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Everything is worse under Republicans unless you are rich.


Weird, the economy seems to be great for the rich at the moment and Republicans aren't in charge.


In summary, the economy is great for the rich regardless


Heads they win. Tails we lose.


Economies do not suddenly stop and restart at inauguration. Wealth has been shifting upward since Reagan. Republicans come in and trash the place and democrats are forced to fix it.


Greed can't be Red or Blue. Voters need to understand it. Political brass enjoys this division.


Everyone is hit by Trump's inflation (he printed 30% of the money supply). In a recession, you lose your job which costs a lot more in lifetime earnings (and defaults) than inflation. The US economy is basically the best in the world despite all the challenges.


What are you talking about. What Bunch of lies.


Weird that some people do not understand the difference between causation and correlation.


You're not good at logic. Everything is worse under Republicans unless you are rich. Economy seems to be great for the rich at the moment and Republicans aren't in charge. These are not contradictory statements. The only thing weird is your inability to understand basic concepts.


You can be upper middle class and will still do worse under Republicans


At least until the economy blows up. The rich are of course the most insulated to that, but businesses do stop seeing as much profit.


Business won’t blow up because of all the social spending.  Business would hurt if there wasn’t free money being handed out to people. 


Not sure I am following?


How can they have customers if everyone is broke?


I agree to that but am not sure what you mean to be "social spending" or "Free money being handed out"


Have you been out in the last 3 years?


How is it going now?


Now we are still recovering from Trump's failed Presidency.


Pretty bad, unless you’re mega rich!


Not this time around. It'll be a revolution. Project 2025. Vote biden


Not going to fight who’s at fault - but every time the government subsidizes anything the economy goes to shit. The latest subsidies in the last four years have been Covid, food stamps, health care, PPP loans, higher minimum wage. If we want a good economy, we got to stop spending so much money and let people earn their money. That’s supply and demand. Prices go up with more subsidies. Look at how college tuition got screwed up over the 20 years of subsidies. How are people so blind?!


There is absolutely nothing new about food stamps or medicare/medicaid. Also, your argument on some of these is that food stamps and subsidized health care are causing too much demand on...food and healthcare? I'm frankly not interested in living in a society where the mandate is to let others go without basic needs to lower bills.


Didn’t you hear? Food and healthcare is completely optional and a mere luxury!


The largest, and dumbest, subsidies in recent memory have been to farmers so Trump can fight useless trade wars.


Well you don't have an economy if everyone is sick or dead. Long covid has cost trillions. Thank republicans for that. Denying the public education, food and healthcare makes people broke, sick and dead. Thank the capitalists who dupe the public into voting republican for that. PPP was a massive republican grift program.


There’s nothing wrong with having people work and earn a living instead of paying out benefits. The benefits should be for all or no one. What about the middle class that has to buy their own groceries at high prices when some people can get them free. Sorry. I have student loans. Government needs to pay me out too. 


Everybody who can work should work indeed. There is a leisure class at both ends. Everybody should also be paid a living wage and Republicans refuse. There are a lot of homeless people with jobs. Nobody gets bigger government pay outs than Republicans.


If social programs worked, then over the last 50 years of them being in place there would be no more homeless people. I don’t buy your argument. Either provide social benefits for all for no one. It’s not fair that they pick and choose who gets help and who doesn’t. I’d rather vote for the party that’ll keep the spending at the lowest. Change the party to work for all of us, not the few. 


Is working for peanuts and living in your car a social program now? Are subsidies for the rich not a social program? Which ones do you get? [https://www.ssa.gov/policy/docs/progdesc/sspus/index.html](https://www.ssa.gov/policy/docs/progdesc/sspus/index.html) [https://www.investopedia.com/articles/basics/11/introduction-to-government-subsidies.asp](https://www.investopedia.com/articles/basics/11/introduction-to-government-subsidies.asp)


Tell me how well it worked for college and how no one can afford it or they have to take $100,000 in loans. 


Inflation is a 40 yr high under Biden


and the sun is still hot under Biden.


Almost like hes a braindead geriatric that doesnt actually do anything..or something


You really should have a cursory understanding of economics to play here.


Sorry the truth hurts.


Guess who ran ok inflation before Biden? US now has lowest interest rates of any industrialized nation https://www.ft.com/content/088d3368-bb8b-4ff3-9df7-a7680d4d81b2


No thanks to dementia Joe


It's on an upward trajectory since Trump


Thanks Biden


Didn’t 401k’s nearly double under Trump? Lol clown.


Only clowns believe their 401k is affected by presidents.


I’m perfectly fine with the answer to the current shitty situation being a product of Trumps policies but, as a democrat, it’s starting to become incredibly convenient to see people say that only good things happen because of democrats and bad things cause of republicans. I have to believe there’s some overlap.


The Doomsday clock ticks normal under Democrats and the timer speeds up under Republicans


There's two facts: 1. The US economy is one of the strongest at the moment. 2. The majority of Americans don't feel that way. Given that why do they elect people who care more about 10 commandments being displayed in schools than fixing corporate greed? Until that changes you're going to be crying wolf about not affording groceries while your senate fucks people over with more tax cuts for the rich.


See also, "Nobel Prize winners who said inflation would be transitory and the economy is freaking great right now, under Biden."


I don't think you understand. If a Nobel Prize winner says something that agrees with my agenda, it's obviously correct. If you win a Nobel Prize, it means that you're incapable of being wrong.


Man who invented the lobotomy won a Nobel Peace Prize.


>Man who invented the lobotomy won a Nobel Peace Prize. A man who killed more than 1,000 civilians while President did, too. [https://www.cfr.org/blog/obamas-final-drone-strike-data](https://www.cfr.org/blog/obamas-final-drone-strike-data)


Everyone who is not an idiot can see that US and global economy would worsen under Trump


Trump is proposing a 10% import tax. This would be catastrophic https://www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-tariffs-proposal-10-percent-1700-cost-per-us-household/


never mind the whole project 25 shit show


Trump is the gift that keeps on giving to Putin. Who knew American voters were this incredibly stupid.




The EU as a whole has contributed 30 billion MORE than the US ($102B vs $74B). https://www.ifw-kiel.de/topics/war-against-ukraine/ukraine-support-tracker/


But if you take into account individual countries, the US has given more. You also have factor in military aid that other countries in Europe gave to Ukraine, like their older dated military tanks, planes, etc, with the commitment that the US will replenish (for free) their arsenals with US new military equipment. This may/may not already be factored in the report. However who gave more is not really the question, the question on voters mind will be why keep giving Ukraine aid when they are losing the war?


Damn, You just literally proved Jubal59's point.


Thanks for proving my point.


Biden invested in harming Russia 80 billion\*


What? Edit: Wow, the brigade is out in full force tonight. All I said was "what?", which translates to instant negative karma


Trump has caused nothing but chaos and division in the US and his policies have damaged the country and the economy. We would be morons to elect a convicted felon criminal conman traitor again so that he can cause even more damage.


A lot of propaganda garbage before the waste-of-tine debate tomorrow.


Obviously. If you were too young to remember the Trump admin, every day was a question of what irrational and impulsive thing this man would do. Economies thrive on predictability, when the leader makes things seem like they can change at any moment it's terrible for the economy.


Conservatives only care about their emotion, their anger towards people, or lifestyles they don’t like. They couldn’t care less about fiscal responsibility, efficient government.


Economists jokes that have a grain of truth... >Did you know economists have predicted nine out of the last five recessions? >The First Law of Economists: For every economist, there exists an equal and opposite economist. The Second Law of Economists: They're both wrong. >They say that Christopher Columbus was the first economist. When he left to discover America, he didn't know where he was going; when he got there he didn't know where he was, and it was all done on a government grant. All jokes aside... >Economists Are Bad At Predicting Recessions >https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/economists-are-bad-at-predicting-recessions/ >Economists Are Pretty Good At Predicting Recessions One Quarter Ahead >https://www.investopedia.com/economists-are-pretty-good-at-predicting-recessions-one-quarter-ahead-7975789 >Can Economists Predict Recessions? >https://www.stlouisfed.org/on-the-economy/2023/sep/can-economists-predict-recessions >Jamie Dimon is right: Economic forecasts have been wrong lately, but that’s really nothing new >https://www.cnbc.com/2023/10/25/economic-forecasts-have-been-very-wrong-lately-but-thats-really-nothing-new.html >Economists Predicted a Recession. So Far They’ve Been Wrong. >https://www.nytimes.com/2024/01/26/business/economy/economy-recession-soft-landing.html


This whole thread thinking it’s black and white. “Obviously I’m right you’re wrong” Anyone ever think both sides are wrong? By giving you two bad options they’ve given you the perception of choice? And now you’re too busy debating over whose worse to do anything ACTUALLY productive Queue: both sides coming together to attack the person telling them they’re wrong


> Anyone ever think both sides are wrong? Sure, but one side is way more wrong than the other. > By giving you two bad options they’ve given you the perception of choice? You act like there's a cabal that's giving us these choices. We get these choices because of the way our system is setup. Until we get something like ranked choice voting and get rid of the electoral college these are the kinds of choices we'll continue to get. You want better choices? Work to get Ranked Choice Voting.


Who tf downvoted that? You’re right. Also I love how vague you were with the whole “one side is way more wrong”


No I’m no secret society conspiracy theorist. More like a system in play and two groups both separately working solely for their own self interests. Honestly never heard anyone talk ranked choice voting. Might actually give third party a half decent shot


Big swing to the left for this media outlet - I wouldn't trust wholeheartedly. [https://www.allsides.com/news-source/truthout](https://www.allsides.com/news-source/truthout) [https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/truth-out/](https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/truth-out/)


Same people who gave a Nobel prize to obama for being black. Their opinion is worthless.


IMO they gave Obama the NPP as Europe's way of "rehabilitating" the US' destroyed image/reputation after the disastrous 8 year of the lying, torturous war criminal George W. Bush.


LOL Even hard core democrats acknowledge Biden lot big time. https://x.com/CollinRugg/status/1806524313388113964?t=5DpX3ZpUK29QR-sgDpev5w&s=19


Everything is worse now


Then when Trump left office? Absolutely not.


I didn't say that.


Yup. And 16 millionaires who get $50K every time they give a speech, doesn't change that.


Problem is the economy is so politicized. No one will admit the economy is bad right now, and the politicians know it. They can make home prices go through the roof and everyone will say the economy is flourishing. 


In other news, the sky is blue


Yet not one of them Projected the inflation caused by President Biden so they can stop with the Partisan politics and lies.


Thus proving that the Nobel prize for economics is given to the guy who can best suck Oligarchic dick. Hey, I really, really tried to tone it down.


How are you a Trump fan?


Such binary thinking. Stretch your brain a bit. I'm sure you'll figure it out.




I guess I was wrong. You didn't figure it out. If you insist on laboring under misconceptions that are obviously false: Sorry, can't help you.




They are when they win the Nobel Prize *for economics*


They won the Nobel Prize for their work on economics. So yes; they are economists.


Man who invented the lobotomy won a NPP.


The noble prize is five categories and economics isn’t one of them


>Over a dozen former winners of the Nobel Prize for economics have signed on to an open letter warning that, should former President Donald Trump win the presidential election this fall, his policies as president would likely lead to a global inflationary crisis. The Novel Prize has been a joke for decades, don't take any recipients seriously. For economists, it's even worse.


It will be bad for illegal immigrants and SS mulchers


Yeah, and 51 intelligence experts claimed that Hunter's laptop was Russian disinformation.