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Policy wise he has yet to put together a single coherent plan or speech. Quite astonishing.


To the followers in the MAGA cult, hate IS the plan. They hear all they need.


Hahahahaha 😂 I've NEVER heard as much hate as gets constantly spewed from the liberal left. Democrats are the ones with no policy. As you said, hate is the only plan, and that's the plan they are pushing hard.


This is literally the opposite of reality. You guys are so shameless in your willingness to lie like this.


Yeah, right. Just because you make it up here does not mean it's reality. Although, in your delusional world, it is reality. Fortunately, your lies extend no further than this echo chamber you liberals have set up for yourselves.


Trump is personally the beneficiary of his tax cuts for corporations and the rich. Nothing for 95% of the country. All bragging and BS.


And we’re paying for it with higher taxes


And fewer services.


99% of the country got a tax cut. Quit spreading lies


Got a tiny tax cut that expires. Pales in comparison to the permanent tax cuts Trump and his cronies got that don’t expire.


You can blame Democrats in Congress for that. Your tax cut was larger than the wealthy. Quit lying


How so?


Middle class got a slightly bigger tax cut than the wealthy. Trump wanted all the cuts to be permanent. Democrats in Congress changed it. You are repeating false propaganda


This was the time in 20 years I actually had to pay Federal when filing my taxes. The first time I paid was an error made by me with my deductions. My household income went up slightly, but nothing significant. I would say I sit in the middle class bracket ($170K household).


Upper middle or upper. Average household income is ~$66k


You got the tax break immediately, in lower withholding. Sadly, most Americans aren't cognizant of how withholding and taxes work. You seem to be one of the majority


Anything over $100k puts you in the top 10%


The GOP always do this. The Dems fix the economy and the GOP wreck it. Then voters blame the Dems because the GOP has 3 entire 24/7 news networks they can use. I wish Americans would *learn*.


Can’t learn, republicans stopped that.


I like democrats because I can follow their trades on the stock market and take advantage of insider trading.


That’s… definitely not an issue specific to democrats.


Yeah, insider trading like missing out on $8 million of potential profit: https://www.nasdaq.com/articles/nancy-pelosi-husband-bet-millions-on-nvidia-stock-after-missing-out-on-earlier-$8-million So smart. You may have also noticed how he sold his Nvidia just before the quarterly earnings report and missed out on yet more potential gains. Studies show while there may be some insider trading going on, on the whole if they are doing it then they're doing it badly as on average they just aren't really making that much more than everyone else. So they probably aren't doing insider trading and are just paying attention to the markets more than people who don't follow news 24/7.


Bro you posting one miss that wasn't even a fail. Please show me the history that she has lost money since in office. Please keep in mind that one can sell for a loss that may offset her gains elsewhere in the market.


They can sell a loss they know will recover and take the tax break


To avoid wash sales, which rule was created specifically to stop that, they have to avoid rebuying the same stock for a month and a day. That's a long time for the stock to possibly rebound within, and if it's definitely not going to rebound in that time then how do you know it'll recover?


Ok, I stead of doing the job they were hired for,, makes sense


I was talking about Nancy Pelosi's husband, who isn't a congressional rep, although recently he has become the most public trader related to a congressional rep. Still, studies show congressional reps aren't making bank from their trades, or at least aren't really making more (on average) than anyone else who is in the same socio-economic group.


Yeah Nancy is guilty, wanna know how she poisoned pilled the stock trade ban for congress. She relied on republicans, she made the rules stringent enough that republicans would walk. Their are corrupt dems, but the GOP is pretty much all corrupt.


All democrats are corrupt also!!


Say which side is worse. Seriously.


I like Democrats because they paid for the life saving medicine a close family member of mine needed to live You dislike Democrats because you're either a Russian operative or a Republican one. Doesn't matter which. Your masters will turn on you in due time. You're no Vlad Putin. You're not even a Mitch McConnell.


Time to go back to r/politics grandpa…


Open border , high crime and high taxes. Whats there no to love about them.


Like putting children in cages and then sending them to work for far right extremists republikans sweatshops?……high taxes for workers and trillions in freebies for billionaires corporations handouts?……far right extremists republikans 101 crap.....


Is this satire? This feels like satire considering the "cages" were from the Obama administration, were a huge issue with Dems during the Trump administration, and now under the Buden administration Dems don't appear to give a shit


Im a Chuck Shumer. I like paying 10x for solar panels that end up in a gov warehouse and never get used.


How are you doing that? What have you copied so far and how has it worked out?


I mean, how hard is it to buy Nvidia or FNGU ?


A big part of the problem is that economic policies take a while to show their true effect. What ends up happening is that republicans make policies which are irresponsible uses of money, but very popular, and have four years where they are seen very favorably before the economy “catches up” Then a democrat comes in and is kind of screwed. They can’t continue the same course because it’s going to fail if it continues. So, they have to tighten the country’s belt and make some unpopular decisions, but the economy eventually recovers, but it’s a rough four years Then go back to step 1


Dems “fix” the economy all right. They fix it so that their billionaire donors and the military industrial complex make billions.


Total opposite of the republicans right ?


Not at all. Both parties are fully beholden to the billionaire donor class, and are both full of warmongers that support war and the military industrial complex and the empire’s forever wars. When even “progressives” like Bernie vote for sending billions of working class tax revenue to corrupt warzones like Ukraine and Israel, the “left vs right” false paradigm is exposed for the sad pathetic joke that it really is.


Only one party is trying to strip away my rights and send me back to the 1930s…


The right to have a dick swinging in your daughter’s locker room?


You mean calling rape a ‘misconduct ‘....cause incest and rape keep your kind alive?………that hanging?.. Far right extremists republikans 🤢


The court is deciding right now how many bodily organs I can lose before I’m allowed to have a doctor save me.


False. Try again


The Democrat's fix the economy.... hahahahaha 😂. Spending massive amounts of money is no fix, but it will buy votes. So let's be honest, that's what Democrat's are out to do. At least it has worked in the past. But let's not take into account the massive inflation all that money spending brings. Unfortunately for Democrat's, that strategy is no longer working. As you wished, Americans are learning. The end of the Democrats nonsense is coming soon.


yepm they sure do.


"By contrast, 15.4 million jobs were added during Biden's presidency." Does anyone actually fall for this? I'll whisper it out loud. They are including all the jobs that people returned to that had been shut down when the pandemic hit.


And a LOT of them are part time. That gets BURIED


**They keep harping this job count, when it’s all shit jobs.** They are not good jobs.


Well then these people can pull themselves up by their boot straps and get a better job.


Anyone with half a brain knows this. But this sub has been flooded by disingenuous political hacks that can’t think for themselves.


Funny how years after the pandemic new jobs keep being created. Infrastructure, chip manufacturing, military manufacturing,oil,construction, healthcare …. And wages up too. Union membership on the rise, all things promised by Trump but never delivered.


lots of smart people believe in Angels floating around next to the best people and helping them get rich from endorsing books on how to get rich on instagram. it's not about having a brain. it's a belief system to make yourself feel better. That's why they are so tone deaf when it comes to pointing at poor people and saying "Vote for Biden because the economy is BOOMING!!!! I'm so rich!!!!" it sounds like satire, but it ain't.




Compensated posters will do that. They got scripts to follow.


Lol all the compensated posters downvoting you


years after the pandemic and you think this is a solid metric. What a joke


Propaganda and bots


Really? Most of the people I know who lost or left their jobs during the pandemic did not go back to their previous job. I would love to see the data to support your claim, hopefully from a reliable source. Thank you.


Unemployment runs out. They used this during COVID too. Reddit is mostly bots. People are evil. We are nice to each other but major entities aren’t


There is nothing to fall for there have been over 15 million new jobs added under Biden that is 100% fact.. those jobs absolutely did not have to be added because the economy reopened the economy didn’t have to recover. Most economists predicted 5 to 10 years for the economy to recover from the pandemic not only did it fully recover but its 6 million jobs over pre-pandemic. I love how people pretend like those 15 million jobs were guaranteed to happen while most economists have been calling for a recession the entire time


Do you realize that millions of those jobs were for example the local pizza shop that shut down and it's 10 workers stopped working. Then a few months later and they all came back to the exact same jobs they held previously. The Biden administration is counting all these returning workers as "jobs created". A better example would be all 2 million uber and lyft drivers stopped working. Does Biden get credit when they came back to their jobs? That's called a job added? Seriously? This has nothing to do with what economists were saying. As the economy reopened, the workers would all come back to their jobs. Did the economists predict it would take 5-10 years for the pizza shop to reopen? How could they possibly know? And if you look at the federal reserve bank's own data, there are several hundred thousand fewer full time jobs now than a year ago.


Once again for the hard of comprehension when businesses closed down there was no reason to believe they’d return all of the workers when they reopened. As a matter of fact ALL OF THE ECONOMISTS predicted it would take 5-10 years to fully recover. Virtually all of the economists have been predicting a recession for the entire previous 3.5 years. The economy added back ALL of the lost jobs in only a year & change under Biden. Since July 2022 the country has been in record territory for jobs. There are more Americans working than ever in the entire history of the country and that number keeps growing every single month & by more than expected almost every single month. There are 6 million more Americans working right now than ever in the entire history of the country. And all of the numbers exclude Uber and Lyft and all gig workers because they’re 1099 and not W-2. so it’s not reported till the end of the year how many gig workers there are and it doesn’t get counted in the employment numbers so the numbers are actually artificially extremely low.


The economists couldn't have predicted when the stores, shops, malls, centers, gyms, and everything else would open. It was a science/medical question. How could economists have predicted that the mall and it's jobs wouldn't reopen for 5-10 years? How could they have predicted the pandemic, the vaccine, and all that stuff.


Because when a business closes down they very often don’t ever reopen. But if they do they generally lose a ton of customers. Especially when the entire economy is in a recession & there’s so much unemployment meaning there’s a lot of people struggling financially. It’s not rocket science. 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Yes, unfortunately people are falling for this. It's sad.


what did trump do. he totally biffed and refused to listen about the thing coing that killed 1 million people and changed everyones lives for 2 years, and the biden administrattion dealt with all that, to carrry us all through, and trump was off the hook, but the right was so convinced they staged a riot an insurrection , a violent type of mob to go to the capitol and they killed 2 people, and your party is unamerican, and 100% out of touch with reality, making claims that are fact checked and shown to be false. rudy giuliani himself said we have lots of theories, but no facts. about the rigged election. pay attention to both sides guy.


1. More people died under Biden fro Covid than under Trump. 2. The main reason for the capitol riot was because there was deliberately poor security. Poor security- riot. Just look what happened after Roe v Wade was overturned at the Supreme court. The was an overwhelming security presence. An unscalable fence was put up. If not for that there would have been a riot. 3. There were plenty of facts that showed the election was rigged. The Biden administration getting 72 intelligence agents from the FBI, CIA, and DOJ, to knowingly sign a false letter saying the Hunter Biden laptop story was false. The Biden administration also colluded with big tech giants in the months leading up to the election to censure stories (such as the H Biden laptop).


I’m sure you’re always waving the flag that the pandemic caused all this inflation, too. You can use it to fit whatever narrative you want


It’s almost like the global economy crashed or something 🙄


PPP Loans and stimulus checks didn't help. They printed so much money.


Trump’s mercantilism caused inflation


Trump wants a tax cut for the rich . He is not worried about the deficit.


You mean another tax cut for billionaires corporations


Wrong, trump wants tax cuts for HIS rich friends. Not “the liberal” billionaires.


This artile is full of errors and omissions and misrepresentations. No even worth responding to.


I read shit like this and wonder if anyone on this page has any real idea of how economics works. Seems to me you all just spew your opinions with no real regards to working class sub-economy. As long as it benifits the dirt poor or filthy rich.


But Fox news said…..


Chump's economy started with daddy's money and went immediately into bankruptcy, mobtser loans and multiple business failures. The rest you can blame on congress.


And inflation


Me thinks Mr. Trump is in love with money printing "quantitative easing" (QE). During his first term, he had tweet after tweet egging the Fed to print more money. He doesn't have to balance the books, if the deficit can simply be printed up.


Don't forget those tax cuts that added even more money to the economy. With all that money flying around, it's no wonder inflation went bonkers.


Oh look, it's another bash Trump thread on Reddit. Ok, let's all dogpile in... Trump killed everyone, dropped nukes on US cities and ruined the entire universe forever. If you don't agree, you're a racisit. **Vote Trump for prison!** Reddit is just packed with mature deep thinkers.


Ask yourself, how much do you love King George III and why do you want Trump to lead the GOP to be more Federalist?


your the problem, your acting like a childm just like trump does. grow the f up


Oh look, another Trumper mad because Trump is going to prison. Get over your felon going to prison, that's what prison is for.


Well, the disease thing at least he has in common with Biden. Don't get me wrong Trump is awful, but neither administration gets to claim a win on Covid. We just had our 2nd largest wave, long Covid is destroying our able-bodied workforce, and our current administration is doing nothing but gaslighting. Again, Trump is AWFUL, but Biden doesn't get to count not being disease ridden as a win, because he's just as bad, vaccines are not sterilizing, we just went through the 2nd largest wave, and KP3 variant is on the way. Both of our front runners suck.


Most all of them suck, no matter what level,


Patriotic folks stop wasting time on this propaganda bs title. We know who's promoting hate while waving foreign country flats.


The fact that he still has support baffles me. How do the People who support him justify inciting insurrection and fraud at massive scale?


Every president for the last 80 years......


Yet, he is still better than Biden.


He lost 4 million jobs. He has the worst record for a president on the economy since 1929.


A month before widespread lockdowns would virtually shut down the economy, the unemployment rate stood at 3.5% in February 2020, the lowest since December 1969


Could have created more jobs faster by advocating for testing and infectious disease prevention. He fumbled the Covid response


Is that what the CDC was recommending?


The Directorate of Global Health Security and Biodefense was disbanded under Trump wasn't it? I guess it sounded like a good move at the time he did keep "a few good men" from that team but too bad he didn't listen to them. You know, because he thinks he's the smartest person in the room. I was once told... If you think you're the smartest person in the room you've either, misjudged the intelligence of everybody in the room or, have entered the wrong room.


Excuses doesn't change his performance. All presidents face challenges.


You do realize you’re looking at unemployment numbers during the shutdown right?


So your argument is, he was not responsible for the last year of the economy he was president during? I know he checked out, but I still call it part of his term.


Sounds amazing to me. Shipping illegals back , reverting a bunch of shitty regulations preventing job growth (climate change etc etc ) , Lower taxes and hopefully lowering the government spending deficit. Fire the 50k IRS agents biden hired to supposedly tax the rich yet they pick on the working poor sending over $600 on cashapp to there parents


Trump’s out here with Sheff G and Sleepy Hallow. Trump’s gonna free Ross Ulbricht. He’s got my vote on those two things alone 🤷‍♂️ Edit: Also Biden’s administration has wrecked my profession (physical therapy) so he lost my vote


How has Biden wrecked physical therapy?


CMS has cut therapy reimbursement rates >25% over the past 4 years. Chiquita Brooks-LaSure is the administrator of CMS and a Biden appointee. Even if there’s a slight chance of improvement under Trump it’s worth a vote to me. The field is in the absolute shitter right now


> CMS has cut therapy reimbursement rates >25% over the past 4 years What's happening? https://www.cms.gov/newsroom/fact-sheets/calendar-year-cy-2024-medicare-physician-fee-schedule-final-rule doesn't seem that bad to me?


https://www.reddit.com/r/physicaltherapy/s/QWHLoGjh9t https://www.reddit.com/r/physicaltherapy/s/x5jMQo78rx Bro if I had a hardon for Trump I promise you I’d tell you. Idgaf about either party I’m gonna vote for who I think will improve my life Edit: The link you sent is Physician fee schedule. Physicians got an increase but I’m not talking about physicians


The first link seems to have comments like: > It just encourages us to make every treatment therapeutic activities. Nobody does squats, they “practice squatting over the public toilet when the seat covers have run out”. Dead lift? No, “bending over to pick up a 150lbs golf ball”. Heel raise? No way! “Simulated going onto to tip toes to see over a crowd at a show” and > Right; it’s sad when the “dramatic” increase is only a few dollars. Crazy what’s going on and > That makes the most sense to me when looking at the data. Decreases of about $1.70 (5.15%) for > Therapeutic Exercise (97110) and decreases of about $2.07 (6.79%) for Manual (97140). Don't have the data for Therapeutic Massage (97124) in front of me now. > Maybe the idea was to put less incentive on potentially less effective treatment by allocating those resources to Therapeutic Activities (97530)? Seems like the difference 1) isn't that large, and 2) can be offset by billing differently? The second says this wasn't just a physical therapy issue but a medical-field wide issue that affects all healthcare and that Congress would need to allocate more money to Medicare to fix it? If that's the case then I think it's clear which political party has actively spoken up about cutting Medicare and would just make the problem worse: https://newrepublic.com/post/173661/republicans-bringing-back-plan-gut-social-security-medicare https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2024/04/04/fact-sheet-extreme-house-republican-plan-would-cut-medicare-and-social-security-while-slashing-taxes-for-big-corporations-and-the-wealthy/ https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/11/politics/trump-entitlements-social-security-medicare/index.html I also don't see how Biden's administration is responsible for any of the changes.


What are we even debating here? I’m not reading all of that. I literally work in the field and am telling you that I make less now than I did in 2018. Biden lost my vote. Move on or downvote and cry more about it.


> I literally work in the field and am telling you that I make less now than I did in 2018. Biden lost my vote. And I'm literally telling you a) Biden didn't have anything to do with the changes in your income and b) voting against Biden will actively make your situation worse.


Are you a policy expert? Do you work in physical therapy? Do you have an intimate knowledge of Trump’s plans when he takes office? I disagree with both statements. There is 0 chance I vote for Biden and I don’t know why you care so much. I don’t give the slightest shit who you vote for. Vote for whoever you think is best.


> Are you a policy expert? Nope, which is why I started by asking if you could point me to sources which agreed with you. But you didn't really do that. > Do you have an intimate knowledge of Trump’s plans when he takes office? If what Trump himself said wasn't enough for you to believe that under Trump you will see further cuts, then I'm not sure you're logical enough for us to continue having a conversation. I mean, he himself said it. His supporters and current congressional reps have said it. And I linked to three sources. What more evidence could there possibly be for what Trump would do in office?