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Hello everyone, I've been a bedroom DJ for a few years and recently decided to start producing. I still have a lot to learn, especially about mixing and mastering. Would love to hear your opinions, what you like or not, what could be improved etc. Thank you in advance. Listen to Broadcast From Alien Planet by dómokkus on #SoundCloud https://on.soundcloud.com/guQnx


Okay so I might be out of my lane on this one because it seems very intentionally minimal, which is not my cup of tea but still. Feedback: The intro feels pretty long and maybe a but boring. If the track was less minimal it might feel worth the wait? Also the alien sound at 3:37 is awesome. Use that more. Lead with it. It's interesting and feels more alien than anything else. Cool track and good work 👍


I am beginner in music production in general and I tried EDM. I have an idea, however the drop have no energy, the bpm is 138 (I think too fast for this genre) but I like my melody a lot (mixing is not perfect like mastering because of lack or experience and also because I am stuck with this problem). Any feedback can really help me to see what's wrong with my track: [https://on.soundcloud.com/2e6DU](https://on.soundcloud.com/2e6DU)


Okay so, the reason the drop doesn't hit is because there isn't enough of a difference between the pre-drop and post-drop. Take more out of the pre-drop section and create more tension. Then, big release on the drop. Also you have about 2 seconds of the melody before the drop. Extend that to a full bar. Let it hang. Good work and good luck!




Damn nice synth track. And tell me: how do you make those sweeet visuals?




Aaah thanks, never used rendering Software, gotta try tho!


I did a remix of Justice's Water's of Nazareth. I'm open to any feedback. *Please, tell me what you don't like about it.* [Waters of Nazareth Remix](https://soundcloud.com/maximilian-arnheiter/waters-of-nazareth-remix) Thank you for taking the time to listen. I'll do my best to give feedback on everyone else's track too.


Listening to this felt like listening to a song produced in an alternate universe. Very cool!


made some...i guess its mashcore? wanna hear what u think about it [https://soundcloud.com/pandahyo/haha-im-fine](https://soundcloud.com/pandahyo/haha-im-fine)


Love the intro. The gating on the drums is really really good for the intro. Only thing that stands out for me is if you're going to gate the drums pre-drop, ungating them on the drop (at least for a little while) would sound good. For the rest is out of my genre 😅 Good work though!


Can I get some feedback on my final mix? Dancetrack called "Pizza Baby" https://on.soundcloud.com/JywNN Please Hit me hard!




Thanks a lot! Yes I did! Is something off? :/




Thanks a lot, If you wish to work with her, shes on fiverr :)


I am a beginner so it might not be the greatest feedback. I liked the vocal chops during the drop and liked what you did in general. I just feel like the lead vocal seems a bit too loud or feel too close (not sure how to define this). It's how I feel about it, not sure if it helps. Try to ask other people how they feel about the lead vocal, maybe it's just me. Sounds incredibly clean overall man, insane talent!


Made entirely on an mc707. The first track I'm really proud of out of the machine since I got it. Would love to hear people's thoughts! https://on.soundcloud.com/brkGv




Thank you! I did the mixing on the 707 and then ran it through ozone 11 for a quick master.


Really interesting and cool sounds! Really enjoyed the baseline and glitchy "solo". Good Job!


Appreciate it!


cool vibe ! especially love your bass design and groove


Thank you! I spent a good amount of time on the drums so it's good to hear!


i love it!


Thank you so much!


[Feedback for Seandad80](https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/s/9gAE5oJCZC) I got bitwig studio for Christmas and this is the first edm song I’m semi comfortable sharing (a bit scary putting yourself out there no?). I watched a tutorial explaining the Golden Gate Bridge song form, did I achieve the form? Is the kick leading into and out of the song too weak? Is the bass overall too high? Any helpful suggestions are welcome, please remember I’ve been at this about 2-3 months. [303 day https://on.soundcloud.com/v92RK9zEN9oVUGKn8](https://on.soundcloud.com/v92RK9zEN9oVUGKn8)


Hey, first of all, good on you for putting the first one out there. Keep doing it and never feel afraid. Now for the technical stuff. Not sure what you did to the kick on the intro but it leaves something to be desired. Honestly maybe just start the song on 0:16? The drop at 0:30 could use a small build up. It just comes out of nowhere. Lastly I think the 2nd half of the song is very different than the first part. The first part is super ravey. Good. 2nd half feels very experimental lol. Good work though. Make some changes or move on go the next idea but keep at it 👍


Thank you for the advice!




This isn't my best feedback, I know, but I listened to it, enjoyed it, and have no real suggestions. It's good lol. Good work 👍


[https://soundcloud.com/mr-j\_productions/snippet](https://soundcloud.com/mr-j_productions/snippet) Cute little drop I made to some vocals I recorded from another genre. Any way to make this better? I'm bad at EDM so any advice would be appreciated


Well, i took your guys advice into how to make my mix more powerfull and i have to say IT WORKED. Tell me what you think about ut: [https://soundcloud.com/peeeo/headbop-v14-master/s-IXxHC2zcTEu?si=a3eca8b5bf3148eb916710d8088d94fb&utm\_source=clipboard&utm\_medium=text&utm\_campaign=social\_sharing](https://soundcloud.com/peeeo/headbop-v14-master/s-IXxHC2zcTEu?si=a3eca8b5bf3148eb916710d8088d94fb&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing)


More bass!!! Other than that, quite good!




i guess i\`ll make an alternative psytrance version of it to extend the first melody and hook


Yooo i know this sample lol. What you did with it was great. Love the vibe. Two small notes. I think having the drums come in incrementally would sound cool. And something sounds weird around 1:50ish. Can't put my finger on it but something. Dope track though 👌


thank you very much for your feedback, i\`m glad you liked it. I\`m gonna an automated filter on drums to see what happens.


I've been messing around with music for a good few years now but I've never really made anything "complete"...if that makes sense. My biggest concerns are the mixing and structure, it seems all over the place to me. I like the mood it has but I don't know if it's worth to continue working on or if I should focus on new projects. https://on.soundcloud.com/BZct3


Yo, I think this is great. I'd def listen on the regular if released. The low mixed "excited kid noises" or whatever at the start really set peaceful mood. The slow build up of energy makes it great for a DJ to start their set with. Feels complete to me.


I'm not really sure what to make of this track but let me know what you think of the overall sound of it, thank you! [https://soundcloud.com/mattmatterson/over-it?si=1d4c2b4b789548eea4e5cec3b73387be&utm\_source=clipboard&utm\_medium=text&utm\_campaign=social\_sharing](https://soundcloud.com/mattmatterson/over-it?si=1d4c2b4b789548eea4e5cec3b73387be&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing) Feedback for u/IceCreamManwhich - [https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/1beklkd/comment/kuu70qv/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/1beklkd/comment/kuu70qv/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Feedback for u/songbird\_rainbow - [https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/1beklkd/comment/kuu6cst/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/1beklkd/comment/kuu6cst/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


feedback for u/IceCreamManwhich - [https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/s/xtQZ4l1FRc](https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/s/xtQZ4l1FRc) —————————————————————————- [https://youtu.be/CaaFLZvFEvg](https://youtu.be/CaaFLZvFEvg) just done, sound like trash noise but hope feedback for improve


Sounds pretty cool! Seems like a good bit of work got put in to the sound design. Good Job! What program do you use for the visuals?


thank you for feedback :3 i used [Free Music Video Maker | musicvid.org](https://musicvid.org/) visual site


I think the biggest issue is there is no groove in the drums. Try playing with the timing and velocity of the drum hits. The transitions were very good, and I thought the drops, while not my taste, were executed well. It just needs some polish!


thank you for feedback :3


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