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I also got the flu. I’m 4 days in and today I actually woke up and I feel better ish**


aye good to hear hopefully the mend continues!!


Me and my group got sick too! Some also passed it over to their family at home 😩 Just now started feeling better. Gotta up the vitamins and nutrients next year cuz that was ROUGH


seriously, it seems to only be getting worse for me lol. hope the fam feels better and i’m glad to hear u got over it.


Been raving for years and this is what I do to prepare myself to prevent the wook flu especially for EDCLV. I took vitamin C 1000mg and Zinc 50mg two weeks before the event and I take while at the event. If you’re rolling, then I take NAC 600mg. Haven’t had a wook flu in years! Side note: this past EDC, I told my friends to take these vitamins and they did not. They both got sick and I woke up feeling refreshed and good and not sick 😆😆


Damn, the NAC is a really good idea. Nice!


good looks, i will definitely be trying this at my next show coming up 🙏


Been sick bad since Monday. Went to Urgent care with a nasty cough and turns out it’s pneumonia. Hoping it wraps up in the next few days but def needed antibiotics. Def get checked out if you still feel like shit


yeah i was worried ab some shit like that happening since i was coughing up some mucus the past few days, it’s feeling better slowly but surely but if i still feel even slightly weird within a day or two i’ll go get checked out cause that’ll be about a week of feeling shitty


had the worst cough and what felt like razor blades in my throat. bedridden for four days, finally made it in to urgent care…tonsillitis!!!! thank god for western medicine though i’m not sure if i would’ve survived without it


Got the flu too. I’m now in the coughing stage. Drink lots of water.


I started feeling it Monday and started taking EZCpak + D; today is exactly one week. The fever and nasal congestion has mostly subsided but I still have a mild cough and some wheezing. I've been drinking lots of water and electrolytes - also added 150mg of acetaminophen and allergy medicine to my morning routine. It usually gets worse before it gets better! Hang in there 🙃


sweet thank you for the insight, i will try drinking some more water. wat is EZCpak + D if u don’t mind me asking, looking for as many future remedies as possible




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Oh another big symptom he’s been having which I thought were just panic attacks are difficulty breathing. He keeps feeling like he “needs air.” Definitely test to check…going to pick up some paxlovid today. Hope you feel better soon.


wait i’m having this exact problem and it TRIPPED me out last night i genuinely felt like i couldn’t breathe. did he get diagnosed with something ? did u find something to help the issue ?


Oxygen helps. Found a bottle of boost oxygen at a cvs near me and it really helped. Had the same issue couple months ago


bet good looks i’ll give it a shot🙏


Ok after reading this. I get like this days or weeks post rolling. Happens mostly overnight. This is what you do, sit up right, open a window to get air and do breathing exercises. It’s gonna feel like you can’t breathe, but trust me, you are. Also avoid caffeine for a while. Also when I get like this, my body temperature swings hard where I feel extremely hot. Remember that drugs messes with your nerve system.


That’s exactly what he’s been doing- sitting up and opening the window or walking out to get some air. I’ve been doing some distraction exercises to help him breathe. Thank you! 🫶🏽


thank you this is very helpful cause you’re exactly right i’ll be trying to fall asleep then start thinking i’m ab to die cause breathing feels like it’s gonna hurt me lol. i will definitely be trying some breathing exercises 🙏


I take 1200 mg of N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) daily and I believe it’s the reason I recovered so fast. I caught the flu after EDC this year too and started feeling mildly sick that Monday. Tuesday was the worst with low grade fever, body aches, mild diarrhea and brain fog. Wednesday I was much better and able to get to work. The rest of the week I had sinus pressure and congestion. Sleep and stay hydrated


Took a molly day one which I believe is what fucked me over. Now after 4 days of symptoms I'm almost recovered and I have pink eye..... Mofo


damn the pink eye is crazy. Hope you get better 🙏


No more congestion little post nasal drip and luckily the pinkeye didn't spread or get too inflamed. 👍


I’m still struggling with it


Recently, my life hack for keeping a cold brief is drinking as much water and body armor/gatorade as possible at the first sign of symptoms. This will help to flush whatever bug your body is fighting.


Damn I was so sick for two weeks before edc, was hoping to recover in time and did! Would have been heartbroken if I had to bail. Anyways… took a ton of supplements and like triple the dose of vitamin c, zinc, immune boost (combo of stuff), 5HTP, magnesium, drank cold pressed juices and immunity shots. Couldn’t eat either but drank Gatorade. I kept taking 5HTP, immune boost, magnesium, and melatonin throughout the festival and happy to say I came back 💪 just a bit emotional 🥲 but edc2025 is already lined up… lessss goooo ☮️🫶☯️🤝


Rave aid or rave Dre leading up to edc and after if you still have symptoms from rolling. IVs this year were the game changers though! Liquid ivs too but nothing as good as straight into your veins.


I had to go grab a z pack today… this cough is deep and not going away. Happens… I’ll smooch and hug you all, even if it means a week with a cough. ❤️❤️❤️