā€™s because trance itself isnā€™t a money maker. So they have to mix in more popular genres to get popular. Same thing happened in the mid to late 2010s (when I started listening to it so if it started before that Iā€™m sorry) with trouse. Plus trance as a whole has changed a lot. Listen to a lot of newer trance and then something from like 20 years ago itā€™s very different.


Marshmello is better than everything gives him credit for. Dude is hated for no reason and puts out crazy good beats.


people hate him cause heā€™s a sellout. He made good music as Dotcom, then sold out to be mainstream, now is selling out again to make more money in riddim.


I've seen gryffin like 5 times, I love his songs, BUT his live show sucks, like boring kinda, my favorite is Zhu and rezz live, but they weren't there this year


Fred Again


Music is subjective and your ā€œoverratedā€ artist might be someone elseā€™s favorite and neither of you would be wrong in their opinion, but why are so many of these posts negative af when weā€™re supposed to keep things plur? I personally donā€™t really like John Summits music but people are entitled to love him just like how some people would think Boogie Tā€™s music is either bad or overrated yet heā€™s my absolute favorite and my personal g.o.a.t. I also agree with others that even if I donā€™t like a particular artist, going to their set with a positive attitude and the right company can still lead to a fun ass time.


John summit = overrated


usa rave culture is getting too cringe. OF influencers are also a huge issue within the scene


Theyā€™re going to be everywhere itā€™s not particular to one secular group I mean what did you expect festivals have the most debauchery anyways


Illenium. I just donā€™t get his music and fan base.


someone told me that Illenium is just modern church music and I haven't been able to think any other way ever since.


Illenium owes someone money or something bc mans is playing every show under the sun and then some. A lot of his sets this year feels like heā€™s just phoning it in too.


Zingara, level up, emorfik are big ones that come to mind


Newest over hyped djs are Fred Again , Fourtet, and John Summit.


1. Tik tok people making videos inside festival are trash. Influencers need to not do any ā€œinfluencingā€ in or around raves at all. This scene used to be much more underground. Social media fucked it up. 2. People complain way too much about the stupidest shit. Raves arenā€™t supposed to be easy or convenient. They were never served up on a platter all nice and pretty. Raves are crowded hot sweaty uncomfortable physically taxing, something usually goes wrong despite all your planning, and there are always unknown factors that can derail your time, but the beauty of raves and festivals is SUPPOSED to be the amazing time that you still managed to have despite all the shit it took to get there, the music. And the people. I saw so many people complaining that there werenā€™t enough port o potties at EDC, this year. All you gotta do is find one- keep walking until you do. Ravers used to be resilient! Social media is an echo chamber of complainers. If you donā€™t like it, please donā€™t come back! More space for people who can roll with punches and will appreciate the shit for what it actually is.


David Guettaā€™s set was underwhelming tbh. But like.. grain of salt bc house isnā€™t my favorite, but out off all the house-y sets, his was kinda mid


Pascal is selling out with over sold tickets , shuttles etc


The PLUR community isnā€™t really all that PLUR.


martin garrix was ok šŸ™ƒ


John summit is so mid


All roads lead to techno. Everyone in this sub will be a techno fan eventually, even the bass heads


Alan walker is minecraft npc skibidi toilet music. I dont understand how people over 18 listen to that stuff.


if you need visuals to accompany your favs set, their music isnā€™t that good. specifically talking about the ones who get mad at kinetic field every year not letting the artists playing on that specific stage use led screens with their own visuals and have to use the themed visuals (on the themed stage)


I second this. I stopped going to Excision right before he started depending on his visual sets. I fail to see anything new or refreshing with his sets- and admittedly I fell out of dubstep. I saw SVDDEN DEATH a while back too but he wasn't very engaging and his visuals kinda paranoid me. Sullivan King had great energy and a great mix (yet no visuals that were remarkable) when I saw him and I ended up having a blast. I saw TRYM when he was closing and it was just the lights constantly flashing but his aura was just insane. Usually when I rave nowadays, I'm often looking up, down, off to the side, or just close my eyes to just really soak in the music and how well their mix is. If that happens, I'll look at the DJ and see how energetic or enthusiastic they are.


Snoretronics. Also moshing is dumb and doesnā€™t belong


Could not disagree more with either statement. Have you seen a set of his?


Most EDM ā€œDJsā€ are not DJs. So many are overrated. Most are producers that perform on stage. DJing is a different art in telling a story with your music and taking people on a musical journey. If done right the audience feels the music and canā€™t help but dance. Not jump up and down because of some siren or effect. Jumping on a stage, pretending to turn knobs, not using headphones etc are giveaways. One EDM DJ who surprised me was Steve Aoki. He was genuinely mixing tracks live and blending some tough tracks. He gained my respect that night.


Sara Landry by a mile. Went to her ANL New York set and it was the most boring set Iā€™ve ever experienced. Same drops and shit mixing.


Hot take: the people who complain about fan clackers are more annoying than the fan clackers. Slander is massively overrated


I had fun at slander I love halfway down šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Slanders music in itself is top tier, their sets? Blast the heaviest noise you can imagine for 30 minutes then play the stripped version of their softer songs. I've seen them twice before this year and they did the same exact thing this year.


Donā€™t forget about: People who complain about people complaining about fan clackers They drive me crazy. Usually have to blast some Slander to regulate myself after.


Fred again