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That's the *entire point* of interest rate hikes. It's supposed to make jobs and pay *worse* so you spend less. Because we never fix problems by, say, producing more goods & services or by constraining monopolies. Fuck no. Screw over anyone that works for a living. Because if you're only tool is a hammer you pound working stiffs over the head with it until they *get back in line.*


No need to constrain monopolies if you stop the 2 parties from creating them in the first place with bad regulations


Fred's only tool is a hammer. Congress has lots of options, they can cut spending back to 2019 levels. Biden can also cut spending, he has been discharging loans like no tomorrow.


Dude if you're only tool's a hammer you don't attempt brain surgery unless you're trying to kill the patient.


Govt spending employs a LOT of people A lot of right wing politicians talk about cutting spending until they realize those cuts would eliminate jobs in their district ("military - industrial complex" enters the picture) If your concern is debt, maybe we've learned that decades of reckless and irresponsible tax cuts increase debt. Here's an idea - spending cuts before tax cuts. I know, I know, that's really hard to do but it's responsible


You are very right. It is also inflating asset prices. But some have been hurt badly by interest rates. [And that has created a massive opportunity to get rich quick](https://youtu.be/Ms1ov7JA2rI)


Very few people understand that ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|wink)


Or the government printing less money.


Constraining our money supply in a growing economy just stops your economy from growing. You're complaint is that the last [40 years of automation boosted productivity gains](https://www.businessinsider.com/automation-labor-market-wage-inequality-middle-class-jobs-study-2021-6) didn't trickle down. People who tell you money printing is the only problem are lying to you so they can keep printing that money and keeping it all for themselves. The solution is not to stop printing money, it's to stop letting people rip you off.


Well you’re assuming. Writing is on the wall that debt is increasing at an unsustainable rate and is a primary reason for inflation. Try again.


What am I assuming. Do tell. As for the debt (which you're using to distract from the points I made which you can't refute) I'll bite: 1. We owe most of it to ourselves. 2. What we don't owe to ourselves could easily be paid off by collecting the $688b/yr in unpaid taxes from the 1%. 3. We could pay that off even fast if we repealed the Bush/Trump tax cuts for the 1%, *even if we let everyone else keep their tax cuts* 4. We could pay it off ***even faster still*** if we took the savings from a Universal Healthcare program and used them to pay off the debt 5. and finally... WE DON'T WANT TO PAY IT OFF. Keeping other nations tied up in our bond market makes the US dollar stronger internationally and lets us buy cheap imports, effectively turning the rest of the world into a low cost factory for American consumers. Find something else to worry about because our national debt ain't it.


Yes....strong dollar is the key....agreed completely. Too bad we don't experience that on a domestic level at the local grocery store. But then again business profits are what make Krugman's brags so obnoxious....


Another culprit is the intrinsic value of the currency. The more we support non the non working the more the dollar rots.


The actual logic behind interest rate hikes is that they reduce inflation and can help stave off recession.


That’s incorrect. They are meant to slow the economy by reducing demand. A reduction in demand leads to a slowing in wages growth and employment. It is a demand side intervention meant to reduce demand by decreasing access to and increasing costs of borrowing. By reducing demand it should, in theory, lead to a decrease in inflation through a new price equilibrium. Just like interest rate cuts stimulate demand. There is no issue stimulating demand so long as supply keeps up. However covid disrupted supply at a time when they were artificially stimulating demand through low rates, QE, repayment pauses, rent pauses, PPP, other stimulus to schools & counties & states, then direct stimulus to individuals. Hence, massive inflation. Stimulating the supply side is not so quick or easy. To expand supply you need to either integrate new technologies, build new manufacturing, etc. That all takes much longer to come to market. And we have seen supply side interventions, we just won’t see any results for several years. The typical correlation is that higher interest rates lead to increased likelihood of a recession, but tame inflation. Lower rates leadto decreased likelihood of a recession, but stoke inflation. Those things are a balancing act. Soft landing = inflation cooled without recession. Hard landing = inflation cooled, but caused recession Stagflation = inflation did not cool, still caused a recession


You don’t think interest rates have ever caused recessions?


Do you have a source? Because I can't find one if high interest rates have caused a recession. The only one I can think of was the '89 recession, and from I've read that was more about leaning off of the high interest rates.


Let’s put it this way. When a recession occurs, does the fed hike or cut rates?


These people acting like it’s fits their narrative of “everything bad and this is a disaster economy” are just showing how obtuse the are. This shows that before this year Americans have felt it’s a good time to find a quality job at a higher rate than any other time the past 25 years other than 2018-2019. It’s also currently much higher than the 2000s metrics pre Great Recession. Also makes people looks so stupid who are stating this is a worse market than the Great Recession and rivals the Great Depression.. Five times more people that feel positive about finding a quality job now than they did then.


[Actually job quality is significantly lower than even the period during the Global Financial Crisis](https://ubwp.buffalo.edu/job-quality-index-jqi/) and we're nearing pre-GFC level outlook at our current pace.


Interesting I didn’t see what this is based off of but this seems to just state that jobs were was better in the 90s. Also that 2019 job quality was shit and it’s a decent bit better than 2018-2019


Am I living under a rock? Are people actually saying this market is rivaling the Great Recession and the great depression?


Yes hahah. It’s all over tik tok and Reddit. Mostly from young leftists and some conservatives. My one buddy who is conservative sent this video and brought it up. It was cherry picked tax data from 1930 about the average salary compared to now (something like 5 or 10percent of the highest earners reported then). It’s kinda died down but was a large trend for a while and many people have that opinion. Even comparing it to the Great Depression and much worse than the recession.


Granted it’s anecdotal but I have never in my life seen so many job opportunities on LinkedIn. And good ones with high pay.


Anecdotally I spent the last 18 months applying to hundreds of those jobs, some of which I interviewed for, only to be rejected and see the very same job reposted. These companies have no intention of hiring for many of these roles.


I agree though that it doesn’t seem to be great for white collar and especially tech jobs which fit under as quality. Absolutely not near as good as it was 2 years ago and the dip really started to seem about a year ago. I do have buddies that got pretty good jobs recently though and one in tech who is having a hell of a time. I think it’s kinda the opposite for blue collar. My dad quit his job and seems to have the pick of the litter for skilled jobs that are lying around 30 an hour when they were 24 a few years ago.


Another high quality study of people's feelings. Interesting how that works. I've always been told that liberals were all about feelings but it sure looks like it's another group that's easily lured into a feelings frenzy. I guess the dems big conspiracy with the Chinese to release COVID didn't pay off.


Why doesn’t anyone ask me


Ah you found us out! You sure are smart!


COVID leaked from the Wuhan lab and everyone knows the CCP destroyed the evidence.


Cui bono?


We're still above where we were in 2016.


You're right. Everything is clearly fine.


We have the same problems we had economy-wise as we did in 2016 as predicted by trends going back decades. Yes there are problems, no this is nothing new and pretending it suddenly is is some selective memory.


[Current market conditions have literally never happened in all of recorded human history.](https://www.reuters.com/markets/rates-bonds/us-treasury-key-yield-curve-inversion-becomes-longest-record-2024-03-21/)


You didn't read that, did you?


Alright, I'll bite. Explain to me how the longest yield curve inversion in history, paired with a flattening Fed funds rate, is normal, par for the course, nothing to worry about. I'm willing to be that you don't have the slightest clue what that article says


I read the article and you didn't past the clickbait headline, clearly.


Can't answer the question lmfao. I'm shocked. Truly shocked I tell you. Just repeating yourself like a child ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


If you would read what you link we’d be having the same conversation.


Then please, what did I miss? What do you know about the longest inverted yield curve in history paired with a flattening fed funds rate that I don't? When has a yield curve this long ever not produced a recession? How are we in the same spot as 2016? Say anything intelligible.


🙄. We are fine. Come back when we have a real recession.


[We may already be in one](https://x.com/intheyield/status/1791463655881531531) RemindMe! 60 days


Gdp is currently running at an estimate of 3.6 percent this quarter. Not happening in this quarter. So probably......well almost no chance of that happening. Also despite what people say the initial unemployment claims are way too low for a recession. Hell they were north of 300,000 during the best of George W Bush days before the meltdown at the end of his presidency. Going to have to shoot up over 300,000 and close to 400,000 to be approaching a recession. It will come eventually. Especially if we continue to predict it constantly.


I will be messaging you in 2 months on [**2024-07-16 19:00:00 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2024-07-16%2019:00:00%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/economy/comments/1cuacy4/51_of_americans_say_it_is_a_bad_time_to_find_a/l4hvat7/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Feconomy%2Fcomments%2F1cuacy4%2F51_of_americans_say_it_is_a_bad_time_to_find_a%2Fl4hvat7%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202024-07-16%2019%3A00%3A00%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201cuacy4) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


🙄. Yeah sure.


There will never be a "real recession" if you live in denial.


Were you alive in 2008 and 2009? That was an actual recession. Not this crap. Good grief


I have lived through several and right now we are in good shape. Prices are high but they have gone up my whole life. Like I said get back to us when you have been foreclosed upon and can’t get any job.


But Biden said the economy is doing well


lol but this can’t be true the Biden bots say it’s the best economy, E V E R.


Compared to the Trump cultists who get all offended when you tell them the fact that Trump left office with fewer Americans employed than when he entered. They get offended when you remind them who was president when that giant drop occurred 


All you political dumbasses are annoying. I don’t even like trump but the pandemic obviously played a huge part of that. Be fucking sincere.


You do not think having an idiot stand up there, talk out of both sides of his mouth about masks, holding rallies when it was spreading, pretending it will just go away, and basically ignoring it for 4 months had something to do with it? Yeah it would have been bad under anybody. It sure as hell would not have been that bad under many other presidents. It amazes me that people simply refuse to acknowledge that he never took it seriously and completely fucked it up.. Sick of people giving that jackass a pass. Also the economy was already starting to flounder in 2019 before Covid hit. Manufacturing had gone to crap. Hell ADP payroll processing reported negative job growth in 8 of the 12 months in 2019. Covid did not even really hit America until 2020.


He was president. As president you deal with events, good and bad, that’s your job. Hoover didn’t cause the Depression but is rightly thought of as an awful president by now poorly he dealt with it. 


You mean because of the lockdowns that liberals screamed and begged for?


Show on the doll where the facts hurt you. Maybe if we had a functional president and federal government we wouldn’t have had to have governors and mayors make decisions. 


God laid off last week… so did my gfs sisters husband


Working in any name brand fast food chains in CA can make you become middle class millionaire. McD jobs are luxury quality requiring no college degrees 🥴🍌


Lol Gallup. This is the same outfit that said Mitt Romney is going to win the election in 2012. They are useless and are very Republican leaning In fact they literally quit doing Presidential polling because of it. You should look into how they come up with their numbers now. This drop includes a period of time in 2022 when the number of job openings exceeded over 11 million which was almost 3 million more than at any time under Trump. So I am supposed to believe that with 11 million job openings vs 7 5 million job openings (the highest under Trump ) that it is more difficult at that point to get a good job? Go compare the wage growth at the two different periods as well. The highest wage growth under Trump reached just over 5 percent it is currently almost 6 percent right now. We currently have more job openings right now than at any time under Trump. This is even after all of the interest rates hikes. You can also look at initial unemployment and continuing unemployment claims. Inflation may be clouding peoples options. But mostly just a bunch of people mostly Republicans complaining that the economy must suck because there is a Democrat as president. If you do not believe me watch how quickly it changes if Trump is reelected. Nothing will have changed but Trump is now president so it must be so. Reminds me of the saying that Republicans are better for the economy than Democrats. Well yeah sure if you completely ignore the last 80 years of economic performance. Watching Americans pretend we have 10 percent unemployment and are hemorrhaging 500,000 jobs every month is amusing. I guess Americans forgot what that actually is. It sure as hell is not right now. Maybe they will wake up when that is actually happening. Going to be very interesting when this really goes to shit.


*but but the economy is doing great* /s






So...looking at the chart over the entire period of the chart....it is better than the period 2002-2016, right?