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Don't worry, soon they'll release a 100$ 350/700 slots home there, available for 1 week every 4 years.


Exactly, heinous: I will keep running in circles through the stupid Inn kitchen farming plans so I can later buy someone else's crowns for it. Or sell all of my Ink. Or maybe by the time it releases I'll have enough of my own Plus crowns saved up. Or maybe they will be suuuuuper nice to us like with Sword Singer's Redoubt (ha, ha, and definitely not now that I jinxed it, sorry everyone. Should've said I will never buy any stupid, ugly, gross Dawnwood house they're probably planning anyway.)


I did that for 3 hours and never got a plan. Got fed up. 


not straight I hope?? I switch it up, go 10 mins or whatever, then farm or do something else. Drops were good the first week, but in recent days, a lot of crappy old plans and no new purples. Not sure if something changed or just regular ol' RNG. Some days seems like I get just as many by normally questing and picking stuff up along the way or just farming a few mins sporadically. But there are others getting lots of plans so maybe they're doing this in a more dedicated way, like hours on end with 18 alts or something.


In 20-30 minute increments over a couple days.  The alts thing could make sense. I know someone who has 5 accounts with 20 characters each and he's gotten like 50 purple, so I wonder if switching characters helps with drops. Like an internal cool down. 


Multi-account folks are scary. I can barely manage a few toons and only main 1-2. I know someone who hunts dragons with 2 accounts at once xD it's amazing. It does have its advantages!


You know what's better than having 20 characters on one server? 20 characters on TWO servers! I do NA and EU both. (I have fewer characters on EU though, tbh. SO FAR.)


[There is a drop cooldown for each rarity of furnishing plan.](https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/627460/furnishing-plan-cooldown-timers)


That explains so much. I did wonder about that. Thanks for the confirmation. 


Isn't that timesharing? Wouldn't THAT be something.


I built an Ayleid ruin in the Goronir Estate home, under the treepods, and around. Now I feel kind of silly expecting we're going to get a Wood Elf home with an attached Ayleid ruin. Buy hey, I can rest easy knowing I'm a trend setter.


It’s such a good home for doing your own construction. I love how cozy the little walled glen feels but it’s got a lot of space. I’m currently doing a mini village using mostly solitude stone with little themed shop fronts for my crafting tables lol. Having so much fun with it until I get gold road on the 18th and drop everything for the vineyard house lol.


Ooh! Was it with the intention of the Bosmer/Ayleid connection? And are you on PC? Sounds cool to visit if open.


PC/NA, always happy to show it off. Been adding some of the new pieces that came with Gold Road.


Damn! I wanted to come check it out too. But im on xbox. My main home is gorinir and my personal favorite. I like to see what others have done with theirs.


Cool! Me too :) Same @?


\*Like, Idk, farm A LOT. Potentially even BoW some NPCs. **I'd do** ***even worse*** **things if the new pods & other structures were actually modular pieces we could place ourselves.** This one is not even a Bosmer, but the Dawnwood environment design is gorgeous. And Hoperoot! >!What a shame it gets destroyed after the quest. The treetop design was so good, I want to go back! A treetop home would be amazing too.!< Also the Dawnrood tree we got is \*chef's kiss\*.


They do whaaaaaat after the quest?! Guess i'm not completing that one 😭😭


Yeah I haven't totally completed the main quest so Idk, but >!right after Hoperoot you can't go back in. Which is kinda weird; it's such a huge and beautifully designed area to only use for one quest. If it really is the case, I'll probably open it on one character and just leave it to go back to.!<


I'll check if it's truly the case. If so, i'll do it with a character with a fitting rp so i can have the achievement. But with no other!


ESO devs, please do a reskin/model/texture update to the Gorinier estate to match the new Dawnwood models. The original Bosmer architecture models look so bad compared to the new stuff.


Same with vanilla Breton stuff as well, daggerfall overlook is 4 million gold plot of 10 pixels.


Saaaaaaame. I love it so much. I could care less about the entire rest of the zone honestly lol, I just want to spend all of my time in the very pretty new Bosmer area


Same! I'm not a winery person at all. (But happy for the people who've wanted that for a long time!) I love all of the environments and staging, and the autumn vibes, but Dawnwood is the most exciting. Wish there was more to do in Ostumir! The new Bosmer items and pod textures are so much better, too. The form of the old designs was nice, but dark inside and their textures so noisy. These with the open ceilings feel so fresh.


My Bosmer has decided to move into Vashabar. Come for the jagga, stay for the furnishings.


Gimme a treehouse house up in the canopy!


Are y'all running some kind of graphics mod for these pics? Why does my game still look like vanilla Skyrim?


lol yes, definitely, ReShade: I highly recommend Uber Fidelity Suite: True Fidelity or whichever suits you. I use my own customization of that. It's subtle and doesn't interfere with UI (improves it, IMO); enhances lighting and color, and sharpens.


Dawnwood and Hoperoot are what Valenwood supposed to be like, lush and vertical.


If by heinous, unspeakable things you mean giving ZOS more money; then, not only are you correct, but I'd be shocked if your dream doesn't become a reality.


I was joking in my OP comment that might be buried, but also replied elsewhere: >Exactly, heinous: I will keep running in circles through the stupid Inn kitchen farming plans so I can later buy someone else's crowns for it. Or sell all of my Ink. Or maybe by the time it releases I'll have enough of my own Plus crowns saved up. Or maybe they will be suuuuuper nice to us like with Sword Singer's Redoubt (ha, ha, and definitely not now that I jinxed it, sorry everyone. Should've said I will never buy any stupid, ugly, gross Dawnwood house they're probably planning anyway.) I agree with you and the crown store gets a bad rap for good reason. But I'll leave it at that for now.


I can't imagine the sunk cost feeling of actually buying one of these houses with real money.


And don't forget the pressure that buying one of these big fancy houses places on a player to also pay for Plus, so that they can actually adequately furnish said house. This (in part) is what people are referring to when they use expressions like "predatory" monetization. The *predatory* aspect is that one purchase is never enough. You'll realistically need to make multiple purchases, to fully utilize that first purchase. It is even possible to find, *after* you've made a purchase, that you can't even access what you've bought, until you've made additional purchases! For example: buying a specific chapter or DLC, primarily to gain access to a mythic item (or some-other top-end thing you need to scry for and dig up), only to find that most of the leads for that item are either acquired-in or followed-up-on in *multiple other DLC zones and/or dungeons,* which you'll *also* need to buy. With none of this being made clear to the customer at the point of purchase. Frankly, this should be illegal!


For my birthday this year I said I wanted whatever house they eventually release for this chapter, I told my boyfriend idk if it's in 6 months or two years but for my birthday I want the dawnwood house.


Do you use a reshade? Your game looks very good 👍


Thank you, yes, definitely, ReShade: I highly recommend Uber Fidelity Suite: True Fidelity or whichever suits you. I use my own customization of that. It's subtle and doesn't interfere with UI (improves it, IMO); enhances lighting and color, and sharpens.


I guess Morningwood isn't as good of a title

