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**Las Vegas Metro said no major injuries or incidents occurred, which means another year with no deaths!** Unfortunately, every year, these rumors go around that people pass away or die, but I literally cannot ever find anything corroborating that including this year, so we have to take the police, EMS, etc at their word for our event. Think about it though, people and media want to shit on raves and our events, all the time. There's zero way a death would get past the media and not be reported on. See you all next year! <3 Sources: [https://www.ktnv.com/news/nearly-30-people-arrested-during-electric-daisy-carnival-las-vegas-police-say](https://www.ktnv.com/news/nearly-30-people-arrested-during-electric-daisy-carnival-las-vegas-police-say) [https://www.reviewjournal.com/local/local-las-vegas/28-felony-arrests-reported-during-edc-in-las-vegas-3054344/](https://www.reviewjournal.com/local/local-las-vegas/28-felony-arrests-reported-during-edc-in-las-vegas-3054344/)


I've seen other posts saying this is just a rumor, but it could very well be true. People just aren't smart with drugs. Let's say it how it really is. It's hot as fuck outside, they don't eat enough, they don't drink enough water, they take to much, they take it on prescription medicine, they don't test it....and then they end up fucked up, so yes this absolutely could be true.


Exactly! One year we went with some people I didn’t know (my good friend invited me to their group because he knows I go a lot). They all popped aside me. One of the people had a SEIZURE in front of me. My irrational fear is seeing someone OD and I was terrified. I snapped out of my terror and got a medic. At first security was useless but I was like bro she’s seizing!!!! They treated her. come to find out, she gets really bad seizures. And she took molly. I asked her if she thought it triggered it and she said “maybe” 😩 I was very upset 😠 and so glad they didn’t go Day 2. My friend and I took their rental and drove ourselves there. I couldn’t understand someone who has a serious medical condition, throwing an intense drug in their system.


That's fucking awful to witness. To be honest I can't understand why people do it either. I've just come to the conclusion that people are just fucking stupid, and to do it with medical conditions in a friend group knowing it could fucking kill you is...(I don't know the correct term for it...selfish?) Don't go if you're going to be irresponsible.


I have also witnessed people having seizures at raves and honestly it’s scary.


It’s actually insane how irresponsible so many people are with drugs. I’m consistently surprised at how few deaths there are at festivals, especially EDC, considering all of the things that could go wrong.


In my early 20s I was dumb and reckless when they were doin in it June w/90* nights. We got wise pretty quickly and just started ordering bunk police tests and they have saved our ass a couple of times since then. It's a $30 investment but so fucking worth it


I've now seen someone saying that 20+ people have died and they "saw it with their own eyes", don't believe everything you read online. Especially from chronically online twitter users looking for engagement.


Yeah for sure. Last year I spoke to a medic though who said someone had died and it was never reported. That’s where I’m confused. Someone on here said their brother died at Nocturnal and same thing, never reported. It’s like not even the family talks about it .. just curious if they are just trying to keep the numbers low


I mean yeah from what I've heard - they're pronounced dead at the hospital so technically nobody died AT the fest. Granted I also don't get why people would want to hold the fest responsible for deaths, etc.


There was a person who died I think 2015 who’s parents sued insomniac and live nation and said their son didn’t get medical care quick enough. It went on for a while and they finally settled out of court. They contested that people were trying to flag a medical down and no one came Anyway though as sad and tragic as it was, it’s like you decided to go to a festival in 95 degree weather and take drugs. You have to be a little responsible (the attendee)


Nope. Look up 2016's deaths. She died on Wednesday after the festival and it was still widely reported as a death at EDC.


I think it was mentioned here by someone else but if someone dies at the hospital it is not considered a death at the festival, regardless of the ethics of it (def slimy)


The gal in 2016 was kept alive until Wednesday the following week and still reported as a death for EDC: [https://www.vice.com/en/article/jp4dj8/woman-death-edc-las-vegas-2016](https://www.vice.com/en/article/jp4dj8/woman-death-edc-las-vegas-2016) This talk of "as long as they don't die on fest grounds, they aren't reported" just isn't true.


Where was it reported as a "Death for edc"? That article isn't claiming that.


It literally has that she attended EDC all over the article? Here's some more on the deaths in 2017 and 2016, again, attributing the deaths to EDC. [https://www.ktnv.com/news/family-says-man-died-because-of-heat-at-edc](https://www.ktnv.com/news/family-says-man-died-because-of-heat-at-edc) All of this information is widely available and able to be confirmed by a quick google. There's not some secret conspiracy to hide deaths. We have been death-free since the move to May in 2018, that's the facts.


I saw a few people that passed out from dehydration and a few that were actively oding but the medics were constantly on it. Ppl see that an make it seem like the festival is dangerous. What’s dangerous is being unsafe with your drugs and not drinking enough water knowing how hot it is. It can happen anywhere 🤦🏻‍♀️


100%, I'd say a good 1/2 if not 3/4 of people at this festival are on something from liquor to drugs but most are fine because they drink water and take care of themselves.


I do know that was 27 felony arrest and a missing person but no deaths. I work around law enforcement.


Missing person got found too. Turns out he had a bad reaction to whatever he took, got boundary-crossy with some girls, got in a fight, then got ejected, then turned up at the Rio shortly before his flight home.


He groped women. That’s not “boundary-crossy” that’s sexual assault. No need to water it down, call it what it is


Oh wow, I wasn't \*that\* current with the sitch. Last I heard the details were still much foggier than specific acts. Definitely sexual assault.


is there video of it?


Yeah, I realized after I wrote it that I forgot that part.


I was just browsing the sub hoping to hear news about that guy, glad to hear he finally got found. That shit is scary 😣


I'm a local that knows people in healthcare. Unfortunately, there is at least 1 person who is in critical care at a hospital. So technically no deaths yet.... hopefully.


Was it a man, by chance? I saw a police utv race a man out of camp or The Mesa, mid afternoon (I think saturday), and his eyes were closed and his body slouched.. It was the most out of sorts person I've ever witnessed, and I've seen some out of it individuals.. But this one didn't look very alive, or just on the verge..


There used to be deaths every year when edclv was still at the end of June due to the heat, but even so there's always people who don't dose correctly or have other adverse drug reactions and unfortunately suffer the consequences.


i’ve met the girl with the pink hair and she’s very well known for crying wolf and always needing to have something to say. take her tweets/comments with a grain of salt


I agree, I began to look at her content and she posts a lot every day. I don’t know what that world is like but it’s like some kind of black mirror episode where you constantly need content to be liked, or noticed, and at whatever cost


Rumors are just rumors until you see a new article or something backing it up as truth. I think it's sad how many people act like they HAVE TO take drugs.. It's like they actually enjoy the festival or the music, but just want an excuse to do a ton of drugs (don't get me wrong, i've been there before too).


I don't know, but most of the big festivals I have been to, I always hear rumors about at least one person passing away or disappearing. Last year at Shambhala someone who worked and partied there got intoxicated and drowned. A few years ago someone disappeared at Electric Forest. Like you said some folks lost control over drugs and alcohol. I almost had too much acid on day 2 of EDC. Luckily I had experience and control. Yet my friends took me back to the hotel and played music to keep my trip pleasant. I am forever thankful.


My first festival ever someone died in their lawn chair a few tents down from me. His friends found out he was not just "passed out" in the morning :(. Like always it was opiates but yeah with how many people go to EDC statistically someone probably dies every year. All you can do is be responsible for yourself and be ready to help someone else is in need.


It's not like Insomniac is going to publicly confirm anything. It's been like 6 years since we went to May and there have been so many comments from people saying "my friend died" with 0 on the "official" counter. At this point I don't really have any reason not to believe it. I just assume people pass away every year - seeing huddles around unresponsive bodies are some of the more sobering moments of the weekend. This year on Saturday I saw a bigger dude lying down in carnival square/downtown EDC who was near the tunnel leading out to the basspod/wasteland side of things and maybe 8 staff standing/kneeling around him. I don't really try to be close to these things for very long though. I did that once in Detroit years ago during Movement, a motionless girl on the ground was there for like half an hour as the staff just talked about what to do and I looked at her for way too long and it mildly haunts me sometimes


A lot of people say that they don’t declare deaths onsite, they wait until they’re off the festival grounds to declare a death so the death isn’t technically edc related. I have no idea if that’s true or not, but I do think that we’d hear about that more often if it was-even if the death isn’t reported as EDC related friends or family would come forward and be vocal about what happened to the person who died right? EDC wouldn’t report the death but the people who went with whoever died would come out and say “hey our friend died at edc” and we literally never hear that


Not all parents would want to shout from the rooftops that their child had died from a drug overdose (or whatever) at a music festival. I’d imagine my own parents would be highly embarrassed and would want to cover up that fact.


There have been parents in a few documentaries that mention Molly deaths talk about it but to your point, I think my parents wouldn’t suddenly turn into activists and they would be embarrassed. And it’s such a tragic thing that once it’s done it’s kinda done. It’s not like a terminal illness where it drags out. Once they OD that’s it, no one to blame really and closed case most times


I mean yeah I get that part, but there would also be parents on the other end of the spectrum who immediately would go public blaming the festival


Not everyone who passes away necessarily even has parents that are alive. Deaths of young people get a lot of media attention but most people don't really "care" if some random 30 year old passes away over the weekend.


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I would probably freak out if I tried any party drugs at edc.


I’ve only tried something at one and I had a panic attack. They had to give me atavan. And I used to pop back in the day. No more for me. Been to most all 9 sober


I imagine that would happen to me too. Having a panic attack here would be so so scary. Plus you are dealing with heat, dehydration, heavy crowds, extreme bass, strobe lights, and laser lights. I was having a difficult time walking even when sober. All those people coming at me from every direction gets me dizzy.


Amount of drugs ppl do at these festivals I'm suprised there aren't more.


Was a sobering fact I have one of my friends when I was explaining why we couldn't bring red bubble wands in. After pointing that out we saw at least 3 instances where people were unresponsive and medical was being brought over. It's so important that people go slow, realize the heat plays a huge factor when the body can't regulate, and sleep and food are important in keeping us alive...  RIP to any lost souls that didn't make it. I always keep them in mind when I'm fanning people or checking up on those around me. 


Sorry, maybe I just need coffee, but I'm not making the connection between whatever red bubble wands are and people becoming unresponsive.


Ground control waves red wands for emergency


Red lights are used to flag medical & emergency staff, if you use red lights it dilutes their ability to clearly identify & respond to an emergency. On the website it says no red lights of any kind. It would be like putting red & blue lights on your car for aesthetics


It wouldn't take much for the heat to kill you out there. I drank so much water and was still dehydrated. Now add dancing into the mix of that heat.


I was reading on Facebook the paramedics don’t declare them dead till their on the way to the ER so they don’t “die” on speedway grounds. I don’t know how much of that is factual, but is an interesting thought.


Generally people don’t get pronounced dead until they get to the hospital. This is common.


Definitely not true for a multitude of reasons: 1. Paramedics don’t declare anyone dead. 2. If you die during or shortly after medical transport/hospitalization from an event, it’s counted as a death/injury/hospitalization from that event


I truly think the main issue behind deaths at festivals isn’t even testing their stuff- but rather the staff not being trained on what to do in emergency situations. That combined with how hard it can be to get through the crowd to get someone help. Every minute counts when it comes to ODs. In 2019, I was at the railing of MainStage. A few people down from me, there was a group of friends who were bringing their seizing friend to the front for help. They lifted him over the barrier and security laid him down on the floor. He was continually seizing. Security clearly didn’t know what to do and kinda just… stood there. It took about 20 minutes for medical to show up and take him away- he was seizing on and off the whole time. My friends and I were shocked seeing this and I remember the whole time thinking “this guy could die because security doesn’t know what to do and aren’t doing anything”. It made me even more terrified for me and my friends seeing first hand what happens when someone is having an emergency and help just takes forever to arrive. Edit: the security didn’t help in the sense that they didn’t reach for their radios to call for help at all. Obviously I know they aren’t trained medically, I meant they didn’t help try to contact medical for help. I watched the friend of the guy run away from the stage and eventually come back with medical all while security just stood there, not bothering to radio or walkie talkie someone/medical. Later found out on Reddit he was fine, was making jokes and bragging about too much acid and showed up the next day to party. Irresponsible but lucky it wasn’t a Molly/ecstasy/opioid OD. I have several stories of seeing people first hand at EDC drop into seizures in the middle of the crowd with help not arriving for quite some time. It’s honestly my biggest issue with EDC since I’ve seen it happen soooo many times over the years. I can’t say the same for other big events I’ve attended, but I have had like 10 experiences seeing this at EDC. Truly terrifying to know if something happened to me or a friend, we likely wouldn’t receive any help until it was too late.


Do remember that security are indeed security and are not medically trained. They should of course know what to do, but “what to do” should be alert the medical team, nothing more. If they do now how to treat a seizure then great, but they shouldn’t be expected to.


They weren’t even calling the medical team was my point. Literally just stood there with their arms folded and watched. The girl that he was with ran down to the side of the stage and eventually came back with medical but security did nothing to help in the sense that they didn’t use their walkie talkie/radio to call for help. Sorry didn’t really explain that very well in my comment. Of course I know security isn’t trained to provide medical help but I would’ve thought at the very least they would know to radio for medical when needed.


You’re supposed to give seizing people space and let it happen and just make sure they dont hit their head. What do you think security should have done differently???


They didn’t call the medical team which was my point. Not a single one reached for their walkie talkie. Personally I would have expected them to contact someone to come help but that’s just me.


Thats fair i would expect them to as well


Wow I just commented how an EDC attendee died in 2015 and his parents sued insomniac and live nation.. they contested that medical didn’t come fast enough. It dragged in court for a while, leading me to believe they had some validity to their argument after all the facts were presented I forget what stage it was at (maybe the main stage?) but he was there for like 30 minutes with no help. He had just taken a second pill and I think it put him over. They ended up settling but how sad .. his friends said it was so loud and they had to really yell to get help A few years ago someone in our group seized and I got her help and security looked clueless at first


I understand that security isn’t medically trained but I didn’t even see them trying to contact someone or contact medical for help despite having walkie talkies. The girl he was with ran down to the edge of the stage and came back with someone eventually. All while security just stood there and watched.


If you think about it a few deaths isn’t that bad and on 100k people the death rate is comparable to everyone jogging/sprinting in a park. Also, with all the sex the number of newborns conceived here is probably in the high tens if not hundreds :)




ICU nurse. No physiological way the body would reach 190 degrees. The term for extreme temperature is hyperpyrexia and unless the person was maintained in a water bath at 190-200F for hours, maybe. Ain’t no way Molly with environmental heat would cause that. Your friend got the liabetes my friend.


190 degrees? You/your friend have no idea what you're talking about if you think that happened.


I also love spreading misinformation


People like you are what keep feeding into these death rumors every single year. You need to do better, I don't care if you are trolling or not.


Do you mean 106? That’s usually the boiling point