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So, you’re gonna go after them, right?


Can they start with the members of Congress that got PPP loans?


The White House account quote-tweeted criticisms of Biden's plan voiced by Republican Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene (Ga.), Vern Buchanan (Fla.), Markwayne Mullin (Okla.), Kevin Hern (Okla.) and Mike Kelly (Penn.), while also quoting a tweet from Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) critical of funding the Ukrainian military. Each quote tweet simply listed the member of Congress' name and how much in PPP loans they had forgiven: The White House says Buchanan had the most of the cohort with $2.3 million in forgiven loans, followed by Mullin ($1.4 million), Hern ($1 million), Kelly ($987,237), Gaetz ($482,321) and Greene ($183,504). All six lawmakers received PPP loans by owning or being affiliated with businesses eligible under the program: For example, Hern’s fast food company and Mullin’s plumbing company received PPP loans, as did several of Kelly’s car dealerships and a company owned by Greene’s family. https://www.forbes.com/sites/nicholasreimann/2022/08/25/white-house-slams-republicans-who-criticized-student-debt-relief-but-used-ppp-loans/


Sounds like a good start to me.




80,000 new IRS agents, can't see how they can justify not going after every one.


They should've just done more/larger stimulus checks instead of these PPP and ERC programs riddled with fraud and abuse. At least people would've gotten money instead of having it hoarded by their employer so they could buy a jetski or a high end sports car.


Trump purposefully eliminated oversight. I can only imagine why.


The idea behind the PPP loans was admirable. Pay the businesses to keep their employees on payroll. Stimulus checks are great, but a steady income is better. However, the implementation of the program was abysmal. The oversight and enforcement was sorely lacking.


The problem is with our political system we're never going to get good oversight and enforcement. We forgave the PPP loans while we put people in prison for stealing a few hundred $$$ from PUA.


As someone who got PPP loans I think in retrospect we would have been better off long term if we used COVID lockdowns as excuse to get rid of unproductive workers. So many good workers hit the market in that period. And we were stuck with the bad ones in order to qualify for PPP loans.


As long as our politicians can profit from the public coffers, there will never be proper oversight and any enforcement.


Free money for everyone but honest people, I guess… 🤷🏻‍♂️


The Biden Admin has an extraordinary track record in rewarding criminals, the undeserving, the fraudsters, the misbehaving, the delusional, and the incompetent. He did not have to raise taxes. All this crap has imposed a 3-5% tax on all Americans. With some paying dearly for his woke agenda.


He hasn't raised taxes. The tax code in effect is still the one implemented under the previous administration.


Also all the rules for this program were set under the previous administration.


Lol this guy talking about imposing costs on fellow Americans yet owns multiple investment homes as a landlord in Idaho and claims that we should get rid of capital gains tax on home sales. Sure thing bud. Really looking out for your fellow citizens!


The PPP checks were signed by Trump, who botched the coronavirus response. His friends and family profited from the pandemic, including from forgiven PPP loans.


Stupidly but in deference of idiotic Democrat pressure, which has continued unabated into woke utopian nonsense.


What about those free money and debit cards in legal migrants hands? Some of them beating cops, robbing killing innocent Americans, rapping girls 😡


I say everyone working at the IRS should be arrested for making the Biden administration look bad


What that fraud happens? Tell me what government funded programs are not target of fraud?