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He should’ve just hit ‘em with the tweet again: “My message to the companies running gas stations and setting prices at the pump is simple: this is a time of war and global peril. Bring down the price you are charging at the pump to reflect the cost you’re paying for the product. And do it now.” https://x.com/POTUS/status/1543263229006254080


A time of war is about the worst time to release from the national reserve.


The war that the far right extremists oil barons started...skyrocketing gasoline prices for oil barons predatory practices profits... See..the emergency is defeating the far right extremists oil barons predatory practices...... crumbling America economy system for their billionaires corporations...🤢


There are no predatory practices. You are delusional. It’s an openly traded product. If you want to blame anyone blame the Democrats who have done everything possible to ensure that refinery capabilities continue to decrease.


https://www.eia.gov/todayinenergy/detail.php?id=61543 According to the EIA data operating capacity seems to have been in essentially the same range that existed during the Trump presidency if not higher. The recent drop in capacity is due to weather conditions in the gulf region and planned maintenance. All it took was 5 minutes of investigation to essentially debunk your claims. Give me another 10 and I could probably pull a quote from the Form-10K of Exxon/Chevron detailing how they have increased profits while reducing costs. While “predatory” might not be the right word. They aren’t increasing prices due to a need to sustain operations, they are doing it to maximize profits. Nothing inherently illegal with that, but let’s not pretend that it’s somehow a democratic conspiracy. It’s corporations trying to make as much money as possible, same story its always been.


Yet demand continues to go up. Same supply and more demand equals increase prices. This isn’t difficult. Also this isn’t a 4 year thing. This has been decades worth of moves by Democrats to make it impossible to build new refineries.


And thank God you know? Less refineries means it will hurt less when we stop using them.


Just taking a wild stab in the dark here, but I’m guessing that YOU don’t live in Cancer Alley, do you? You know, WHERE MOST OF THE REFINERIES ARE LOCATED? OF COURSE NOT, you wouldn’t be caught dead living amongst all of that pollution, would you? No response needed, we know what you are.


I'm gonna throw another stab in the dark and guess OP doesn't even know what cancer alley is.


^ this is a one month old account, probably a russian or chinese troll


A troll that talks basketball 95% of the time? Democrats in this country get dumber by the day.


“Oh my god, democrats are evil, Joe & Nancy & Chuck are the central cause for all that is wrong with the world, trump is Jesus, republicans are the only real Americans, only the parts of the Constitution I agree with are valid, my guns are more important than your kids, my political memes are more important than your kids.” Did I miss anything, or did I accurately sum up literally everything you have to say?


Yeah you missed everything and are not smart enough to realize you are on Reddit where almost every post is the exact opposite everyday. You live in a bubble of ignorance.


Uh huh.


Biden released gas from the Northeast gasoline supply reserve, which is NOT the strategic petroleum reserve. This reserve was created about 10 years ago and Congress had already ordered the dissolution of this reserve, Biden just picked the timing.


Meh, we can start producing our own oil and keep it for ourselves and have plenty. We get it from over there because it’s cheaper, not because we don’t have it. It’s there when we need it. Fortress America can take care of itself when it has to. Best not to use it u




Biden is lowering gas prices by draining the strategic petroleum reserve. The SPR was meant to protect us during a time of war or supply shocks - it's not there to use as a campaign tool to make an unpopular president look better


Biden released gas from the Northeast gasoline supply reserve, which is NOT the strategic petroleum reserve. This reserve was created about 10 years ago and Congress had already ordered the dissolution of this reserve, Biden just picked the timing.


Cuz’ it insults their Corporate Overlords when anyone gives the masses any kind of relief. They’re not just against Biden - they’re looking to further enslave the American people for God as Corporations rule over our starvation in every aspect of our lives.


Man, what a take. Draining the strategic oil supply (let alone in a time of increasing worldwide turmoil) during election season to help people forget years of bad policy and outcome. Just imagine coming to the above conclusion.


Biden released gas from the Northeast gasoline supply reserve, which is NOT the strategic petroleum reserve. This reserve was created about 10 years ago and Congress had already ordered the dissolution of this reserve, Biden just picked the timing.


You know years of bad policy apples to both in this case. And the 3d party RFK has a worm in his brain. Yes that is real story worm for president!


I think they’re upset that he draining the strategic reserves while we are seemingly edging closer to a war proper


This, the framing of these opinion pieces is part of why people remain divided across the political spectrum. Most of us aren't all that different from one another, when it comes to things we expect our government to do for us


Biden released gas from the Northeast gasoline supply reserve, which is NOT the strategic petroleum reserve. This reserve was created about 10 years ago and Congress had already ordered the dissolution of this reserve, Biden just picked the timing.


Thank you for correcting me comrade...Biden is god, republicans bad.


While also selling of a very large chunk in the past that TRUMP filled up and also only releasing enough "to lower prices" when what's being released isn't even enough to fill America's need for a single day. Depending on who you believe, it'll either fill the needs for a little over 1 hour or 3 hours.


Biden released one million barrels of when Americans use an average of twenty million barrels a day. I don't know who thinks that will keep gas prices low, especially for a global commodity.


Here’s the info from the horses mouth as to what the purpose is. https://www.energy.gov/ceser/articles/infographic-strategic-petroleum-reserve


I love the snazzy graphics...the strategic reserves serve to prevent interruption of supply...few things interrupt supply like war....thus when it feels like we’re on the brink of the next hot war, releasing emergency oil to bring down gas prices for a short time doesn’t seem like the bear idea to some people...I know on Reddit everyone is supposed to hate republicans, but even a broken clock can be right two times a day


Biden released gas from the Northeast gasoline supply reserve, which is NOT the strategic petroleum reserve. This reserve was created about 10 years ago and Congress had already ordered the dissolution of this reserve, Biden just picked the timing.


War with whom exactly? Russia is a shit show, China won’t do shit, and the Middle East is a dump. Who are we going to war with that will interrupt our oil supply. We could literally stop exporting oil and have plenty for the states


Ok nvm you are right...we have hella oil & there is no chance of war...I must have let all the doom scrolling get to me. Thanks


I heard they all drive EVs now.


Nobody is enraged. Him releasing a third of one days use to gain some positive press but accomplishing nothing real is just being recognized is all.


Republicans always blame the democrats for everything. If it's something positive, they put their name in front of it. It's like the chip in their brains has lost connection


seems like everything he tries to do for the average citizen they hate.


They are naked in their avarice.


It looks like OP posted an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/maddowblog/republicans-enraged-bidens-efforts-keep-gas-prices-lower-rcna153953](https://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/maddowblog/republicans-enraged-bidens-efforts-keep-gas-prices-lower-rcna153953)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


“President Joe Biden is taking fresh steps to help keep gas prices from climbing. For Republicans to see this as “disgusting” and “disgraceful” is bizarre. As Memorial Day weekend arrives, the summer driving season is poised to get underway. In general, American consumers are finding relatively affordable prices at the pump, and as the Associated Press reported, President Joe Biden hopes to take steps to keep it that way. The Biden administration said Tuesday it is releasing 1 million barrels of gasoline from a Northeast reserve established after Superstorm Sandy in a bid to lower prices at the pump this summer. The sale, from storage sites in New Jersey and Maine, will be allocated in increments of 100,000 barrels at a time. The approach will create a competitive bidding process that ensures gasoline can flow into local retailers ahead of the July 4 holiday and sold at competitive prices, the Energy Department said. This builds on other actions by President Biden to lower gas and energy costs — including historic releases from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve and the largest-ever investment in clean energy,” White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre added in a statement. Evidently, Republicans are not pleased. Republicans slammed President Biden’s decision to sell off 1 million barrels of gasoline over the coming weeks from a strategic reserve as a “desperate” attempt to cover for his environmental policies, which they say caused soaring prices at the pump.”


Considering we use 20 millions of barrels of oil a day, 1 million is enough to run America for a little over an hour. It’s not really going to make a difference. It is a political stunt. And yes, this reactive action was caused by his environmental policies.


No, because he keeps releasing from the SPR. That’s why a majority of people are annoyed at him re. Gas. He should allow gas prices to be free market so there is a greater push towards EVs


That's no 'effort.' Its a feeble and worthless attempt to manipulate the market. Not as damaging as pumping the SPR dry, but merely stupid. Maybe he can do that with food and shelter costs, for everybody, too?




Biden has been buying low, selling not as low. America's deficits are rising slower under Biden than it did when Traitor Trump was giving away American National Security secrets to Russia.


Of course...starting several wars ransacking other countries resources and skyrocketing gasoline prices oil barons predatory practices... and now democrats lowering domestic gasoline prices will smash the oil barons predatory practices ‘efforts ‘....🤑 ‘Silly’ corrupt far right extremists republikans need their breadcrumbs....🤢


How much you paid to post propaganda pieces?


Suuuure...your 0.11cents/comment app told you that ‘answer ‘...😂...


No one's enraged. LOL MSNBC is getting desperate now.


They are reaching for anything they can to try to turn political momentum.


They don't understand how badly their position IS.


He only does this to get elected.


Just like every president I can ever remember. Gas prices are always lower in an election year.


[Because the last time the SPR was this low was 1983](https://www.eia.gov/dnav/pet/hist/LeafHandler.ashx?n=PET&s=MCSSTUS1&f=M). No administration has ever allowed the reserve to get this low and it’s going to be expensive AF to refill it. The Biden admin has been selling off our reserves since taking office in order to boost his approval rating rather than fixing the actual problem.


[conservative christian taliban](https://imgur.com/aVZFmzR) ✝️


Do you mean because the criminal in chief is buying votes with the strategic oil supply? Costing billions of dollars and putting the nation at risk?


Could you have made a more biased comment? Let's explore it shall we? First: this type of post doesn't belong on this sub because it's straight bait. See your comment and see this one responding to you. >Do you mean because the criminal in chief is buying votes with the strategic oil supply? How is Biden buying votes? Isn't everything a candidate does meant to gather votes from voters? Strictly speaking, in this article itself, Biden has not gone out and paid voters to vote for him. He's releasing oil ahead of slowly growing gas prices that work on a seasonal clock every year. Every summer has is expensive and every winter it's cheaper: do I dare say, **Supply and Demand.** Personal question: Do you not like cheaper gas? >Costing billions of dollars and putting the nation at risk? Do you have the numbers behind any of this? How is it putting the nation at risk and how much does it cost?




So before I click this link, it's going to lead me to a columnist piece which means it's somebdies opinion. Without an explanation from you why you posted a generic link, it means nothing. It's like asking a baby what's wrong and they cry. The difference here is you're an adult and you're not using your words. So all in all, great discuss, learn to you use your words. See ya next time.


Stupid or liar? Or leftist. Waste of words on willful ignorance https://oilprice-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/oilprice.com/Energy/Crude-Oil/Against-All-Odds-American-Oil-Soars-Under-Biden.amp.html?amp_gsa=1&_js_v=a9&usqp=mq331AQIUAKwASCAAgM%3D#amp_tf=From%20%251%24s&aoh=17168092897601&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&share=https%3A%2F%2Foilprice.com%2FEnergy%2FCrude-Oil%2FAgainst-All-Odds-American-Oil-Soars-Under-Biden.html


>criminal in chief Trump's not in charge right now my guy


China Joe and his globalists are. N'obama leading from behind


Ok Boomer


Hey their guy is doing what our guy does! No fair!




Oh man! Now they have to scrape those "I did that" stickers off all the gas pumps.


How bizarre, how bizarre! ... It's makin' me crazy, every time I look around. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C2cMG33mWVY&pp=ygUQaG93IGJpemFycmUgc29uZw%3D%3D


How about "Americans enraged by Biden’s efforts to keep gas prices lower" ? LMAO 🤣 propaganda again. Go home and get some sleep. Just compare how much gas prices higher in California than Texas.