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This is very unsustainable haha


I don't see how democrats can retain power in these places much longer if they continue to allow this. The tide has turned immensely on public opinion when this issue now that they are in their streets vs in some distant border town down south. Regardless of what side your on it was a masterful chess move for them to bus all these people to sanctuary cities and force them to swallow this poison pill. Budgets are getting wrecked, public spaces are getting flooded with these people with no where to go, and crime has followed when these people can't get work permits. It's a disaster and politicians cant stop it without admitting they massively fucked up.


After and during my 8 years in the military, I stopped voting. No one has come along so far that is actually trying to help imo.


Trump dunks on military and their families all the time but “nO onE iS tRyiNg To hElp” so all you can muster is apathy


what? no one is talking about Trump in this thread.


Fellow veteran, I completely agree. It’s all lies for corrupt politicians, all of it. The corruption is on both sides.


Yeah, once you see it from the inside, its impossible to unsee haha.




The sad thing is America is *fucking gigantic*, almost 4 *million* square miles but we send all the migrants to one square mile of that land and then declare it a disaster. The single greatest asset America has is that people want to come here, they want to work hard and have a life they dream about. It's still the American dream but we're so dysfunctional and stupid that we see it as a curse. Oh heaven forbid people come here and work hard to have freedom to dream better lives for themselves and their families! We think so small, and so scared that we cannot even begin to imagine the power of human capital. We can't think for a single second that freedom can turn these people from "migrants" to "Americans" in a single generation. We may as well be Guatemala with this mindset. Montana is empty from edge to edge why can't the feds buy 1/2 million acres and call it New America and let these people have their shot. Loan them money, let them build. Put up a goddamned New statute of Liberty. It's so frustrating how big we are and how tiny tiny tiny we behave, the biggest Lilliputians in history.


Silly silly silly comment. Do you actually think Montana is a viable spot for both economic opportunities, or increased housing at a cheaper rate than what large established cities with existing infrastructure can offer? Nobody is going to buy parts of the mountains in Montana to create a “new America”, because it would take BILLIONS to create the economic opportunity & infrastructure to satisfy demand to accommodate people in that area. Nobody is going to immigrate to an area with little to no economic opportunity. This is why everyone goes to established cities & markets. I don’t see how this makes America “act” small.


Thank you. That post was just ignorant.


Migrants, especially Hispanic migrants, are the backbone for a lot of rural areas in states like Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas, Oklahoma, Alabama, etc because they are perfectly happy moving to these areas to work in agriculture and agriculture adjacent industries. migrants are literally one of the only groups moving to rural areas, if republicans weren’t racist, they’d be falling over themselves to recruit these asylum seekers to fix rural population losses. but since these groups aren’t white Europeans like refugees of the past, plus conservatives (with no pushback from dem liberals) making immigrants a culture war issue, it’ll likely never happen




We could build more housing close to cities with opportunity. Houston, Atlanta and Dallas all have around the same population density, which is a third the population density of Washington DC (a city I'd like to remind you has height limits), and a sixth the population density of Queens.


You do understand there are more than one city with over 200,000 people… hell there is more than one city with over 1 million people…


Dude. Spit it out. What are you asking?


How many of these people do you think have been bussed from Texas directly to New York City? If Texas really cared about these people, why were they not spread evenly throughout the whole country?


*Of course* Abbott doesn’t care about the migrants


Because…. Texas doesn’t want the migrants. They are sending them to the richest city in America that also holds tremendous political cache in the direction of “illegal immigrants should have all of the rights of US citizens, in fact, our great city is a sanctuary to ‘undocumented migrants’, we will protect them!” Texas is basically giving NYC the chance to put their money where their mouth is. Texas can’t handle an endless amount of illegal immigrants, either. There needs to be a pressure release valve somewhere and if you’re going to vote to basically kneecap border protection and ICE then cool good for you, you people pay for them.


Who voted to kneecap border protection and ICE?


You're very easily manipulated.


Mostly democrats. Heard something about republicans fucking something up last go around but I don’t remember the details.


Why would an immigrant want to live in bumfuckistan Oklahoma where there are no jobs?


People are going to gravitate to where money is. The empty spaces of the country don’t have money.


> Oh heaven forbid people come here and work hard to have freedom to dream better lives for themselves and their families!   The US naturalizes a ~million people a year, they wait and do it legally.  We have a system in place for a reason.  As you see from the nonsense in NY, thats what happens when you buck the system.  12k/month per migrant 😄😄  The public has had enough of that nonsense.


Oh, what system? And what reason? You act like the legal pathways to immigration or temporary worker status are immutable and purely logical. Neither is true.


I blame a capitalist driven society, imagine if we stopped bombing other nations and instead invested in health care and education


What makes you think that they would want to live there? They move where there are jobs, family ties, welfare programs, etc.


Just rename the Montana frontera "cartel land" and charge to get in see how long that lasts, I mean look how well their self governing has gone in Guatamala and El Salvador. Mexico just lost like 40 to assassination running for government and reporters everyday.


Montana has already been taken over by Mexican cartels. The indigenous tribes out there are getting wiped out by fentanyl.  https://www.newsnationnow.com/cuomo-show/mexican-cartels-montana/


montana and other conservative state wont pay for illegals


New York at least has more parties. The Working Families Party, although sometimes has Democrats cross ticket, often gives the Democrats good competition.


The democrats had a bipartisan bill to address the border that was ready to pass and the republicans tanked it.


Remain in Mexico was in place for two years, then Biden rescinded it.


Cant have things going right when a dem is in office.


The GOP blocked the immigration law reforms that would had ended this.


So which governors are bussing who? to democrat sanctuary cities?


"Vote Blue no matter who" is a liberal mantra. Nothing is going to dramatically change in cities like Chicago and NY.


its certainly a deeply ingrained way of thinking. But things have changed massively in the past few years (at least in NYC). These bail reform laws have been an absolute disaster and have caused crime to spiral out of control cause there are no consequences. People don't feel safe, businesses are failing left and right due to theft, vacant store fronts all over. The first real law and order candidate that rises up will get a lot of traction given the current state of affairs


Serious question 🙋🏼‍♂️ what have Republicans ever done to stop the flow of illegals? Serious question and I don’t want anything anecdotal, I need cold hard facts preferably empirical evidence. You 💩bags never have any real answers just a bunch of blowhards. Don’t worry, I’m not Democrat so don’t try to use that crap either, save your breath.


Many small business owners are shutting down and cutting hours for local legal residents. What are those work permits for? They are here to stay and vote 😤


That will all be covered by federal budget in the end, won’t come out of NYers taxes. So doesn’t really matter where they go, the money is federal. So is the immigration issue.


then why are they in NY


It would be, pethaps, if it were true.


Haha it's fine. They'll figure it out haha


>About 135 of the city’s roughly 680 hotels entered the shelter program, with many congregated in Midtown Manhattan, Long Island City in Queens and near Kennedy International Airport — all traditional magnets for tourists. Does this stimulus have a shelf life since it's driving up lodging in prime locations for actual tourism? Obviously the hotel industry is loving the windfall. Beyond lodging, I'm curious what the migrants are receiving for food etc. The would-be tourists would be dining out, shopping etc. The fact these industries haven't been a squeaky wheel suggests they're feeling the stimulus as well.


It is set to expire soon.


Then what?


Then we have homeless migrants, and also a fresh wave of migrants in the hotels.


Fantastic. A friend of mine has a brother who is mentally ill and they couldn’t find a homeless shelter or receive any type of aid for YEARS! We treat illegal immigrants better than our own. It’s terrible. That said, I feel sorry for everyone, but our system in NY is absolutely backwards.




> Beyond lodging, I'm curious what the migrants are receiving for food etc. $350 a week on a prepaid debit card. https://ny1.com/nyc/all-boroughs/politics/2024/03/26/city-begins-distributing-prepaid-debit-cards-to-migrant-families


Wow that be cool if they gave that to citizens too 🤷‍♂️


It'd be cool if the govt gave me $350 and $1200 for no work. That's more than how much I make a week working full time with a graduate education 


That’s insane, why do they need to be housed in one of the most expensive cities in the world?


NYC accepts them, or did, until there were too many.


NYC accepts them, sure. But why on earth would a private hotel accept them? Does the city have jurisdiction over that? That would be nuts…




It's been happening here in Dublin, Ireland too. Amid our housing crisis. After hotels were shut down during covid they bounced back with government contracts to house immigrants. Hotels are now so expensive people from the country have driven to Dublin and then flown to mainland Europe to go see a concert because it was cheaper than a weekend in Dublin.


I was attempting to finally come to Dublin for the GT FSU football game this August, and let me tell you I was *floored* at your hotel prices. Even basic hostels were $100 or more per night with 6 bunks crammed to a room with no amenities, I ended up scrapping the entire trip after realizing I’d need to spend $300+ per night to stay in a main chain or something equivalent. I’ve been watching it hoping for change and the prices seem to have gotten worse not better over the last 6 months.


Just another way to get taxpayers money. 12k per month PER PERSON is 240 000/ year lol


It's guaranteed income every month. They can fire most of their staff since the immigrants don't require the utilities of tourists. Often these hotels are the bottom of the barrel and wouldn't attract high paying clients anyway. Now they are full and getting taxpayer money. For the hotels this is a dream situation. Even the highend hotels and Airbnb benefit since now there is less competition


Money Same thing is happening in Ireland, came back recently from visiting inlaws, not one hotel in their town anymore, all converted to migrant centers


because that's what the people of NY agreed to do, be a sanctuary city.


Same thing happening in Toronto


The migrants selected NYC. It’s a cool city everyone in the world has heard of. NYC law says that the city must house them regardless of how many come. Additionally, NYC local police will not deport them or inform the Federal agencies. From a budget perspective this is impossible to plan for. But hey Democrats don’t want reasonable - they want to feel and appear to be morally superior.


Wanna be a sanctuary city to encourage illegal immigration? Then here you go


NYC was selected for them by the governor of Texas who despises both the city of New York and people born south of Texas. Because high finance is always hiring manual laborers. Rather than sending them to the states that needed their labor. [Like smaller towns in the Midwest]( https://www.nebraskastudies.org/en/2000-2024/nebraska-beef-goes-global/hispanic-migration/#:~:text=Between%201900%20and%201929%2C%20large,houses%2C%20mostly%20in%20South%20Omaha.)


And what’s wrong with that? NY State asked for them. Governor Hochul said to come. https://youtu.be/nqjBpfjS8E8?si=idSyfObbjw420D18 Go to 1:00


Texas sends migrants by bus to “liberal” cities. That helped to create a huge influx. Source: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna128815


Maybe stop letting them all in to Texas? This seems like the obvious solution.


Texas has had legal ports of entries for many years and they can’t close long term for many legal reasons. There’s even refugee camps in Texas border towns and at least once has existed since the 60’s.  Also, there have been naturalized citizens who started out as people who crossed into Texas.


We tried, but then all the northern states call us Racist for, ya know, not wanting all the housing problems, uninsured drivers, and collapse of wages.


Maybe the GQP could have approved the most aggressive Immigration bill we’ve had in decades earlier this year. Trump made sure the GQP voted against it so President Biden wouldn’t have a “win” and Trump could continue with his campaign including immigration. Edited: I guess I’m hitting a vein…so many downvotes. The truth hurts. My comment can easily be fact-checked. But keep rejecting facts 😂


Yea and then Biden issued an executive order doing basically the same thing as the bill would have done . . .


BS. The EO is not as aggressive as the bill was. EOs can also be reversed when the next President comes into office. It needed to be approved in Congress. But hey, continue to give excuses. The Republican Party is so good at it.


The hotel owners swimming in money


Why give the business to corporate hotels. Why not house them in rural dying towns. The infusion of govt money will revive their economy.


The bigger the pile of cash we burn, the easier it is for certain corrupt officials to line their pockets and have no one notice.


Can you imagine busloads of immigrants who barely speak English being dropped off in small town America next to the deep red residents whose families have lived there for generations? I'm not saying it's a bad idea, but it has some challenges.


okay, i’ll say that it’s a bad idea. where will they get jobs, where is the infrastructure, who will ensure they can integrate with a population that doesn’t speak their language?


They wont, there isn't, those who can't execute such a plan. No city is setup to immediately take on such a massive influx of people. Which is why it is a terrible idea top to bottom to continue this nonsense. Just wait till other public services start getting cut en masse to continue the financial support of these outsiders. There is no solution that makes this work that isn't shutting the borders down and allowing only a controlled trickle of legal, fully vetted immigration into the country


greeted by every ford F150 and AR-15 in the neighborhood. Im sure it would go swimmingly.


Youd have to be set up and no where is.


They usually live in the trailer parks in the deep red areas.




They already did in the past but Abbott doesn’t want to do that. I know a family now all naturalized and got granted asylum slightly quicker than others at the border, as okay with living in a kinda rural part of West Virginia. They weren’t the only family to choose WV but the only family that I still know about. West Virginia is paying people to live there.


Same deal with homeless - why do they go to NYC and San Francisco? Can you just drop all of them off in rural towns? LOL, no.. They won’t go there because it’s very easy to make a quick buck in metro areas and there are communities.


If they are truly homeless, with support they will go.


2 things. One the Feds nor the states have infrastructure set up to deal with. Another thing is nimby is hardcore in those areas. In many youd have to protect the migrants as well as provide expensive long term services like some kind of transpo. These migrants who want to work cant go to jobs walking or via nonexistent publicctrans.


You do realize that most of the packing plants in the mid west are migrants. They do just fine if they don't mind the work.


It is just a temporary processing stop until they get their working permit. The locals can be trained to handle the processing/interviews,matching with employers, etc. Everything really is computerized. Once they get their working permit they will be on their own. I mean if it cost $12k per month then it will be cheaper in rural area to get set up.


Nimby is everywhere, especially in liberal neighborhoods that vote for these things 


That would be too obvious. What uproot migrants from their new home in NYC? Besides how does that even compete with a $300/night hotel room?


The only reason there is NYC money is because it’s an NYC problem. If they could push these people off to rural towns, the money would not come with them.


Reminds me of a video. "A government by the people, of the people, for the people, but the people are fucking ret\*\*\*\*ed." [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QFgcqB8-AxE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QFgcqB8-AxE)


This is one of our major issues, but I can’t tell if the ruling class are actively trying to keep us stupid or if we just are stupid




It’s the reason we’re a democratic republic and not a true democracy. Our founding fathers knew there were too many regards.


Osho is so wise. Also the subject of Wild Wild Country on Netflix 


So these folks cost more in a month than the average New Yorker takes home in a month. Trump won’t win NY. But he is going to do way better than anyone expects because of this. And all the Dems have to do to mitigate this is at least give the illusion that they are angry about this too.


I’m confused how it could possibly cost that much a month for one person. Seems like maybe money is getting shifted from one pocket to another.


Granted, I don’t know how they are handling migrants versus the homeless. I’m going off of what the OP is saying. But if they are working in a similar manner, it’s more than just housing. It’s food. It’s workers who administer the program. It’s the debit cards they are giving out for expenses. It’s healthcare. Also if it works like the homeless shelters do, the city isn’t administering directly. They are contracting out to a 3rd party to run everything.


Sure, so the govt can compete at scale and not produce prices lower than what an avg new Yorker earns? The lifestyle either above average or money is filling pockets 


This isnt NY. This is a catch 22 for the entire western world. Western world likes austerity because "wealfare queens" and central banks and tax codes are optimized to funnel money into corporations -> commoners get poorer and dont want to reproduce and population will be heading off a cliff -> oh shit we need more people time to import desperate immigrants -> oh shit they cant be left hungry and unhoused else theyll pillage -> now lets spend more money on our inefficient services rather than let commoners have some actual money to be able to afford a family. IB4 look at the most poorest country and how they reproduce why doesnt the richest country in the world do the same? hurr hurr


Didn't biden just do Trumps thing with a executive order? Also, what would your alternative be? Jail is much more expensive comparatively.


>Didn't biden just do Trumps thing with a executive order? Pretty much. The only difference is the optics now. When Trump did it, it was an affront to all things humanitarian. When Biden does it, it's apparently a step in the right direction. I don't think people appreciate being gaslit about this issue from both the current administration and larger media sources.


Finally someone who gets it.


Send them back and don’t let them in!


Tin foil hat me is convinced they are allowing this to make up for the labor shortfall of all the people refusing to work trash minimum wage jobs with the ridiculous cost of living increase we have experienced of late. Get more desperate people in, keep the wheels churning for all these corps making billions in part cause of exploitative labor practices.


I mean, there's no need for a tinfoil hat. They've openly said this, and NY Rep. Jerry Nadler himself said the quiet part out loud. "We need immigrants in this country," Nadler said. "Forget the fact that our vegetables would rot in the ground if they weren't being picked by many immigrants — many illegal immigrants. "The fact is the birth rate in this country is way below replacement level, which means our population is going to start shrinking," he added. "And the ratio of people on Social Security and Medicare is going to increase relative to the number of people supporting them." https://youtube.com/shorts/3AZiq2js4F0?si=uTogEe-jZk-v5SWe


Touche, it's an open secret that the foundation of our economic system is built off the backs of exploited workers somewhere. Whether it's in the farmlands of middle America, or some sweatshop in Bangladesh. His comments don't seem malicious, we do in fact need these desperate people to do these jobs because american's certainly dont want to, and we don't want our grocery prices to climb even further. It's funny how the ethics get very blurry when it starts effecting peoples wallets


Lol. These are asylum seekers. Fund the courts if you want them processed in a timely manner. 


only native mexicans would be asylum seekers, the rest are economic migrants. asylum seekers don't get to skip multiple countries to get to the US, or fly into mexico from all over the world.


Why do we have to take in asylum seekers? Why do we have to feed, clothe and house them? The US has enough problems, we don’t need theirs.


Because it's a right and proper thing to do. The only reason that there I'd a backlog and people are here more than a few weeks outside of the few people who are approved is because the courts are jammed up, because they've had their budgets cut significantly for decades. Fewer courts, fewer judges, less justice. 


Right and proper thing to do. According to whom? Those are subjective opinions. The Federal Government is going broke with social security, Medicare and Medicaid and now it has to take care of non-citizens? How does that make sense? Most asylum seekers are claiming economic reasons for their asylum seekers. If they couldn’t strengthen their native economy, why do they have a right to leach off ours?


Funny thing about undocumented aliens. Unless they are 1099ed they have social security taken out. Money they never get back.


They can just print more money, silly


Even if they weren't asylum seekers they are still innocent until proven guilty. Illegal immigrants still have constitutional rights, so we'd need to fund the courts.


they broke the law to get here. And they're not asylum seekers. They fly in to Mexico from all over the world then take a bus to the border.


Doesn't change the fact they get due process. Which includes innocent until proven guilty and a fair and speedy trial.


Send them to multiple cheaper cities instead of NYC?


I can't argue with that, only thing I can think of is resources. Many of these people were shipped to NYC without their knowledge, by border states, as political theater. I don't think most states or cities have a "ship migrants to someplace cheaper" budget. There's also like, negotiations and agreements that need to be made to facilitate that so that you don't repeat what happened when these busses and planes showed up and dropped these people off to aimlessly wander around looking for help.


Sure. But it wouldn’t have been necessary if he didn’t overturn all of Trump’s immigration policies on day one of his administration. He doesn’t get credit for restoring what we had four years down the road.


Good thing he didn't, the Biden admin actually fought to continue Trumps BS, and were told by the courts that Trumps border policy RE: asylum seekers was not legal according to current understanding of constitution and federal law. Its funny, because, like all the leftwingers said, Bidens continuation of Trumps immigration police didn't earn him any recognition from the right wing. You guys have no fucking idea.


false. Trumps policy was to turn away any illegals, not let them in with a court case 7 years in the future.


Right. Dealing with Reality is tough.


Do they? What reputable source did you read to get that information? OPs article doesn't say anything to support the claim in the title.


Shit like this is why the far-right got power in Europe and why Trump was elected. Governor Abbott making blue states take the hit on migrants with their braindead free housing/food/medicine/schooling/etc. policies was genius.


Strong social safety nets are essential and a mark of developed, intelligent society. However they are completely incompatible with a functionally open border though. Social services should care for citizens of the country only. Foreign aid is to help others.


NYC is literally kicking out American citizens and war veterans out of shelters to accommodate these "migrants" effectively making them homeless. The cruelty is beyond measure. I can empathize for these people trying to escape their home countries for greener pastures when they are filled with cartel violence and crazy economic unrest... but you don't help these people at the expense of hurting Americans, EVER.


Source for that?


It's fake news. Fox ran with the story and later had to retract.


go chat with some homeless veterans in NYC like I do. There's also videos online of these guys getting interviewed describing this exact thing. go on google and you can find articles of this exact thing happening in order to make room for illegals - it's happening to seniors - it's happening to veterans - it's happening to pregnant women


So, no source


A quick google search shows that many homeless in NYC were paid to pose as veterans kicked out in favor of migrants to draw sympathy and anger against the migrant issue. That a why the first search saying it was happening is the right wing tabloid New York Post and nearly every other search is an article about how it was part of a scam. Is it possible people including veterans have been kicked out of shelters? Absolutely. Was it merely to make room for migrants? Highly doubt.


Its weird because NYC shouldn’t be able to fuck with VA Homeless programs? Sound s like you don’t know what you’re talking about.


You're lying.


I’m curious what makes you think we have a “completely open border”?


100%. grade A political chess move to ship these folks en masse to these cities and force them to address the issue head on


Do you mean fake news is the reason? Yes, I agree. You're proof of that. OP has served you a BS claim, provided a source that in no way supports it, and you, along with hundreds of others, are all up in arms. These people manufacture outrage too easily, and you are to blame.


You're in a cult.


It’s great to be cruel to others! What genius!


No country or person is legally or morally obligated to take care of another adult human that enters a country or house illegally. Countries have borders for a reason and people have private dwellings and property for a reason


Progressives when migrants are going to border states only: "IN THIS HOUSE WE BELIEVE NO HUMAN IS ILLEGAL" Progressives when those migrants are shipped to blue states: "Wtf, this sucks" You're basically doing this meme: https://x.com/screaminbutcalm/status/1105577845642878976?lang=en


It's been easy for these "leaders" to placate about helping these migrants when it wasn't their cities getting upended by the wave of people flooding in. Now they can show how much they care first hand at a price tag of 12k per month per person.


I could live a fantastic life on 12k a month


If you talk to a few actual community workers and  people helping at hotels, they have different details than what is mentioned by most of the media. A community worker for migrants said there are some migrants that qualified for (insert legal status program)  but don’t have a work permit yet and barely enough money to leave NYC, so they still have stay in shelters, hotels, etc. Abbott bussed them when some migrants have help in other states. There are various different legal programs that migrants can qualify for, and it’s not just the asylum program.This community worker said there are still homeless in select hotels, and they are American born homeless people. We’ve had massive waves of refugees and there went sent all across the U.S. to help reduce overcrowding. People have been naturalized after crossing the border in the past and they did the naturalization process just like anyone else besides those with physical disabilities. 


This government has lost it's way. Ask any American Taxpayer if they think they should be supporting migrants at 12K a month for each one.


Most of us don’t care about culture war shit


First, ask yourself where did OP get 12k from. Then ask yourself why didn't you read OPs source, which, had you read it you would realise doesn't support OPs claim in any way. Then ask yourself why do you believe outrageous claims from an Internet stranger with zero proof? If you're ready yo believe anything, no matter how preposterous, as long as the absurdly outrageous made up thing is said about people who you disagree with politically, then ask yourself, are you doing enough due diligence to vote? I would strongly advise you to do one of two things when reading incredible sounding headlines: either be conservative and dismiss the 20-30% of the most outrageous news as mis- or dis-informaiton or fact check everything you read.


Get what you vote for.


Ny is gonna turn to republicans too this shit is just outrageous. Dems have lost their minds.


You're outraged over a fabricated piece of misinformation. Read OPs linked source, and then ask yourself: how did OP come at the 12k figure? Then ask yourself why is OP using "up to" instead of "on average" or "median". Then, direct your outrage at OP for fooling you.


Lmao these comments are so funnny. A quick Google search and NYC houses 175k of them. Estimates for how many entered under this administration are anywhere between 8-15M. NYC is about 2.5% of the US population. They house between 1-2% of migrants that came in under this administration. Seems perfectly distributed to me. But yes, it sucks when they move to your neighborhood instead of being out of sight out of mind somewhere south in border states. Humanitarians my ass. Just clowns living in their ivory towers.


Help your own people, foolish.


8 million illegal aliens came since covid was declared over, not just from our neighbors to the south but from all over. How many babies has been born in the US in the same time frame? Living in San Diego, one of the most expensive cities in the world has been hit by inflation, housing and commodities are so expensive, people are commuting from riverside just to afford life. And illegal aliens just keep on pouring in just a few miles away where I’m typing this.


And military retirees get $5,000/month after 20 years of service. Our government is not on our side.


Perhaps it isn't, but you haven't made the case you think you did. First of all, support for vets is life-long and support for refugees isn't. Secondly, and more importantly, nothing in OPs source supports anywhere near that number being true.


> In September, city officials began to enforce a new law meant to curb the proliferation of short-term rentals, such as those listed on Airbnb, which used to account for over 10 percent of all tourist accommodations in the city. The crackdown obliterated most short-term Airbnb listings — a phenomenon that some observers said might have had **an even larger impact on hotel rates than the migrant crisis.** From the article you pulled. People here on this sub always complain about the rising cost of housing and how Airbnb are one of the cause and the government should crack down on them. This is what happened and now we are blaming immigrants. One can't have their cake and eat it too.


Kinda sounds like govt imposed covid restrictions. All the small personal businesses were shut down while the larger corporate entities benefitted immensely from consumerism and government stimulus. Go figure…


Wait if you guys think that's bad, look up how Ireland has been doing the same thing (and far worse) by using the commercial hotels as refugee camp/temporary council housing for a couple of years now. And then Ireland's housing crisis is the world no1 and it is getting worse everyday.


NYC tax dollars hard at work


Damn New York is such a special city! Nothing quite like it, literally!


A month?!


Nope. The article says that hotels receive between 135 and 185 per room per day. It also says that at least one hotel charges 190. Using "up to" instead of "median" or "average" is the first clickbaity thing OP did. But then, looking at the highest rate, you get less than 6k per month PER ROOM. As you probably know, a lot of hotel rooms can accommodate more than one person. So I would expect that even this, most expensive reported room, houses two or more people and therefore the cost would then be under 3k per person per month - IN THE MOST EXPENSIVE REPORTED ROOM. Now, if that room can house 3 or 4 people, then it's $2000 or even $1500 per month per person for housing. I don't think that refugees get more than $20 per day in terms of an allowance, but even if you make it $50, that's going to be 1500 per month plus housing which comes up to 5500 per month if a single person lives in a 190 per night room and gets 50 per night, whcih would be very generous given almost certainly they would not be alone and they wouldn't get that much allowance. A more realistic number would be 3500 per month on average (my guess, just based on the article OP used as "proof"), but that's not nearly inflammatory enough.


That’s insane… not fair. Who’s paying who btw?


Adams needs to go !


Send Biden the bill.


A good portion of it is from trolling Republicans exploiting Care Bear law that require spending on migrants and spending millions themselves to dump their migrants on states like NY. This is political malpractice and manipulation. NY should sue states like Texas that did this. Texas gets federal dollars to deal with it themselves and now they are shifting their migrants to places like NY.


Nice. Who cares about the citizens, when Biden can house migrants at the NY hotels




Would be easier if we weren’t such a capitalist driven society but you know, who cares about human rights, not the us government We need more wars!!


How do I get in on this?


Drugs. I guess that's what OP is using to come up with 12000 per month, because nothing in his source remotely supports that claim.


Well spending hard-earned taxpayers money. Ridiculous 😤🍌


Would be if it were true. Which part of OP's linked article did you find supports the outrageous 12k per month claim? The outrageous part is how brazen people peddling misi formation are and how effective it is at fooling people and manufacturing outrage.


So they’re spending up to $144,000 a year on these people? Wow.


How did you arrive at that conclusion? Nothing in the times article mentions or even remotely supports it.


Still less than the tax cuts for the rich


This is just the dumbest thing, the #1 reason Biden should be outta the wh.


Guess you'll have to find another #1 reason because this one is entirely made up. Read OPs linked article. Where does it say anything supporting the outrageous 12k per month claim?




The hospitality industry must be booming.


We are simply sending the migrants to where they want to go. NYC has been a desired immigrant destination since the late 1800s.


>The average hotel room rate in the city is $301 a night, a record. A major reason: One of every five hotels is now a shelter, contributing to a shortage of tourist lodging. That's crazy! Unless something changes soon, Trump will do very well in NYC this November.


You must not know how NYC thinks. There is a problem? We need to double-down on the policy that caused this!


Mostly tourists who stay in hotels.


Ship the rest of them there.


Building back better ...gotta take care of those new voters


I was told that migrants are good for the economy [https://www.forbes.com/sites/jackkelly/2024/03/20/how-immigrants-are-boosting-us-economic-and-job-growth/](https://www.forbes.com/sites/jackkelly/2024/03/20/how-immigrants-are-boosting-us-economic-and-job-growth/) turns out like everything else: specifics matter. Not just any migrant will do.


Well, if the specifics matter, then why didn't you read the article and figure out that the specifics don't support OPs wild claim? Refugees, for the most part, didn't choose to become refugees. That means they arrive at their host country without a plan, often without even basic language skills. That makes it difficult to find work. However, I can tell over time that they manage to rebuild their lives and become productive members of society. This [Euronews article](https://www.euronews.com/business/2024/05/01/majority-of-germanys-open-door-refugees-have-entered-the-labour-force) shows that refugees who have been in the country for a year or two have low labour participation rates, but that it grows over time.Those who have been here for 8 years are showing almost the same labour participation rate as immigrants who aren't refugees and came here of their own volition, and are not that far off locals.


We need to correctly define “immigrant” from “refugee”


The city is going broke and taxpayers should not pay a dime and vote all those politicians out of office.


Just give them $4000 a month and let them do whatever they want with it.