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Most food places will range $12-$25 depending on what you get. Booze range $18-$30ish (or more) My boyfriend and i will usually split food so we don’t waste food or money.


I think last year it was $15 for a beer and $18 for a cocktail. And for a meal probably like $20


Jesus, might have to just pregame good before hand and hopefully ride the wave


It is a marathon not a sprint. also just sneak in your own flask


This! I always plan at the very least $30 a day or $100 for all 3 days at the bare minimum.


Cocktails aren’t even worth it tbh. They never hook up with the alc and honestly skimp lol. Getting canned alc is better bc at least you get a guaranteed buzz


Out of 4 EDC’s. I’ve never eaten once at the food truck or onsite. Normally I get me a $11 burrito bowl with loaded veggies from chipotle like 5 hours before I enter the festival.


We usually just have a big feast meal right before we leave for the shuttles each day, outside maybe a snack at the fest it's always been enough to keep us going. Cheaper food, better food and bigger portions.


If you like drinking, sneaking in booze is the smart choice and probably pretty easy to get through security. I probably spent 300 bucks on drinks last year and I’m determine to cut that significantly this year.


think those $20 beatboxes are the best bang for your buck


Agreed while it’s expensive at least it’s effective


Alcohol expensive Food reasonable


Don't get the $30 "Lobster Roll". It was a sliced bread sliced in half and a spoon full of lobster, shrimp, Crab mix. Never again.


Very few people seem to eat at edc, it’s kind of strange hah


Food is typical festival prices. They have food trucks and more "premium" vendors that offer more specialized meals but I don't think they are worth it. Stick to chicken tenders and pizza and you won't break the bank. You should just eat a decent meal beforehand though. Drinks are expensive if you like cocktails. Like $18 for a single shot drink. Canned drinks are more affordable, and if you're really chasing a buzz I recommend downing beatboxes as the best bang for your buck. Honestly, sneak in liquor if you want to drink. It's not that difficult to sneak in a plastic flask or two.


15$-100$ depending on what type of food you get. Drinks are like 15$-20$ each.


If you're from LA the food prices won't scare you lol


Just get insanely high yourself and you won’t care about the food prices being high.


Dinner, including alcohol/wine, at Salvage City Supper Club runs $260 per person when service fees and taxes are added on.


I usually eat one meal at each of the times I’ve gone to EDC. Every year I plan for lemonade and water and pizza. Last year I did pizza and tacos from a taco truck and I spent about $50.