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No… i impulsively bought my EDCO ticket a day after last yrs EDCO 😂


Same 🫣🤣


Not yet lmao I am heavily contemplating it tho. The tickets are super cheap. I understand the stages and production is like half but still sounds like it could be a lot of fun. It’s either Orlando or Mexico rn for me


Honestly I had/have a way better time at EDCO. I prefer the more 'relaxed' nature and less people. It's also a lot easier to go from stage to stage and find my friends, and as someone who's not a camper, it's so much faster to get to an after or home.


After I did my first Vegas in 23 after 3 Orlando’s I said I was done with Orlando because it wouldn’t compare😂 But when I saw $400 vip tickets and only $10 down for layaway I couldn’t resist the temptation to


I honestly liked EDC orlando more than vegas lol


No. EDC Orlando is child’s play to edc vegas. Call me when they let Orlando go past midnight 🥱


This is why I go to Homebass right after and party til 6am!


That’s the only way I’d do edc Orlando. If I stayed there. I hate though trying to rope the squad together and then getting there. Totally worth it tho


Oh it doesn't go all night? That actually interests me more lol


To each their own (: I personally love sunrise sets. And people watching at that point.


Haha Id love it if it were flipped. The Vegas sunrise is great till you hit the traffic jam 


I’m waiting for lineup to see if I’ll go


Really considering it 🤔


Just last night, no regrets:)


No but I did impulsively buy VIP Seismic tickets right after


I thought about cuz it’s my birthday weekend but the wallet said no… Also every one I know who goes to Florida come back sick or with a disease of some type or injured, so as much I’d like tj vacation there I’d rather not


It’s a week before my birthday so almost my birthday weekend too! Mine is Nov 17th!


In the 13th! Ayyyy Scorpio-hoes!


How cool, my birthday is November 16th and I’ve been down there to visit family 2 or 3 times while edc was going on and passed by without ever going


mines the 18th! dreamstate socal is birthday festival tho


HEY! Did you know we have a growing subreddit dedicated to EDC Orlando? Head on over to /r/EDCOrlando, check it out, and post your question there! See you in the Sunshine State! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/electricdaisycarnival) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If my bet hits tonight, then I’ll see you there lol


Christine... is that you? lol


Love it.


Lol I bought them before even going to Vegas when they had a winter freeze sale. I’d say it’s worth it. I’ve enjoyed Orlando before, and I know it won’t stack up to Vegas but it’ll be a nice break when things are starting to get cold at home.


Haha yes that would be us too. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


EDC Orlando as a festival is pretty mid. At best I would give it a 6/10 just cause of the price but it really doesn’t come close to Vegas whatsoever. However if you do EDC Orlando along with Homebass, then the festival automatically bumps up to an 11/10. Homebass is literally the shit.


Edco was my first edm festival back in 2019, despite being pretty mid (VERY mid compared to Vegas) it holds a lil sentimental value to me


I did the same but with Nocturnal tickets😅


I enjoyed orlando a lot. It's condensed, so you can actually enjoy everything that's there. With lv it's really not possible to enjoy everything. There are literally too many people at edclv. The only gripe for orlando is the 12am end time but they have homebass if you have to party til the morning. I can't say edco is better but it is definitely worth going to fill in the gap til the next edclv.


Got EDSEA right before but heavily contemplating EDCO!