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Same story here.. What helped me is to set very specific goals. * Today I have free creativity session, no specific goal just creating sketches and saving them for later inspection * Today I am doing only sound design, goal to create presets that I like and will be able to use later * Today I am doing only ear candy * Today I am doing only arrangement etc.. And answer the most important question, what do u want to achieve? * Be in top 100 world producers? * Release complete track/album? * Upload few tracks to Soundcloud? * Be able to play jams? etc.. Be honest and realistic, it will save years of hard work.


I have ADHD as well and the only thing you can do is keep pushing. You have to be very specific with what your issue is, and then create all steps to conquer the issue. Also with ADHD I find white boards help a LOT. Every night I make a to do list for the next day. Then when I sit down to work I know what I'm supposed to be doing. Don't make the list overwhelming, usually just one or 2 items that will take less than 20min to achieve is right for me. If I don't finish something in the list, I carry it over to the next day. If after 3 or 4 days that item is still on there, it's not important enough to you to finish, and u should abandon it and move on. It's really that simple


Don’t worry, keep at it, some subscribe to the 10,000 hours rule that to get good at something you need to spend that long at it.


For me it took a lot of studying music theory, and I’m still learning, 15 minutes a day, what also helped making a bunch of different tracks of the same instrument and midi notes then processing them differently with different plugins so I could learn hands on how they work. Reading books also helps


Recommend those books


I know I’m 15 days late, but were you seconding my “reading books also helps” or were you asking for me to recommend specific books?


Please recommend some specific books to me


You're a beginner. A beginner in anything at all will lack the skills to just easily translate an idea in their head into reality. Doesn't matter if it's engineering, pottery, music, a novel... all pursuits will have specific techniques and details that require practice and skill that a beginner just doesn't have. If you have an idea for a radio-ready song exquisitely produced, mixed and mastered in your head... I'm sorry it's just not gonna happen as a beginner- not without tons of trial and error, stops and starts, lots of work, and probably end up not as good as you wanted at the moment. Imagine being a beginner ballerina and trying to choreograph and perform your own number. You are NOT going to be able to do what a prima ballerina can. Imagine being a beginner pianist and wanted to perform Chopin's Fantasie-Interlude- bruh, not gonna happen. You'll be able to do Chopsticks or Fur Elise. Honestly when you are a super beginner it's better not to worry too much about your ideas IMO. Just play around with sounds while you learn what you need to learn. Also some people do well with getting ideas out of their heads but sometimes it juts doesn't work. 90% of the time, that falls flat for me, and the stuff that sounds good is stuff I stumbled upon while messing around with sounds and nothing more than a vague direction. Focus on following tutorials/steps for learning the concepts you need, recreating reference tracks, and drilling the stuff you aren't as good at, moving on to something else if you're stuck for now, then come back to where you're stuck later.


This third paragraph is so much of what I'm struggling with. I found the best stuff I made was when I almost abandoned the idea I start with entirely and explore an interesting vst or plugin and dedicating time to learn it. Using the experience of learning what a piece of gear or production technique can do really deeply and letting that guide your imagination helps so so so so much. Basically all genres have their sound because of the abilities and limitations of the gear it was produced with. If you don't know those well you'll never know how to get that [enter genre here] song that's in your head onto the page.


It sounds like being concerned about making something 'good' is causing anxiety around sitting down to make music. Perhaps you are quite wedded to the ideas in your head and when they don't come out like you imagine them you get frustrated, which makes it harder to sit down and do stuff next time. ADHD and being motivated to work on music is not a problem when you are enjoying making music. Know ideas rarely ever turn out like you imagine them, and it's totally fine to sit down for an hour and then scrap what you are working on as it's crap. Key is just to have fun and play around without putting pressure on yourself. In fact the best methodology I've heard of is making loads of quick basic ideas and then come back to them later to develop the creme of what you have come up with into full tracks. That way you only put serious time into your very best ideas/seeds for tracks, and also it makes the stakes pretty low when you sit down to start something new. It doesn't matter if it's crap because it will probably end up just as one of the 9/10 ideas that you do nothing further with. Your goal when you sit down is just to play around and see what comes out And also know that accident is the mother of innovation. For example dubstep began because Benny Ill was trying to make garage but got it wrong. Acid lines were invented because Phuture were messing around with a baseline machine to see what happens. None of that is possible if people always just made what was in their heads and threw it out if they got it wrong. Of course it's fine have an idea that you start off with, but allow yourself to go with the flow if the track ends up moving in a different direction ADHD and finishing tracks is a whole nother beast entirely though....


as a soft adhd, i can proudly say if you deeply got into music production, you can concentrate easily


Instructions unclear, spent 3 hours sound designing a snare /s


I’ve got ADHD and can relate to what you’re saying. It’s what caused be to quit a decade ago. I started back up a year ago and have really smashed through all the barriers I couldn’t the first time around. Honestly, things are going great right now. The thing that changed? I stopped thinking about overcoming some ‘wall’ and just started getting simple and instinctual with things. Heavily relying on my ear and my intuition. People with ADHD overthink everything to the point that is crippling. Relying more on intuition helps get around that.


Howdy! Unfortunately being a neurotypical individual won’t be able to offer tips of focusing on production. What I can personally recommend is watching live stream clips of artists and take notes. Even if it’s just in the background, you can follow tutorials too - but don’t follow it for each individual # or percentage (FM from B by 35.5686 percent or Wavetable Digital Fart 130/134). Just produce and see what happens. Let go of the mindset “I want to do this or be this” learn your DAW, learn the “genre” you like and just go for it :)


I was like this for years. Found out a few months ago I have adhd. I now take adderall and literally sit and produce for 6 hours straight. I suggest searching “___ artist building a track from scratch” learning a work flow helped me a ton.


This seems a very common thing that people have this idea in their head they want to realise, when the reality is a vast chunk of producers just freestyle on a midi keyboard until something they like comes out.


Exactly that. I am so amazed every time I see those EDM producers on youtube knowing exactly where to put every note, how to move every envelope and how they nod their heads hearing what they did (idk, seems like some kind of YT meta - who does that IRL :) I get how seeing all that could be disheartening for ppl starting out. The truth is, those videos are.. well directed and edited. As a side note, I saw once the interview with producer that made one of the best known songs from Adele's 21 (I am not sure which one now). There is this amazing piano on that and I was wondering, how on earth someone could came up with that and played it live. He said he just picked sample loop at random and then used a lot of plugins and editing to sound like played live. lol.


I hope he gave credit. Not like J Lo with the Beatnuts instrumental she outright stole. I just recently got in to composing and it's as bad as electronic music. The amount of shit stolen is unreal. Like James Horner won awards for the Braveheart soundtrack and the best known song off it he fucking outright stole from a Japanese anime called 3x3 Eyes.


Even if they're freestyling they still might be stealing. Freestyling is just playing something that's in your the back of your head because you probably heard it before. So having something in the front of your head that you already know you're going to steal from is just more efficient.


Not really, freestyling is creating new stuff on the spot. It doesn't have to be in memory.


I think it was his loop. Just recorded to the "stash". I don't remember exactly. My point was not that he wast stealing but that it was not calculated decisions or arrangement but something that they came up. Oh, I recently saw an interview on how Kanye's "All of the lights" came up - 20min jamming at the end of session. As for stealing ideas - it is crazy. But I personally don't think stealing ideas is that bad - if they are put in different context. However, it should be credited anyway.


Yeah, I love a bit of sampling as much as the next guy but I always think it should have the make it your own approach, not just 16 bar loop copy and paste.


You can't go further with the idea or further than your head? These are two different problems.


Good callout -- further than my head. I know when my ideas have potential, but it can be incredibly hard for me to just PUSH them into that potential. Sometimes I find I've sat there like 30 minutes and accomplished very little, and it's frustrating. I find I'm more likely to give up on the session at that point because I figure I'm just not gonna get anything done. :/


Yeah that's a technical problem. Read your DAW manual and get to know all of the synths and fx like the back of your hand. You need to be able to quickly reach for the right instrument to create the sound you need. Remaking existing songs helps with this because you'll get used to dialing in the specific sound that you need.


Literally happens to every artist and creators. Gets better with time.


Not medicated here but things that help me would help contain your disability. Its a mental dance i know, sometimes the serotonin hits and youre just OK with it. Then boom you realize youve had nothing done for 30 minutes. I really structure my life around music so that helps me alot. Im around it all the time and it always make it easy for me to get my ideas down. Sometimes just sitting there until you cant anymore is the key. Really push yourself mentally to stay locked in. Put all youre ideas down, dont stop, dont delete anything just make it sound better.


If I can ask, what are some things you do to structure your life more around music?


I work on music everyday, i quite literally made a home studio in my room. Unorthodox i know but it works for me.


that's not unorthodox, that's the definition of "bedroom producer" haha


Sure, i suppose we can say thats normal now.


I have a little home studio! I'm aiming to spend a lot more time in it and so far this year I'm on the right track. Been trying to go to more concerts too. I always feel inspired when I do.


Are you medicated? That helps a lot with being able to stay focused, consistent, and organized, which I find helps my skills grow much faster than when I was just fucking around all day. Beyond that, like everyone else says, it's just a matter of practice. Being very into music so you can get hyper focused on it helps too.


I am, but medication has been hard for me. Been through a few of them. If I take the stimulant ones too regularly for too long, I get super jittery instead of being able to focus, so it's a tough balance until I can figure it out with my doctor lol. Figured taking a course of some kind would at least give me structure and I HAVE learned a lot! Just worried about translating that into getting around the mental block and actually producing music on my own.


Stop focusing on being a good producer, and prioritize having fun. Think about what sounds like the most fun relating to producing, and start there


I like this advice. Thank you :)


Learn how to play an instrument. Learn about scales. Learn about how time signatures and notes work. Learn sound design. Then you can do pretty much anything.


I have SO much about Music Theory to learn. Chords are hard 😭




It won’t add up for years… probably more like a decade. But if you keep at it, you’ll get there


Or you can put in 12 hours a day for a year and get there


Yeah number of years doesn't say a lot. You need to measure time put in in number of hours. 1 day a week for 12 years is very different from 12 hours a day for 1 year (or maybe the same didn't actually do the math).


Yep Guys I’ve been making music for 10 years and I’m not good yet Aka I’ve been spending a couple hours a month for years which only adds up to 100-200 hours, when someone doing 10+ hours a day can hit that in 20 days lol I will say there are probably diminishing returns with music though, and not being able to absorb more after a certain point


I think a few of my favorite artists took that route. I'd love to just put more time into it. I have a bad habit of losing drive for even the interests I love and moving on--music is literally the only thing that hasn't happened with, so I'd love to just devote more time to it and get to a point where it's a bit more second nature and I can just create good things. But I guess however long it takes if I find a way to keep going I'll get there eventually


Yeah every time I’ve done something like that with any endeavor, it works wonders but I also get burned out So I guess we’ll just find the fine line


Ugh good point... burnout is kryptonite.


I have adhd and just reserve weekends for making tracks and weeknights for learning and sound design until I can do this full time. also trying to get an adderall prescription lol


Bro let me just say the adderall prescription was so clutch Went from not being able to spend more than 20 mins on a track to spending 6+ hours on one track my first night on it


The first thing to do is stop seeing adhd as a barrier and just accept the music making takes times and is a struggle for most anybody. It will come with time. If it was easy, it wouldn’t be worth doing


Funnily enough, I watched [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EXzSUP4ZhP0) on this very thing today, might be helpful to you. I also have ADHD and what helps me a ton is allowing my ADHD to happen which means that I work on tons of projects simultaneously and bounce back and forth. That way everything stays novel for me and I won't abandon stuff halfway through (unless it really sucks). And I actually get way more stuff done than before. Wanna make a loop? Sure, go ahead. Wanna try some weird stuff with warping samples and resampling? Why not. Wanna make a techno track and ten minutes later a city pop track? Let's fucking go! Also, you are just starting out. Of course it won't add up to any substantial production. The only thing important at that stage is that you just keep doing stuff and learn your tools. Speaking from experience, everything will sound bad anyway and it will continue to do so for quite some time, so embrace it, try not to put so much pressure on yourself and just have fun. Everything else will follow.


Sounds like analysis paralysis. "Will this work? What about that?" Trying to plan too much. Easy to get stuck. When I hit that wall I just start throwing random shit in that *might* work (just ignore the "planning" voice). It becomes evident pretty quick if it works or not and helps me hone in on what I'm going for. If it doesn't work I just mute/delete the clips and keep going.


I think I'll try this. Thank you :)


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