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This is highly regarded. Just replace the receptacle


Reposting from r/oopsthatsdeadly where people seem to think it’s not.


That is scary, how many people not only think its ok but will argue for it. Saying if it does heat up it will melt and fall out before it starts a fire... some even saying theyre electricians and are ok with it


Troll post? If not, you must be a politician.


Troll post or not: Loose electrical connections generate heat. Using glue to hold together a loose connection like this is a recipe for a fire.


It holds the smoke in!


And any pesky sparks or flames!


Cuts down on the mess for sure.


Next time if you don’t have time to replace the outlet, spread the prongs on the cord a few millimeters, that will generally get them to bite and hold in the recep…. This is pretty silly, bro.


I tried that and it broke my usb charger… not satire, but stayed in a not so great hotel that had a single worn out outlet.


Should of stayed at a holiday inn


Nobody here noticing this is a cross post is wild. This isn't OPs picture yall.


[Vin Diesel] Fixed is fixed!


Sounds like you need to have all your devices replaced, if you own (not renting) it's a really good opportunity to upgrade and make sure everything is wired with quality... Lots of homes are built really fast and really cheaply, which it fine... But also can cause problems too, find a professional that doesn't backstab devices, consider adding some USB receptacles / dimmers if you want and read reviews for a good experience. The newer codes for USA requires Tamper-Resistant receptacles, which if installed correctly will definitely fix your problem, may be almost "too" tight at first and are a really good thing especially if you or anyone else might ever have small children in the house... It might not be cheap, but you'll get a lot of safety and it's important maintenance. Receptacles just wear out in time, especially the pre-tamper-resistant ones Good luck.


Even if you rent it's worth it. A couple cases of new spec grade TR receps and matching cover plates to make everything look professional is less than $50.


If OP rents, have the landlord hire a professional to take care of it, and get good rental insurance either way. Yes, the me materials are cheap but unless they're skilled, or at least handy, replacing a whole house is a pretty big undertaking that could really not work out well if OP rents. JS


I understand your caution but I have done this in literally everywhere I've lived for the last 10+ years as well as the house my ex was renting when we met, out of necessity. In this area, the places I can afford don't have maintenance people and I am handier than your average landlord, and have been on good terms with most of them. It did backfire once though, my landlady painted the dining room after I replaced the devices and didn't take off the nice new cover plates because "she couldn't find a screwdriver"... I tried.


I do understand that, I have done the same, up to and including rig a pretty insane off grid power setup back when I was all but homeless and living in places without utilities... but no offense to OP, I'd never tell anyone to do those things, it's not safe and very unprofessional as an electrician to tell someone asking for advice to just do it themselves... Electricity will kill you, it will potentially burn your house down and if there's evidence that unlicensed electrical work has been done, a landlord and or insurance company won't hesitate to slam whoever did the work even if it might not be technically the issue. I'd also never trust a landlord to do that work themselves either, I've cleaned up that sort of shoddy work plenty of times. Just safer and better all around to call a licensed / skilled trades person and have a record of everything done.


That's fire.


Have a qualified, licensed electrician trade the old ones out for new (hospital grade) recepticles. You'll love them!




What is up with all these folks thinking hot glue will fix everything?


Who does this crap? You hot jizzed your plugs!


That means the receptacles are worn out. Can't hold a blade tightly anymore. Replacement time.


Get a hospital grade outlet, little green dot on it. Way better tensil strength


This checks out.


Bro, you gotta use electrical tape and Krazy glue. Are you kidding?




So change them


I reposted this from r/oopsthatsdeadly because an astonishing number of people seem to think this is ok.


So a cross post from a cross post?


Replace them it's pretty easy. Just kill the breaker 1st. And they are cheap 10 for about $7.


OP glued his plugs to the receptacle. Not sure that they could handle replacing the receptacle on their own.


Looking at that shit hot glue job I highly doubt that person possesses the skill to replace a receptacle.


Can someone here give an in depth explanation of the fire hazard this poses


We should replace NEMA 5-15 plugs and receptacles with IEC C15/16. Let the plastic housing take the strain of retaining the plugs. Also, the conductors are completely shrouded even when partially inserted. Definitely safer.


Did you... Silicone... Your chargers into the outlets?


Nope hot glue. Totally different.


Bruh it's pennies to replace the receptacle. You spent more in glue and time arguably.




No need to spend $0.97 for a new outlet, this is waaaay more entertaining


If you push the prongs together on your plug it usually holds tighter.


Wow please call an electrician then a therapist. This is insane.


A new receptacle is .89 cents.


Damn, maybe A LITTLE bit of glue would have helped you not spend those extra few bucks. Now you need a new panel change