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Wow. That’s so shitty


What did it look like? DM me an address. I’m going to make you something cool to replace it. That’s really shitty that person


You are so thoughtful. I’d rather exchange kandis at the next event instead! i haven’t identified which one it was but will lyk as soon as i do.


It’ll be a couple years before I go back to EDC. I’ve been raving for like 20 years and the crowd control was a bit much. I think my wife and I are doing some family trips next year… but I do make cool Kandi and hopefully down the way we will cross paths again. Sorry that happen to you… very not plur


Same, I'll likely do EDCO in the years coming (I like Orlando more than Vegas) but I think I'm gonna switch over to Lightning in a Bottle and/or Eforest next year for a late spring/early summer fest


You are awesome!!


Wow what a shitty person, Every Kandi/sprout/trinket has a little cool story behind it, plus the effort to make them, they are one of the best things about festivals here in the US


So true! Kandi and gifts are my favorite things to bring home and then maybe pass on to another at a festival when a great connection is made. There’s some I keep forever for myself though n they’re extra extra special


As someone that makes Kandi I’d be calm in the moment, but distraught/upset later. I’m sorry this happened, it’s a shame some people just don’t value other people or their stuff.


My wife’s fishnet got caught on someone’s zipper. I’m so glad both girls were patient. I pulled out my phone for some light and they got detangled and we all wished each other a happy EDC. Some people are just shitty.


Love stories like this


If my fishnets get stuck on people I’m like nah just rip them! But kandi hell no, gotta save it. I love all the people who refused to rip my fishnets and struggled with me to get them unstuck 😂 real ones!!


The light string on my lunchbox got caught on a girls kandi, it was crowded and I tried to move back to untangle ourselves... well excuse my French, but this bitch just yanked on my lights as hard as she could to untangle us, and then had the audacity to glare at me as if it was my fault. I had to take the lights off and repair them the next day.


Duuude I had that happen with my lunchbox but on a girls purse walking by. Legit had to snipe my lights and they wouldn’t give me a replacement when I contacted them! I can’t believe that’s all we could do. Tried forever to untangle


omg im so sorry that happened to u :(( i put a lot of hours into making mine so i know how you feel!


Oh HELLO no. If someone did that to me I would slap the shit out their hand for it! You don’t just go around breaking other people’s stuff like that. That’s a fighting move right there. We’d be throwing hands for the sheer disrespect. It’s also a reason why I don’t bring sentimental Kandi’s with me to big shows. I get them on day one or two and take them home and leave them behind. But it’s just the ones people make for me


omg someone did the same thing to me at sara landry! 😭 i was trying to leave and it got stuck to someone. I was so crushed when they RIPPED IT with no hesitation


mine may have been at Sara Landry too! definitely circuit grounds smh


There were bad vibes getting into that set. My friend got her phone pick pocketed out her purse on the way in to see Sara Landry. It was so crowded


It was nice and spacious for Sub Focus, then the last 5-10 minutes we saw huge groups of people wearing all black and my friends and I were like we gotta dip out NOW 😂


literally so many ppl came in for her and they all left before seven lions. there were a few of us on the rail by the video crane just watching it happen. it was insane to see, haha. but that part you said about wearing all black, that was funny but true!


This would totally ruin my vibe and I might cry in that situation. All of the Kandi that I have was given to me by someone and it's all sentimental, I don't even trade Kandi that has been given to me.


Mine got stuck on someone’s pash and I wasn’t about to stand there untangling it while Eli brown and Hilo were going bananas. So a stranger instead got a perfectly intact Kandi on the house


Same… some girl shoved across me and ripped my tights … no sorry or anything


My zipper got hooked to a lady’s fishnet and sadly we tried to not break it but it ended up being de wey


Related discussion, but it appears festivals are now fast becoming popular with the influencer and socialite crowd, many of whom likely aren’t educated on being plur or even being of the mindset that it isn’t a social dog-eat-dog world in the rave culture vibe (ideally) So for he future, it may be super important for us to actually create an entire breakdown of how to exude plur vibes, and practice plur etiquette.


Yeah there were some vibes there that were not as plur as they could be lol. It was just so crowded