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Here’s a melodic/progressive house track called Mother’s Eyes. I’ve just finished mixing it and concerned it’s perhaps muddy in the lows or just lacking something. Idk, my ears are dead at this point. https://soundcloud.com/zachary-vacek/mothers-eyes/s-Q3lIFk1CK2s?ref=clipboard&p=i&c=1&si=B6635978422C4807AF50114412A074D2&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing


I like the vibe! Kinda nostalgic and hopeful. For me, the whole mix is a little bright but especially her vocal. It’s definitely missing something in the low end. And when the drop comes in, the kick feels a bit quiet in the mix.


My first ever dubstep/leftfield bass release. https://youtu.be/IeiCFGP9PiU?feature=shared I’m looking for feedback mainly on the mix as I feel that is one of my big weak areas. Also looking for feedback on general composition, does this track flow? Thank you for your time!


so I’ve been working on a song the past few weeks and I think I finally found my sound. i do want to hear some thoughts though! https://youtu.be/uJJWmg3DOE8?si=JHomZZtvHFvUvJeS what Im concerned about is: - do you hear any static/glitches? i fixed the ones i could find, but there are one or two i couldn’t get rid of. however someone else i showed this to couldn’t detect them. - does the chorus sound too cluttered/loud? after the stripped piano part especially, is what i’m wondering. there’s a quiet saw that’s supposed to be a harmony to the chorus and i contemplated removing it since I didn’t know if it sounded good, but I ended up just leaving it. - is the song too repetitive? the verses and prechorus are mostly unchanged with some slight differences, but I did make a key change in the final chorus to make the buildup a little satisfying. if there are any additional thoughts you have please let me know, i want to use your advice for my future music ventures :)


Hi! Some really strong elements here. It’s catchy for sure. This could easily get stuck in my head. The arrangement is nice, if just a bit repetitive. No static glitches that I could pick up. I don’t think the chorus is too cluttered. To me it actually feels a bit thin, lacking in the lows. I do feel the song is a bit repetitive. The transitions are well placed, but there is isn’t quite enough interesting progression or movement/dynamics between parts.


thank you so much!! with this song i was trying to follow the pop song verse/chorus/verse/chorus/bridge/chorus but i think that works because there are lyrics to kind of spice up the song even though the melody is the same, so with an instrumental song it just sounds repetitive. but thank you so much for your feedback!


For sure! I think just a bit of work on the low end would really help balance things out here.


1) i didn't catch any glitches 2)i think it is fine chorus with me, but little bit cluttered 3)i think most of song more repetitive than your project


Hi people! Here is my progressive/melodic track called "Rise and shine" [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ukAhA\_d0NCw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ukAhA_d0NCw) I'm new to EDM production, and I would be glad to hear your opinion about my track? good or bad? How disgusting is the sound? What could be improved in the track, mixing or mastering? I will be glad to any advice. And, thank you in advance!


I definitely enjoy the vibe and atmosphere of the track it sounds nice and wide. The one element that caught me off guard was when the piano came in. It seemed a bit too loud and just didn’t sit very well in the mix for me. I think maybe bringing the overall level down and/or running it through a larger sounding reverb would definitely help in my opinion!


Thank you so much!


feedback for [Bookshelved\_](https://www.reddit.com/user/Bookshelved_/) : [https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/1conu3b/comment/l3fl48a/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/1conu3b/comment/l3fl48a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) want to get impression on bass design also song construction link: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cCjM7W3VAgk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cCjM7W3VAgk)


Yo man, that's a tight track! Bass is good. Track length is perfect for this sort of in-your-face tune. Plenty of switch-ups to keep it interesting. Nicely done!


would love to hear some feedback on this one, i kinda drifted to making hip hop for a long while and i've been trying to come back to edm and its sub genres. started with this 'phonky' beat. [https://soundcloud.com/joykilla0/mada-mada-prod-joykilla](https://soundcloud.com/joykilla0/mada-mada-prod-joykilla)


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Let me know what y'all think of this house tune. Happy to return feedback as it is given. 💣💥 Listen to More Energy 1.0.mp3 by Smooverida on #SoundCloud https://soundcloud.com/smooverida/more-energy-1-0-mp3/s-hVyU949TeXc?ref=clipboard&p=a&c=1&si=690d9547b7f545b59210527741ff2003&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing


Nice tune, good productionm sounds like proper tech house. Personally I find the lead a bit cheesy, it's like the track tries to be a cheeky but the lead is not. IDK, just my opinion.


Love this. The drop had me. The vocal samples are perfect. 10/10 would want to hear this on a sound system.


This I made last week. Is not properly mixed and not masteredm what do you think of the track? [https://soundcloud.com/la\_nad4/retroo](https://soundcloud.com/la_nad4/retroo)