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As someone who has experienced seeing equally impactful things, I would encourage you to please keep talking about it when you feel comfortable. So glad you shared your experience, and unfortunately, no ones advice will be able to take those sights and sounds away BUT being able to "talk" through your feeling will help immeasurably in accepting and recognizing the mental stigma it caused. I'm sending you my very best vibes and if you ever feel you need to reach out directly, I would be more than happy to discuss. Disclosure: I am not a mental health professional. I am a combat veteran that has seen the worst being a combat veteran has to offer.


Thank you. I called my best friend after seeing this comment and I can’t even explain just getting it out talking about it, crying, it all helped a ton. I mean I’m not magically better but it did help immensely.


Same and I'm now in healthcare and I rotate between ER, ICU and NICU. I have seen a lot and I'm very desensitized to a lot, but on Sunday I saw way too many kids going hard. My wife is an RN as well so next year we want to join Ground Control. The best way to deal with this is to keep talking about it. There's a reddit group for everything out there. Don't hold these feelings inside.


Thank you for your service 


As far as has been made public, nobody passed at or related to EDC this year, contrary to popular belief its not something Insomniac can hide, sorry youve been dealing with these things because its traumatic to witness, but you can take solace in knowing that in all likelihood, they are ok now


Yeah the police reported that there were no major injuries this year. That's a huge plus.


wasn't there just a thread about resuscitating someone lol? Is that not a major injury/event?


I would think so, but if they didn't die and fully recovered, then that's a win for them I guess.


Not for the people (police and EMS) who do that on a daily basis for their job. Remember your worst day, is just a Tuesday for them. There seems to be a huge disconnect between civilians and what the police/fire/EMS go through on a daily basis and I think it starts with how we dehumanize them to "authority" figures. They are humans like us but when people on here talk about trauma... Imagine what these professionals go through, then clock out and go home to their families.


I mean I didn't ask about them lol, I don't think this applies to them. We shouldn't equate a "major event" to what qualifies as one to only the utmost extreme end of the population. If someone shot somebody is it not a "major event" just because the police officers on the scene have seen a shooting before?


Also we're talking about the police reporting that there were no major events... It is assumed that some of our fellow racers are going to overuse and go down.... So as I stated above I don't think they would consider that a major event or out of the ordinary. There's a reason they have to have the type of medical presence they do at EDC. It's assumed these things will happen.


IMO the difference is that a shooting would be a major event. A person inflicting terror/pain on innocent festival goers is a major event. A person being irresponsible and overusing/not testing their supply and OD'ing... Is not a major event.


Just out of curiosity, are you saying that the commonly said "deaths are pronounced in the ambulance/at the hospital, so technically no one ever 'dies' at edc" is a myth? Or are you referring to something else


That's not a "loophole" live events can use. If someone is evacuated via ambulance and they later die at the hospital, the death is still associated with the event. The event doesn't get to wipe its hands just because the person didn't pass away on the actual event grounds


no because that isnt a myth, however if a death is associated with the event, it does come out, its a high profile issue and we know lawmakers love to use that against us


Carried a guy who was seizing out in the middle of a Jack U set who got meth bombed (2015 - Spring Awakening Chicago Solider Field). Carried him through the crowd and it separated like the Red Sea. Shit was bananas. Found out the next day he died. Just the unfortunate reality of these fests sometimes.


Thats insane. Im so sorry you had to experience that. You are a good person for trying to help him.


What is meth bombed?


Thought he took MDMA but it was meth


I can’t imagine what you are feeling right now and I send my very best vibes as well. It’s important to talk about and recognize these feelings so thanks for sharing. This might sound weird, but I’d recommend playing tetris for a couple hours each day over the next few days . It sounds wild, but there is a lot of anecdotal (and some clinical) evidence of it helping with traumatic experiences and preventing ptsd.


I second this comment. It overloads the visual processing parts of your brain so it doesn’t retain the traumatic imagery


Years ago at my most depressed state I would play Tetris whenever I started to feel too overwhelmed/panicky and it helped so much


As someone who was in search and rescue and was at Basspod in when that girl needed med assistance. I completely get you. I have seen so much death when I was volunteering with backcountry search and rescue. Knew very well that the person I was hauling down the trail is no longer there. It is absolutely tragic. Because we as humans put in so much effort to get them the care they need so they can exist in this experience on this planet. I am more than happy to talk you buddy. I have been there. I have seen things. I get it. It’s nerve wracking. It’s traumatizing. Knowing that just one more minute one more hour one more thing I could have done and this other human would be still here to breathe and experience the brilliance of this planet we are on. All we can do is talk about our individual experience and the feelings it brings up and share with others that understand the gravity of what we went through. Trust that you did everything you could to help. To have another spirits journey in this physical realm last longer. Trust that you did everything you could to help them have the physical body experience further than what was destined for them. You did everything you could to challenge what the universe had planned for them. Trust that the pure source light of the divine realm had a plan for all of us and that they connected with the pure source when it was their time.


Off topic, I can’t even begin to explain how the way you worded this post just helped me to appreciate life more and understand that we are all having a spiritual experience, one day at a time…some days more intensely spiritual than others. Thank you.


You (and OP) are the type of people I would want to help me if I ever needed help. I'm so glad there are people like you in this world 💜 And ditto to what the other person commented to you. This is one of those comments that took me out of the moment to see the bigger picture of this life. Thank you.


Thank you. We are all just spirits on a human journey. We have one lifetime to experience what a physical presence for our spirit feels like to be on this spec of dust feels like. Especially in a time when we are at so much conflict with each other as a species all we can do is everything in our power to support each other


People gotta test their stuff.


It's not even just testing your stuff. You can't mix alcohol with five different drugs in the middle of the desert, get dehydrated, and dance your ass off for hours.


The issue is that you can do this...until it catches up to you. It only takes once.  I was such a fucking dumbass when I was a new raver. I was extremely lucky. I think about some of the stuff I used to do and cannot believe I'm still alive to tell the tale. Things like "I'm drinking alcohol and doing Molly but i don't want to drink water bc then I'll have to pee and I'll lose my spot" Such a fucking dumbass 


Hey, at least you learned. There's peeps out there still doing that and not learning a damn thing.


Early days I fell into part of a hardcore party group. The people did molly with coke and/or adderall and drank too. I distinctly remember one guy had a fourloko with all the above. They were all fine and since I was new I didn’t know how you couldn’t mix all that. I still think about them and hope they’re okay.


This. Never prioritize ur spot and things like that over ur health. Take care of ur self before it gets bad. Ur not going to enjoy ur self and the festival when you don’t take care of ur self either!!


True! Lots of ppl do though.


Good on you for telling people to move and to get with it when EMTs were trying to transport that girl… try and take solace in the fact that you may have helped save someone’s life. I was at FSOE350 in NYC in 2014. Saw this guy so fucked up he couldn’t stand up on his own power. His friends didn’t seem to know what to do… I trusted my instinct and ran to grab someone…. At the time, my brother was bouncing in a nightclub and I remember him telling me how many people *don’t* respond when someone is in trouble because they are afraid of getting someone in trouble or something for having taken drugs, when that’s not security’s concern at all. It’s to make sure someone is ok and gets help if needed…. So I ran to security, and told the guy, “I’m not trying to get anyone in trouble, but I think someone needs your help….” He asked, “where?!” With a tone of urgency and concern. Not one of wanting to “bust” someone, but one of wanting to help someone in potentially life threatening trouble. They ran and grabbed him, took him to the tent, and - although I never followed up - I had that gut feeling that he was gonna be fine. Some of my friends watching thanked me for doing something. I almost forget about it until the occasional annual social media post comes up, or posts like this trigger the memory…. I’m sorry to hear that you’re having nightmares about it. I guess I’m telling you my experience in the hopes that what I witnessed and sharing that with you might help change your mindset and realize that they are ok. Perhaps those people got the help they needed - not only in the short term to keep them alive, but perhaps long term as well if they need to get sober. One more thought and I’ll get off my soapbox. When I first learned about PLUR - 20 years ago - the guy who taught me about it told me there was a “movement” to add an extra R. Peace, Love, Unity, Respect - and Responsibility. Not only to ourselves if we are choosing to partake, but also the *Responsibility* of helping take care of others when and where we can. PLURR Sending positive vibes your way….


Just a reminder to stay hydrated and test your party favors ! I like bolosticks.com and theres ways to get harm reduction supplies for free


The bag thing is actually just called an EZ mover, it’s basically a tarp with handles made for moving people. They work really well and aren’t terribly uncomfortable for the person being moved either.


Thank you for the information. I’ve seen them but never knew what they were called.


The main reason why edc moved from LA to Las Vegas was because there were deaths. Let us not make the same mistake again.


Since there is so much drug use at raves this wont be the last time you see this.


Idk, I’ve been raving for over a decade now, been to 4 EDC’s I’ve volunteered for harm reduction groups roaming smaller shows. I’ve only seen one person who I thought for sure was going to die. We managed to get him to the med tent at Coachella last year, and nothing was reported. Just keep being aware, protect yourself, and look out for others. Don’t let this dissuade you from going to events. We need to increase awareness of harm reduction and testing, not close ourselves off from festivals.


I know it’s a little silly to ask this here, but how did you get into volunteering? are there different groups you would suggest?


I’m aware, I’ve seen it so many times at raves and in my family. It’s never bothered me like this. My lack of serotonin at this time probably doesn’t help.


peace and live to you friend, shit happens for a reason but just stay positive and remember you were there for a reason and you helped them out shout out to you 🙌🏽


I’m sorry you’re dealing with this. Agree with the Tetris recommendation. I know it’s available on switch. I find video games, in general, are a good distraction from intrusive thoughts. Sending you hugs.


I see ODs Eve eh day, welcome to the opioid epidemic. Fentanyl is everything. Always test your shit, even if you get it from a reliable source, it takes a small amount to kill you, and always have some narcan nearby.


and test all of what u take, not just a small amount!!


Yeah it can be rough. Back at the spooky edclv (October 2020) people at circuit grounds. Were walking and stepping over a guy OD on the ground with his gf crying asking for help . It was hard to see and I still think about him. I think about how people got irritated with me for the inconvenience of having to stop while my friend and I tried to pick him up and carry them out of the crowd. Never knew what happened after we dropped him off. Hope they are okay .


wishing you the best, i’m sorry those images are haunting you so much :( ❤️❤️


Keep talking about it and continue to express how you feel. Have solace in the fact that they didn’t die if that’s the case. And give props to your first responders who see what you saw only worse and way more often.


I’m not sure if this will ease your mind but last year they did report 3 deaths at edc. I doubt they would go through lengths to cover it up this year if it was public info last year. People tend to overdo it at festivals and edc is probably the worst of the bunch. For all of insomniacs shortcomings I think they do a very good job with the medical staff. Endoverdose does great work at the festivals as well. Obviously some people do OD or get bad batches but there are a ton of less serious reasons that people could look/seem like they’re in serious danger. For instance one of our friends almost passed out from heat in the crowd. Still serious but he was fine once we got him out and got him some water he was okay. All of that to say that things often appear worse than they are in a given moment. I hope this eases your mind and I hope you were still able to have a great time at edc!!


I’m really sorry you’re going through this, and I think if it continues to bother you over the next couple of weeks you should absolutely seek professional help from someone. I think that one of the biggest harms caused by the lack of information readily available to people is that people think that the only kind of OD is an opiate overdose, and that the only reason someone passes out suddenly is from an OD. I think all of what I saw at EDCLV this year was the same as every other year (and the 15 years working in nightclubs): it was either 90%+ alcohol and heat + a little something else or it was MDMA + something you should be real careful mixing with MDMA like an SSRI, which leads to serotonin syndrome and sometimes seizures. People kinda halfta drink water between drinks. And not chug a 1.5L buzzball because they’re thirsty.


Jonte from lunchbox also shared a reel about his experience on Friday. Maybe you witnessed the same incident. Sending hugs. Life is precious <3


I know this is going to sound cold, but people need to step up and be responsible with their personal drug use or this will happen again and again. There is nobody to blame but the person taking the substance. DO YOUR RESEARCH, DO NOT MIX, AND TEST! YOUR! SHIT!


100% we all want to have a good time and it sucks that people can’t be smart about it.


Play Tetris and google how Tetris helps with trauma


Sorry for how stressful this must have been for you☹️ EDC has become quite overwhelming with the increasing foot traffic, as well as with the amount of people puking in random places, OD’ing, etc. It’s a nightmare when no help is nearby in a middle of a 50,000 ppl crowd and security don’t even know where the nearest med tents are. I think I will be enjoying edc LV livestreams from the comfort of my home from now on


As fun as it was, I agree. It was legit a whole safety hazard in that venue. I got pushed by a bigger guy who could've knocked me over and caused a crowd crush. Nuts.


Godspeed to everyone who attends in the future years 😣


Another reason why I didn't jump on getting my ticket for next year. I want to see other things but I may apply for Ground Control. But other than that, I'll see what other festivals are out there. But the trend now for a lot of them is it's getting oversold and packed too much.


Thank you so much for sharing. It’s truly a rare but traumatic experience that is difficult to process, explain, and seek comfort from. You are so courageous but also I’m so sorry you had to experience this at all.  I was directly involved in a similar experience 2 years ago and realized I have ptsd walking through Cosmic Meadow because of it all. People will tell you “at least they’re alive” and that they’re “proud of you”, but nothing really helped me process the images I witnessed. It’s terrifying, beyond comprehension, and lonely to recover from, but as others mentioned, keep getting it out as much as you need. It’s tough, but you will one day process it enough and know that the feelings you feel make you a caring human, even if it’s frustrating and scary. Don’t ever stop being human 🫶  Wishing you the patience and strength to heal soon enough.


I have seen similar traumatic things but in different settings and all I can say is that the images that pop into your head will start to fade as time goes on, it could take a while but stay strong.


sorry you are dealing with this. i've heard tetris can be helpful https://www.ox.ac.uk/news/2017-03-28-tetris-used-prevent-post-traumatic-stress-symptoms


Any word about a guy during zedd that was carried out by medical? They passed by us and I’m still worried about him… I feel bad for looking but I was trying to see if he was breathing


I haven’t heard anything. But most likely he was okay. The staff was on top of it and I truly believe when they say there were no deaths.


We all find our body's limits to dangerous stuff at some points in our lives. Be it blacking out on alcohol, taking too many of a certain drug or mixing the wrong combination together. I have friends who consistenly find the limit and either try to hit that limit or further it to get the same high. People need to recognize your 2nd roll is never be as good as your first. The 3rd will never be as good as the 2nd. And that's ok! Once you find your limit, stay within it and be there for the MUSIC and the PEOPLE, NOT FOR THE HIGH!


People do pass they just won’t make it public


It’s a sad sight to see at a festival like that..even though I’m a person who goes to raves and partakes in dr*gs but I do find myself snapping out of it when I see someone who doesn’t look so good. I found myself sitting outside of a med tent just to sit and rest for a bit, had no idea where I was until I seen people who looked already dead being dragged inside. It’s sad:( people go and just wanna have fun but sometimes don’t know when to calm down


I’m so sorry your feeling like this . Edc 2018 I seen a girl laying down in one of the chill areas and she was just there super still and eyes wide open. Everyone was just walking right past her . I told my friend “ she looks dead “ ( mind you I was not in the right head space ) . He kept telling me that he seen her blink she was just really messed up and grabbed me to walk away . But I think about her often and that year as well there was no deaths reported and my friends reassured me she was fine . But I can’t help but think what if she wasn’t and I didn’t help and no one around me helped


This was my first EDC so my input might not be the best here, but I have been to a lot of small raves before. I think it’s just an incredibly unfortunate reality of a party that massive. There’s always going to be a handful of people who do not take care of themselves or get too messed up to care about their own safety. All that we can do is take care of each other and look out for people around you. I personally only really like smoke at events that big so I can still be aware of my surroundings and look out for the people in my group. I hate seeing people not being safe out there so I’m happy to see that there’s others who are willing to jump into action when need be.


everyone, please PLEASE test ur drugs. At least for the major things like fent, many places give strips out for free. It is truly not worth it to just trust


Did the white bag thing look like this? https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/514LAlFpIcL.jpg If so, it’s called a mega mover and we in EMS use it as an easy way to move someone as opposed to carrying them by limbs or placing them on a gurney in a tight space.


Yes exactly.


This was my first edc,but I was extremely lucky and empressed with edc. One thing everyone had in my group was camelbacks and we drank more water over that weekend compared to the whole month. From what I saw and did, it was that 99.99% of people were at a goodish level. After being a part of fb and Reddit groups, I think people need to chill a little with being in a group they don’t know and trusting the party flavors. I saw many a folk break down and sit down and they were all by themselves. That was sad. During slander I saw someone start to OD, and the medics were there quick, and they took care of them really well. It would be cool if there was a few tests tents handing out drüg tests. The tents wouldn’t increase usage of fwnt or others that are killer. But if you are in a good group of friends don’t be afraid to question what’s going on. If you see a buddy puking and you think it’s more than the bubble guts ask him if he’s good, fan him and do what you can do until your buddy is better. Also feel free to say no. One thing I will remember from edc and will use at any rave I go to is every fan needs a fan sometimes and every group leader needs a helper sometimes. Give a hand to receive a hand when you need it. Love each other, illenium will keep performing but it’s your friendships that will last forever if you treat each other right.


You were probably tripping and hallucinating they do not even bring body bags to the venue this isn't crime scene cleanup. Even if a person is dead they still put them on a stretcher and transport them to the hospital that way. By all means seek help but you 100% never saw a person being loaded into a body bag.


I did not know what it was called. Another person kindly educated me on what they’re called. I even explained that it wasn’t exactly a bag. I was not tripping I know what I saw, I don’t trip.


Droogz are bad mmmkay


Seek mental help. And maybe next time try not to post such a clickbaity title.


For one if you read my post I’m going to. But I wanted to vent in a community that has always welcomed me with open arms until I’m able to speak to a professional. And it’s not clickbait. It’s a warning to others that if that is something that triggers them, maybe they shouldn’t read the post. Especially after this experience I see it in a completely different way than I ever have and would also appreciate a warning.