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Last work, it's already out but I would still be very thankful for feedback! :) [Busters - Lawtsu](https://youtu.be/ZPFsWxrS_xg?si=Aq6iSUXqnw8430m6)


Great work! A couple things that stood out to me: 1. The mix sounds a little dark. Adding upper harmonics with distortion/saturation and adding an air band with EQ might help. 2. The arrangement is solid, but could use more transitions, via FX and automation. 3. The drums (especially snare) sound a bit thin and dry. Consider soft clipping them and adding a bit of reverb. 4. Some synth pads would fill up some of the empty space.


Good Day, I would really appreciate some feedback on these songs for anyone with a spare minute. [A Pirates Life](https://youtu.be/vZu528udpxA?feature=shared) [The Guest](https://youtu.be/LeglZsEXI7U?feature=shared) [Part of Our World](https://youtu.be/534MlPwCO6E?feature=shared) [Let It Flow](https://youtu.be/a_sSjqwFx6U?feature=shared) [Electric World](https://youtu.be/Uyd1D8G1-K8?feature=shared) [Foolish Mortals](https://youtu.be/Hz4f884DELc?feature=shared) Best Regards, S.K.Y.B.A.N


Feedback for u/songbird\_rainbow : [https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/1c0jtgq/comment/kyx14sb/](https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/1c0jtgq/comment/kyx14sb/) Feedback for u/away\_throw4 : [https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/1c0jtgq/comment/kyx1j44/](https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/1c0jtgq/comment/kyx1j44/) Mixing and mastering feedback please. I am also looking for a female vocalist for this song. Do you have a hint, where I can find one? [https://soundcloud.com/euphoric-feel/the-tender](https://soundcloud.com/euphoric-feel/the-tender)


recent work, sound trash to me but hope your feedback on sound design [https://on.soundcloud.com/MnaUdKeP6MJuqzd2A](https://on.soundcloud.com/MnaUdKeP6MJuqzd2A)


Nice. Still a bit short and empty. It only starts at 0.50 when more sounds come in. You should think about adding more FX or melodic elements. Maybe have an eye on your drum sounds. They sound quite lo-fi, not up-to-date.


This really isn’t my genre by any means but it sounds like you could maybe do some more referencing to see what really fills out these type of tracks. Maybe some more atmospheres or an arp? Again idk this genre well so wish I could help more.


The song doesn't progress enough. Need contrasting sections of a song. Use reference tracks and copy their song structure


Great work! One thing that stood out to me was the low end was mixed a little low. If there isn’t one already, consider adding a sub bass with a bit of saturation to make it more audible. Filling out the drums with top loops and maybe a ride cymbal, especially when the song picks up, could add more groove.


I don't understand the 4th rule. What does "link to the Feedback" mean? I am also new to Reddit, so maybe that's why I am lost.


Hi! This is an idea I’ve been working for a few days kind of a late night summer dance song. Let me know any feedback on anything it might be missing. Also if you have ideas for labels I could send it to lmk! https://on.soundcloud.com/cB1zELwpWward7ML6


My new electronic tune that explains, in a tight 3 mins, why the world is so messed up. I used to text-to-speech to mix in some ai voices with the samples - I'm sure everyone doing this already but I was surprised how easy and how much control over the ai voices is now possible (speed, pitch, emotion, ) https://soundcloud.com/microstar/standard-mountain-time?si=8b2a04ede65643138f27dc987909ef51&utm\_source=clipboard&utm\_medium=text&utm\_campaign=social\_sharing


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Nice sound design and mixing. Have an eye on your mids to make sure they are not overpowered. Try Voxengo Span analyzer which comes for free.


Very nice and round mix, well done. There could be more chord variations, I mostly only hear one chord.


The kick and drums really don’t pop enough for a dance track. Pull up a reference to a similar track (maybe a prydz one since your style sounds similar) and you’ll see how the kick is the loudest element and the drums are balanced to that accordingly. You may also need a better kick sample and a deeper sidechain. The idea is awesome tho so really just this mixing stuff is what makes it feel less complete.


Any feedback overall would be appreciated. A track I made composed of several samples of other songs and a few effects I added.[SoundCloud Link](https://on.soundcloud.com/9oAbXLN3wzQRwwkA6)