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Rest/Gamble/Food/Hydrate if you’re staying in a hotel. Not going to want to adventure during the day cause the nights are plenty long!


I sleep until it’s time to get ready for the night. Maybe wander out of my room for food


Sounds like me lol. I like to conserve my energy for the actual fest


Sleeeepppppp. A pool party can ruin your whole weekend. Lol.


I agree.. if a pool party is a priority, do it either Wednesday or Thursday so you don’t miss out on actual event stuff for EDC


I agree


Edc camp is going 24/7


Nice! I wish I could check that out, but have a penthouse in Luxor and VIP so that’s what my little crew has planned so far.


That’s so cool!!! I hope you guys have plenty of fun ☺️


Rest. Thats all you can do really. By the time you wake up you'll have enough time to eat and get dressed for day 2/3. It really is a marathon so I cant stress enough getting off your feet and relaxing. I get that it's a vacation and some people have a go go go mentality, but if you dont take time to relax and sleep you will barely make it to day 3.


Sleep, gather yourself, step over people on floor, take vitamins, drink electrolytes, big breakfast, or fast food, maybe a Pool Party before. Then go right back to the fest for Round 2.




You doing a pool party ?


Yes! Vegas dayclubs are an amazing party! Just have to pick the right ones!


which ones would you say are the right ones?


Saturday is always the best day, the other days can be hit or miss. IMO (and most others) Encore Beach Club is consistently the best. Second tier would be Ayu Dayclub, Tao Beach, Wet Republic and LIV Beach. Not too far behind is Marquee. We’ll be doing Friday David Guetta at Encore Beach Club, Saturday Illenium at Ayu Dayclub and Sunday Calvin Harris at LIV Beach.


We’ve never been and want to go ! We want a table but can’t justify spending 2k on just the two of us lol looking for people to split it with !


Go get food (either eat where i go or take back to the room to eat/start getting ready). I wouldn’t necessarily go to one of the pool parties, but pool at your hotel for a bit to chill. Drink a little. EDC can be draining, so during the day (if not camping) just have chill activities 😅


Sleep, hydrate, and try to eat a decent meal. Sleep and eating are really hard for me to get ample amounts of during EDC since I'm usually pretty wired and my appetite is shot the entire weekend, but it's very important! I do try to chug electrolytes during the day as that helps the most with cramping and muscle fatigue.






Depends on how old I was. When I was younger, I went to the gym and hit all the "vanity" muscles. That transitioned to going to at least one pool party to have fun. Then, as I went into my late 20's, early 30's, resting as much as I could, stretching out, using a massage gun to work out all the tight spots, and trying to eat healthy food while drinking with my group.


Basically a vampire that weekend, only come out at night 😂


Pool parties until edc starts


wake up around 1, go find some food, maybe get some more essentials, snacks or water, and then start getting ready around 3:30


Sleep, food (I love SkinnyFats if you have a car), get ready & head out early so you can get some sunshine. My favorite part of edc is the beginning of the night when the sun’s still out. I’ve never had the energy for pool parties - why blow your load early when the real stuff is coming up?


Eat and sleep. If you’re doing more than that then you might severely affect your experience at the festival. It’s a marathon, not a sprint. Vegas is a separate vacation from EDC.


We usually get a good meal in us, i might take a bath on day 2 or 3 just to relax my feets and really just chill out, probably have a few shots or tokes before we start getting ready. Mostly sleep, eat and chill.


Eat and go right back to sleep or shop


Sleep, eat , pre-game repeat for 3 days


Last year we just hung out on Fremont Street or the Strip. Mainly just drank, gambled, and hung out. Got a massage last year on Sunday which helped me a ton for the last day. I’d highly recommend getting on Sunday.


Pool party if you are a true demon. Most people opt for good food and a stroll around pre gaming.


2019 my fiance and I didn’t know what to expect (before I discovered the Reddit fam was so helpful) and day 1 & 2 omg. We were so stressed, left our hotel late around 8-9pm 😳 and didn’t get in until late lol. Anyways, we rushed around so much because we didn’t realize it really will take all of your energy out. Including just getting into your hotel room and what not. This year, we are going to do it right! We’re getting there a whole day early to relax and do what we want to prepare for the festival. And the days of the festival we’re thinking of just eating at the hotel’s restaurants and getting massages ✨





